Wednesday, April 29, 2009



Dear KKIM Family,

“Prayer can change anything. The impossible doesn't exist. His is the power. Ours is the prayer. Without Him, we cannot. Without us, He will not.” – Jack Hayford

I would like to invite you into our "Living Room", as John Paul calls it, every afternoon at 4:30 for New Mexico News and never know who is going to join us.....look who visited us from China yesterday............



How Great Is Our God! We were joined on the 5 o'clock hour with Pastor and former Congressman Bill Redmond, who was live via cell phone from South Western China and it was 7am his time. He's there to help with the 1 million homeless, from last May's earthquake, which had a death toll of 120,000 people, 90,000 who have been recovered, but still 30,000 are missing. There are 8 million people in the area he's in, with some 18 million people in the metroplex. Many survivors are still coping with grief and are without hope, because they are without Jesus, but Bill reminded us that The Church is alive and well in China, with persecutions diminishing. He mentioned that 1/3 of the people attending a Church service this week accepted Jesus as Lord, were baptized and now they have The Hope Of The World, Who will NOT disappoint them! Jesus is the ONLY One Who could take away such sorry and give these Chinese people "beauty for ashes." Praise God for allowing us today to speak from NM to TX and China, ALL in one program. Remember that God Is Faithful & Jesus NEVER Fails! 1 Co. 1:9; 1 Co. 13:13


Weatherman John Paul joined us LIVE in our "living room" today and introduced us all to his friend, Chaplain John Ballard from Texarcana, TX. Chaplain John shared about Jail & Prison Ministry and how it was a Mission Field Ripe For The Picking. He oversees 700 inmates and when asked by KKIM Station Manager and Radio Veteran, Dewey Moede, about the 75% return rate for prisoners, his answer was prevention. John called upon The Church to help prevent young people from ever reaching a cell. God's Word says that His Light shines best in the darkness and Jesus exhorted us all to set the captives free, so why are there so few workers in this field? FEAR! Let's face it folks, Moses was a murderer, Paul was a murderer and many who God used to write books in our Bible spent some time in prison for one reason or another, even if they were clearly in His Perfect & Acceptable Will. Dewey reminded us that it's time for The Church to get down and dirty, as Dr. J. Vernon McGee put it, "Where the rubber meets the road," so let me encourage those in the Abq. area to get in touch with Light & Liberty Jail Ministry, which has programs going in just about every jail or prison throughout NM.

So, please spread the word about New Mexico News and Views. Remember to let your friends know, that no matter where they live they can listen to us live at PRAISE GOD!!! We have reports that we are gaining new listeners all over the world!!!!
Here is a note from a Chris after yesterdays program...........
Shalom Dewey, John-Paul, and Pastor Mark,

Would have cc’d John-Paul, but don’t have an address. GREAT “all guys” show today – very natural camaraderie. Appreciated the Chaplain & Pastor Bill Redmond all the way from China! We know a couple of dedicated Chaplains here in NM.

Please invite John-Paul back to the living room!

Love ya all,

Chris Tomlin


Hi Dewey,

This story really touched my heart deeply and I wanted to know if you have heard anymore on how little Tommy is doing?


So nice of you to ask about little Tommy. After I got your email I called John Walsh of APD and he said the last he checked Tommy was recovering nicely. The Doctor's were able to put pins in his arm to save it. I told John to tell the family we are all praying for the little guy. I cannot even imagine the mental damage done to this little guy. John did close in saying that charges have been brought up against the Aunt who was babysitting, who watched her boyfriend beat and choke Tommy, and did nothing to stop the attack. The Boyfriend is in jail. John Walsh is a Christian man and will relay to the family that many our praying!

I still just shake my head at this one and get ill.

Have you been able to give to your favorite Ministry program on KKIM?Please do so before the end of the month. The need is great! Get all the information at

Here is an excellent letter from Jan in Los Alamos, we love to hear from all of you.........we have been getting a lot of excellent letters from many of late. How about you? What would you like to share with us? We really love it when we get a letter from someone we have not heard from in a LONG time like Jan........

Hi Dewey,

I’ve been following your daily cup since you first started putting it on email a few years ago when you lived up here in Los Alamos. The encouragement that comes from it and the prayers that are lifted to the Father’s throne up build the church family.

Please consider these words. We tend to forget our own sinful natures in our efforts to stand up for what is right. We see the splinter in someone else’s eye and miss the logs that are in our own eyes.

In particular I am referring to homosexuality. The Bible truly does speak of this practice as a sin, but it is far from the only one. Have you ever seen a heterosexual couple who are sitting at church whom you know are living together without benefit of marriage? Maybe they even have a child or two possibly from previous relationships? The Bible is also pretty plain about this type of relationship as being sinful. What gives us the right to be more judgmental on one than the other?

Please fellow Christians, remember, in God’s view one sin is enough to condemn you. We, too, must call on the grace of God to forgive us. We are no different from any other, no matter how great in man’s eyes that person’s sin is.


Thanks for the words of wisdom Jan. You are an AWESOME friend!

Even though she is ill. Karen Rowe took the time to write...........


I read the following scripture in the Bible a couple of weeks ago, but hesitated and danced around sharing this scripture for many reasons...maybe fear of offending??? sad, hu? Maybe avoiding confrontation??? Yeah, That's me...
And maybe just turning the other way in denial that it was not my place to share it...I figured that someone would surely share it ...anyone other than me.
I love God loves people...but we can't deny God's word.

After I read what the reader wrote in today's cup about churches being pressured to marry people outside of God's law in the house of God, I was shocked and felt strong to share the following scripture.
Yes, I believe in God's word and I struggle to abide in ALL of God's word...constantly. No matter what the cost...God ALWAYS provides! And may our Churches remain FAITHFUL to trusting God for ALL financing.
Abanding away from God's ways is negative not posititive...and that includes money.

May this serve to inspire others to turn the "Family Guy" OFF and OPEN the BIBLE. What is the world thinking in the TV programing anyway?

You know, I really try not to judge because that is wrong as the act that would be judged. I once worked with someone who was gay and I found her to be a very nice Christian...I never judged her, but a concern in Christ has always been there. My purpose today is to express concern for others and encourage seeking God to know HIM and HIS WORD, because a life with God, living in Christ is ALWAYS good...

Right now, I can't hardly see this to write...we have been very sick and now I have 2ndary infections in both eyes and throat..., so I hope this reads okay, but

God IS still good and HIS word stands forever!

"The grass withers and the flower fades, but the WORD of God stands forever."

Romans 1:24- (I encourage reading of it all)
"Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator---who is forever praised. Amen.

"Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversions.

"Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwile to retain the knowledge of God, He gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done...."

Thanks you Karen!

John Robb of Albuquerque sent in these prayer needs............

Prayer can change anything. The impossible doesn’t exist. His is the power. Ours is the prayer. Without Him, we cannot. Without us, He will not.” – Jack Hayford

Dear Friends,
Here are some critical issues which I would like to share with you to bring to God in prayer over the coming days:
1 The potential mutation and spread of Swineflu into a worldwide pandemic- please pray for the authorities in Mexico and the growing numbers of nations currently affected that they will be able to quickly get this disease under control. Pray for the rapid development of a vaccine and effective cure for this frightening illness which has already killed quite a number of people.

2 Taliban attacks in Pakistan- last week, the Taliban made bold attacks in a northern city only about 60 miles from the capital of Islamabad and also in the southern city of Karachi. In Karachi, they assaulted Christians and churches, killing two believers who resisted in front of their families. Please pray that this movement of radical Islamic terrorists will be thrown into confusion and conflict among themselves until they are dissolved as an instrument of destruction in both Pakistan and Afghanistan. Pray that many of them will become disillusioned with radical Islam and find Jesus like the Jewish extremist, Saul, who became Paul. One intercessor from Houston, Texas suggests that we pray according to Deuteronomy 7:20-26.

3 “Hate crimes” legislation before the U.S. Congress tomorrow, Wednesday, April 29- John Conyers, a U.S. Congressman, has introduced legislation that some feel could potentially make it illegal in the U.S. for people to speak out against behaviors that the Bible condemns, such as homosexuality or other forms of immorality. A few years ago in Sweden, a pastor went to jail for a month for preaching from Biblical passages concerning homosexual behavior, so this is no joke. Please pray that the U.S. Congress will reject this bill as the infringement on freedom of speech and religious freedom that it really is.

4 Public declaration of Abraham Lincoln’s 1863 Proclamation of national humbling, fasting and prayer-On Thursday, April 30, Christians will gather at places of government and elsewhere to declare the text of President Lincoln’s 1863 national call to prayer. This will prepare for next Thursday’s National Day of Prayer that will be celebrated across the U.S. in thousands of locations. Pray for a movement of national repentance, self-humbling and restoration of the nation to God’s calling upon Americans.

5 Bhutan-according to a local leader, “the media has collected lots of wrong information, saying that ‘Christians are converting people by giving money’. Lots of such allegations and false accusations were made against us… Now 13 or more people are taken to custody for investigation and action”. Pray for protection, vindication and favor for Bhutanese believers in Christ and their leaders.

6 India- from a humanitarian worker in NE India: “During the last 2 weeks, I was travelling to three of the states in North East India where Mautam famine (bamboo flowering related famine) had affected. It was saddening to see that there were no harvests in most of the villages. In three of the villages none of them have enough paddy or rice for 3 days. To add to their problem there are no opportunity for them to earn their living… Many parents could not continue to send their children to schools. These problems will continue for about 7 years. I do not know how people in Mizoram, Manipur and Nagaland will survive. In one of my meetings with the Church leaders, I am told that 30-40% of their Church income has gone down as a result of the famine. .. It appears that many of the smaller tribe Churches will not be able to support their workers in the coming months and years.” Please pray for the Lord’s deliverance of these tribal groups from the famine and its consequences and that relief will come speedily for them.
Sharing the Good News- Many tens of thousands across India are coming to the Lord and being baptized. On the Day of Pentecost (31st May), local Christian leaders are asking us to pray that there will be 100,000 who will accept Christ and be baptized on that day. They ask us to intercede that the Lord will give them more than they could ask or think.

Thanks for your prayers of faith and expectancy in these situations.

Yours in Christ,
John Robb
International Prayer Council

Let us Pray...........

Lord, thank you for KKIM and the Cup! We praise you for these wonderful vehicles you have given us to spread Your Word! We praise You for our family of friends! In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

Tuesday, April 28, 2009



Dear KKIM Family!

I PRAISE GOD THAT I CAN BE WITH YOU TODAY!!!! We are here to serve!!!!

Such a man, like Jesus, is altogether beyond our reach. He succeeded where we always fail. He had complete self-mastery. he never retaliated. he never grew resentful or irritable. He had such control of Himself that, whatever others might think or say or do, He would deny himself and abandon Himself to the will of God and the welfare of His fellow human beings. "I seek not to please myself," He said, and "I am not seeking glory for myself." As Paul wrote, "For Christ did not please Himself."

Please read that again.........and again...pray over these words written by John Stott. It is a warm up for our message this morning.


Heights Christian Church won it's first softball game of the season! What a great night of fellowship!

Have you ever given to the Ministry programs on KKIM?
Studies show that around 90% of you have never done so.
I am asking the 90% crowd to give for the first time to our Ministry programs during these times. If you are being fed by KKIM........I would hope at least, you would be able to give even a small gift of just $20.00 a month to your favorite Ministry program. You can find all the contact information at our web site under our program guide at If you need further info just email me please. Thank you so much!

Chuck Swindoll is on KKIM right now wrapping up his program saying that if giving does not increase he will have to do the unthinkable and end his broadcast on some stations. This is a very serious situation.

Stay tuned for more information on our Tony Dungy One Hour Radio Special! May 1st. 2nd, and 3rd. I have the times at the radio ranch. Thanks to our dear, dear friend Rick Griffin of Albuquerque who is sponsoring these one hour radio specials on KKIM! It takes people like Rick to keep this Ministry going at full speed! How about you? Do you want to become a KKIM Ministry sponsor? Are you being fed by the cup and KKIM?

The Lord has given me the boldness to ask, because to be fed and not give back is wrong.

You can always email me if you think I am off base here.

Yesterday on KKIM's New Mexico News and Views we had an AWESOME panel of Pastor's.......Garland Moore of Immanuel Baptist Church Milan/Grants, NM.......Leonard Navarre of Valley View Christian Church Edgewood, NM and Mark Tross of Gladstone in Rio Rancho. We talked about having an AWESOME relationship with Jesus Christ........our walk with HIM. At Garland's Church, where Sharon and I have worshiped, there is an alter call every Sunday. People are coming to Christ every week at Garland's Church. We stated facts as to where God's Church is failing and looking for Godly solutions........One is calling people to Christ and continuing as a Shepherd like Garland is. Have we forgotten how to be a Shepherd for Christ? How to walk with HIS people? That is how we will get this world right! I also had a visit from pastor Alan Hawkins of New Life City yesterday. He just dropped in for a visit. His Ministry program, "Life in The City" at 2:30 weekdays is so AWESOME! Alan has so much to offer God's people! I also got a call from Pastor Kyle Martin of Revive The Church, Sundays at 8:30am on KKIM. Pastor Kyle of course led the revival last fall in Santa Fe. PRAISE NOTE: Kyle is expanding his radio ministry on KKIM!!! You will be able to hear him twice a week, Saturdays at 1:05 and Sundays at 8:30am. A brand new teaching format........listen in to New Mexico News and Views Friday at 4:30 when Kyle will be our guest and we will talk about his radio ministry! PRAISE GOD!!! God's people must not retreat....we must stay out in front of this spiritual battle!!!!!!

We will also have some more announcements, Lord willing, about other Radio Ministry programs expanding on KKIM!

Value Driven Leadership..........From The Maxwell Leadership Bible........

What qualities should every leader have?

David describes a righteous man who walks in integrity and gains not only the respect of others, but also an audience with God. He demonstrates why PREDETERMINED values and ethics, not expediency, must drive our leadership. How does David picture a Godly leader?

1. Possesses integrity

2. Does what is right

3. Is honest and trustworthy

4. Does not gossip

5. Does not listen to Gossip

6. Does no harm to others

7. SPEAKS OUT AGAINST WRONG (the Church, God's people must not be silent!!!)

8. Honors others who walk in truth

9. Keeps their word even when it costs them

10. Isn't greedy to gain at the expense of others

11. Takes no bribes against anyone

12. Is strong and stable

I am very thankful to be around people like Garland, Leonard, and Mark and many others,as they walk in TRUTH! One of the things I love about my work is to be able to honor before God and HIS people men and women who walk in TRUTH!

Okay let's get to the mailbag...................

I appreciated reading the timely and thoughtful responses! May it help us to see the urgency of living our lives truly Christ-Like (Christian)...and stay in the Word, prayer, and in fellowship w/other believers so we will know what that is :-) God Bless each one! Karen in Elkhart, Indiana

Hi Dewey,

Thank you for sharing!

The Lord put on my heart long ago that the church was going to struggle and bend with the same sex marriage issue.

Keep in mind that churches have a non-profit 501c3 status from the government. If the government starts requiring that churches marry same sex partners in order to keep their non-profit, we'll see what churches will stand with YHVH's Word and what churches will opt for the money, in order to keep the large facilities, programs, finances, etc!!!

We are all going to be pressured by the world's ways. We are either going to compromise or we are going to stand firm, in faith and see how our sovereign Lord works when our backs are against the wall, as the children in the desert!

Our God is a god of absolutes, love, grace and mercy, for the well-being of all His children. He must be true to Himself and will not compromise.

This is our struggle and the start of sin ... compromise. I pray and encourage all of us to seek comfort and shelter in the Holy Spirit and heed to His voice for direction as "labor pains" intensify!

... with blessings and appreciation,

Cindy Russell in Albuquerque


Again the fight for God's Truth and Word must be continued. The above link is a tremendous slap in the face of our Lord Jesus Christ the true Messiah and Lord. It is a sham and a sin to exhibit any person on this planet in the same light as the ONE from ABOVE.

The Apostle Paul addresses his letters, "Lord Jesus Christ". There is great significance in these 3 words to the readers of the letters. They are placed there by the Holy Spirit to address all that the King of kings and Lord of lords represents.

LORD = Master, Boss, Leader = This was given great significance since every citizen of the Great Roman Empire was to proclaim upon greeting each other, Caesar is Lord. Every Christian would take a definite stand that could lead to imprisonment, torture even death because of this proclaimation.

JESUS = His given name at birth. In the Hebrew, Joshua; in the Greek, Jesus both names mean "savior, salvation".

CHRIST = Messiah, Anointed One, Awaited One.

The fight for TRUTH, continues.

Pray for America.

Pastor Leonard

Let us Pray................

Lord let us all walk in Your TRUTH...........Let us all lead others to YOU. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

Sunday, April 26, 2009



Dear KKIM Family,

I find many Christians are retreating from the fight. The fight for what is right. The fight for God's word. Many just smile and pretend everything is okay. We can not give up the fight for God.

Some Ministries are retreating, They are fearful! We cannot retreat! We cannot let Man's economic pressures effect our Ministries! Now is the time for Ministries to "Beef Up" their messages.......not retreat, the same goes for you and me! We also must support solid Ministries with our prayers and pocketbooks!

