Sunday, August 31, 2008

Dear Friends, Please pray for all the folks in the way of Hurricane Gustav. I get uneasy when I hear news reporters talk about all the improvements that have been made since Katrina. I get very uneasy when I hear government officials talk about what they have done to help the situation.

Look at our worry in comparison to the Lord God himself, and say, by faith, "the battle is Yours, Lord. It is your battle. We lean on you. We give you all our weapons, all our skills, and We stand before You, trusting You."

It is God's love for us that causes Him to bring us to an end of our own strength. He sees our need to trust Him, and His love is so great that He will not let us live another day without turning over our arms to Him, our fears, our worries, even our confusion, so that nothing becomes more significant to us than our Father.

Never, ever forget it: The battle is the Lord's.

The problem is Man forgets it and put's his faith in himself and other evil things.

Man tries to do his own battle...........The battle is the Lord's

Many are at the end of their own strength..........Sharon and I pray that they will see the need to trust and Love God.


NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (CNN) -- On a cigarette break from washing dishes in the French Quarter, Michael Kennedy swung open the door of Café Maspero, and the briny smell of raw shrimp followed him outside.

A woman walks her dog down the streets of New Orleans, where most have fled in anticipation of Hurricane Gustav.

"You gotta make as much money as you can, because when we shut down -- and we're gonna shut down -- that's it for a long while," the 26-year-old said, exhaling, a dribble of sweat rolling into his mouth.
"The thing is," he continued, "most people don't have cars to leave, don't have money for gas. Pay for a hotel for that long? I mean, you have to do whatever you have to do, and I guess I'm gonna stay and work."
Though Maspero wasn't doing half the business it usually does, customers were still coming in for $2 clam buckets. A few packs of tourists, identifiable by their slightly off-kilter walk and gigantic hot pink test tubes of booze, ambled down St. Louis Street, peeking into bars and asking, "You still open?"
Most were, up until the hour that Mayor Ray Nagin told the public to run for their lives.
"It's the storm of the century," he said.
But Kennedy can't and others just won't leave. They are the few residents who did not make the tortoise crawl down Interstate 10 on Saturday. Do you plan to evacuate? Tell us
"If I left, I'll probably lose my job," said Jeremiah O'Farrell, another dishwasher who is staying put. "I really don't have an ywhere to go if I could leave. I could go home, but that doesn't seem like the thing to try. Too far, I guess."
Wrestling out of his white apron, he explained that he moved from Chicago to work a construction job during efforts to rebuild New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
Don't Miss Leaving home? Share story
Mandatory evacuations to begin in New Orleans
Gustav makes landfall in Cuba as Category 4
"Our boss was into playing his trumpe t down here more than he was into running a business, so that all kinda went to hell, and now I'm working here."
Sure in his choice, O'Farrell still feels a hurricane newbie's nervousness.
"Really, how bad do you think it's gonna get?" he asked. "I've never been through one, and I'm not sure what to believe. You see the national weather people, and they're telling you it's gonna be really bad."
"Aw, it's gonna turn!"
That confident pronouncement comes from Russell "I've-seen-some-hurricanes-so-don't-tell-me-nothing" Gonzalez. He's been making muffaletas at Maspero since 1985.
"I don't leave for nothing. I didn't even leave for Katrina," he said, letting that fact hang in the air for a beat for the benefit of several other young men who have gathered for a smoke.
"I mean, look at the local weather guys, they know what they're doing, not those Weather Channel people. The local people say it's gonna move north, and that's enough for me."
Before Gonzalez goes back inside, he turns and mutters, "Too expensive, anyway."
Across town in the 9th Ward, a neighborhood decimated by Katrina, Sidney William climbs slowly out of his truck. He's 49 but moves like he's 20 years older.
"My legs hurt; my feet hurt a lot," he said. "It's not easy."
William wants desperately to leave his native New Orleans to avoid Gustav. He didn't leave for Katrina because he didn't have the money. He won't talk about what happened to him during that storm.
"I wish I had the money to go." Rejected for disability subsidies, he depends on his 23-year-old daughter, Gloria, to support the family.
"Lot of folks around here are gonna make do with what they have, and you won't hear a terrible amount of complaining," he said. "You can't just come in here and expect to hear people fussing about how they don't have nothing. People just be used to not having much, and so you don't even think too hard about it until someone starts asking you questions."
A neighbor, Victoria, says she has two Rottweilers who she's not willing to leave behind.
"Now, what do you think that would look like, me and my little car sitting there in traffic with two big old Rottweilers," she said, laughing.
Money is tight for her, too.
"Guess I'm just gonna wait. I just don't know. It's all stressful."
A woman who would only give her name as Bette, owner of an antiques store in the French Quarter, says outsiders can't understand. "It's hard to explain to someone who's not from here why anyone would choose to stay."
Bette has the means to leave New Orleans. She and her husband could jump in their car and take off. During Katrina, she briefly relocated to Houston, and while happy she made that choice, she couldn't stay. She had to return to her city.
Like a relationship that suffers a bad break-up and is stronger after a reunion, she worries that she hasn't got the heart to leave and then return a second time.
"When you stand out there by that river and look at that levee," she said, "you are just so blessed to live here. I am in love, and so I make my choice.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Let Nothing Disturb You KKIM/DDC

Dear KKIM Family,

I pray for Safety for you all this Labor Day Weekend.........I am thankful for my Mom and Dad and Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles.........all who labored hard for the Lord and for they provided the hard work that helped us Moede kids through life. Let us not forget what hard work is this labor day weekend. Let us all continue to Labor for the Lord and His children.

