Wednesday, April 29, 2009



Dear KKIM Family,

“Prayer can change anything. The impossible doesn't exist. His is the power. Ours is the prayer. Without Him, we cannot. Without us, He will not.” – Jack Hayford

I would like to invite you into our "Living Room", as John Paul calls it, every afternoon at 4:30 for New Mexico News and never know who is going to join us.....look who visited us from China yesterday............



How Great Is Our God! We were joined on the 5 o'clock hour with Pastor and former Congressman Bill Redmond, who was live via cell phone from South Western China and it was 7am his time. He's there to help with the 1 million homeless, from last May's earthquake, which had a death toll of 120,000 people, 90,000 who have been recovered, but still 30,000 are missing. There are 8 million people in the area he's in, with some 18 million people in the metroplex. Many survivors are still coping with grief and are without hope, because they are without Jesus, but Bill reminded us that The Church is alive and well in China, with persecutions diminishing. He mentioned that 1/3 of the people attending a Church service this week accepted Jesus as Lord, were baptized and now they have The Hope Of The World, Who will NOT disappoint them! Jesus is the ONLY One Who could take away such sorry and give these Chinese people "beauty for ashes." Praise God for allowing us today to speak from NM to TX and China, ALL in one program. Remember that God Is Faithful & Jesus NEVER Fails! 1 Co. 1:9; 1 Co. 13:13


Weatherman John Paul joined us LIVE in our "living room" today and introduced us all to his friend, Chaplain John Ballard from Texarcana, TX. Chaplain John shared about Jail & Prison Ministry and how it was a Mission Field Ripe For The Picking. He oversees 700 inmates and when asked by KKIM Station Manager and Radio Veteran, Dewey Moede, about the 75% return rate for prisoners, his answer was prevention. John called upon The Church to help prevent young people from ever reaching a cell. God's Word says that His Light shines best in the darkness and Jesus exhorted us all to set the captives free, so why are there so few workers in this field? FEAR! Let's face it folks, Moses was a murderer, Paul was a murderer and many who God used to write books in our Bible spent some time in prison for one reason or another, even if they were clearly in His Perfect & Acceptable Will. Dewey reminded us that it's time for The Church to get down and dirty, as Dr. J. Vernon McGee put it, "Where the rubber meets the road," so let me encourage those in the Abq. area to get in touch with Light & Liberty Jail Ministry, which has programs going in just about every jail or prison throughout NM.

So, please spread the word about New Mexico News and Views. Remember to let your friends know, that no matter where they live they can listen to us live at PRAISE GOD!!! We have reports that we are gaining new listeners all over the world!!!!
Here is a note from a Chris after yesterdays program...........
Shalom Dewey, John-Paul, and Pastor Mark,

Would have cc’d John-Paul, but don’t have an address. GREAT “all guys” show today – very natural camaraderie. Appreciated the Chaplain & Pastor Bill Redmond all the way from China! We know a couple of dedicated Chaplains here in NM.

Please invite John-Paul back to the living room!

Love ya all,

Chris Tomlin


Hi Dewey,

This story really touched my heart deeply and I wanted to know if you have heard anymore on how little Tommy is doing?


So nice of you to ask about little Tommy. After I got your email I called John Walsh of APD and he said the last he checked Tommy was recovering nicely. The Doctor's were able to put pins in his arm to save it. I told John to tell the family we are all praying for the little guy. I cannot even imagine the mental damage done to this little guy. John did close in saying that charges have been brought up against the Aunt who was babysitting, who watched her boyfriend beat and choke Tommy, and did nothing to stop the attack. The Boyfriend is in jail. John Walsh is a Christian man and will relay to the family that many our praying!

I still just shake my head at this one and get ill.

Have you been able to give to your favorite Ministry program on KKIM?Please do so before the end of the month. The need is great! Get all the information at

Here is an excellent letter from Jan in Los Alamos, we love to hear from all of you.........we have been getting a lot of excellent letters from many of late. How about you? What would you like to share with us? We really love it when we get a letter from someone we have not heard from in a LONG time like Jan........

Hi Dewey,

I’ve been following your daily cup since you first started putting it on email a few years ago when you lived up here in Los Alamos. The encouragement that comes from it and the prayers that are lifted to the Father’s throne up build the church family.

Please consider these words. We tend to forget our own sinful natures in our efforts to stand up for what is right. We see the splinter in someone else’s eye and miss the logs that are in our own eyes.

In particular I am referring to homosexuality. The Bible truly does speak of this practice as a sin, but it is far from the only one. Have you ever seen a heterosexual couple who are sitting at church whom you know are living together without benefit of marriage? Maybe they even have a child or two possibly from previous relationships? The Bible is also pretty plain about this type of relationship as being sinful. What gives us the right to be more judgmental on one than the other?

Please fellow Christians, remember, in God’s view one sin is enough to condemn you. We, too, must call on the grace of God to forgive us. We are no different from any other, no matter how great in man’s eyes that person’s sin is.


Thanks for the words of wisdom Jan. You are an AWESOME friend!

Even though she is ill. Karen Rowe took the time to write...........


I read the following scripture in the Bible a couple of weeks ago, but hesitated and danced around sharing this scripture for many reasons...maybe fear of offending??? sad, hu? Maybe avoiding confrontation??? Yeah, That's me...
And maybe just turning the other way in denial that it was not my place to share it...I figured that someone would surely share it ...anyone other than me.
I love God loves people...but we can't deny God's word.