We are here to serve God.

Why is so much of the Church retreating on same sex marriage?

Many are trying to justify their non-Biblical behavior.

I am getting wore down from the fight(I feel so worn out this weekend)....But when I read about Paul's life I get recharged.........I get recharged from all my Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

It is not what I think.......It is what The Lord shares with us in the Bible that is right. It is simple as that.

When you study the life of Paul, you get such a reality check of what life is to be about, and what a life given to the Lord is about.

Paul sure did not have a comfortable life!!! Why do we feel we should?

Chuck Swindoll writes............

Our theology of suffering here in the United States get's fuzzy because of our addiction to the creature comforts. I'm not the first to observe this. Well Known Pastor and Theologian, Helmut Thielicke, after an extended visit to the States was asked what he believed was the greatest defect among American Christians. His answer: "They have an inadequate view of suffering." How's that for insightful?

Dewey says, "Are you at the foot of the Cross, or on the Cross?"

Chuck Swindoll writes.........

I smiled as I read John R. W. Stott's comments on the subject of suffering as he reflected on Romans 8:22-23. First, let's look at the verses before we consider Stott's observation.

For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pain of childbirth together until now. And not only this, but also we ourselves, having the fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our body.

Explaining Paul's words to the Romans, John Stott writes, "It is not only our fragile body (s_ma) which makes me groan; it is also our fallen nature (sarx), which hinders us from behaving as we should, and would altogether prevent us from it, were it not for the indwelling Spirit (7:17,20). We long, therefore, for our sarx to be destroyed and for our s_ma to be transformed. Our groans express both present pain and future longing. Some Christians , however, grin too much (they seem to have no place in their theology for pain) and groan to little.

Dewey says.........I groan for the Church today..........You must feel the pain to be connected to God! You must feel the sadness of our Lord where the Church is be connected to God! Oh God! Have mercy on us!

The Church as a whole is not behaving as it should! The Church is God's and me!

Paul writes..........

We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying about in the body the dying Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. For we who live are constantly being delivered over to death for Jesus sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.

2 Cor. 4:8-11

Leave out the triumph and here's what he faced: We are afflicted, persecuted, crushed, and struck down. That was his life in a nutshell. That was his lot. But he isn't through..............

But in everything commending ourselves as servants of God, in much endurance, in afflictions, in hardships, in distresses, in beatings, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labors, in sleeplessness, in hunger...........

2 Cor. 6:4-5

Dewey says...........

Where are you and I in this? Where is God's Church in this? Many preach when things are going well for you, "Well, Dewey, you are in God's favor!"Just say a little prayer and God will open up a parking space for you at the mall." Well was Paul out of God's favor? I encourage you to read God's the life of Paul.......Get a dose of reality! GOD'S REALITY!!!

Let us Pray...........

Oh Lord, We pray that your people will wake up! We pray that many we rededicate their lives to You! We also pray for Cowboy Clarence who is ill, and Pastor Jesse Dompreh who has a stress fracture in his foot. We pray for Shona Neff as she travels and represents You and also for the position she is being considered for.We love you Oh Lord. In the name of Jesus....Amen!

I have to say that Brother Jesse and I are praying about a trip to Africa. Let the Lord's will be done. I also PRAISE GOD for all my Godly based relationships like with Jesse and Cowboy Clarence. Clarence is always asking what he needs to pray for from his wheelchair. He serves God in a mighty way! How are you doing on that front? I also should say that even though Clarence did not feel 100% he won two ribbons at the Special Olympics on Saturday! PRAISE GOD!!!!

By the way you can hear Pastor Jesse on KKIM, Tuesdays at 3:30pm, Saturdays at 3pm and Sunday mornings at 7am.

Check out our new program guide at for more info on all of our programming.

Here is the full note from Shona Neff, please keep her in your prayers. You can hear Shona every Saturday morning at 7:30 on KKIM!

Hey Dewey,

I put the latest two shows in the mail yesterday so be watching for them.

I'm off to Las Vegas tomorrow to speak at some personality training. I'm being considered for a permanent faculty position with the organization so would appreciate any prayers you could send on my behalf that I will do well and be in God's will.

OK, off to finish packing.


We are praying for you Shona, you are a TRUE servant of the Lord!

Let us close with this very heart warming story from Pat Outlaw,,,,,,,It will make you think!


When an old man died in the geriatric ward of a nursing home in North Platte, Nebraska, it was believed that he had nothing left of any value.

Later, when the nurses were going through his meager possessions, They found this poem . Its quality and content so impressed the staff that copies were made and distributed to every nurse in the hospital.

One nurse took her copy to Missouri. The old man's sole bequest to posterity has since appeared in the Christmas edition of the News Magazine of the St. Louis Association for Mental Health. A slide presentation has also been made based on his simple, but eloquent, poem.

And this little old man, with nothing left to give to the world, is now the author of this 'anonymous' poem winging across the Internet.

Crabby Old Man

What do you see nurses? . . What do you see?
What are you thinking . . . . . when you're looking at me?
A crabby old man, . . . . . not very wise,
Uncertain of habit . . . . . . . ... with faraway eyes?

Who dribbles his food . . .. . . . . and makes no reply .
When you say in a loud voice .. . . . .. 'I do wish you'd try!'
Who seems not to notice . . . the things that you do .
And forever is losing . . . . .. . . . . . A sock or shoe?

Who, resisting or not . . . . . . .. . . . lets you do as you will,
With bathing and feeding The long day to fill?
Is that what you're thinking? Is that what you see?
Then open your eyes, nurse . . . . . you're not looking at me .

I'll tell you who I am. As I sit here so still,
As I do at your bidding, . . . . . . as I eat at your will.
I'm a small child of Ten . . . . . . with a father and mother,
Brothers and sisters . . . . . . . . . who love one another.

A young boy of Sixteen . . with wings on his feet
Dreaming that soon now . . . . . . . a lover he'll meet..
A groom soon at Twenty . my heart gives a leap.
Remembering, the vows . . . . . . that I promised to keep.

At Twenty-Five, now . . . . . . . . I have young of my own.
Who need me to guide . . . . And a secure happy home.
A man of Thirty . . . . . . . .. My young now grown fast,
Bound to each other . . . . . . . With ties that should last.

At Forty, my young sons .. . have grown and are gone,
But my woman's beside me . . . . . . . to see I don't mourn.
At Fifty, once more, babies play 'round my knee,
Again, we know children . . . . . . . My loved one and me.

Dark days are upon me . . my wife is now dead.
I look at the future ... . . . . . . . . . shudder with dread..
For my young are all rearing . . . . . .. young of their own.
And I think of the years . . . and the love that I've known.

I'm now an old man . . . . . . .. . . and nature is cruel.
Tis jest to make old age . . . . look like a fool.
The body, it crumbles . . . . . . . grace and vigor, depart.
There is now a stone . . . . . . . where I once had a heart.

But inside this old carcass . . a young guy still dwells,
And now and again . . . .. . . . my battered heart swells.
I remember the joys . . . . . . . . . I remember the pain.
And I'm loving and living . . . . . .. . . . . . life over again.

I think of the years, all too few . . . . . . gone too fast.
And accept the stark fact . . . . . . that nothing can last.
So open your eyes, people . . . . . . . . open and see.
Not a crabby old man. Look closer . . . . see ME!!

Remember this poem when you next meet an older person who you might brush aside without looking at the young soul within . . . . we will all, one day, be there, too!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Lessons from Paul Cup KKIM/DDC

Dear KKIM Family!

How are you today?

It is 5:15 and I am up having a cup with you!!! PRAISE GOD!!! Been reading in 2 Cor. Talked with my dear friend Cindy Russell yesterday and we were sharing with each other the lessons of Paul. I also had a visit from Jim Montoya Pastor of the Church of God in Los Lunas. A wonderful time of sharing. Pastor Jim talked about how God's people need to push forward during these tough economic times and not retreat! Pastor Jim may be starting a Ministry program on KKIM, please keep that in your prayers.

Before I share more on the lessons of Paul this from Pastor Don.........


Read Matthew 7:24-27

My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus' Name. On Christ the solid Rock, I stand, All other ground is sinking sand; All other ground is sinking sand. - Edward Mote, The Solid Rock (19th Century Hymn)


You can hear Pastor Don weekday mornings on KKIM at 7:30 with Nuggets of Truth! PRAISE GOD!

Are we living on sinking sand?

Are we living in too much comfort?

Are we living on the foot of the Cross...........or on it?

How are we really living our daily lives for Christ?

Once a week? Once a month?

The Character of Paul's Ministry.............

We give no opportunity for stumbling to anyone, so that the ministry will not be blamed. But in everything, as God's ministry, we commend ourselves:

by great endurance, by afflictions, by hardship, by pressures,

by beatings, by imprisonments, by riots, by labors,

by sleepless nights,

by times of hunger,

by purity, by knowledge, by patience, by kindness,

by the Holy Spirit, by sincere love,

by the message of truth, by the power of God;

through weapons of righteousness on the right and the left,

through glory and dishonor, through slander and good report;

as deceivers yet true;

as unknown yet recognized; as dying and look-----we live;

as being chastened yet not killed;

as grieving yet always rejoicing; as poor

yet enriching many;

as having nothing

yet possessing everything.

We have spoken openly to you, Corinthians; our heart has been opened wide. You are not limited by us, but you are limited by your own affections. Now in like response-----I speak as to children-----you also should be open to us.

2 Cor. 6: 3-11

Let us Pray...........

Dear Lord, Let us read of the life of Paul and absorb it into our heart, mind and soul. Let us all be servants of your word. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Responses from Yesterday's CUP KKIM/DDC

Dear KKIM Family,

Our lives are a Christ like fragrance rising up to God. 2 Cor. 2:15 Bonus Reading 2 Cor. 2:14-16

This from Pastor Leonard Navarre..........

Keep in mind not what you are, But whose you are.

Psalm 95:6, 7 “O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker. For he is our God; and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand.”

This from Pastor Don Kimbro........


Read Psalm 139:23-24

We shall steer safely through every storm, so long as our heart is right, our intention fervent, our courage steadfast, and our trust fixed on God. If at times we are somewhat stunned by the tempest, never fear. Let us take breath, and go on afresh. - Francis de Sales (St. Francis)


By the way if you are a Pastor we would like to hear from you! We would love for you to share!!!! We love hearing from everybody!!! PRAISE GOD!!!! We love to gather here at KKIM and the CUP for a CUP of love with you all!!!

Let us check some responses from yesterday's posting...If the Lord moves you, we would love to hear from you.........

Dear Dewey,

In my life I see it as one simple, yet deadly mistake. Not putting God first. The first step to be a Christian is accepting a gift, that very simple. We have to accept God’s salvation. So many of us do that then jump away or slowly drift away into things of this world. if a human had pulled us from the depths of a pit we would shower the person with thanks, gifts, and praise. We would tell all we saw, we would shout it to the news media. We would want everyone to honor this person as we did.

We do not step into Christianity that way.

We go to Church and sing songs of love and thanksgiving and honor and our minds replace God with a new love we have found. We think of someone we feel has wronged us when we sing of unworthiness.

We turn away from those we see as unclean and undesirable. Maybe for fear they will bring that out in us, maybe because that will prove to us that satin is very real. We dare not ask God to fill us with the Holy Spirit because we know we will never be the same. We will lose the self will to the deadly degree we have it. we can only have a surface Christianity and wallow in our dysfunctional misery.

We will have to look inward to find our discomforts and struggles. We will have to accept that life is not a bowl cherries if we believe all the Bible says. We read of the trials and tragedies and keep them separate from the Grace and Blessings. We see our gifts and earthly possessions as works of our own hands and we hoard them until they belong to the devil and they only bring us pain. We can easily accept that God spoke life into existence but insist on placing human limitations on Him from there on out. We are a lazy lot who daily chose fantasy to justify the pain and disobedience we show our Lord. If we admit we wholly and fully believe the Bible we have to admit we did not nor can earn a ticket to heaven. Who gives a gift to another without expecting one in return or to repay or say “thanks” for something? If we strive towards a true grasp that there is one who is immune to human limitations we have to become willing to build a really big boat in the desert.

Yes, the devil is very real and we will never keep him at bay on our own power. Yes, the Holy Spirit is real and if we let Him enter we will spend the rest of our time on earth trying to put and keep God first. Yes, Jesus was without sin, that is the only way there was enough room for the magnitude of sins us humans sent to the cross with Him.

Brenda Y.

Dewey and Friends of the Cup:

Jesus loves us so much that he keeps coaxing us to see that never, never, never is the SOLUTION to the problem "out there," but always "in here."

The problem described in the article you cite and that you ask for feedback about (about the percentages of Christians who believe this and that according to the survey) is not with what "those Christians out there" believe or do not believe, because what other believe is never within our control. The central problem happens whenever we want other Christians to agree with the outlines that we ourselves have... when we would rather be "right" than loving.

It comes down to the question of what is "real". The devil is not a person, because the nature of evil is to "depersonalize" people. So a "person" who would depersonalize others is a self-contradiction. And for that matter, when people --us?-- behave in ways that depersonalize other people --putting them down, ridiculing them for their strengths (as well as their weaknesses), mocking them, and so on... much less torture in all its forms... then we are "doing the devil's work." That is why some people say the devil is "not real." They mean, maybe, that evil in the world always comes through people who are doing the devil's work, and that the devil has no power over us EXCEPT as we give "it" power....

Jesus, for instance, in John 8, calls several men "sons of the devil", because they fear the future. They are very religious men, going to their church (synagogue) very regularly and trying to obey all the laws of God as best they can. BUT, they do not want to change. They do not want to give up their way (which they have been taught for generations as "God's way") for the New Way that Jesus brings, and that Jesus IS. So religion becomes the main impediment to following Jesus.

And so it is, sad to say, in our times. The future is in God's hands, and to fear the future is to refuse to trust in God. As it was said lately even on TV, in a drama, "The devil cannot give what belongs to God."

So in John 8 and many other places, Jesus calls us NOT to stick to a set of principles and codes, even if they are taken from the pages of Scripture, but to follow the Living Spirit of God --the Holy Spirit, who very much IS real-- the Spirit who asks US to change, or let God change us, over and over, on and on, all through our lives... so that we become better at loving other people... and at letting ourselves be loved by God and other people.

It may well be that we consider So'n'So to be our enemy, even within the church, because they are believing wrongly. OK. So, what does Jesus ask us to do, toward our enemies? Does he say, "Straighten out their crummy doctrine"? Does he exhort us to argue with one another? Rather, does not he tell us to love them, as he loves us, even when we are wrong... maybe ESPECIALLY when we are wrong...?

I know: many people teach in the church that we have a duty to straighten out one another's wrong ideas. But they do not get that from Jesus. That is, if we think "teaching" is more important than loving, then we are not "teaching" about Jesus. As he says in Matthew, 17th chapter, I think, "You are teaching human precepts as if they were the Word of God."

Dewey and friends, let us in these days use all the energy we have to love one another, and to love those outside the church as well. People do not come back to any given church congregation because of the teachings. They come back to those churches where they feel loved. And when in the course of events the leaders of a congregation stop letting love flow around, that church begins to wither and die.

My first pastor back in Odessa, Texas, used to say, "The Spirit is very patient. But if you grieve the Spirit too much, then the Spirit will leave you alone... to your own devices and methods... until you cry out to the Spirit again."

This is the main thing wrong with the church as a whole in our times: that it is becoming outraged and attacking, rather than loving. When we get hit, we want to hit back, I know, but Jesus calls us to let him do something different, through us. That book "The Shack" has good illustrations of this at work in horrible situations.

I am not saying you are doing that "attacking" thing. I am saying, with John (1st epistle): "God is love. And whoever abides in love, abides in God, and God in them."

The situations all around us seem awful. Odd as it may seem, they have been far, far worse in times past. God is not off watching sparrows someplace. God has the world, and us as individuals, in God's hands. We may have blown "Plan A," but there is a "Plan B"... and C... and so on... infinitely. "It is not the will of the Father that even one of these little ones should be lost." The Will of the Father will prevail. "In the end," someone said, "it will be all right. If it is not alright, it is because it is not the end."

And again, "Trust God, trust me (Jesus)." (John 14)

Michael R (near Seattle)

Dear Dewey, Sharon and family,
It is proof that there are people that do indeed go to church, but do not read the Holy Words that there for the reading. Words of Wisdom, written so we will not falter, or believe those that come with enticing words, but full of misguiding.
Hollywood has done a lot of damage. Not just in the false belief that the Devil is not real.
Even though Our God created the Devil also. We can not take him lightly. We must always be on guard. he is always wanting to lead us down the wrong path. as he chose.
Dewey, I also woke up early this morning (with my painful neck) and watched the short film of Ted Haggerd. That he made willingly. My interpretation of it, is, I think he should be told to go to his closet and Pray. And with that Gods will be done. sam

Dear Dewey,

I think that you and Edwin ( ) are doing many thing very right!

If this same survey were done among your listeners I am sure that the results would be very different and much more positive.