Let me share this with you........I pray it brings as much peace to you as it did to me!

LET NOTHING disturb you,

Nothing dismay you;

All things are passing:

God never changes.

Patient endurance

Attains all that it strives for;

Those who have God

Find they lack nothing.

God alone suffices.

St. Teresa of Avila, from The Pilgrim Praybook: New Edition

An excellent reminder that all things are passing.............except GOD................all things...........except God

PS.....if you would like to see pictures of the wonders of God go to and give a look.

Christ's Love and Peace to you all, Dewey Sharon and family

Sharon and I are both under the weather please pray for us.

Friday, August 29, 2008


A new blessing has arrived!

just wanted to let you know that Isaac Alexander Kennedy was born on August 19th at 10:40am. He weighed 7lbs 2oz and was 20 and 1/4 inches long. Amber is very happy to be a big sister. I have put a few pictures online. I will add more when I get a chance. We are at home and recovering very well. Monica

Some of you will remember that Monica put together the first web site for DDC!!! God Bless you Monica and your new baby Isaac and all the rest of your beautiful family!


Can there be anything sweeter than this? I don't think so-

The adoration of a new child- can you imagine the shepherds bending close to another sweet baby so long ago?

Look at that matching smile!



Good Morning KKIM Family!
If we have no real interest in praising him, it shows that we have never realized who he is. For when one becomes conscious of who God really is, and when one realizes that he who is almighty, and infinitely holy, has "done great things to us," the only possible reaction is the cry of half-articulate exultation that bursts from the depths of our being in amazement at the tremendous, inexplicable goodness of God to men.
By Thomas Merton
Faith in God is an experience that lives and grows by praise. There is continual spiral reinforcement: praising God helps us to appreciate what one is praising God for.
By David F. Ford and Daniel W. Hardy
I have been given complete authority in heaven and on earth. Matthew 28:18
Christ provides POWER in our WEAKNESS
Someone wrote in and said they always don't know the ones we are praying don't need to worry as the Lord hears our prayers for those in need.......
Please pray for Oscar's wife has she has cancer and is going through treatment in Albuquerque.
Please pray for Linda and her family of Los Alamos. Linda has been told she does not have much time left here before shoe goes home to be with the Lord. Her husband is also ill.
Please continue to pray for Michael Ramos as he continues to go through medical tests.
I hope you enjoy this cup and I better get going I am behind schedule, but wanted to post before it got to be too late. Little Reno is home and doing well after his treatments. Buffy did not want to come out of the garage well Reno was at the vet. Buffy and Reno kissed each other when I brought Reno home last night.....should have had a camera...they kissed through the gate before I could get it open!

Good Morning, Dewey

Thank you, I opened up this verse and it did me wonders.

Have a great day



DEEPEN YOUR FAITH......................

Be STRONG and COURAGEOUS..........

For the LORD

Your GOD

goes with YOU

Deuteronomy 31:6

GROW my friends...GROW AND GO in the LORD

Thanks for the nice note Dinah!

Hey, remember the old baseball routine by Abbott and Costello?

Now our Buddy Nic has this for us!

You have to be old enough to remember Abbott and Costello, and too old to REALLY appreciate computers and "geek speak", to fully appreciate this. For those of us who sometimes get flustered by our computers, please read on...

If Bud Abbott and Lou Costello were alive today, their infamous sketch, 'Who's on First?' might have turned out something like this:

ABBOTT: Super Duper computer store. Can I help you?

COSTELLO: Thanks I'm setting up an office in my den and I'm thinking about buying a computer.


COSTELLO: No, the name's Lou.

ABBOTT: Your computer?

COSTELLO: I don't own a computer. I want to buy one.


COSTELLO: I told you, my name's Lou.

ABBOTT: What about Windows?

COSTELLO: Why? Will it get stuffy in here?

ABBOTT: Do you want a computer with Windows?

COSTELLO: I don't know. What will I see when I look at the windows?

ABBOTT: Wallpaper.

COSTELLO: Never mind the windows. I need a computer and software.

ABBOTT: Software for Windows?

COSTELLO: No. On the computer! I need something I can use to write proposals, track expenses and run my business . What do you have?

ABBOTT: Office.

COSTELLO: Yeah, for my office. Can you recommend anything?

ABBOTT: I just did.

COSTELLO: You just did what?

ABBOTT: Recommend something.

COSTELLO: You recommended something?


COSTELLO: For my office?


COSTELLO: OK, what did you recommend for my office?

ABBOTT: Office.

COSTELLO: Yes, for my office!

ABBOTT: I recommend Office with Windows.

COSTELLO: I already have an office with windows! OK, let's just say I'm sitting at my computer and I want to type a proposal. What do I need?


COSTELLO: What word?

ABBOTT: Word in Office.

COSTELLO: The only word in office is office.

ABBOTT: The Word in Office for Windows.

COSTELLO: Which word in office for windows?

ABBOTT: The Word you get when you click the blue 'W'.