After I read what the reader wrote in today's cup about churches being pressured to marry people outside of God's law in the house of God, I was shocked and felt strong to share the following scripture.
Yes, I believe in God's word and I struggle to abide in ALL of God's word...constantly. No matter what the cost...God ALWAYS provides! And may our Churches remain FAITHFUL to trusting God for ALL financing.
Abanding away from God's ways is negative not posititive...and that includes money.

May this serve to inspire others to turn the "Family Guy" OFF and OPEN the BIBLE. What is the world thinking in the TV programing anyway?

You know, I really try not to judge because that is wrong as the act that would be judged. I once worked with someone who was gay and I found her to be a very nice Christian...I never judged her, but a concern in Christ has always been there. My purpose today is to express concern for others and encourage seeking God to know HIM and HIS WORD, because a life with God, living in Christ is ALWAYS good...

Right now, I can't hardly see this to write...we have been very sick and now I have 2ndary infections in both eyes and throat..., so I hope this reads okay, but

God IS still good and HIS word stands forever!

"The grass withers and the flower fades, but the WORD of God stands forever."

Romans 1:24- (I encourage reading of it all)
"Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator---who is forever praised. Amen.

"Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversions.

"Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwile to retain the knowledge of God, He gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done...."

Thanks you Karen!

John Robb of Albuquerque sent in these prayer needs............

Prayer can change anything. The impossible doesn’t exist. His is the power. Ours is the prayer. Without Him, we cannot. Without us, He will not.” – Jack Hayford

Dear Friends,
Here are some critical issues which I would like to share with you to bring to God in prayer over the coming days:
1 The potential mutation and spread of Swineflu into a worldwide pandemic- please pray for the authorities in Mexico and the growing numbers of nations currently affected that they will be able to quickly get this disease under control. Pray for the rapid development of a vaccine and effective cure for this frightening illness which has already killed quite a number of people.

2 Taliban attacks in Pakistan- last week, the Taliban made bold attacks in a northern city only about 60 miles from the capital of Islamabad and also in the southern city of Karachi. In Karachi, they assaulted Christians and churches, killing two believers who resisted in front of their families. Please pray that this movement of radical Islamic terrorists will be thrown into confusion and conflict among themselves until they are dissolved as an instrument of destruction in both Pakistan and Afghanistan. Pray that many of them will become disillusioned with radical Islam and find Jesus like the Jewish extremist, Saul, who became Paul. One intercessor from Houston, Texas suggests that we pray according to Deuteronomy 7:20-26.

3 “Hate crimes” legislation before the U.S. Congress tomorrow, Wednesday, April 29- John Conyers, a U.S. Congressman, has introduced legislation that some feel could potentially make it illegal in the U.S. for people to speak out against behaviors that the Bible condemns, such as homosexuality or other forms of immorality. A few years ago in Sweden, a pastor went to jail for a month for preaching from Biblical passages concerning homosexual behavior, so this is no joke. Please pray that the U.S. Congress will reject this bill as the infringement on freedom of speech and religious freedom that it really is.

4 Public declaration of Abraham Lincoln’s 1863 Proclamation of national humbling, fasting and prayer-On Thursday, April 30, Christians will gather at places of government and elsewhere to declare the text of President Lincoln’s 1863 national call to prayer. This will prepare for next Thursday’s National Day of Prayer that will be celebrated across the U.S. in thousands of locations. Pray for a movement of national repentance, self-humbling and restoration of the nation to God’s calling upon Americans.

5 Bhutan-according to a local leader, “the media has collected lots of wrong information, saying that ‘Christians are converting people by giving money’. Lots of such allegations and false accusations were made against us… Now 13 or more people are taken to custody for investigation and action”. Pray for protection, vindication and favor for Bhutanese believers in Christ and their leaders.

6 India- from a humanitarian worker in NE India: “During the last 2 weeks, I was travelling to three of the states in North East India where Mautam famine (bamboo flowering related famine) had affected. It was saddening to see that there were no harvests in most of the villages. In three of the villages none of them have enough paddy or rice for 3 days. To add to their problem there are no opportunity for them to earn their living… Many parents could not continue to send their children to schools. These problems will continue for about 7 years. I do not know how people in Mizoram, Manipur and Nagaland will survive. In one of my meetings with the Church leaders, I am told that 30-40% of their Church income has gone down as a result of the famine. .. It appears that many of the smaller tribe Churches will not be able to support their workers in the coming months and years.” Please pray for the Lord’s deliverance of these tribal groups from the famine and its consequences and that relief will come speedily for them.
Sharing the Good News- Many tens of thousands across India are coming to the Lord and being baptized. On the Day of Pentecost (31st May), local Christian leaders are asking us to pray that there will be 100,000 who will accept Christ and be baptized on that day. They ask us to intercede that the Lord will give them more than they could ask or think.

Thanks for your prayers of faith and expectancy in these situations.

Yours in Christ,
John Robb
International Prayer Council

Let us Pray...........

Lord, thank you for KKIM and the Cup! We praise you for these wonderful vehicles you have given us to spread Your Word! We praise You for our family of friends! In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

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