I wonder what it would take to get such a survey done?



Thank you all for your responses

Let us pray..............

Dear Lord,

Keep us, Lord, from erecting artificial barriers to joining your family. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

In the Love of Christ,

Dewey Sharon and family

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Oh, Lord What are we doing wrong? KKIM/DDC

Dear KKIM Family,

The last couple of New Mexico News and Views we have been discussing the results of the a new Barna survey. It is very discouraging. As you read this, you may have to read it over and over again.....I could not believe it!

Please give me your thoughts on the following info. Please email me.

Most US Christians don't believe Satan, Holy Spirit really exist
by Jennifer Riley, Christian Post

The majority of American Christians do not believe that Satan is a real being or that the Holy Spirit is a living entity, the latest Barna survey has found.

Nearly six out of ten Christians surveyed either strongly agreed or somewhat agreed with the statement that Satan "is not a living being but is a symbol of evil", the survey found. Forty per cent strongly agreed with the statement while 19 per cent of American Christians somewhat agreed.

In contrast, about 35 per cent of American Christians believe Satan is real. Twenty-six percent strongly disagreed with the statement that Satan is merely symbolic and nine per cent somewhat disagreed.

The remaining eight per cent of American Christians said they were unsure what to believe about the existence of Satan.

Interestingly, the majority of Christians believe a person can be under the influence of spiritual forces, such as demons or evil spirits, even though many of these same people believe Satan is merely a symbol of evil. Two out of three Christians agreed that such forces are real (39 per cent agreed strongly, 25 per cent agreed somewhat).

Likewise, most Christians in the United States do not believe that the Holy Spirit is a living force. Fifty-eight percent strongly or somewhat agreed with the statement that the Holy Spirit is "a symbol of God's power or presence but is not a living entity."

Only one-third of Christians disagreed with the statement that the Holy Spirit is not just symbolic (9 percent disagreed somewhat, 25 percent disagreed strongly). Nine per cent admitted they were unsure.

Interestingly, about half (49 per cent) of those who agreed that the Holy Spirit is only a symbol but not a living entity, agreed that the Bible is totally accurate in all of the principles it teaches. The Bible states that the Holy Spirit is God's power or presence, not just symbolic.

"Most Americans, even those who say they are Christian, have doubts about the intrusion of the supernatural into the natural world," commented George Barna, founder of The Barna Group and author of books analyzing research concerning America's faith.

"Hollywood has made evil accessible and tame, making Satan and demons less worrisome than the Bible suggests they really are," he said. "It's hard for achievement-driven, self-reliant, independent people to believe that their lives can be impacted by unseen forces."

But a large majority of American Christians agree that a person must choose to side with either good or evil. More than six out of ten American Christians strongly agreed (61 percent) with the idea that a person must either side with God or with the devil - that there is no in-between position. Another 15 percent somewhat agreed.

Just one out of ten adults disagreed somewhat (10 percent) and a similar proportion (11 percent) strongly disagreed. Only a few adults (3 percent) did not have an opinion on the issue.

Barna explained that because of the "sheer force of repetition" many Americans "intellectually" accept the idea that you either side with God or Satan and there's no in-between, even though this idea does "not get translated into practice."

Other survey findings include a significant number of self-described Christians believing that Jesus sinned when he lived on earth, contrary to the core teaching of Christianity that teaches the divinity and perfection of Jesus.

More than one-fifth (22 percent) strongly agreed that Jesus Christ sinned when He lived on earth, with an additional 17 percent agreeing somewhat.

However, nearly half of American Christians (46 percent) strongly disagreed with the idea that Jesus sinned, and 9 percent disagreed somewhat. Six percent did not have an opinion on the statement.

The Barna report is based on telephone interviews for two surveys among people who described themselves as Christians. A total of 1,871 adults were randomly selected from across the 48 continental states, with the first 873 interviews conducted in January and February 2008, and the remaining 998 interviews conducted in November 2008.


How sad! Jesus sinned? No Holy Spirit and Satan is not real? What Bible are these people reading?

We have are work cut out for us.........Even Church's are getting away from God's word.

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord,

And He delights in his way.

Though he fall, he shall not be

utterly cast down:

For the Lord upholds him with His hand.

Psalm 37 23-24

Let us march on with our Lord and spread the GOOD NEWS, the TRUE NEWS.......Let us share the word with others.........Let us not only live at the foot of the Cross, but on the Cross!

When we face a major challenge, like this, we can do no better that to find courage in God and to ask the Lord to "do what is good in His sight." The Lord loves to honor those who honor Him.

see 1 Sam. 2:30

For years we have complained about the Public School system and it's failings to teach.........where are we as a Church?

Let us pray...........

Oh Lord,

Where are we failing as witnesses to your wonders? Point out our failings to us Oh Lord. Let us correct them. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

PS Please email me with you thoughts.

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

Monday, April 20, 2009



Dear KKIM Family,

My thanks to Kay Branch who sent me a note that CBS was airing a wonderful movie on Sunday night. This TRUE story must be seen by you!

Pastor Mark Tross was telling me last week that someone once told him, "Jesus just doesn't want us living at the foot of the Cross He wants us on it!"

Just read the following.........We need more movies like this to keep TRUE history alive.............Let us live on the Cross!!!!

Behind Irena Sendler’s Story & The Irena Sendler Project
Standing less than five feet tall, Irena Sendler is remembered as the “Little Giant” by the aging
survivors she rescued as children from the Warsaw ghetto during World War II. Her heroism as a leader
of the Polish underground who saved 2,500 Jewish infants, adolescents and teens is chronicled in the
Hallmark Hall of Fame presentation The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler.
Sendler was a social worker raised by Catholic parents who taught her to respect all people and try
to help anyone in need, regardless of their religion, social status or nationality. When her father was dying
of typhus, he told his 7-year-old daughter that if she saw someone drowning she should try to rescue that
person, even if she could not swim. “A requirement dictated by the heart,” Irena Sendler said later.
When Nazis walled up Polish Jews to keep them cornered for shipment in rail cars to death
camps, they were also subjecting them to starvation and disease. Sendler’s outrage at such cruelty
overcame fears for her own safety and inspired her to act. Disguised as an infection control nurse, she
sometimes entered the ghetto three times a day to persuade parents to let her smuggle their children out
using false identities. Sendler carefully recorded each child’s Jewish name, Polish name and address on
scraps of tissue paper she would h ide in glass jars to be buried so birth parents could find them after the
war. By 1943 Sendler was in charge of 24 women and one man in Zegota’s (Polish underground)
children’s division.
Despite her nurse’s disguise, expertly forged ghetto transit papers and meticulous skill at
smuggling children out in toolboxes, suitcases, old sewer pipes—even coffins—Sendler was caught. She
was arrested and tortured for three months at Pawiak Prison, having her legs and feet broken. She was to
be executed, but before it could be carried out, Zegota had spies bribe a guard to help the badly injured
Sendler escape from the Gestapo. Amazingly, she continued working with the Polish underground while
moving around Warsaw to secret hiding places, including the zoo.
After the war, Sendler was shunned into obscurity. Because Poland’s postwar Communist regime
had branded her a Fascist for saving Jews, her story was nearly forgotten. And, although honored by the
Israeli government’s Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial with a “Righteous Among the Nations” award in
1965, she was forbidden to travel to accept it. Communism was eventually overthrown in 1989, but
Sendler continued to live what one child survivor described as “the life of a mouse” because of lingering
anti-Semitism. Her historic legacy eventually was celebrated because of one woman’s search for her true
In 1989 a Los Angeles newspaper printed a letter to the editor from a Holocaust survivor who
claimed she’d been carried out of the Warsaw ghetto as an infant and raised under a false name by a Polish
family. She appealed to anyone in similar circumstances to contact her. Within a week, she received 60
calls from Jews in America who shared similar histories of growing up under false identities with Christian
families in Poland, Czechoslovakia, France, Yugoslavia and Belgium. In May 1991 nearly 2,000 child
survivors attended the “First International Gathering of Hidden Children” held in New York City. A
month later, in Warsaw, the 19 Poles who had returned from the New York conference joined 26 others in
founding the “Association of the Children of the Holocaust.”
This dwindling community of aging Polish child survivors now numbers around 700, with
chapters in four cities. The association’s former chairwoman and co-founder, Ezbieta Ficowska, was barely
five months old in 1942 when she was smuggled with Irena Sendler’s help out of the ghetto in a
carpenter’s box. Ficowska’s parents tucked a silver spoon under their only child's tiny body in hopes it
would help them find her. Her father was subsequently shot at the Warsaw train station for refusing to
board a car bound for the Treblinka concentration camp. Her mother died in a forest with 1,800 slave
laborers in November 1943 during a mass German execution known in Poland as “The Harvest.”
Renata Skotnicka Zajdman of M ontreal found out in her 60s that Irena Sendler was one of eight
rescuers who helped her escape from the ghetto (see Section II for more from Renata). Sendler, she said,
“became like my second mother” after she met her and Ficowska (“like my second sister”) at the 50th
anniversary of the Warsaw ghetto uprising commemoration held in 1993. “When I met her, Irena’s
bravery and sacrifice were just coming to light,” said Zajdman, who was 11 when she escaped from the
ghetto only to be arrested and shipped to German factories as a slave laborer. “In the war, the less you
knew the better. It was too dangerous to learn too much in case you were caught and tortured and then
betrayed others,” Zajdman said. “After the war, those who’d helped Jews were outcasts. After the war,
nobody wanted to remember what had happened, nobody wanted to talk about it. It was a conspiracy of
“Irena was physically a tiny woman, but she became a ‘little giant’ to us,” said Zajdman “She
risked everything to keep us alive, but she was so modest she always gave credit to others and worried to
the end that she hadn’t done enough.”
An award-winning National History Day project researched by four students at a small Kansas
high school became the catalyst for Sendler’s worldwide acclaim in the last decade of her 98 years.
Uniontown High School history teacher Norman Conard is, in the words of a former student, “a
newspaper and magazine pack rat.” In 1999 a snippet Conard had tossed into a box full of clippings he
kept to inspire his students to dig deeper into history caught the imagination of Megan Stewart, Elizabeth
Cambers, Sabrina Coons and, eventually, Jessica Shelton.
“We knew we wanted to do a project on the Holocaust, so he pulled out this little clipping from a
March 1994 issue of U.S. News and World Report headlined ‘The Other Schindlers,’ a reference to the
film Schindler’s List that had just come out,” recalled Megan Stewart-Felt. “It said, ‘Irena Sendler saved
2,500 children from the Warsaw ghetto in 1942-43.’ That was all. Mr. Conard thought it might be a
typographical error because he hadn’t heard of this woman or the story.”
The curious students investigated and were baffled. “Why hadn’t we heard of Irena Sendler?
Oskar Schindler saved 1,100 Jews and had a Web site and hit movie about his life. She was practically
anonymous, except for a brief mention on one Web site.” Prodded by Conard and guided by their class
motto, “He who changes one person changes the entire world,” the students crafted a 10-minute play
based on what little they could find regarding Sendler’s feat. Their LIFE IN A JAR presentation won the
Kansas contest and was a National History Day finalist. Uniontown, which had little diversity and no
Jewish students enrolled in the school district, embraced the girls’ play and sponsored an Irena Sendler
Day to honor the playwrights and their subject.
Curious about their heroine's final resting place, the girls carefully searched the Internet for
information about Sendler’s gravesite. Much to their surprise, they discovered Irena was alive and living
with relatives in Warsaw. “The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous, which was providing a small amount
of money to her as a rescuer, gave us her address when we convinced them we wanted to pay our
respects,” Stewart-Felt said. The young women immediately wrote letters to her and sent them off in a
packet containing a copy of their script, pictures of themselves and information about Uniontown and
“Six weeks had gone by when Elizabeth came running down the hall at school shouting ‘WE GOT
A LETTER! WE GOT A LETTER!’ Unfortunately, it was in Polish!” laughed Stewart-Felt. A college
student translated the letter, which began, “To my dear and beloved girls very close to my heart…”
Thus was born a relationship grounded in love and respect that would influence all who have
been, or will be, touched by LIFE IN A JAR and The Irena Sendler Project, now in its 10th year. The
project’s offshoot, the Lowell Milken Center in Fort Scott, KS, near Uniontown, was created to inspire and
mentor teachers and students to discover and celebra te other unsung heroes. Its goal is to foster in-depth
education projects that further respect and understanding of all races, religions and creeds. Norman
Conard, whose box of newspaper and magazine clippings provided his students with their first clue about
Irena Sendler, is the Milken Center’s director.
“The project and LIFE IN A JAR completely changed my life,” said Stewart-Felt. “I thought I
wanted to be a pharmacist because my mother had breast cancer, and I wanted to be there for families of
sick people. After getting to know Irena, who was very much a grandmother figure to me, and portraying
her life in our play, I switched my major and graduated with a [college] degree in business
administration,” she said. Stewart-Felt is now the Milken Center’s program director.
Like its four authors, LIFE IN A JAR also has grown up. In the past decade the playwrights have
expanded their creation based on their extensive visits with Sendler and ongoing research about her life,
the Warsaw ghetto, Gentile rescuers and the Holocaust.
LIFE IN A JAR is now 45 minutes in length and has been performed by a traveling cast from
Kansas 270 times in the United States, Canada and Poland. More dates are scheduled into 2010. Stewart-
Felt and Jessica Shelton-Ripper still are with the troupe. The other co-founders, Elizabeth Cambers-
Hutton and Sabrina Coons-Murphy, remain affiliated with the Irena Sendler Project while juggling their
roles as new mother s.
“When we first typed Irena’s name into the computer, we came up with one mention of her life,”
Stewart- Felt said. “Today there are more than 120,000 Web sites about Irena Sendler’s deeds. Because of
LIFE IN A JAR, we were able to send money to help make her last years more comfortable in a Catholic
care home. We visited her five times in Poland and exchanged dozens of meaningful letters with her.”
Proceeds from the play also funded translation of the flurry of letters between Uniontown and
Warsaw. In one letter, Sendler wrote:
“… Before the day you had written LIFE IN A JAR the world did not know our
story; your performance and work is continuing the effort I started over fifty years
ago. You are my dearly beloved ones.”
The last time the now-grown-up Uniontown girls saw Sendler was May 3, 2008. “We were each
wearing the silver necklace with a heart pendant she had given us. She told us that no matter where we are
or where we go, we will always have a piece of her heart. We all told her we loved her. She died nine days
Until her death on May 12, 2008, Sendler suffered from painful, crippling wounds she received
while imprisoned. The Polish parliament finally recognized Sendler as a national hero in 2007. That same
year, the presidents of Poland and Israel endorsed Sendler’s nomination by her countrymen, Nobel
laureates Czeslaw Milosz and Wislawa Szymborska,=2 0for a Nobel Peace Prize.
For more information on Life in a Jar: The Irena Sendler Project, visit

Talk about not just living at the foot of the Cross......but on it!!!!

Everytime I read a book or see a Movie like this, I so much appreciate people of the Past like Irena Sendler, it touches me so........We also are forgetting our History. I pray that someone does a movie on the Great Depression. It would be a good message for today. If you know of a good book on the Great Depression please email me. What are you and I doing on a daily basis for God's people? Are we being effective? Look at what all those people went through!!! Mothers, Fathers, Children all split up! The Nazi's were Satan's tools here on earth. How out of touch is our society with reality? Some deny the Holocaust!!!

Irena Sendler helps put life into perspective for all of us. It should make us ask serious questions of ourselves...if we are doing enough to help others in need.

Let us Pray..........

Dear Father,

Let your child Irena Sendler be a guiding light for all of give ourselves for others. I pray that those that see this movie will have a life changing experience, and give YOU more. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Trust in God alone KKIM/DDC

Dear KKIM Family,

I wanted to share this with you today.............

Rest in God alone, my soul,

for my hope comes from Him.

He alone is my rock and my salvation,

my stronghold; I will not be shaken.

My salvation and glory depend on God;

my strong rock, my refuge, is in God.

Trust in Him at all times, you people;

pour out your hearts before Him.

God is our refuge.

Men are only a vapor;

exalted men, an illusion.

On a balance scale, they go up;

together they weigh less than a vapor.

Place no trust in oppression,

or false hope in robbery.

If wealth increases,

pay no attention to it.

God has spoken once;

I have heard this twice:

strength belongs to God,

and faithful love belongs

to You, Lord.

For you repay each according to his works.

Psalm 62 5-12

When is the last time someone encouraged you to wait?

Romans 8:25 please memorize...........

"If we hope for what we do not see, with perseverance we wait eagerly for it."

Apply it to your own situations, it will give you hope during the time you spend in the shadows of life.

So whatever you are waiting for but cannot see "wait eagerly for it with perseverance."

As the psalmist writes, "Be still."

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

Saturday, April 18, 2009



Dear KKIM Family,

I thank you all who pray with us everyday!!!!

Little Tommy, (That is who we have been calling this little boy) 18 months old, who was attacked by his aunt's boyfriend, choked and then the thug tried to pull off his arm, Well, Doctor's have been able to avoid amputation of the arm!!!!