COSTELLO: I'm going to click your blue 'w' if you don't start with some straight answers. What about financial bookkeeping? You have anything I can track my money with?

ABBOT T: Money.

COSTELLO: That's right. What do you have?

ABBOTT: Money.

COSTELLO: I need money to track my money?

ABBOTT: It comes bundled with your computer.

COSTELLO: What's bundled with my computer?

ABBOTT: Money.

COSTELLO: Money comes with my computer?

ABBOTT: Yes. No extra charge.

COSTELLO: I get a bundle of money with my computer? How much?

ABBOTT: One copy.

COSTELLO: Isn't it illegal to copy money?

ABBOTT: Microsoft gave us a license to copy Money.

COSTELLO: They can give you a license to copy money?


A few days later.

ABBOTT: Super Duper computer store. Can I help you?

COSTELLO: How do I turn my computer off?

ABBOTT: Click on 'START'.............

WOW! Get this NEWS out of Texas yesterday...........What a blessing!!!..........
Attorney General: State Mandates Bible Teaching
in Texas Schools

AUSTIN, Texas – Attorney General Greg Abbott decided today that Representative Warren Chisum’s bill (H.B. 1287) requires all Texas public schools to offer instruction on the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.
The 80th Texas Legislature passed into law Rep. Chisum’s bill that requires all Texas school districts to provide instruction in the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) and New Testament.
Jonathan Saenz, director of legislative affairs at Free Market Foundation, was instrumental in helping to pass H.B. 1287, and said, “For too long Texas school districts have been threatened and oppressed by enemies of academic freedom, for simply daring to offer instruction on the Bible.”
At the request of the Attorney General, Liberty Legal Institute filed a brief which argued that H.B. 1287 mandates all Texas schools provide instruction on the Bible and that the course outlined in the law is a permissible way of accomplishing that mandate. Abbott’s statement agrees with Liberty Legal, saying that schools must include instruction on the Bible’s impact on literature and history.
Hiram Sasser, director of litigation at Liberty Legal Institute, said, “I applaud the Attorney General for deferring to the legislature, upholding the law and being a part of giving Texas students the cultural currency they will need to compete and be successful in the 21st century.”

CLICK HERE to read the Attorney General’s decision.

For interviews with Jonathan Saenz, Hiram Sasser, or other Liberty Legal attorneys, please contact Jennifer Grisham, director of media, at (972) 423-3131 ext. 102, or

Liberty Legal Institute, Free Market Foundation’s legal division, is a legal organization committed to the defense of religious freedoms and First Amendment rights. For more information, visit our website at

And then this!!!.........What a Blessing a REVIVAL in Santa Fe!!!...........

KKIM Supports REVIVE Santa Fe!

KKIM is proud to support REVIVE Santa Fe, a 7-day gathering for individuals within the body of Christ in Santa Fe to be blessed, encouraged, and revived by the Holy Spirit ~ working through the means of prayer, music, art, testimonies, and telling stories from the Word of God. During these 7-days, we encourage anyone and everyone needing to know and experience the refreshing presence of the Lord. Because Jesus said, 'He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water'' (John 7:38).Prayer time will be held from 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m., and the evening worship session will be from 7:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m., with the doors opening at 6:15 p.m. with music, art, storytellers and worship leaders among the events over the 7-days. For more information on this FREE event click here.

This week I have been getting the following in emails.........we have posted this a couple of times, but many still is lovely.........a break from all the political stuff..........

How To Plant Your Garden First,

First, you Come to the garden alone,
while the dew is still on the roses....


1. Peace of mind
2. Peace of heart
3. Peace of soul


1. Squash gossip
2. Squash indifference
3. Squash grumbling
4. Squash selfishness


1. Lettuce be faithful
2. Lettuce be kind
3. Lettuce be patient
4. Lettuce really love one another


1. Turnip for meetings
2. Turnip for service
3. Turnip to help one another


1. Thyme for each other
2.. Thyme for family
3. Thyme for friends



GOD IS GOOD!!! From Karen Rowe

Good Morning! God is good…all the time …and all the time …God is good!
This is the day that the LORD has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!!! It is time that we take a stand for God! It is time that we stand up for God!!! It is time that we honor God in all that we do!!!

Yesterday, I was blessed by a man bagging my groceries. His words to me were with a genuine smile as he asked my son’s name. When I told him “Daniel” he said, “that is Biblical; that is Biblical,” and as he repeated, he said, “Mine too… My name is Biblical too” as he pointed to his name tag with such excitement in the LORD!

I said “yes, his name is from the Bible” and before I could think to say another word, he said, “God is good!” He said it with meaning!

My brain was scattered watching Daniel get a balloon as I was paying for our groceries…all I could say is “yes HE is” and the man said it again, “God is good” All I could say was “yes HE is, all the time”.

All the way to the door, he walked with us and we were just saying, back and forth “God is good”, “all the time” and “all the time God is good!”

“I tell you what” hee hee (chuckle) … It was beautiful!!!

His greeting lifted me up so much that it made me start to think that I wanted to start greeting people like that too!
It would be so great to rejoice in the LORD together with greetings coming and going as we say to one another…“God is good!”

I wonder who was listening too. Only God knows!!!
I am certain that I was lifted in my day by the power of that man’s believing faith and I am certain that another was encouraged and lifted up in that praise of two people in unity believing together.

