Friday, March 5, 2010



Dear KKIM Family,

May the Peace and the Strength of the Lord be with you and yours!

Tonight is a night of prayer at Heights Christian Church at 7pm. Heights Christian Church is at Comanche and Louisiana in Albuquerque.....all are welcomed to pray for our nation and state.

Just a comment on the recently passed budget by the New Mexico State Legislature......

It doesn't;t take much strength or wisdom to pass 230 million in new taxes in one of the poorest state's in the Union.

It takes Strength to cut the fat in government and root out corruption.......

that is draining our resources.

Many in State Government are exempt from the pain being felt across this state.

There is such a huge detachment from the common folk like you and me to this State Legislature......they do not feel the pain as a whole...a few do.... not most.

Where is this new money going to be spent......on what?

Follow the Money

When will the State Legislature hold the Governor accountable? Are they afraid of this man? The Bible teaches us not to fear man!

When will the State Legislature hold the Secretary of State accountable?

Is not the State Legislature to represent us the common folk?

What did the Legislature do for the people........sadly nothing,...just raised our taxes.

As my mentor Dr. Larry Bates told me years ago.......Follow the money........

We live in the most corrupt state in the union and our Legislature does nothing!
A Former FBI Agent confirmed for me.

Shame.shame on them!

I talked to a leading prosecutor in this state yesterday and that person agreed with what I just wrote..these words are the words God gave me to speak to New Mexico Citizens today. But not only to New Mexico Citizens to all of you! Don't let this happen in your state.

Whatever happened to.....The Buck stops here? President Truman had that on his desk...or he also had....If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen!

It seems today are so called leaders just pass the buck and will not take responsibility! In the mean time the common folk like you and I suffer for their lack of guts.

Okay let's turn the page.....................

The first person who emails me wins 4 tickets to "The Walk with The Dinosaurs" coming to New Mexico!

Sharon found this photo! Enjoy!

Great Huh!

You gotta love that liquid Global warming!

Happy Birthday to Shauna Rampley she is 29 on Saturday! We love you Shauna!

I hope to see you tomorrow morning at Heights Christian Church at 8:30am for our seminar with Shona Neff and her partner, Shonda Savage Whitworth will be speaking on Blogging, writing, and Public Speaking and I will be talking about how to start a Radio/TV Ministry program. Please come join us! Is God moving you to start a Radio or TV program? Put it to prayer! Go to for more info!


As you learn to trust in God, you will understand what it is to sense HIS closeness and hear HIS voice........

We Thank the Lord when people follow up and share what is happening........

We have been praying for years for Roy Bell.........

Welcome back. Now I can share my good news, My cancer is in total remission, thanks to some fantastic Doctors, nurses and very effective experimental medicines and of course the conductor of the whole process, The Good Lord. I have been truly blessed.

Roy & LeeAnn

And this.........From Pastor Leonard Navarre.......

Hey friends,

Thanks so much for the prayers. Remember yesterday I asked each of you to pray for a friend of mine in South Texas who was trying to sell her townhouse to go be with husband in Alaska. Well, guess what???

Yep...will sign a contract for a sale TODAY. ISN'T GOD AWESOME! One of God's names in the Old Testament is Jehovah - Jireh...the God who provides. For God's Glory Alone.

Thank you, thank you for your prayers on their behalf. Now let's pray that the sell goes through and CLOSES!

I am praying for you and your families,


More from Pastor Leonard........

I bring you several prayer request. Oh, how I do appreciate each and every one of you and your attention to these needs.

First: I received an email from Ashvinder Singh Malik. He was the businessman I met on the train from New Delhi, India to Agra, home of the Taj Mahal. This was a real miracle train as two men accepted the Lord Jesus Christ. Please pray for Mr Jagdish and Mr Malik. Mr. Malik reports that he is still reading his Bible but his business is suffering with much financial stress and his family is sick. We are also praying that CICM in India will be in contact with Mr. Malik and his family.

Second, Nate Bush with New City Christian Church in ABQ is having Bible Studies and preparing for a soft launch of New City Christian Church on Palm and Easter Sunday. That is only 3 and 4 weeks away. This work is out of Christian Church Starters of New Mexico, Errol Stepp, Director. Please pray for Nate, Vanessa and their family. You can learn more by going to This is exciting, just like the birth of a new baby.

Big "thank you" to Tony Jaramillo for taking the Men's Bible Study, Thursday night, so that I can save my voice for this weekend.

Thirdly, please pray for my voice. I will be speaking to the children on Saturday night, teaching class twice Sunday morning and then leading the "MasterLife" discipleship series Sunday afternoon (3 hours). Praise the Lord, we have almost 50 registered to attend. It is not to late to join up. I hope and pray to see you there. Plus, I will be recording 5 radio programs on Monday for next weeks KKIM programs. Here's the times if you don't remember. "Your Bible Boost" is on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 5:05 PM. KKIM 1000 AM or 94.7 FM or worldwide. On Wednesday and Thursday, "Your Bible Boost, Expanded" is on at 2:30 PM. PLUS, the Wednesday, "Your Bible Boost, Expanded" is replayed on Sunday at 4:30 PM.

WHEW! I'm tired just typing all of that. So, as you can see your prayers are vital, needed and SOOOO appreciated.

May God richly bless your efforts for Him,

I am praying for you and your family,


I love coming to the CUP and praying with you all.....

Let us also pray for Pastor Larry Moss who is recovering from surgery.

Let us pray for Pastor Jim Montoya's family.....his Mother-in-law, Amelia has pneumonia. Jim and Margaret's grand kids, Antino Janes 4 yrs old and Andres Christian 9 months have strep throat. Let us pray for healing. Jim's daughter Pam says the Doctor's office is loaded with sick little ones. Let us pray.

Here is an update on Brooke, Frank Haley's grand daughter.......she is still in the Hospital......Frank says they removed the feeding tube from her yesterday and continues to make good progress.......maybe one more week in the has been a long.....long....haul for little Brooke! Please continue to pray.

I also give PRAISE to our Father Almighty who has filled me with even more desire to serve HIM! For God's Glory Alone!

Let us pray.........

Lord, Please give us wisdom in all what we do......Please let us not get in the way of Your Almighty Will. In Jesus name, AMEN!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

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