PRAISE GOD!!!! Doctor's have been able to put pins in the arm to save it.

Little Tommy is recovering in Presbyterian Hospital in Albuquerque.

The Aunt and Thug are in jail.

Please keep little Tommy in your prayers.

Lord willing, someday we will meet him!!!

The Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him.

Luke 2:40

Jesus had to grow, just like every other human child. He became strong in spirit and filled with wisdom because He grew up in the grace of God. God's grace is what makes us both strong and wise. PRAISE GOD PRAISE GOD

"The Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated."

Deuteronomy 28:3-4

God left no doubt about the kinds of blessings in store for those who obey HIM. No matter where we live, what we do, or where we go, if we obey God's commandments, we can be assured of His blessing.

Let us Pray...........

Dear Father,

We pray for little Tommy....that the healing of his body, heart and soul continue. May your angels be with him. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

Friday, April 17, 2009



Dear KKIM Family,

We have a new Ministry on KKIM, "Life in the City" with Pastor Alan Hawkins of New Life City Church in Albuquerque.

I am hearing such wonderful comments on Pastor Alan's preaching. KKIM's Frank Haley just text me and said he just loves to hear Alan preach.

Alan has brought Pastor Ted Haggard to town. Pastor Haggard's life crashed in 2006 over revelations of homosexual behavior and drug use.

Tonight on New Mexico News and Views at 4:30, we will talk to Pastor Ted about what he has been through, where he is at now, and what he will be talking about at New Life City at 6:30 tonight, 2pm Saturday and 10am Sunday. New Life City is at 4830 Pan American Freeway.

Pastor Alan says, "My invitation to him is just because I love him and he's a valuable human being. My belief has always been that a person is not defined by his worst moments (DEWEY NOTE: HAVING CRASHED MYSELF YEARS AGO I APPRECIATE ALAN'S WORDS) and that his lifetime of good service was not canceled by this action."


Can Your Church handle the Truth?

Matt Russell says........

I am afraid that in many America Churches, we are not telling the truth------at least not the whole truth.

In many Churches we assume that once you accept Jesus as your Savior, you get involved in your church and your life gets better. This is the standard story repeated in "testimony time" on Sundays, and the unspoken assumption regarding discipleship.

This "narrative of ascendency" has become the dominant American narrative of the gospel, rooted in American optimism and confidence. It is beautiful, compelling, and powerful. But is it the whole truth?

Pastor Jim Cymbala says the number one problem of the American Church is not the plague of Internet pornography that is consuming our men. It's not divorce. The number one sin of the Church in America is that Pastor's and leaders are not on their knees crying out to God, "Bring us the drug addicted, bring us the prostitutes, bring us the gang leaders, bring us those with Aids, bring us the people nobody else wants, whom only YOU can heal, and let us love them in YOUR name until they are whole."

What would Jesus do? Who did he stick around with?

Pastor Cymbala by the way wrote the book, "Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire"

Hope you are by your radio this afternoon at 4:30. Don't forget if you are out of state listen at

See ya on the Radio, Love ya, Dewey



Dear KKIM Family,

We have a wonderful cup for you that may last a couple of is full of is full of God's love. It is full of the truth.

I woke up at 4am and and I was thanking the Lord for my job. I was thanking HIM that I can go to work early and work late. Now you are thinking I am crazy......I was thinking of my Dad who would leave the house by 5am most days and not return home till 6pm and may have to go back to work later. There is freedom in that you know.......YES there is! The job is really not a is part of your life. When you feel what you do for a living is not a job you have it made! My Dad and Mom taught me to serve give of yourself........they did it!!! In fact when I was growing up in Windom, Minn. most all the folks did the same! Give until it hurts, we used to say! I carry all those lessons and love from Windom to this day!

Today we have three excellent write ups from Gordon Macdonald on these economic times and Pastor Leonard Navarre on Accountability and one from Chuck Swindoll on God's love. But first..........

I just got me new copy of Leadership magazine. A write up on the Economy. Let me share a bit of this with you.

What might God say in tough economic times?

Gordon MacDonald writes.........

What was clear , even to me, was the larger message the speakers were trying to convey: uncertainty. This much was abundantly clear: no one can say with confidence what's going to happen on Wall Street or Main Street in the foreseeable future. The solutions being offered as a way out of this recession or depression are nothing more than educated guesses. Bottom line: don't bet on anything. Keep your seat belt tightened and don't quit your day job.

One of the speakers suddenly stopped talking statistical language and in plain English offered some observations. Here in bulleted form is what I heard him saying:

There is all kinds of evidence that this economic tsunami is radically changing the ways Americans think about money and the way it has defined our modern way of life.

We're seeing an economic paradigm shift in the way people are beginning to save rather than spend.

New and cautious views of the meaning of career, risk, wealth, success, and personal satisfaction are emerging.

Trust, the "glue" that holds financial systems together, has been almost destroyed.

Economically speaking, the world has gone from peak to trough overnight, and we are likely to remain in that trough for several years. Better to plan with that long range view in mind than to keep getting disappointed by every quarterly business report.

As the speaker ventured these speculations, the audience seemed to freeze, each person appearing to turn inward as if to ask: Where am I in the midst of all of this? What do these new realities mean to me and my loved-ones?

My own reaction was to wonder if we are not in a profoundly biblical moment: a time when God is seeking the attention of people and when he wishes to raise up a new kind of leadership with a different kind of message.

In these days of economic distress, we will no doubt hear about a historic depression that hit in 1859. America and much of Europe were then plunged into fiscal chaos. Unemployment in American cities neared 25 percent (Elkhart County in Indiana is nearing that now)

While not having a complete economic stimulus plan, a man named Jeremiah Lanphier one day got a simple idea. Why not, he asked, get some people together each day at noon to pray? Lanphier got churches up and down the East Coast to open their doors at midday and admit people for the purposes of prayer. AND BY THE MILLIONS IN AMERICA AND EUROPE PEOPLE BEGAN TO PRAY!!!!!

Lanphier never got a scintilla of credit for the eventual economic recovery of the nations. But he originated a spiritual bailout. What became known as the Noonday prayer Revival touched several generations before its influence ended.

But it took a fiscal meltdown to get it off the ground.

Jeremiah, where are you when we need you?

That is a portion of what Gordon Macdonald writes in Leadership magazine the Spring issue.

Paradise Hills Methodist Church is opening it's doors at noon I think at least one day a week for prayer......and Heights Christian Church opens it's doors the first Friday of the month for community prayer. The movement has already started.......Let the prayer movement spread! Let us unite in prayer to our LORD! I am going to be in prayer about this!

I think Mr. Macdonald is on to something.......I think the Lord is looking for leaders..........leaders for HIM and the TRUTH! Let us put our faith in the LORD and not the ALMIGHTY dollar.......let us put our faith in HIS will.....not ours..........Let us give our lives to HIM! Let us lay ourselves flat out on the floor and let everything go to the LORD.........give it all up! Give it to HIM!

Man does not control the economy........even thou he thinks he does.

What can YOU and ME control?

Our relationship with our LORD JESUS CHRIST!

That my friends is the BOTTOM LINE we should be most concerned about!

If you are waiting things to get back to normal....well, my friend Grant Kuck says, "Normal is just a setting on the dryer!"

I talked with Richard Spray last night. He was not feeling so good. He said this is tough Dewey......It must be because Richard never would say that unless it was, because he never complains. It is going to be tough for this young 85 year old to be in bed and pinned up for so long after hip replacement. I told him he better behave himself and get healed up in a good way so he can get back on his feet! He promised me he would.

When is the last time you have visited a hospital or nursing home? Frank Haley and I did a couple of weeks ago when we went to visit our friend Jim, who also went through hip replacement.

Frank and I prayed for those in the ICU, I was told once that we all should visit a hospital or nursing home once in awhile, to appreciate life. It really makes you think and be also gives you a chance to think of others and their needs.

One of God's angel's here on earth is Nicole, who looks in on our friend Gail who we have been praying for.........

Dear Dewey, Sharon and Family,

What a wonderful message today. It just is so inspiring to hear all the goodness and that prayer is really, the true answer for all of us.
I just came back from being at Gail's house. I had not seen her since she started her chemo. She told me her hair had fallen out and I was prepared for the worst. What I saw when I went into her room was the radiant, vibrant Gail that I have always known. Makeup on weight put back on and the beautiful faith and attitude of loving the Lord and her life.
Thank you all for your prayers! We decided that God gave her a challenge and wanted to see if she would fight. Has she ever! She is a miracle! Praise the Lord for all of you.
It did my heart such good to see her.
Good Bless you all,

Thank you so much for staying in touch Nicole, give Gail our love!

Here is a note from Pastor Leonard........

Well, the Men's Retreat called the Walk to Emmaus began with a tremendous out pouring of God's love and Spirit. Over 60 touched with the love of Christ. Today was great but tomorrow will be better and Saturday even better yet.

Your prayers are greatly appreciated. Please continue to pray for each participant and all the leaders for this weekend.

God bless, I am praying for you and yours,


"Rein que le sang de Je'sus"
Leonard Navarre, Associate Pastor
Valley View Chrisitan Church
License Church Consultant
P.O. Box 990
Edgewood, NM 87015
Special Reporter:

And now as promised.....more on ACCOUNTABILITY........From Pastor Leonard.


“I had them turn the porn channels off”, my friend said to me. I asked, “Why did you do that?” “Well”, he said, “I knew you were going to ask me those questions and I couldn’t lie to you”. This was a conversation I had several years ago with one of my accountability partners as we went over the questions we ask each other.** For you see, I too, even though a pastor, must hold myself answerable and accountable. My friends and I meet once a week and go over 7 questions that help us stay true and accountable to each other and to God. Chuck Swindoll says, “you need someone in your life who will ask you the hard questions.” Integrity results when Truth and life align. We all need help with that aligning because we’re weak and subject to deceiving ourselves. Okay, we just lied to each other. So, the last question my accountability partners and I ask each other, “have you just lied to me” as we look each other straight in the eye.

Did you know that there are 35 “One Another’s” in the New Testament of the Bible? Such one another’s as “love one another”, “pray for one another” and “honor one another”. There is one other that we seldom use or practice on a regular basis. It is found in James 5:16 “confess your sins to each other…” Wow! That’s a tough one. Do I honestly want to tell others what is REALLY going on in my life? That’s why we need others around us to help us in our spiritual journey. This verse is not an option and not a suggestion. IT IS A COMMANDMENT!

The dictionary defines “accountability” as “answerable, explainable, a willingness or obligation to accept responsibility, responsible to others.” Accountability within the church is an issue that scares most people to death. People are afraid that if they become real and honest with each other, there will be judgment and disapproval for their shortcomings. Pastors many times are the worst. Instead of modeling accountability, we often want to think of ourselves as above being accountable and as having to answer to no one. Not only is that type of thinking dangerous, it is unbiblical.

Dr. Howard Hendricks did a survey of 256 pastors who fell to temptation. One of the common denominators was that they had no accountability partners. They were alone 99 % of the time. When we are alone, the devil, that roaring lion seeks us out and endeavors to entrap us. Why does the lion in the jungle stalk the herd of deer? To find the one straggler. The one that is last and away from the herd. What happens when you pull a briquette out from the group in the center of the BBQ pit? Yep, the heat diminishes and eventually the briquette dies. Same happens to us when we move away from each other. .

Accountability is not about judgment. It is about love so that we may be what God has called us to be. “If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!” Ecclesiastes 4:10 (NIV) Accountability is all about encouragement and restoration. We need each other to help hold us responsible and accountable.

There are many avenues that the evil one chooses to entice and entrap. Sexuality is just one. It can be a whole host of entrapments when we are alone, such as bitterness, tiredness, jealousy, neglecting our Bible study and prayer. Remember, David’s sin with Bathsheba. The Bible states in I Samuel 11:1-2, “at a time when kings went out to battle, that David sent Joab and his servants with him and all of Israel…David stayed at Jerusalem.” Oops. David was alone, when he observed the bathing beauty of Bathsheba. Here it is again, no accountability. That’s why the Bible states, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:24-25 (NIV)

The two keys to effective accountability are commitment and honesty. Commitment to seek out close friends to meet with on a regular basis to hold each other accountable and responsible. It tough at times to keep those appointments because of scheduling but most of the time because of having to answer those questions (they are listed at the end of this article). However, the most important is TOTAL HONESTY when you do meet. There are going to be times in life where we are going to blow it big time with God. It may be that we simply fall prey to the attack of the enemy, or it may be that we go seeking after sin. Either way, we must have someone or someone’s who can watch out for us and help us get back on the right path. “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NIV) this scripture is the reason I picked 3 friends to be close to me. Remember Jesus, even though He had a band of brothers numbering 12, he chose 3 to be His closest confidante’s. Name the 3, RIGHT NOW, that you will chose to help you on this journey called life.

Okay, a couple more scriptures to show the importance of Christian accountability. Proverbs 27:17, “just as iron sharpens iron, friends sharpen each other” (CEV), and “If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!” Ecclesiastes 4:10 (NIV)

So, you see my friends. Not only do we need our heavenly Father, His son the Lord Jesus Christ, and the blessed Holy Spirit, BUT WE NEED EACH OTHER. REMEMBER, “Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed. The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with.” James 5:16 (The Message)

Leonard Navarre
Associate Pastor
Valley View Christian Church
Edgewood, New Mexico

** Chuck Swindoll’s Seven Integrity Questions:

1) Have you been with someone, this week, of the opposite sex who is not your spouse? Could the meeting be seen as compromising?
2) Have you exposed yourself to any sexually explicit material in a stimulating way?
3) Have you given your wife/husband, family top priority this week?
4) Have any of your financial dealings lacked integrity?
5) Have you given your self to adequate time in Bible study and prayer?
6) Are you fulfilling the mandates of a disciple?
7) Have you just lied to me?

Here is a note from Chuck Swindoll who can be heard weekdays at 6:30am and 6:30pm on KKIM...........

Dear Friend of the Ministry:

After preaching on Sunday morning, Cynthia and I always take time to greet folks as they are leaving. Some time ago, a smiling young mother approached me while the last few people trickled out of the sanctuary.

As we talked, I observed that she was intelligent, well-dressed, and looked successful. Watching the well-behaved youngsters waiting patiently behind her, I assumed that she was what our society would call a “Supermom.”

But when I asked if I could meet her husband, she began to weep. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she told me about her impending divorce. After enduring many years of verbal abuse, she was facing a bitter custody battle with a man who had vowed to do everything he could to destroy her life and her family.

She looked at me and said, “Chuck, I don’t know who I am anymore. He’s been telling me that I’m worthless for so long that I believe him. And I’m terrified that I’m going to lose my children. Does God even care? Does He remember me at all?”

Listening to the raw pain in her voice, my heart broke. How many other women pretend that everything is all right today when they’re terrified about tomorrow? How many others try to cover up pain and feelings of inferiority with a brittle smile and a false “I’m fine. How are you?”

We live in a culture that expects women to have perfect looks, perfect marriages, perfect children, and perfect careers, treating anything less with disdain. In more than four decades of ministry, I have seen the heartache caused by these false expectations. Every single one of us—male or female—is drowning in an unrelenting flood of fear, self-doubt, tasks, demands, and pressures. Believe me; even those who exude an air of confidence and poise secretly struggle with feelings of anxiety and inferiority.

But God never intended for us to remain caught in this emotional riptide. The apostle John offers a lifeline: “We know and rely on the love God has for us. . . . Perfect love drives out fear” (1 John 4:16–18 NIV, emphasis added).

God’s love alone can calm the raging storms of worry and the thunder of inferiority in our lives. His love alone can be our strong rudder when fierce winds blow. His love alone can serve as our reliable compass when we lose our bearings. His love alone can be our safe harbor when we just can’t continue sailing on.

At Insight for Living, we have watched far too many Christian women struggle with anxiety and self-doubt. Each day, we read letters from people all over the world who share stories of pain, stories of lost hope, stories of anguish and fear. And we consistently recognize and respond to folks who have been worn down by circumstances, men and women who need to be reminded of God’s love.

We never shy away from challenging or highly emotional issues; in fact, we willingly shoulder the responsibility of addressing them. To that end, we recently created a helpful resource called Releasing Worry and Finding Worth as a Woman.

Releasing Worry and Finding Worth as a Woman
This timely four-chapter book contains practical, biblical teaching as well as meaningful, applicable studies from God’s Word. Created for every woman who has been confronted by the stormy seas of anxiety and self-doubt, this addition to our LifeMaps series demonstrates how to move beyond fear and inferiority to faith and self-worth.

I thank God for Insight for Living’s ministry—for the way He has continued to change lives in times of great need. I’m also deeply grateful for friends who continue to sustain us month after month. These tough economic times can bring financial anxiety to ministries like ours, so your gift will be a much-needed encouragement for us this month. Please help us to keep reaching out . . . to keep listening and responding . . . to keep providing encouragement and truth. . . . We need you!

Take just a moment to send your online gift today. And when you do, be sure to request Releasing Worry and Finding Worth as a Woman. I am absolutely confident that you—or someone you know very well—will benefit from working through this excellent resource. We look forward to sending you a copy in appreciation of your support of Insight for Living this month.