Even if we were to say God is good to someone and the reaction was one of shock…as long as we mean it …God IS power in our faith!

If you have faith as small as a mustard seed…God can do great things!!!

I wonder…What if we spread the love of God when we felt our worse…
I wonder…What if we spread God’s love when things are tense…
How much power could come from God if we took that moment away, prayed up and returned with a new smile and simply said, “God is good”

I wonder…What if we shared Christ’s love with others…with a smile that says “Jesus is Alive” and “God is good”… and a confidence that says, “God provides” and that is “all that I need!”

A seed of hope to someone who may be struggling with a tough decision…

We can trust God to do the work …we can plant a seed of love, hope; obedience…God will convict the heart to create change in a person…
However, we do have a responsibility to show up and be obedient as God leads us…

Christ’s love is more valuable than anything that we posses!!! We need to let the world see that in everything we do…we never know who is watching or listening…

Praise God; Honor God; Stand solid for obedience to God.

Sharing the love of Christ in such a way can bless so many people in Christ’s Name!!!
We receive joy from God and blessings from God’s by HIS amazing Grace and Peace…others see it and it is contagious!

What a difference a little faith can make!!! Someone may need to lean on our faith until they are stronger in theirs…

God is our teacher!!!
I knew of God, but now I know God.
….How??? …
We can ask…and only God knows that!!!
God called on me… now how great is that???
…All I do is try and by that I mean, I listen, wait and learn and really it comes down to being obedient.

Today, I am going to share with you something that I never planned on anyone seeing.
My very 1st writing that God put on my heart to share! I knew when I wrote this that it was not from me, but afterward, I was too shy to reveal what came from within me…I did not understand and could not have the faith to share…but now I do.

I have grown and I know the power in God!!! The innocence in this writing is fresh from the Spirit…no training and no wisdom…just from my heart and fed by the HOLY SPIRIT…Today, I have that faith and confidence to share what I wrote in a school parking lot right after God started making HIMSELF real to me…I pray that you may be touched by the realness in the words…

My first writing, by Karen Rowe and God, because they are not and were not my words, but I believe them to be true…

“It is not about me and how the world can make me happy. It’s about serving God and loving each of God’s people.
It’s about (crossed out ‘feeling’) letting God come inside you and opening your eyes and mind and heart to feel (crossed out ‘hear’) God’s presence. It’s about knowing God loves each one of us so much that HE forgives us, guides us, comforts us.

If we let HIM we already have all the happiness in the world.
It’s about believing and serving and happiness is already there.

It’s about not blaming others for our problems ~~~ instead pray for patience and understanding and guidance.

In any situation:
Don’t expect, just receive Blessings will come in one form or another.

Pick out the good in a problem and pray for the bad.

Love one another
Even those we may not like. God created everyone. It’s not up to us to approve or disapprove of behaviors.

Do not be selfish; just because we worked hard and did it on our own;
Don’t judge; and loan what is yours…

No matter the weight on your heart, God can lift it.

Accept responsibility and bear what you can but God will lift the rest.

He may just take the whole load!

Love God, Praise God and thank God. Talk to HIM…HE will listen.

He also answers…
He is here with us and true happiness lies within each of us.

Happiness by searching for something more, new or different without God in your heart doesn’t exist.

That wonderful feeling only can be found through our acceptance of our Father in Heaven.”

Later I will share, the growth in “it is not about me”…God is still teaching me and I am not ready, but today, I am ready to share the innocence in my 1st writing (untouched) from God with God in my heart. I literally wrote this before I heard preaching on this…

How many times, has God spoke something to your heart and THEN you hear a preaching on the very same thing??? Don’t you think that God has us in unity for a reason??? I do…I am convinced! God is the creator and HE IS in control of all things…Don’t be afraid, just trust HIM.

May you be blessed by the presence of God!!!

Love in Christ,
Karen Rowe...I am humbly grateful for all that God has done…more than you can know and more than I can say…God has blessed me now and into eternity (I do not doubt)…It may be hard to loose a loved one or for a loved one to loose me, but God promises more!!! I give thanks to the ONE who sacrificed for me…Jesus Christ the Son of God! Amen and Amen!!! God is good!!!

And may you be blessed today….
A blessing is a gift from God that is received with thanks and praises to God…
In the name of the Son, Jesus Christ, may you be blessed today!!!

From Nic,

I thought of my mentor J.E. Wells as I was reading this
God's Surprising Grace, by Danny Sims
I'm reading Walking the Bible by Bruce Feiler and I absolutely love it.Just as the title suggests it is a walk in the scriptures, a wonderfulhike with God through the land of the first five books of Moses.
I've been spending quite a bit of my time in the Old Testamentrecently. It occurs to me that while archaeologists would love to findgenuine remnants of either ark -- Noah's Ark, where Feiler begins hisbook, as well as the Ark of the Covenant -- our souls yearn for thediscovery of grace. And, believe it or not, grace is all through theOld Testament, just waiting to be discovered!

There's grace in both of those arks. A family is saved from the floodin one and the seat between the cherubim on the other is called the"mercy seat."