Finally, to all who suffer from feelings of inferiority and anxiety, remember that you are of infinite worth as a child of God. Be assured that God loves you with His whole heart. Allow His perfect love to drive out your fears. We want to help you do that . . .

With encouragement and hope,

Charles R. Swindoll

And here is note from Dr. Deb on what's on her show Saturday morning on KKIM.......

Dear Listeners,

A special guest will be with me this Saturday. David Nowell is President of Hope Unlimited in Brazil. He is here in Albuquerque to talk about the mission work of this organization in Brazil . Hope Unlimited provides care to over 1000 street children in Brazil . There are an estimated 7 million children on the streets in Brazil with an average survival rate of 3 years. Many of these children are 3 and 4 years of age. In the 18 years of its founding, Hope Unlimited has served many children. 78% of Hope’s graduates are in stable living situations, meaningfully employed, and active in a local church. Come hear about this international mission that glorifies God in its service to needy children.

The show airs from 8:05 to 9:00 AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) this Saturday April 18 on KKIM-AM1000 or FM94.7 in the Santa Fe /northern NM area. The show is also audio streamed live on If you have a question or comment, please give us a call. In the Albuquerque area the phone number is 998-0021. You can also call toll-free at 1-866-523-5008. I am looking forward to being with you this Saturday morning.

May God bless you today and always,

Dr. Deb

Deborah Gunderman, D.Min.

Walking in The Way
It makes the difference in life!


Let us pray..............

Dear Lord, Our prayer to You this day is that we all strengthen our relationship with You.......we look for Your will to be done not ours........we surrender our lives to You. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

Thursday, April 16, 2009



“The greatest thing anyone can do for God and for man is to pray. It is not the only thing. But it is the chief thing.” – S.D. Gordon, Quiet Talks on Prayer

Everything you do can be "spending time with God" if He is invited to be part of it and you stay aware of His presence.

The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness. Psalm 29:8

Good Morning KKIM Family,

We have Praise notes and prayer needs this morning.

First let me share with you that Richard Spray came through fours hours of hip replacement surgery! PRAISE GOD!!! His daughter Cindy called me from the hospital afterwards and said our man Richard is in good shape! At his age of 85 that is so AWESOME! Cindy wants you to know that she knows your prayers and love pulled her Dad through! Richard is in the Taos, NM hospital.

I shared with you that 17 years ago this past Easter my Dad, Wally Moede died of a heart attack in my hometown of Windom, Minn. It was such a shock, and then an out pouring of love from my hometown! Well this past Easter, the Community of Windom was shocked my the sudden death of one of it's finest citizens, Brenda Farber, just 47.


Please pray for our family as we lost Bryon’s sister, Brenda Farber, age 47 unexpectedly on Easter morning. We will miss her so much!

Thank you.

Sandy Grove

Circulation Manager

Citizen Publishing Company


We will be praying Sandy........I took a look at the tributes for Brenda on the funeral home page and I have never seen so many loving tributes!!!!! Brenda impacted many lives in Windom. PRAISE GOD for the life of Brenda Farber and let her life here on earth be an example for all of us! Brenda I am sure, is now assisting God in Heaven!

The way Brenda led her life here on earth before joining our Father in Heaven should be an example to all of us.......service to others! How are you using your God given talents to serve God's people?

Our Dear friend Jon Robb of Albuquerque has this for us..............

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Here are some issues for intercessory prayer I would like to share with you. Thanks so much even when you are able to pause for a few moments and lift these concerns to the Lord in the midst of your busy schedules. Frank Laubach, known for his extraordinary efforts in the realm of literacy development and also for his profound experience of prayer, wrote about the great power of momentary “flash prayers” with which he would cover people on the street or around the world. Be encouraged, it makes a great difference just to flash a prayer for a certain situation or person to the One with all power!

From a prayer leader in Pakistan: “Thank you very much for your prayer support for our dear country, Pakistan. Yesterday most of the schools under the Christian management and co-education systems in Lahore have received the threats from the terrorists that their next target will be these institutions. Most of the schools are closed in emergency … till 14th of this month. The school children are really afraid and frightened to go to their schools. Please pray that the Lord may control this entire situation and bring peace in our country.” Pray for terrorist paralysis!

From prayer leaders concerned about the Indian Election beginning tomorrow: “Our team is traveling extensively in many parts of India to mobilize prayer for the elections, the response is very much encouraging.” Over 700 million voters will vote in the world’s largest democracy from 16 April - 13 May. Pray that religious extremists will not be able to get power again.

International Children at Risk issue: Viva Network, an advocacy organization for children at risk, reports that tragic and extreme cases of abuse of children wrongly accused of being ‘witches’ or ‘sorcerers’ with horrific stories and torture are increasing. Viva’s prayer leader writes that this is “the antithesis of the Children in Prayer movement” and that “the enemy is making a counter attack on this generation and this abuse is against spirit, soul and body...Nigeria media (NOLLYWOOD) are producing films which show children being taken up in the spirit – eating flesh- mixing with witches and doing all kinds of evil. These films are selling like hot cakes perpetuating the deception playing on the minds of people who are eager to have an explanation to unexplained deaths, poverty, sickness and many of the increasing troubles that are coming on the earth. How demonic that the explanation is that the children are causing it through being so called sorcerers! Scotland Yard here in the UK is coming across the issue more and more, and it is spreading to Asia and Latin America.” Let’s pray that government officials and the media as well as the Church will be mobilized to take action to stop this horrific abuse of children.

Funding for the International Prayer and Mission Movements: Please pray for the Lausanne Resource Mobilization Working Group meeting later this week, April 19-21, to find ways to encourage a culture of greater generosity in the global Church. May they listen to and be led by God with great wisdom and creativity. Ask the Lord for a significant release of funding for the mission movement in its various dimensions and also for the international prayer movement with several key initiatives needing strong financial undergirding.

International Prayer Initiative for the United Nations and Global Cities, September 8-12, 2009: Pray for arrangements being made for the second IPC prayer initiative at the U.N. and that those God is calling who are leaders in prayer ministry (adults, youth and children), the marketplace and diplomatic/political realms will be moved to register in time and come for this crucial event. (If you know people, including yourself, who fit these criteria that you would like to recommend, please send their names, your reason for nominating them, and their email and phone contact information to Nita, our IPC administrator, at as quickly as possible since registration is closing May 1.)

Central Asia: A colleague writes that Central Asian countries seem to be closing to the Gospel: “Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are already high on the list of nations where Christians are persecuted. There are virtually no foreign mission workers remaining in these countries and churches are losing registration… an Uzbekistan pastor is presently in prison for his faith. Kyrgyzstan recently passed a law that, if enforced, will greatly limit religious freedom. Tajikistan is also considering such a law...We feel that this is a critical time for this region. If Christians do not pray, the church could be forced to go underground again.” Please join brothers and sisters in Christ who are a small minority in the region, praying that this trend will be reversed, that religious freedom will be restored, and that the Gospel will advance vigorously in spite of these recent restrictions.

Iraq and possible revival of Al Qaeda attacks: In a string of killings, certain to raise fears of a new wave of violence, four Assyrian Christians have been killed recently in areas ranging from Northern Iraq to Baghdad. Pray that Al Qaeda’s attempts to cause havoc will again be brought to naught.

Thanks so much for flashing prayers from your heart to the Lord for these situations. May you be filled with His joy and thrilled by the prerogative we have been given in Christ, even to affect the course of life on this planet through intercession. Wow, what an amazing privilege and resource we have in our hands to use now!
Best regards,
John Robb
International Prayer Council

KKIM reported live from the tax day tea party in Albuquerque..........Here is what Pastor Mark Tross wrote..........



This was quite an event folks and if you were not able to attend, I hope you at least got to hear our live updates from this event. I was able to meet with Tina Carlson, one of the event coordinators and I did get to hear from Charlotte Salezar, who planted the seeds for this grass roots project, just 5 weeks ago, with over 30,000 hits to their website at . Make sure you stay involved and stay informed by signing up for their news letter there. Montgomery was bumper to bumper, as I approached the Independence Grill, just west of Louisiana and although I was an hour early for the 4:00 PM starting time, the place was buzzing, so I had to park a couple of blocks away. Thank God I didn't park in the Smith's parking lot, because they were so patriotic that cars were being towed away there (Shame On YOU). All was done decently and in order and I heard an Albuquerque man, who had lived there for 54 years, say that he has never seen anything like this before and I can honestly say, neither have I. A 19-year-old woman sang the National Anthem and did the Pledge Of Allegiance, which was terribly moving and as I said on air, it was a true God Bless America moment. Applause went out to all of the veterans there and our flag was flying proudly. Signs read, Give Me Liberty, Don't Give Me Debt and one in particular stuck out which said, Yesterday I Was A Law Abiding, Tax Paying Citizen, But Today I'm Being Called A Right-Wing Radical Extremist! Thanks to Vietnam Veteran Harlan Lawson from Edgewood, who shared his heart with us and who brought his grand-daughter from Louisiana to be part of this American event. It was a blessing to see people of all backgrounds attending and a tremendous response was heard from all of the traffic, as they moved slowly up and down Montgomery. This was history in the making and I was privileged to be a part of this live event, as covered on AM 1000 in Albuquerque, FM 94.7 out of Santa Fe and around the world on the internet at

Thanks Pastor Mark.
Also as part of our Birthday celebration on KKIM, Former KKIM newsman Grant Kuck joined me in studio and by phone former KKIM announcer Pastor Ray Franks of TV 32 and TV 36. Pastor Franks was one of the first announcer's on KKIM. He was able to relay to us the Christian qualities of Don Hall the founder of KKIM. Not many folks around anymore who knew Don.

I said to Pastor Franks that what would Don think now of KKIM, with KKIM FM and streaming audio on the Internet reaching countries like Taiwan, Egypt, and South Africa as our top foreign countries?

PRAISE GOD for all HE has done and is doing with the Radio Ministry of KKIM!

Lord willing, on Friday Pastor Leonard Navarre will have a report for us on ACCOUNTABILITY!

The Bible says........."He rules everything and is everywhere and is in everything."

Let us pray.........

Dear Lord,

Thank you for the lives of people like Brenda Farber, who show us how to live with You. Oh, Lord thank you for your love and care. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Words of Wisdom from Sam/Birthday Cup KKIM/DDC

Dear KKIM Family,

"If you speak the truth you never have to wonder what you said." Sam

Here is one of the best letters I have received!!! From Sam. After posting yesterday and talking about Rick Warren's problem of just saying the truth................

Dear Dewey, Rick Warren is truly on my heart.
He is in my prayers for the Lord to have him 'Stand Tall' for His word. I also pray that the Lord will direct his words in the public, for them to be full of Gods Truth, so he won't be confounded anymore. If you speak the truth you never have to wonder what you said. The Truth is firm and always faithful.
sincerely, Sam

It would be such a blessing if Rick would come out and speak the truth. Talk to us Rick, we love you! You have been a mentor for many of us!

Don't blame the media for this folks! Rick has to work out of this pickle for himself. He defended the sanctity of marriage and now he is even denying that he supported Prop 8 in California. Even thou he did sermons on marriage and a video on Prop 8. Pray that Rick will be healed and gain strength and rid himself of this confusion. I take this from Sam.......We all need to STAND TALL for HIS word, and in the battle we need to be DAVID's not GOLIATH'S.

We also as Christians need to hold each other accountable and the Christian community needs to hold Rick Warren accountable. I had some friends say yesterday, but Dewey the media.......Oh please.........the media did not create this or speak Rick's words.......they reported what he said and did. To many times Christians blame the media for problems when they get in trouble, when in fact it is their own doing. ACCOUNTABLILITY!!!!

What is sad here is that some Christians now will fall back and not be BOLD in CHRIST, because what has happened here.

We have been talking about how we all need to start our day with the Lord and pray for help each day in our words and steps so that we do not wear down and do stupid things. We need fellowship and accountability partners.

We all have and will make many more mistakes, when that happens we need to come forward and admit them to our Lord and His people. As Pastor Marvin Capehart said last night on New Mexico News and Views last night, "Dewey, you don't know how many Pastors I have worked with over all my years that would not admit mistakes to their people."

Let us pray that Rick Warren picks himself up and looks to the Lord for guidance. Yes, Rick is just human like you and me...the flesh can take over. The question is, for all of us will we fess up to our sins and get right with the Lord.

I have five Pastor's that hold me accountable. I constantly ask them if I am off track or on track. I also have Sharon and the kid's and two very close friends that do the same. We all need accountability!

Christian Broadcasters, Pastor's, and God's people have to be held to a higher level of accountability!

Today we PRAISE GOD for KKIM's 37th Birthday!!! We begin our 38th year!!!!

For more information and how you can take part in our Birthday celebration, please go to


Let us pray...............

Dear Lord,

We know that we fail YOU at times.......We need YOU and YOUR forgiveness. We need YOUR guidance in our lives. We need YOUR will to be done, not ours. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


A Cup About Rick Warren and all of us KKIM/DDC

Dear KKIM Family,

For the last several weeks I have been talking on the air and off the air with Pastor Mark Tross and Pastor Leonard Navarre about how close we all are to being on you-tube in 30 seconds. Charles Stanley was talking this morning about making sure we start our day with the Lord.......we get are heads on straight and pray for the Lord to be with us in our words and actions of the day. Already today, and it's only 9am, I Have been up since 4am....but I know I will be tested many more times today........if I did not start my day with my Lord.......WOW! I would say and do the dumbest things!!!! We have to stay close to the Lord every second of our breathing days! We can sin so easy! I have to say.........I still sometimes say and do dumb things!

One of the fellows I have looked up to in my walk with Jesus Christ is Rick Warren. He brought us the wonderful book, "The Purpose Driven Life". We need to pray for Rick as he has had one of those moments in his life that I am sure he regrets. He is backing down on his statements that he has made in the past about defending marriage.

Here is the news story from KKIM's Frank Haley.................

Pastor Rick Warren canceled an appearance on ABC's This Week, just days after making contradictory statements regarding his stance on California's Proposition 8 to end gay marriage.
Warren cited sickness and exhaustion for not appearing on the show Easter Sunday. Host George Stephanopoulos told viewers that the California pastor backed out of the interview "moments before" he was scheduled to air.
Stephanopoulos was expected to ask about Warren's April 7 appearance on CNN, where he retracted an apparent endorsement of Proposition 8, the ballot measure that ended gay marriage in California last November.
"During the whole Proposition 8 thing, I never once went to a meeting, never once issued a statement, never once even gave an endorsement in the two years Prop. 8 was going," Warren told CNN's Larry King.
Before the November vote, however, Warren released a video urging Christians to support Prop 8. He contends that the video was not an endorsement.

Thanks Frank. You have to wonder what is going through Rick Warren's mind. Please keep him in your prayers. This is a guy many, including myself, were calling the next Billy Graham.

Please keep Frank Haley and his lovely wife Alice in your prayers as they travel to Frank's class reunion. Mistie Miles will be filling in for Frank.

Please pray for Richard Spray who does musical and theatre reviews on KKIM,. He fell last night at his daughters home in Taos, NM and severely injured his hip. Richard is in the Taos hospital. Please keep Raving Richard in your prayers.

Please pray for Cowboy Clarence of Socorro, NM as he has a virus that has hit him hard.

We have this praise note from Pat Outlaw on Shane who we have been praying for.........




Here is a news release KKIM is going to put out tomorrow. PRAISE GOD!!!! We serve an AWESOME GOD!!!!

37 years ago to this day in 1974 Mr and Mrs Donald Hall flipped the switch and KKIM was on the air.

In 1974 Our Lord called Mr. Hall home. Just before he passed on Mr. Hall sold KKIM to the Christian Enterprise Network of Montana.

Harold Erickson the Head of the new ownership group said in 1974 that the top goals of KKIM were 1. Spread the Good News 2. Provide Inspirational programming. That holds true today even though KKIM has gone through a few ownership changes over the years.

KKIM is now owned by America General Media.

KKIM Manager Dewey Moede says, "The Lord has certainly poured His blessings upon the radio ministry of KKIM and KKIM has been blessed by so many wonderful broadcast leaders to see it through 37 years of service and our listenership continues to grow. American General Media added KKIM FM 94.7 two years ago and also streaming audio to our broadcast lineup, so we now reach the whole world! What would Mr. and Mrs. Hall think now?.......WOW! look at what they started through the grace of our Lord!!!!

Go to and enter our contest!!!!

Let us pray............

Dear Lord, You know the heart of your servant Rick Warren, he and his wife have done wonderful work for your kingdom. Help them during this time of confusion. We pray that we all guard are tongues and actions.........and that we stay strong for YOU. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

Monday, April 13, 2009


Living the DEEP life Cup KKIM/DDC

Dear KKIM Family,

Let us make every week, Holy week!

From Chuck Swindoll's book on Paul............

In his book "Celebration of Discipline", Richard Foster writes, "Superficiality is the curse of our age. The doctrine of instant satisfaction is a primary spiritual problem. The desperate need today is not for a greater number of intelligent people, or gifted people, but for DEEP people."