And speaking of arks, as an infant, Moses floated in the Nile in a tinyark of grace. When he returned to Egypt as a redeemer, Moses put hisfaith in the Passover sacrifice of the lamb. That was, and remains, amonumental statement of grace: We are saved by blood.

In the Greek version of the Old Testament we often read "grace." Onesuch example is when the young woman who saves the Hebrews is said tohave found "grace and favor in the eyes of the king" (Esther 2:17).Esther stands as an example for all who want to find "grace and favor"before the King of kings.

Even some of the beautiful poetry of the Psalms can be translated toread "grace" where we might be more familiar with "mercy." Somescholars suggest one of our favorite psalm passages can be translatedthis way: "Surely goodness and grace will follow me all the days of mylife, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever" (Psalm 23:6).
You will find His grace.

The reason grace is embedded in the stories, prayers, poetry, and evenlaw of the Old Testament is because grace is who God is. He didn't makegrace up on the fly when Jesus became flesh and dwelt among us. Just asJesus has been since the creation, so has been God's grace.
Sure, the Old Testament challenges us with the full picture of God'sjustice, even just war. Grace must always be understood in balance withall the character of God, as must His justice. As the walls of Jerichofall and one of those Old Testament wars ensues, guess what you find? Awoman -- a prostitute no less -- named Rahab who receives the grace ofGod and becomes part of the lineage of Jesus!

Still not persuaded? Maybe you still think the idea of grace is hiddenin the Old Testament. If so, it's hidden in plain sight! Just considerthe well known benediction God gave the priests to place the name oftheir God on the people:

The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace (Numbers 6:24-26).

My encouragement to you today is this: Spend time in the Old Testament.You will encounter God and you will find His grace.

May God be with You and Yours, Dewey Sharon and family

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Good Morning KKIM Family,

Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that." James 4:15

Dick Eastman President of Every Home for Christ says this about prayer.............

Although it may seem that sometimes God answers prayer instantly, a closer look reveals that God constantly is involved in the process of brining about answers. As He says in Isaiah, "It shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer; And while they are still speaking, I will hear" (65:24)

The way God works is often a mystery, and I can't explain it. But obviously God is involved and our prayers play a vital part in the working out of HIS will for our lives. Whatever the cause and effect, I know that what's really important is that we keep praying and listening.

Words of wisdom from Dick Eastman. He also has a book called, "The Jericho Hour"

Thought For the Day: From DeweyThere is nothing like knowing GOD has you right where you are at! There is so much GODLY POWER in that..............Knowing HE has you doing what HE wants you doing! That came to me so strongly yesterday while I was doing New Mexico News and Views. Thank you for letting me share this with you! This is a short posting I know but this is so important.........knowing God has you right where HE wants so POWERFUL!This came about while I was interviewing Susan Swafford of Albuquerque a women who ministers to those who have had abortions or are thinking about it. Susan shared that she had an abortion and how she struggled with it............and now How God has her working with others on abortion.......God has her right where HE wants her!I did not know Susan was going to talk about having an abortion............the interview went a different route that I thought......but that does not surprise me........I always say that God is in control of the show..............and HE certainly was again yesterday.We are going to replay the interview with Susan Monday (Labor Day) at 4:30pm MST

How do you know God has you right where HE wants you? HE will tell you!!! I have learned to LISTEN........When you listen to the interview with Susan you will feel the emotion of the conversation....sometimes there is just God was guiding us both........and sometimes silence says it best. God speaks in the silence.

I have a new friend, Deb Gunderman of "Walking in The Way" an Albuquerque based ministry. Deb and I are praying about her having a program on KKIM. Visit her at

Test results are back on our little doggie Reno, heart worm has come back on him.he start treatment today. Please keep him in your prayers.

"One Nation Under God"

Join KKIM and Heights Christian Church for "One nation Under God" Prayer meeting Friday Sept. 5th at 7pm. We will be praying for our nation and our Men and Women of our Military. Heights Christian Church is at 6935 Comanche Rd in Albuquerque call 881-9889 for more information.
Check out for more KKIM activities.

It is so neat with modern technology to have listeners of KKIM all over the world! Karen is in Elkhart Indiana my old stomping grounds where I spent a lot of time at WFRN Radio working for the Moore family. Karen caught up with my old friend, well I am the old one. Doug Moore the other day...Doug is morning man on WFRN! She also gives us an update on Amanda.........The pictures she sent would not post.......maybe next time.

Well, with me getting hit by some "bug" I didn't read this in time to make the deadline for you :-) I don't know if you've heard/talked to Brenda, but we are praising God for the remission of difficult and life threatening status epilepticus, seizures that wouldn't stop. Amanda & family are home in Ft. Sumner, again now. Praying that Amanda will not have to go through that again. She is an awesome wonder and testimony for the tremendous things God has done in and through her life already; and we do know that He works all things together for good for those who love him.

Because of Jesus,Karen

Here is a note from Sam.......

Dear Dewey and Family, Gods peace and Joy to you. What a powerful message today. I praise GOD for you and all the truth that GOD has put on your heart to share with HIS children.
I loved the section on 'from the mouths of babes'. How very special they are. I learned at an early age that we can learn alot from children, just by listening. They can open our eyes very quickly, without a second thought.
Dewey, I have a request for the Prayer Warriors. My Grandson has such a precious heart. But he is having a hard time with Life in General. Being attacked by all the temptations of this world. His name is Travis, and I pray our Heavenly Father will touch his heart, and give him GODS precious Peace and Joy. Please help me with this prayer. I too know there is extreme Power in Numbers, when we pray.