Sharon and I were talking about this on our date night, Saturday night, (Yes! I got that from the Weekend To Remember Marriage Conference!, we do it every weekend! Even thou Lars says it sounds corny!) We all need to experience the deeper life in God and our marriages,and not be so fast about everything!

Chuck writes.......

The deeper life is a subject greatly admired but rarely experienced. In fact, it is seldom discussed, even though all of us would consider it of highest importance. We sing of virtues, but we don't embrace them. We long for it's quenching water, but rarely dip into it's well. We love the benefits it affords, but our frenzied lifestyles crowd out their significance. Unless we're compelled by the Lord Himself to accept the ingredients of the hidden life, either through a lengthy period of illness or some other cataclysmic event, depth of character remains a distant dream.

The mere fact that you listen to KKIM and read the Cup my friends shows that you desire to go deeper in your relationship with Christ.

Chuck continues.......

A major obstacle that prevents us from getting into a deeper relationship with Christ is our lifestyle. We're simply to busy.

I'm not talking about a sabbatical every six or seven years. I'm not talking about disengaging from normal activities for months at a time. That's not only impractical, it's impossible for folks who have to earn a living. What I have in mind is brief periods of time when we deliberately slow down and meet, alone, with our God.

Dewey says......

Sharon and I did that this weekend, just by ourselves...for hours! It was AWESOME. I have to tell you though, that's why I go to bed early at night to get up way early to spend time with the Lord and also pray about how to go about my day. I know many of you already do this.....but try to even spend more time with the Lord..........there is nothing as important as that! We need to be able to HEAR the Holy Spirit move in our lives.

Chuck says..........

A survey of the Scriptures reveals that those God used greatly were often prepared for those exploits during periods of solitude, quietness, and obscurity.

I am convinced that those sustained periods of preparation fueled the future effectiveness of each choice servant. They learned the value of growing deep, of spurning the shallow life so they could minister out of the overflow of the inner life. That is precisely why superficiality is the curse of our age. Our shallow lives offer no promise for living impact.

Dewey says...........

What do you focus on each day?

What do you spend most of your time thinking about?

Do you pray constantly?

Do you listen for the Lord?

How do you make a decision?

Do you FEEL the Lord working in your life?

Does the Lord MOVE you?

Has your well about run dry?

Or has it already ran dry?

Chuck says............

We continue to run on empty until finally our lives fracture deep within. At that point we begin to sputter, clog and chunk, and finally grind to a complete stop. That's when the truth comes out: Ministries fold, marriages crumble, children wander from the Lord unattended, and our character weakens to the point of blowout. Those painful experiences demonstrate that the dangers are real. We're not nearly as resourceful as we think.

Dewey says...........

My prayer is that all of us will slow down...........and have God at the top of our mind! We are just coming off of Resurrection Sunday, Sharon and I pray that we celebrate it everyday.......not just once a year! That our relationship with God is an every second of the day relationship! Look to God..........Spend time with HIM!

When is the last time you and God really had a talk?

Live the deeper life..........Our world would be so much better.........if we all would continue to grow in our daily walk with Jesus Christ. Sharon and I have many challenges in our life just like all of you. When we grow in our relationship with God, we find the true meaning of life.........GOD.

As Paul wrote in Galatians........

For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bond servant of Christ.

Let us pray..............

Dear Father,

We pray that we put to the side our will.............and let your will be done in on our lives. We turn our lives completely over to You. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

Friday, April 10, 2009


Easter Message from Dewey KKIM/DDC

Dear KKIM Family,

Here is my Resurrection Sunday sermon................

Let us call this little boy Tommy............yesterday during New Mexico News and Views, John Walsh spokesman for Albuquerque Police was talking about the huge Memphis Mob bust here in the Duke City. Over 40 thugs from a Memphis Mob who had set up shop here in the Duke City have been arrested on murder charges, drug trafficking, robbery, and many other crimes.

At the end of this discussion John talked about a case that had taken him away from his scheduled interview on KKIM....the case of little Tommy.........

Little Tommy was left with his Aunt to be taken care of. Little Tommy's Aunts boyfriend strangled him for 15 minutes with a choker chain and almost pulled off his arm! John said Doctor's were trying to save the arm, but they may have to amputate it. I could not finish the program.....that got to me..I cried. Have we forgotten how to cry?

Let us face the hard facts about life here in America.........A country that is less Christian at anytime in it's history.

It is a country that it's children are not safe. Our children are given up for abortion, some are not safe in the hands of family members, like little Tommy, some are not safe from sexual predators in Church, some are not safe from sexual maniacs in School's, My point here is how long can a society last when it's own children are not safe? Not even safe in special places like the Mother's womb, Church's, and School's.

Jesus gave His life for us..........What are we doing for His children?

It is 17 years ago this Easter Weekend, when my father, Wally Moede had just retired and died of a heart attack on Easter morning. Back home they called him God's shepherd of little Children, he looked after them. This has always been in my heart, to look after God's children. I got it from my Dad and Mom, who both worked with Children in their jobs with the School district.

A society that treats it's children like America, cannot stand much longer.

I am just not complaining here, I have a solution..........remove these snakes from society by doing what Sheriff Joe does in Arizona, put up a fence and tents and let them fend for themselves. We have a lot of land here in New Mexico and this would be just right. Some may never come out of the tent farm, but if they can prove they can be good let them out, but not until then. Our present system of arresting these snakes and then letting them out again does not work. I have proposed this to Legislative friends of KKIM.

It is just like the official in the Catholic Church said back in 1952 when it was first revealed that the Church had sexual predator's in it here in New Mexico, the official said the snakes should be sent to a far off Island! That was way back in 1952, but what did the Church do then? It avoided this great sin like we as a Country do today!

Jesus died on the cross for you and me and we cannot even protect His children.........

The Cross
by Max Lucado

The cross. Can you turn any direction without seeing one? Perched atop a chapel. Carved into a graveyard headstone. Engraved in a ring or suspended on a chain. The cross is the universal symbol of Christianity. An odd choice, don’t you think? Strange that a tool of torture would come to embody a movement of hope. The symbols of other faiths are more upbeat: the six-pointed star of David, the crescent moon of Islam, a lotus blossom for Buddhism. Yet a cross for Christianity? An instrument of execution?

Would you wear a tiny electric chair around your neck? Suspend a gold-plated hangman’s noose on the wall? Would you print a picture of a firing squad on a business card? Yet we do so with the cross. Many even make the sign of the cross as they pray. Would we make the sign of, say, a guillotine? Instead of the triangular touch on the forehead and shoulders, how about a karate chop on the palm? Doesn’t quite have the same feel, does it?

Why is the cross the symbol of our faith? To find the answer look no farther than the cross itself. Its design couldn’t be simpler. One beam horizontal—the other vertical. One reaches out—like God’s love. The other reaches up—as does God’s holiness. One represents the width of his love; the other reflects the height of his holiness. The cross is the intersection. The cross is where God forgave his children without lowering his standards.

How could he do this? In a sentence: God put our sin on his Son and punished it there.

Let us pray...........

Dear Lord,

We come to Praise You and give thanks.We recommit ourselves to protect Your Children, like little Tommy. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

Don't forget that we have a special Good Friday service here on KKIM today at 4:30 live in studio with Pastor Vic Tafoya of TrueLife Fellowship. How AWESOME IS THAT!!!! If you would like to reserve a seat in our studio to be with us, please email me right away. Check out all our wonderful Easter programming this weekend at We have Don Johnson on tonight at 7pm with his special Good Friday Musical.

Please keep little Tommy in your prayers.

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Thursday Morning Bonus Quick Cup KKIM/DDC

Listen! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and have dinner with him, and he with Me.The victor: I will give him the right to sit with Me on My throne, just as I also won the victory and sat down with My Father on His throne.

Rev. 3-20:21


Let us prepare our hearts and minds KKIM/DDC

Dear KKIM Family,

Let us prepare our hearts and minds for Passover, Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday.

Thank you for all the honey you are sending our way........your encouragement means so much! PRAISE GOD!

"98% Holiness is not enough, there is no failure in God." Sergio Scataglini of Scataglini Ministries on New Mexico News and Views. THERE IS NO FAILURE IN GOD!!!!!!!

Sergio was with us on New Mexico News and Views yesterday. I first met him when I was with WFRN in South bend/Elkhart, Indiana. He is from Argentina. Visit him at Sergio prayed for all of us live on the air during our conversation. he is a man of prayer! He helped us prepare for Holy Week!

From Pastor Don Kimbro...........


Read Romans 8:31-39

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. - Paul the Apostle


Today as we prepare our hearts and minds.........soften our hearts.........sharpen our minds.........for Holy week, we hear from Pastor Leonard Navarre and Eric and Chris Tomlin.

Holy Week

April 8, 2009

The following thoughts I have taken and adapted from John Eldredge's book, "Waking the Dead". It blessed my life I pray it will bless yours.

"Jesus of Nazareth was sentenced to death by a vain puppet of the Roman government acting as a district governor of Jerusalem. He was nailed on a cross by a handful of Roman soldiers who happened to be on duty, and left there to die. He died sometime around 3 o'clock in the afternoon on a Friday. The cause...a broken heart. An innocent man, bleeding for the sin and sins of the world. We have rebelled, and the penalty for our rebellion was death. To lose us to sin was too great a pain for God to bear, and so he took it upon HIMSELF to rescue us. This innocent man, the Son of God came to "give his life as a ransom for many" (Matthew 20:28)

Each and every one of us has been ransomed by Him who is called the Christ. Our treachery is forgiven. Our lives, entirely pardoned for every wrong thought and desire and deed. This is what the vast majority of Christians understand as the central work of Christ for us. And make no mistake about is a deep and stunning truth that will set you free and give you great joy. It is this truth, echoed by the Roman centurion standing guard that day as he witnessed this man on the cross, when he states, "Surely he was the son of God!"

Because of what was effected on that day,
we call it...


May we never forget the reason for this season and why we celebrate Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday...Easter.

From Eric and Chris Tomlin..............

Shalom Dewey,

Here’s our offering for the first of G-d’s appointed times, which includes Passover.

Shalom Uvracha (peace and blessing),

Eric and Chris Tomlin


“These are the feasts of the L-rd, holy convocations which you shall proclaim at their appointed times.” Leviticus 23:4

Passover – Yeshua, Jesus, Sacrificed

The Israelites selected a Lamb 4 days before Passover. They lived with it, became very close to it, as we do our pets. The Lamb was slaughtered on Passover, its blood put on the lintel & doorposts of the house, so that the death angel would “pass over” the household. That household, Jew or Gentile, would not die if there was blood on the doorframe. Exodus 12:1-13; Leviticus 23:5

The sacrificed Lamb, Yeshua, Jesus, is the Lamb given by the Father, as a sacrifice for our sins, our transgressions. Tabernacle sacrifices were made twice daily. The first at 9 a.m., the second at 3 p.m. These sacrifices were made on behalf of the entire Nation of Israel. On the day Yeshua was crucified and died, he was crucified during the 9 a.m. sacrifice. He cried out to our Father, “IT IS FINISHED!”, at 3 p.m.

Feast of Unleavened Bread – Yeshua in the Tomb

Leaven, yeast, often a metaphor for sin, is removed from the home before Passover. Bread, without leaven, is eaten for seven days. It is a reminder to get the sin out of our lives. Exodus 12:14-20; Leviticus 23:6; 1 Corinthians 5:6-7

This is also the time of year that the first grain, the barley, ripens in Israel. Israelites eagerly awaited its ripening. When the whole nation of Israel was praying for bread from earth, Yeshua, the Bread of Life, was in the earth. Barley was the poor man’s grain. How like our Saviour to humble himself.

First Fruits – Yeshua’s Resurrection

Israelites presented the very first of their harvest, their “first fruits”: The barley is waved before the L-rd. With great faith, they offered this first fruit to the L-rd: “L-rd, this is all I have. I know that whatever may happen; hail, flood, drought, fire, I’ll trust you to provide the remainder of the harvest.” Leviticus 23:9-10

Yeshua, the First Fruits of Salvation is raised from the dead. 1 Corinthians 15:20


These are the feasts of the L-rd, holy convocations which you shall proclaim at their

appointed times. On the fourteenth day of the first month at twilight is the L-rd’s Passover.

And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the Feast of Unleavened Bread

to the L-rd; seven days you must eat unleavend bread. . . And the L-rd spoke

to Moses, saying, “Speak to the Children of Israel and say them, ‘When you come

into the Land which I give to you, and reap its harvest, then you shall bring a sheaf

of the firstfruits of your harvest to the priest.’ “ Leviticus 23:4-6;9-10

Let us pray..........

Dear Father,

May we make you smile Father, may that be all of our goals.....too make YOU smile. In the name of Jesus, AMEN.

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

Lord willing we many have another post before Resurrection Sunday.

Check out KKIM's special Holy Week programming.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Let us Prepare our Hearts and Minds KKIM/DDC

Dear KKIM Family,

During Holy week we are preparing our heart and minds for Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

Let our hearts be softened today and always....just sharing this CUP with you, softens my heart! Thank you all for your emails that Sharon and I are getting.......your words are like honey to us!

Kind words are like honey-------sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. Proverbs 16:24

Here are just two of the letters we got..........Let us soften our hearts and minds..let us share the love of Christ with each other.........When I get letters like this it gives me, REST IN JESUS (MORE ON THAT IN THIS POST) When is the last time you shared your love to others in a quick note?


It is always a pleasant to have lunch with you. I always enjoy our time together and how we can talk freely about Christ and world and local events. You are a great Brother in the Lord. We need to meet more often.

Have a Bless day.

Angelo Winfield

Hey Dewey,

I am sure that you get tired of hearing from me, but I just wanted to tell you thank you again for all that you have done in opening up doors for me to serve Jesus. When I think about it, it still blows my mind away!

I just thank God for allowing me to serve HIM. Otherwise I think that I would burst! What God does for me is just so good; I just want to tell the world to rest assured God is in control and Jesus is with us.

I don't always yell it out like that, and then again, maybe I do....but I get so heavy in my heart sometimes that some do not believe, I just thank God for opening up doors for Christians to share the good news of those who do not know...or maybe just need encouraged past a rough patch.

I just shout out a praise to God for loving us all so much and knowing us by name!

I don't know why I wanted to tell you that today, but if it is good, then what harm can it cause?

Stay encouraged in your ministry! And...Thanks for reading this and for serving in such a good way.

PS...remember the prayer request a while back of the guy in the really bad motorcycle accident? With really bad brain swelling...I remember Rob and I talking and how sad we were as the days went by and looked grim...but we said, with God, all things are possible, so we prayed in faith, as did thousands of people! And we watched the family stand strong in faith...trusting and thanking God through the whole thing.
We saw him in church a couple of weeks ago and he looked ready to go back to work! What a smile on his face and my husband's as he and my husband said "PRAISE THE LORD!"
Still some recovery to come, I am sure, but seeing him shining in God's glory was the most amazing grace that I have ever witnessed!

It is not about our life going perfectly...It's all about Jesus giving us life! Thank God for HIS love, mercy and grace.

God bless! Karen Rowe

Pastor Don Kimbro sent this in........The Lord longs for YOU!


Read Isaiah 30:15-18

Therefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you, and therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you. For the LORD is a God of justice; How blessed are all those who long for Him. - Isaiah the Prophet, ca. 700 B.C.


I invite you all to send in your thoughts.

I wrote Easter letters to all the kids. I showed a dear friend the letter I had written to daughter Gretchen. The Lord has really put it on my heart to write the kids about their Dad's failures and victories, and also ask for the forgiveness for my trespasses. I also talked about how proud I am of them. I shared with them how the Lord had worked wonders in my life. You should see the responses I got from the kid's!!! WOW How moving!


I am reading many books by Max Lucado right now on Holy Week.....

Max Lucado talks about Life Anchors...........

A. Do you believe you normally enjoy the rest of Jesus provides? Why or why not? What things keep you from enjoying it?

B. If it's your desire to enjoy Jesus offer of rest, but you're not sure what to do, begin with these three things:

1. Read Matthew 11:28-29 and Hebrews 4:1-11.

2. Sit down with a piece of paper and a pencil and write out specific steps you find in these two sources which describe how to enjoy God's rest.

C. Keep a personal journal for one week, each day recording any events which keep you from enjoying the rest of Jesus. At the end of the week, do two things:

1. Pray about each of those events, asking God for His help in enjoying His rest. be sure to thank Him for those times when you did enjoy His rest.

2. Analyze the events., Looking for clues which might indicate how you got off track.

When is the last time you were able to rest in Jesus? WOW! What a wonderful, peaceful in the Love of JESUS!

Now please read the rest of the CUP, then work on this assignment, please read the scriptures that Max suggested.

Here is Karen Rowe of "Hope in Today" heard Saturdays on KKIM at 7:45am

The life that Jesus died for...

Romans 15:2
"Each of us should please his neighbor for his good, to build him up."

Romans 15:7
"Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God."

Romans 15:13
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."
Study notes:
"God of hope. any hope the Christian has comes from God.
Hope cannot be conjured up by man's effort; it is God's gift by his Spirit."