We all have our hands full with prayers for this election. I Pray with all my heart that everyone takes your message very serious about praying for our new President. We have to stand together on this. And Pray so hard that GOD will hear and Bless us all, for Praying for HIS WILL BE DONE.
Thank you again Dewey, Sam in Ca.

Here is some feedback from this weeks posting............


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Susan said...
Consider that our national debt has increased from $5.7 Trillion to almost $10 Trillion during the Bush administration, and focus your political energy on improving the lives of all Americans instead of on religious issues. I have listened to the religious arguments against homosexuals and find that almost all of them are based on the Book of Leviticus. I have looked through Leviticus, both in the King James Version and the New Revised Standard Version, and there are certainly a lot of rules. And Leviticus Chapter 26, verses 14—39, list a multitude of punishments for breaking the rules. Here’s a sample: “But if ye will not hearken unto me, and will not do ALL [my emphasis] these commandments .... I will set my face against you, and ye shall be slain before your enemies .... your land shall be desolate, and your cities waste .... and ye shall perish among the heathen, and the land of your enemies shall eat you up.” It is understandable that people who believe that these words are the literal command of God should be very fearful of disobedience. But why are they only concerned with trying to prevent the acceptance of a New Mexico domestic partnership law?It is true that Leviticus 20:13 states, “If a man also lie with mankind [“a male” in the NRSV], as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.” Women are not mentioned. Perhaps this is because of the low status of women in the society of the time.But there are many other prohibitions that, if disobeyed, will incur God’s wrath. Chapter 11:9-10 forbids the eating of shellfish; ““These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters: whatsoever hath fins and scales.... And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, ...they shall be an abomination unto you...” So lobster, crab, and even crayfish are forbidden—but you can eat locusts, beetles and grasshoppers. Chapter 12 states that a woman is unclean for 7 days after the birth of a son, and must then go through 33 days of purification, and the days are doubled if she bears a daughter. But those who believe that “all these comandments” must be obeyed are not demanding that Red Lobster restaurants be closed down, or that a woman should be locked up for one or two months after she has a child. Then there are the sexual prohibitions listed in Chapters 18 and 20. There are a lot of verses that start with “Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of...” and in 18:20 we find “Moreover, thou shalt not lie carnally with thy neighbor’s wife, to defile thyself with her,” which is repeated in 20:10, “And a man that committeth adultery with another man’s wife .... the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.” We no longer kill adulterers, in fact sometimes we elect them to public office. John McCain divorced his wife, the mother of his three children, to marry a rich young woman after he got back from Vietnam. Obama has been, and still is, married to the mother of his children.Then in Leviticus 19:19 we find “...neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee.” I wonder what Leviticus would have said about polyester/cotton blends. And don’t forget that procedures for worship (Leviticus Chapters 1—10) almost invariably require killing an animal and sprinkling its blood on the alter. We don’t do this any more. So isn’t it time that we no longer despise and reject homosexuals, and deny them the comfort and legal protections of a domestic partnership?

August 25, 2008 6:30 PM
Irv said...

OBAMA SUPPORTS SAME-SEXERS(and supports the "rights" of young kids to view public depravity!)Google "Americans for Truth," click on "Zombietime" [or go directly to:], then click on "Up Your Alley Fair"! After recovering from the uncensored photos, Yahoo "God to Same-Sexers: Hurry Up" on the "ucmpage" listing (even Jesus told Judas to hurry up - John 13:27). Also Yahoo "Dangerous Radicals of the Religious Right." See all of this before the predicted California earthquake happens a la Rev. 16:19 ("the cities of the nations fell") - and before hurricanes and other conscience-stirring disasters occur elsewhere!Irv(Obama, Pelosi, and Newsom did NOT approve of this message.)
August 25, 2008 9:24 PM
Christ's Love to you all, Dewey Sharon and family

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Archives Now Available/Update at Deweys Daily Cup! KKIM/DDC

Hi KKIM Family,

I just wanted to pass along the word that I have a HUGE praise note! For more than a couple of years, and I am sure some gave up on us, we have said that one day we would have Daily Cup Archives. Well PRAISE GOD that day has come thanks to Our Lord and Jannetta La Mort. I remember years ago my dear friend Doug Moore at WFRN said we should do it has happened! So just go to you can read many past DDC's! Read and enjoy and PRAISE GOD!

before I leave..........

Put in a few good words........

If you've ever said hurtful things(like me), you know harsh words impoverish the spirit.

"Words challenge and change us. Words deeply effect us. An unruly and unkind tongue can wound us." explains Paul F. Davis, author of breakthrough for a Broken heart. "That being said, anything spoken to you contrary to the Word of God can be discarded as you renew your mind according to Scripture."

Learn to combat negative words with God's Word. If someone says to you, "You are a loser," don't think on that untruth. Instead, remind yourself that God says, "You are the head and not the tail. You are an over comer! You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength."

What are you saying to your friends, family, co-workers, and acquaintances? Do you build up with your words, or do you tear down?

"taming the tongue begins with harnessing your emotions and the anger within," Davis said. "Our words essentially are an overflow of what dwells within our hearts. Purify your heart and your speech will coincide."

Practice building up the people in your life this week. Start with phrases like these:

"You make my life happier just being in it."

"I love you, and believe in you."

"You have special qualities that no one else has."

"You are a gift from God."

And finally these words: "You can do it!" Yes, you can change the way you give and receive words. And it's a powerful choice.

This is from the August edition of Home Life magazine.

I did two things as I wrote this...........asked for forgiveness from those who I have offended by my words and then told Sharon and text the kids many "BUILD UP" words.

Singer John Waller is encouraging people to consider the power of their words through his hit song, "The Blessing"

He says he based the song's lyrics on Deuteronomy 30:19 "The power to bless and to curse is in the tongue."

I was not going to post and write all this but the Lord moved within me today to share this with you all...................

One more thing from Jose at Jose reports for KKIM during the Legislative season.

The Bible is Illegal at the Democratic Convention
Jose Vasquez August 25th, 2008

Dear Friends,

Please pray for those attending the Democratic Convention this week.

On May 29, 2008, Colorado’s Democratic Governor Bill Ritter signed into law Senate Bill 200, which makes it illegal to say anything derogatory about homosexuals. Senate Bill 200 expands Colorado’s “anti-discrimination” law to cover sexual orientation, not only homosexuality and bisexuality, but also an undefined condition called “transgender” which appears to occur only as a perception of the individual so affected. The result is that a transgender man is now legally allowed into women’s bathrooms and locker rooms.

To speak ill of anyone’s sexual orientation is a violations of this law and is punishable by a fine up to three hundred dollars and imprisonment for not more than one year.

The Bible speaks clearly and definitively against homosexuality in several passages as it does in Romans 1:26-27. There is a problem here, then, with anyone traveling to Denver this week to the Democratic Convention. These Bible verses are “hate speech” and therefore against the law. And you may not want to share a bathroom with a person of the opposite sex.

Just to make sure, we checked the 2008 Democratic Platform. The convention states, “Democrats will fight to end discrimination based on race, sex, ethnicity, national origin, language, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, and disability in every corner of our country, because that’s the America we believe in.” [Democratic Platform Page 52]

Apparently freedom of religion includes everything but Christians and freedom of speech does not include our Bible.

God bless you for your prayers.

In the name of Jesus,

Jose Vasquez

God's Love to you all,

Dewey Sharon and family

Monday, August 25, 2008



Good Morning KKIM Family!

May the PEACE and STRENGTH of the LORD be with You and Yours!

And Jesus said,"Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire." Matthew 7:19

Please keep our little doggie in your prayers, Reno, we are taking him to the vet today.......we are praying he does not have a reoccurrence of heart worm. Reno is so much of our life!

Those of you who have pets know how that goes!

Yesterday we played in a double header and swept "No Excuses" As many as you know I play on the Rapid MVD team on Sundays in Rio Rancho. I had 6 hits and played lady asked me what medicine I take to be able to play short-stop!!! I said I am married to Sharon and the POWER of the Lord!

Tonight is the night of Heights Christian Church and First Family Church go at it on the softball. After Nathan, from KFLQ and First Family and of Heights Christian Church squared off on both of our radio stations we will see who has it on the field! As Nathan and Dan from KFLQ said about all this, "There is GOOD blood brewing here!" It is so cool to see Christian Radio come together and have fun in the LORD together! Nothing but GOOD can come out of this!!!!

WOW! Becky and Mike from New Mexico Marriages First, heard Sundays at 8:30am on KKIM, told me that by Monday morning their web site has over 500 hits now because of listeners going to their web site for the notes from the show! PRAISE GOD!!!! That means many things........people want to work on their marriages and the listener ship for KKIM continues to grow with excellent New Mexico based programs like Becky and Mike put on every week. KKIM has more local ministries on than ever before and the Lord has guided us this way to be locally connected. I PRAISE GOD for this, it is all of HIS making! If you have not caught Becky and Mike's show you need to! KKIM is now the number One Christian Station in the Santa Fe market! PRAISE GOD!!! We give all PRAISE and GLORY to the LORD!

We now have another new feature on KKIM!!! John Paul is our own weatherman! Send him your Church's or organizations announcements and he will talk about them during is weather reports! You can email him from the new KKIM web site.

Have you visited the new KKIM web site? Let me know what you think!

Do you still get the CUP by email or do you just go to the web site? Let us know as we think all this through.........wether we should keep sending it through AOL, or just post on the web site. Your feedback on all this is so important, so would you please let us hear from you!

We do have challenges, so keep us in your prayers!

Our dear friends in Santa Fe, Jose and Miki Vasquez have started a web site They have sacrificed much in fighting for Families here in New Mexico. Jose reported for KKIM from the Roundhouse (State Legislature) during the past session. This web site is full of excellent info for us all. Please visit the site and support Jose and Miki's efforts!

Hey Dewey:Like your web page. Home page shows some edit commands. Didn't have time to check them out. Maybe a review is needed to make sure "edit" is the appropriate name for the link. (NOW FIXED THANKS JANICE)Terrific job. When I get lost in the policy part of serving, I check Dewey's Daily Cup to be reminded of what touches people everyday. Thank you for your service to New Mexico.
Janice E. Arnold-JonesRepresentative, House District 247713 Sierra Azul NEAlbuquerque, NM 87110(505) 379-0902 cell(505) 938-3141 work(505) 938-3160 fax

Janice is such a blessing to New Mexico!