Romans 5:5
"And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy sprit, whom he has given us.

VS 6
"You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly."

Romans 6:4
"...just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life."


Love, Karen

Let us pray............

Dear Father in Heaven,

Let us be bold Father, in sharing Your love with each other and those that do not know Your love and rest. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

Don't forget to check out all our special Holy Week programming, check it out at

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Easter Week Cup KKIM/DDC

Hello KKIM Family!

Let us prepare our hearts and minds for Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

Let us slow down...........Let us pray..........Let us meditate on the Lord.

This is the most important week in the lives of Christians.

"For everything comes from God alone. Everything lives by His power, and everything is for his glory." Romans 11:36

The birds are outside my window singing as the sun rises! WOW What a blessing...When is the last time you really stopped to hear the birds sing? Sharon is in the kitchen, the dogs are sleeping and I am having my cup as I write you!

I am so excited that in the coming days many will give their lives to the Lord! The Lord has told me many will do so. Where we need to help our new brothers and sisters, is to help them in their daily walk with Jesus Christ.

I had lunch with my good buddy and KKIM Ministry sponsor Angelo Winfield the other day and he said something so true........"My daily walk with Jesus is really helped by my fellow brothers and sisters, because it is not an easy walk." AMEN! Angelo! The first thing to do is to recognize that! Find brothers and sisters that will help hold you accountable.

My good friend Joe Page of car Pro's Auto Sales called me yesterday...........always love to hear from Joe and he ended our conversation yesterday saying, "May God bless your steps today." WOW! I am so blessed to have people like Joe around me!

The Lord has surrounded many people around me to help hold me accountable, family and co-workers and Pastor's Mark Tross, Leonard Navarre, and Don Kimbro. It is taking a village to hold me accountable!!!!!! HA! HA!

There are many others who hold me accountable..too many to mention here! But you all know how much you are loved!!!

Surround yourself with God's people!

Please pray for Pastor Leonard as he is traveling today to Tahlequah, Oklahoma to speak at Northeastern State. Leonard has so much passion for the Lord, the Youth their will love his message!

Do me and yourself a favor..........after you finish this cup go to and check out all the goodies there! You will find a complete listing of our Special Good Friday and Easter programming!

Okay, What I intend to do here as we get closer to Good Friday and Easter is share scripture and some stories with you! PLEASE SEND ME YOUR FAVORITE EASTER SCRIPTURES AND STORIES AND I WILL POST THEM IF I CAN. LET US SHARE DURING THIS SPECIAL TIME.

What are your favorite Easter verses? I asked Pastor Mark and Leonard.........

First Leonard...............

Mat 28:5

The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid; for I know that you are looking for Jesus who has been crucified.
Mat 28:6 "He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said. Come, see the place where He was lying.

Phi 3:10

that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection ...;

This is from pastor Mark..........

Mathew 28:6 "He Is Risen, Just As He Said!" Let's take God at His Word and we'll see His Glory!

Zechariah 12:10 "They Will Look On Me, Whom They Have Pierced." This may not seem like much at first glance, but the Book of Zechariah is the Old Testament Book of Revelation, with such prophetic words, as your king will come to you riding on a donkey, the above mentioned and they shall strike The Shepherd and His Sheep shall be scattered, but this is a promise that God will certainly reveal Himself to His People and they will know that Jesus Is The Messiah!

This is from Joe Rowe, Now Joe did not say if this is a true story or not...but the message is AWESOME..........

This is great, take a moment to read it, it will make your day!
The ending will surprise you
Take my Son

A wealthy man and his son loved to collect rare works of art. They had everything in their collection, from Picasso to Raphael. They would often sit together and admire the great works of art.

When the Vietnam conflict broke out, the son went to war. He was very courageous and died in battle while rescuing another soldier. The father was notified and grieved deeply for his only son.

About a month later, just before Christmas, there was a knock at the door. A young man stood at the door with a large package in his hands.

He said, 'Sir, you don't know me, but I am the soldier for whom your son gave his life. He saved many lives that day, and he was carrying me to safety when a bullet struck him in the heart and he died instantly. He often talked about you, and your love for art.' The young man held out this package. 'I know this isn't much. I'm not really a great artist, but I think your son would have wanted you to have this.'

The father opened the package. It was a portrait of his son, painted by the young man. He stared in awe at the way the soldier had captured the personality of his son in the painting. The father was so drawn to the eyes that his own eyes welled up with tears. He thanked the young man and offered to pay him for the picture. 'Oh, no sir, I could never repay what your son did for me. It's a gift.'

The father hung the portrait over his mantle. Every time visitors came to his home he took them to see the portrait of h is son before he showed them any of the other great works he had collected.

The man died a few months later. There was to be a great auction of his paintings Many influential people gathered, excited over seeing the great paintings and having an opportunity to purchase one for their collection.

On the platform sat the painting of the son The auctioneer pounded his gavel. 'We will start the bidding with this picture of the son. Who will bid for this picture?'

There was silence.

Then a voice in the back of the room shouted, 'We want to see the famous paintings. Skip this one.'

But the auctioneer persisted. 'Will somebody bid for this painting. Who will start the bidding? $100, $200?'

Another voice angrily. 'We didn't come to see this painting. We came to see the Van Gogh's, the Rembrandt's. Get on with the real bids!'

But still the auctioneer continued. 'The son! The son! Who'll take the son?'

Finally, a voice came from the very back of the room. It was the longtime gardener of the man and his son. 'I'll give $10 for the painting.' Being a poor man, it was all he could afford.

'We have $10, who will bid $20?'

' Give it to him for $10. Let's see the masters.'

'$10 is the bid, won't someone bid $20?'

The crowd was becoming angry. They didn't want the picture of the son.

They wanted the more worthy investments for their collections.

The auctioneer pounded the gavel. 'Going once, twice, SOLD for $10!'

A man sitting on the second row shouted, 'Now let's get on with the collection!'

The auctioneer laid down his gavel. 'I'm sorry, the auction is over.'

'What about the paintings?'

'I am sorry. When I was called to conduct this auction, I was told of a secret stipulation in the will. I was not allowed to reveal that stipulation until this time. Only the painting of the son would be auctioned. Whoever bought that painting would inherit the entire estate, including the paintings.

The man who took the son gets everything!'

God gave His son 2,000 years ago to die on the cross. Much like the auctioneer, His message today is: 'The son, the son, who'll take the son?'

Because, you see, whoever takes the Son gets everything.


by Max Lucado

“It is finished.”

Stop and listen. Can you imagine the cry from the cross? The sky is dark. The other two victims are moaning. The jeering mouths are silent. Perhaps there is thunder. Perhaps there is weeping. Perhaps there is silence. Then Jesus draws in a deep breath, pushes his feet down on that Roman nail, and cries, “It is finished!”

What was finished?

The history-long plan of redeeming man was finished. The message of God to man was finished. The works done by Jesus as a man on earth were finished. The task of selecting and training ambassadors was finished. The job was finished. The song had been sung. The blood had been poured. The sacrifice had been made. The sting of death had been removed. It was over.

A cry of defeat? Hardly. Had his hands not been fastened down I dare say that a triumphant fist would have punched the dark sky. No, this is no cry of despair. It is a cry of completion. A cry of victory. A cry of fulfillment. Yes, even a cry of relief.

It’s over.

An angel sighs. A star wipes away a tear.

“Take me home.”
Yes, take him home.
Take this prince to his king.
Take this son to his father.
Take this pilgrim to his home.
(He deserves a rest.)

“Take me home.”
Come ten thousand angels!
Come and take this wounded troubadour to
the cradle of his Father’s arms!

Farewell manger’s infant.
Bless You holy ambassador.
Go Home death slayer.
Rest well sweet soldier.

The battle is over.

WOW! Max Lucado is such a writer for God!

Let us pray.............

Dear Father,

Everything comes from YOU FATHER, May the lost meet you this Easter.......May those that already know you become stronger in their faith. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

PS remember to send us your favorite Easter scripture and stories! Okay?

Sunday, April 5, 2009



Dear KKIM Family,

I just finished softball practice it was AWESOME!!! I tell the younger guys, "Pay attention this is a piece of heaven.......and you will not be able to play all your life.......enjoy!" PRAISE GOD!!! PRAISE GOD!!! You do know that God invented baseball don't you?

In the BIG INNING!!!!!!!! HA! HA!

Yes we did practice despite winds over 35 mph!!!!

A great work out!!!!

Something a few of you know, is that the Lord has had on my heart for years to become a Pastor. I have asked a few folks to pray about this over the years and have talked to some of my mentors about it. Today the Lord spoke to me to get going on this. I am to stay at KKIM, but study to become a Pastor for Me, says the Lord. So I am going to start! I have already contacted some of my mentors to help me starting today. I have no idea how this will be done, but the Lord has told me to pursue it, so when the Lord tell's me something I listen! I have had people tell me that I am already a Pastor, but I have to listen to the Lord! My Grandma Caraway and Uncle Joe always told me that I was going to be a Pastor. Thank you for allowing me to be vulnerable with you! I envision being a Pastor for HIM, non-denominational. I ask myself what will I achieve for the Lord by becoming a Pastor? He must have something planned! I just know that one of my favorite verses that is my driving force in my life is..........

"My life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus." Acts 20:24

I am ready for more work for HIM, if that is what the Lord desires for me. I have tried to turn my life completely over to HIM. I yelled out in joy this morning on the way home from softball practice, THANK YOU GOD FOR HEALING MY LEGS SO I CAN PLAY BALL AGAIN THIS YEAR!!!! I PRAISE GOD FOR MY BROTHERS AT HIEGHTS CHRISTIAN THAT LET ME PLAY WITH THEM!!!!

Sharon is 150% behind this!!!

May I ask that you keep Sharon and I in your prayers about all this? Thank you!

Just one other note on this..I was asked, "Where would your Church be?" Well, the Lord has told me that KKIM is my Church for HIM. It is a Church that never locks it's door's and is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. PRAISE GOD!

As I write this, I ask that you pray for all the 13 shooting victims yesterday in Binghamton, New York and now the three Police Officers that were killed in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania today. That is seven Police Officers killed in the United States by gun fire in the last couple of weeks. We have Spiritual Warfare going on in the United States. Let us read this and then go to prayer...........

From Charles Stanley...............


The prophet Elijah is an amazing example of what can be happen when believers pray with authority, when they come confidently to God asking Him to do something that glorifies Him. With the people of Israel and the prophets of Baal gathered at Mt. Carmel for a "showdown" between the Lord and Baal, Elijah confidently prayed:

"LORD GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, let it be known this day that YOU are GOD in Israel and I am YOUR servant, and that I have done all these things at YOUR word. Hear me, O LORD, hear me, that this people may know that YOU are the LORD GOD, and that YOU have turned their hearts back to YOU again." (1 King 18:36,37)

When Elijah had finished his prayer, the fire of the LORD fell and consumed the sacrifice, as well as the wood, the stones, the dust, and all the water in the trench. When the people saw what had happened, they fell on their faces and said, "The LORD, HE is GOD! The LORD, HE is GOD!"

Elijah didn't pray in secret, off in some corner where nobody could see him. He prayed openly and publicly. There was nothing tricky or shady about what he did; there was no doubt about what he said.

GOD tells us to come boldly into HIS presence. HE grants us the privilege to come before HIM with authority because of our position in CHRIST JESUS. We are to be bold in our faith that GOD will do what HE desires to do and what HE says HE will do.

Hebrews 4:15,16 tell us, "For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need." Hebrews 10:22 admonishes, "Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith." We have GOD'S invitation; will we accept?


The prayers are already coming in for Susan's friend...........

Blessings to you today Dewey and all of my CUP prayer partners.
Keeping Susan's friend close to my heart today and just wanted to let
Susan know. Love to you all! Cherie

Let us pray...............

Dear Father,

You tell us to come to YOU boldly in prayer.........and we do this now in asking you for your POWER in this spiritual warfare going on in the United States. Only YOU FATHER can overcome this evil that is in our country. May many give their hearts to YOU this season of time. May the Easter Lilies that come to worship you every Easter turn into faithful servants and not just one time shoppers. In the name of JESUS, AMEN!!!!

Now I have to end this with a FUNNY BONE!!!!!!! from Roy.........


Billy Graham was returning to Charlotte after a speaking engagement and when his Plane arrived there was a limousine there to transport him to his home.
As he prepared to get into the limo, he stopped and spoke to the driver.

'You know' he said, 'I am 87 years old and I have never
driven a limousine. Would you mind if I drove it for a while?'
The driver said,
'No problem. Have at it.'
Billy gets into the driver's seat and they head off
down the highway.
A short distance away
sat a rookie State Trooper operating his first speed trap.
The long black limo went by him doing 70 in a 55 mph zone.
The trooper pulled out
and easily caught the limo
and he got out of his patrol car to begin the procedure.
The young trooper walked up to the driver's door
and when the glass
was rolled down,
he was surprised to see
who was driving.
He immediately excused himself and went back to his car
and called his supervisor.
He told the supervisor,
'I know we are supposed
to enforce the law....
But I also know that
important people are
given certain courtesies.
I need to know what
I should do because
I have stopped a
very important person.'
The supervisor asked,
'Is it the governor?'
The young trooper said,
'No, he's more important
than that.'

The supervisor said,
'Oh, so it's the president.'

The young trooper said,
'No, he's even more
important than that.'
The supervisor finally asked,
'Well then, who is it?'
The young trooper said,

'I think it's Jesus,
because he's got Billy Graham for a chauffeur!'

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

Saturday, April 4, 2009



Dear KKIM Family,

These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name. John 20:31

Last night at Heights Christian Church the doors were open to all to pray, and pray we did!

We prayed for the lost......for our leaders......and many other things.

Kathy Antonio a wonderful member of the KKIM family prayed in the language of her people, Navajo!!! It was so touching!

I would like to encourage you to come next month to pray with us!

We have this prayer need from Susan............Names are not used but the Lord knows all and our prayers.........

Please pray for my friend whose father recently committed suicide. She is really struggling. Here is an email I just got from her.

Please keep all of us in your prayers. I know my husband is struggling, but he is trying to stay strong for me and the kids. Pray for my mind to be at peace. My thoughts keep returning to "I can't believe my dad did this!" and even to wondering what he was thinking as he stepped over the edge. And then to realizing all over again, for the 1000th time, that I will never see him again, hear his voice, get an email from him, swim with him and ride with him in his canoe at the lake. And then I'm mad at him for taking all that away from all of us.

Pray for me to mourn and grieve how God wants me to, to trust Him to lead me through this process. To not start beating myself up with thoughts of condemnation--condemnation for feeling the way I do. I can only get though this if I stay right in His hand, and trust Him to take me where HE knows I should go.

I just got off the phone with her and she expressed how difficult a time her kids are having with this. The youngest is in 5th grade. Please pray that God will lift them high above this storm and give them peace.

Thank you,


We are praying Susan.

We pray that you all have a very blessed Psalm Sunday!

Then He said to Thomas, "Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing." And Thomas answered and said to Him, "My Lord and my God!"

Jesus said to him, "Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

John 20:27-29

Before we leave, I would encourage you to go to and read what we covered last night on New Mexico News and Views. Click under programming and then NM News and Views.

Also this from Pam Wolfe......

HB 393-Open Conference Committees

During the legislative session, HB 393 passed by nearly unanimous consent. It requires conference committee meetings (where differing versions of House and Senate bills are reconciled) to be open to the public.
With this transparency, any provisions NOT previously agreed upon are much less likely to be inserted into legislation.
To date, Governor Richardson has not signed the bill. He is claiming no one cares about HB 393. When TVAC staff called, urging the governor to sign the bill, we were told the governor's office was taking a poll on the bill. Staff members would not take our names, only recording the city we called from.

If HB 393 is not signed by 4/10, the bill will die.

Call Governor Richardson ASAP
urge him to
This call will take under 1 minute!

Considering the importance of the legislation passed and opposed this legislative session, HB 393 is an important safeguard to prevent shenanigans by elected officials, now and in the future. Too many hard-won battles can be lost in conference committee without the protection afforded by HB 393.

Thank you for your continued work to protect life, marriage and family.


Pam Wolfe
Traditional Values Action Committee

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

Friday, April 3, 2009



Dear KKIM Family,

"My life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus." Acts 20:24. AMEN!!!! AMEN!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!!

Yesterday Frank Haley and I went to see our friend Jim in the Hospital, and I have to say that an old wise man told me once, "Dewey, what you will want to do now and then is visit a hospital, nursing home.......and that will help you keep focused on what is important in life." It sure was a good reminder, Frank and I prayed for our friend and the elderly lady next door who was fighting for her life. We also prayed for all those in ICU.

When we put out a call for help......who is always the first to answer?

Hey Dewey I want to help want can I do to help
E mail me some time today your friend Cowboy Clarence

Cowboy Clarence who is confined to a always the first to answer the call.........When we did our fund raising for Orphans.........he was the first contributor! What an AWESOME example for all of us! He was the first to answer the call for help from our friend who needs a bed frame.

Don't forget Prayer night tonight at Heights Christian Church at 7pm. Email me for any info or directions. God Bless. Lord willing I will see you there!

Thank you Dewey Family, Karen Rowe and Leonard.
Thank you all for your response to me. How wonderful you all are. I was overwhelmed by all your help and God's love shining through. I love this site and I am so glad my Dear friend Sam sent it to me and shared.
This is divine intervention. God Bless you all, he has certainly blessed me.

Nicole, We are hear for you!!! We Love you! Our doors are never locked...we are here 24/7 for you and everyone! SPREAD THE WORD!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!! Nicole, let me encourage you and all those out of state and country........please join the many folks who are already listening to KKIM on line at You will enjoy so much the wonderful programs we have! They will encourage you!

Last night on New Mexico News and Views Pastor Mark Tross talked with Eric and Chris Tomlin about Passover. Today, Lord willing, we will talk about Good Friday, which is next Friday with Pastor Vic Tafoya who will be doing a special radio program live next Friday for our Good Friday services. Don't forget that this Sunday is Psalm Sunday.

Make sure and check out all the great info we for you at Click under programming then NM News and Views and read all the things you missed last night!

Today on KKIM we welcome back Dr. Allen Miner Chiropractor! Dr. Allan will be with us live at 3:30 today! make sure and tune in!

Starting next week, Pastor Alan Hawkins of New Life City will be with us every weekday at 2:30!!! Welcome Pastor Allan!!! His lovely wife Gail will be with us also!

We are so Blessed to have these two new programs on KKIM!

In talking with Pastor Kyle Martin this week, you hear Pastor Kyle every Sunday morning on KKIM at 8:30, we would appreciate your prayers as we pray about expanding Kyle's radio ministry!

Lord willing I will have some very exciting news in the Lord for you soon!!!! WOW!!! WOW!!! This will be HUGE for the LORD!!!!!

This is what I wanted to share with you today.........Leave it to Chuck Swindoll to break this down...........This is such a very special time in the Christian life.......I really believe many will be giving their lives to Christ this Easter.........

Chuck writes in his book on Paul............

Now let me pause to clarify something important. Some Christians try to impose their rigid system of dos and don'ts to the issue of conversion. I want to caution against that sort of exercise. It's impossible to find any single place in Scripture that reveals the one-and-only way every sinner comes to Christ. While the message of the Gospel is the same, methods differ. We are so conditioned by denominational backgrounds, religious traditionalism, and narrow-thinking prejudice, we miss the point of God's grace. WE TEND TO REQUIRE MORE THAN GOD DOES!!!!!!!

Be careful about exacting requirements on someone who genuinely turns to the Savior.

Lost people are saved while listening to a great song about Christ or while hearing a preacher or Bible teacher on radio or TV. Others are saved during a small bible study. Many come to HIM on their own, while praying in the privacy of their own homes. Day or night a sinner can call on the Lord Jesus Christ in faith and be saved. Let's stop making it so complicated. As it happened with Saul, grace abounds!

Regardless of exactly when Saul was converted, he realized that the living Jesus, whom he had hated and denied his entire life, was now his Savior and Lord. It was in the dialog that followed where he also learned the Lord had been there all along.

Words of wisdom from who I think is one of the greatest Preachers/Writers of all time Chuck Swindoll!!!!

From Rick Warren...............

Jesus stood at a fork in the road. Would He fulfill His purpose and bring glory to God, or would He shrink back and live a comfortable, self-centered life?

You and I face the same choice everyday!

Will we live for our own goals, comfort and pleasure, or will we live the rest of our lives for God's glory, knowing that He has promised eternal rewards?

The Bible says, "Anyone who holds on to life just as it is destroys that life. But if you let go,'ll have it forever, real and eternal."

Let us pray...........

Dear Lord, We pray for all those searching for meaning in life. We pray that they will turn toward you and that we will be good witnesses. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family


Thursday, April 2, 2009



Dear KKIM Family,

PRAISE GOD!!! We are able to be together for HIM today!

I broke down in tears of PRAISE and JOY yesterday during New Mexico News and Views, just realizing all that I have been blessed. I have the best job in the world!!!! I get to serve the Lord all my waking hours!!!! WOW!!

This is from Pastor Mark Tross..........

Dewey, here's the quote from Leonard Ravenhill, "Even if God were to send us all to hell, He would still be Worthy of ALL our Praise, because He's still God." AMEN!!!

Anything is possible if a person believes. Mark 9:23

Something to chew on........Christ's abiding presence requires a life of unceasing faith.

We have a very special New Mexico News and Views tonight at 4:30.......We will focus on Passover.

From Pastor Mark Scales, "I really appreciate stations like KKIM that work everyday at putting God at the top of our minds."

We PRAISE GOD for KKIM, soon to be 37 years old on April 15th. I hope to share with you a little history of the founders of KKIM, in the next few weeks.

It is right to give PRAISE and GLORY to GOD!!!!

Okay I got caught very early with our April Fool's joke yesterday.............

In the next space flight from the New Mexico Spaceport KKIM's Frank Haley has been selected to be one of the passengers. The flight is expected to be launched in time for KKIM's 37th Birthday on April 15th. KKIM's Manager Dewey Moede says, "WOW, on KKIM's 37th birthday our own Frank Haley will be launched into space! How exciting!" Spaceport officials say that the flight will circle the earth 20 times before returning to earth sometime in late April. Haley is a Hall-of-Fame broadcaster who has achieved much in his career. Haley had this to say about the honor, "I wonder if I will be able to see New Mexico and Alaska from space?" Spaceport officials say they have configured a way that Frank will be able to do his news broadcasts from space. This would make Haley the first radio broadcaster to do his news from space, another milestone for the Hall-of-Famer.

Karen Rowe got me...........


That is sooo cool! Guess what! I will be joining Frank! Can't wait to meet him! NASA just called me and asked if I would be willing to do Hope In Today from Space too! What a thrill!
I am a little concerned about leaving the kids for that long, but my husband said that this is just a once in a lifetime opportunity and I should go for it!

Wow...I am hoping that I can sing, "HE's got the whole world in HIS hands" from the space ship as I circle the earth and see this planet through the eyes of "Rocket Man" like a little ripe Blueberry!
I hope to learn many foreign languages before I depart for the launch pad so that I can sing, "HE's got the whole world in HIS hands" in many languages for the whole world to join in!

My hope is that the entire world will join with us in Praising God!

PS...the Space ship part is just an April Fool! Hope it made you smile! HA HA HA HA!!!
PSS...Last year you totally got me, cuz I remember wandering ...what is he gonna do up there???
...But you still got me, cuz I remember thinking...with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! (which is TRUE)...But the space thing...that IS funny!!! HEE HEE...ha ha ha ha ha ha!

AND PRAISE GOD HE GAVE US THE ABILITY TO LAUGH! Thanks for the chuckles this morning!

Love, Karen Rowe....Mayberry, NC....Ha!

We are just proving once again, that Christians can have fun too!!!!

Karen, Make sure and say Hi to Andy and Barney in Mayberry. Karen actually get's to ride in the squad car once in awhile and Barney let's her sound the siren!!! I am jealous!!!!

We are going to have a VERY SPECIAL program for you on GOOD FRIDAY. Pastor Vic Tafoya is going to have a special program for us on GOOD FRIDAY at 4:30. Instead of our regular broadcast of New Mexico News and Views we will have Pastor Vic of True Life Fellowship..........

Hey Dewey, without really getting into the message to much, Its going to be taken from Mark 15:15-20 in a message entitled "for loves sake" And I guess I came up with that title after asking myself why would God allow his son to die for me and why would Jesus willingly take the brunt of the punishment that was rightly due me upon himself. I found the answer in 1 John 3:16, 4:9-10. God allowed it and Jesus took it all for loves sake, true loves sake. In the message we look at a few points in particular about true love and how Jesus is our greatest example of it. 1st: true love is enduring love. 2nd: True love is always self-sacrificing.

We PRAISE GOD for this opportunity and we know already that this program will bless many. So listen in GOOD FRIDAY at 4:30 for this LIVE program! We are so blessed to have friends like Pastor Vic and his wife Barbara!!!!

"KKIM has solid programming all day long." from Pastor Mark Tross

Today, we are BOASTING IN THE LORD for what HE has done with HIS ministry KKIM!!!

This note from Nicole, who we have been praying for............

Thank you for all your prayers everyone. I found a renewed spirit with our Dear Lord yesterday. I was able to get together a package of product to take out to my dear account, who have been wanting some pieces for such a long time. When I arrived I felt so good to be able to hand them these pieces and the owner said she would take whatever I had. So I'm taking out more pieces tomorrow. Thank you all so much. Thank you Jesus. He gave me the strength and will to get up and out and keep up with my dream. I've been doing this for 10 years, can't quit now.
Once again thank you to everyone. Dewey and Sharon you are surely God's Angels.
God Bless all of you.

God Bless you Nicole, we are here for you.........The following letter was sent in my Karen Rowe of Hope in Today heard Saturdays on KKIM at 7:45, it is to Nicole but it is an AWESOME message for us all...........

Dear Nicole,

I felt compelled to write to you because...I have been there too. You are turning the right way, so stay encouraged! Faith never fails! You have a wonderful heart for God..l can tell in your letter...your heart is so good! I pray to God for you and with you and I know that HE hears them. And if I know that HE hears them then I know that HE is in them...God is above all things...I believe for you and with you!

My friend once told me, as we were both going through a struggle like this...
"God doesn't give patience; HE teaches it" That still encourages me to look for what God is teaching me in every trial that I face. I just want to let you know that you are not alone ...EVER! God IS with you!
And God has put people in your life to love you too! I just hope that you know how sincere my words are to you today.

We have all been there, so stay encouraged...and you are soooo right to think positive! Thinking positive when we feel weak is a struggle in itself, but you are right...focus positive and stay strong in faith knowing that God always loves you! Focus on Jesus and lean on HIS strength to remain positive...We are weak, but HE is strong!

A test of the heart is a struggle, but just rest in the knowledge that you are destined to succeed! God always moves us forward and upward!
It may look scary or gloomy at times...but know that we all face these struggles....but God feeds the birds and HE will take care of you as well. I know that you know these things, but I write them, because when I am weak, I just need to hear them from someone else sometimes.

You are not alone, because God said that HE will never leave or forsake us when we remain faithful to HIM.

The scripture that rests my soul is "Be still and know that I am God"
A pastor once said, "look up to what God can do...not out toward the obvious"

Sometimes, I get emotionally weak, but rest in God prepares us in faith to just trust HIM. And sometimes God just needs us to rest in HIM to hear HIM and in that rest just PRAISE HIM. Rest from the troubles, not from God.

Stay into the WORD of God and rest assured that HE IS watching over you with loving hands...HE may be teaching you how to have GREAT FAITH...and what a blessing that is on the other side!

God Bless you, and remember when you are weak and know nothing else to do...may just mean to rest in PRAISE to God and listen for HIS still voice that tells you what to do.

One more quote from a local church sign that I read every day when I was struggling with staying strong...

"Worrying just questions God's plan"

God's promise to us is that HE will never leave or forsake us and when we apply our faith to trusting HIM...HE does great things for us!

Greater IS HE that is in me than he that is in the world! Praise God!

Love sent your way,
Karen Rowe

This message from Pastor Leonard Navarre of Valley View Christian Church in Edgewood and host of Bible Boost on KKIM Mon, Wed, and Fri at 5:05pm.......


I don’t know about you, but I suspect you are much like me. There are times when I feel anxious, worried and now right nervous over how life is shaping up for me. Our Bible Boost for today speaks to those feelings. Philippians 4:6-7 says, “The Lord is near; have no anxiety, but in everything make your request known to God in prayer and petition with thanksgiving. Then the peace of God which is beyond our utmost understanding will guard your hearts and thoughts, IN CHRIST JESUS.”

Notice how logically and beautifully this passage unfolds. The recognition of God’s presence is followed by the admonition “not to worry”.

Overcoming worry and anxiety begins with recognizing that God is near. Joshua 1:9 says, “do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Jesus said in Matthew 28:20, “and I am with you always, even to the end of the ages.” So one of the first steps in overcoming worry and being anxious is to realize that “GOD IS NEAR”.

Reminds me of a story I heard long ago of a little boy who was scared still to walk down the street where a bully resided. One day one of his friends saw him walking right by the bully’s house and inquired why he wasn’t afraid to walk by the bully’s house. The little boy responded, “Well, my big brother is watching out the picture window to make sure I make it pass the bully’s house.”

God is watching, God is providing, God is close. So, do not be afraid and do not be discouraged.

The text also stresses the need for prayer and how to pray. We are to take all things to the Lord in prayer WITH THANKSGIVING. Notice the emphasis. Not just pray. BUT, pray with thanksgiving for whatever it is that is causing the anxiety.

So, I challenge you. Put this scripture to the test. The next time you find yourself on edge with anxiety. You are worried, wringing you hands, don’t know what to do or where to turn. Pray, thanking God for whatever it is that’s causing the worry. Notice, it doesn’t matter the circumstance, for it says, “in everything” our prayers are to be offered with “thanksgiving”. I challenge you never to ask God for anything, anytime without reflecting upon the ledger of His bountiful blessings.

REMEMER now. Where is the apostle Paul when he writes these words. Do you remember? He is in jail. And from jail writes these words about “guarding your hearts”. Because Paul knows that if you allow your mind to wander it will bring up all sorts of creatures from the shadows. So Paul writes these words without anxiety worry or despair. What a great example for us today.

We can guide our minds and emotions to the promises of these words in Philippians. God is near. Don’t worry. God will hear, don’t worry. Give thanks for what God is doing and has done. Don’t worry.

When we follow these teachings, verse 7 says that a peace beyond our understanding or the worlds understanding will overflow into our hearts and lives to set up barriers against negative and inappropriate thoughts.

When we take our thoughts so stained with mistrust and purge them with the overflow of a grateful heart, we find that God is on guard just like this scripture tells us. We discover that the painful notions of worry are replaced by the soothing assurance of His presence and His peace.

Your Bible boost for today is from Philippians 4:6 and 7… “God is near have no anxiety but in everything with thanksgiving let your requests be made known.”

I am praying for you and your family,


To further prove that Christians can have fun........

This is from our dear friend Shauna..........
How old is Grandpa???



Stay with this -- the answer is at the end, it will blow you away.
One evening a grandson was talking to his grandfather about current events.
The grandson asked his grandfather what he thought about the shootings at schools, the computer age, and just things in general.

The Grandfather replied, 'Well, let me think a minute, I was born before:

' television

' penicillin

' polio shots

' frozen foods

' Xerox

' contact lenses

' Frisbees and

' the pill

There were no:

' credit cards

' laser beams or

' ball-point pens

Man had not invented:

' pantyhose

' air conditioners

' dishwashers

' clothes dryers

' and the clothes were hung out to dry in the fresh air and

' man hadn't yet walked on the moon



Your Grandmother and I got married first, . . ... And then lived together.

Every family had a father and a mother.

Until I was 25, I called every man older than me, 'Sir'.
And after I turned 25, I still called policemen and every man with a title, 'Sir.'

We were before gay-rights, computer- dating, dual careers, daycare centers, and group therapy.

Our lives were governed by the Ten Commandments, good judgment, and common sense.

We were taught to know the difference between right and wrong and to stand up and take responsibility for our actions.

Serving your country was a privilege; living in this country was a bigger privilege.

We thought 'fast' food was what people ate during Lent.

Having a meaningful relationship meant getting along with your cousins.

Draft dodgers were those who closed front doors as the evening breeze started.

Time-sharing meant time the family spent together in the evenings and weekends-not purchasing condominiums.


We never heard of FM radios, tape decks, CDs, electric typewriters, yogurt, or guys wearing earrings.

We listened to Big Bands, Jack Benny, and the President's speeches on our radios.

And I don't ever remember any kid blowing his brains out listening to Tommy Dorsey.

If you saw anything with 'Made in Japan ' on it, it was junk

The term 'making out' referred to how you did on your school exam.

Pizza Hut, McDonald's, and instant coffee were unheard of.

We had 5 &10-cent stores where you could actually buy things for 5 and 10 cents.

Ice-cream cones, phone calls, rides on a streetcar, and a Pepsi were all a nickel.

And if you didn't want to splurge, you could spend your nickel on enough stamps to mail 1 letter and 2 postcards.

You could buy a new Chevy Coupe for $600, . ... But who could afford one?
Too bad, because gas was 11 cents a gallon.

In my day:

' 'grass' was mowed,

' 'coke' was a cold drink,

' 'pot' was something your mother cooked in and

' 'rock music' was your grandmother's lullaby.

' 'Aids' were helpers in the Principal's office,

' ' chip' meant a piece of wood,

' 'hardware' was found in a hardware store and

' 'software' wasn't even a word.


And we were the last generation to actually believe that a lady needed a husband to have a baby.
No wonder people call us 'old and confused' and say there is a generation gap.

And how old do you think I am?

I bet you have this old man in are in for a shock!

Are you ready ?????


WOW! I am 53!!!!

Let us pray.........


You know how hard it is for us to wait. Instant solutions and success are what we usually crave. Season our souls that we might not miss eternity in the here and now. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

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