Also just got this from Janice on the Special session.........

Hey Dewey!Back home. Weary! Great cup! Just what I needed today.We did our best and surprisingly there was more reasoned discourse than I have experienced in any other session.Being asked to spend, money now, that is based on a projection of volatile oil and gas prices, and declining GRT revenues, money that really won't exist until 2010 made us very queasy. What we appropriated was $1,000,000.00 beyond are existing reserves. Liquid reserves are supposed to be about 10% of the budget. Closer to 4%. We have on hand today about $125 million. We appropriated 126 million.The "Refundable Tax Credit" was diminished, will not arrive until November and IS taxable income for Federal Income Taxes. Looking for a silver lining -- perhaps the small amount will not hurt those on the cusp of SSI etc.Unseen, we got to a number of process issues. As a result, I am hoping for an improvement of services (and attitude) for and toward our citizens.

Thanks for the update Janice!

I am very thankful to our Lord for the relationships we are building with our State Legislators like Janice and State Rep. Notra Espinoza...........

Dear Friends in Christ,

There will be a Faith and Family rally at the State Capitol of New Mexico August 29, 2008 at 3:30pm. The rally aims to create a supportive platform on the value of the family and on issues of general concern will be highlighted by the people who are trying to help this state. We are delighted to extend this formal invitation for you and anyone that represent you.

3:30 Welcoming everyone to the Faith and Family Rally on the Capital steps.
3:35pm Posting of the Colors
3:40pm -Praying over the People of New Mexico, also praying for the Senators and Congress of the State Capital.
3:45pm Rev. Burns
3:55 State Representative and Senators speak about what they are doing in the legislature to help strengthen the families of New Mexico
Close 4:30pm

I will be going to Santa Fe Friday and wanted to inform you of this event.
Nora Espinoza
State Representative

Here is a really neat prayer guide from Pat Outlaw............

Prayer Guide for the Presidential Election
It is critical that Christians pray for the coming presidential election. There is amazing power in united prayer. Please print out this prayer guide and pray daily until the election. Pray with others whenever possible. The power of prayer can overcome any obstacle or ungodly influence and, indeed, do great things! Please forward this to every Christian you know.
08/01 –08/07
32:6-7 - Pray that Christians will be motivated to pray faithfully for this election and that the Lord would deliver us from the wrong leaders.
08/08 –08/14
Psalm 16:7-8 - Pray that the Lord would give wise counsel and guidance to His choice for president in this campaign.
08/15 –08/21
Proverbs 16:13 - Pray that our nation will listen to the truth and not be led astray.
08/22 –08/28
Psalm 18:32-36 - Pray that the Lord would arm the man of His choice with strength; that He would guide him in battle (this election), and that He would sustain him and give him victory.
08/29 –09/04
Hebrews 11:32-34 – Pray that God's man could, through faith, persevere and maintain his courage throughout this election.
09/05 –09/11
Psalm 125 - Pray that those who trust in the Lord will not be shaken.
09/12 - 09/18
Psalm 86:14-17 - Pray that the Lord would defeat those who have no regard for Him in this election.
09/19 - 09/25
2 Cor. 12:9 – Pray that the Lord would empower and enable his man in any area of weakness.
09/26 - 10/02
II Kings 13:16 - Pray that the Lord would put His hands on the man of His choice for president (and his team) and guide them in this election.
10/03 - 10/09
Proverbs 1:5-6 - Pray that God's man will listen with discernment, add to his knowledge, and receive wise counsel in this campaign.
10/10- 10/16
John 16:33 - Pray that the man of God's choice would be given wisdom and ability from the Lord to overcome any obstacle or difficulty during this campaign.
10/17- 10/23
Acts 17:30 - Pray for repentance for yourself and for our nation.
10/24-10 /30
Luke 12:54-57 – Pray that God's man and our nation will be discerning and do what is right.
10/31- 11/06
Phil. 4:13 - Pray that the Lord's choice for President will have special strength and unusual ability from God.
11/07-11 /11
1:5 and 3:2 - Pray that the Lord would do something that would utterly amaze us and give His servant victory.
During the days of Nov. 7 - 11, be encouraged to set aside a time of fasting during these days to commit this election to the Lord in whom we put our trust. Acts 14:23
Remember 2 Chronicle 7:14: 'If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.'

Thank you so much for sharing Pat. many ask what can we do........we can PRAY!

Sandy gives us an update on Janet...........

My friend Janet may go home on Monday or Tuesday. She has come a long way in her recovery. She is trying to eat solid foods but is having a hard time digesting them. She is finally off her oxygen and was able to walk from her room outdoors today. While she has a long way to go, she is doing a million times better than when I first saw her a week ago! Praise God for HIs healing hands!Sandy

Here's the latest on Paul Rieth's condition... as of Saturday Aug 23,08Paul seems to be becoming more aware and with that knowledge comes a greater struggle within him. He is fighting pain, fever and pneumonia. This was not an easy day for him. Please pray for his physical healing and peace of mind."To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul; In you I trust, O my God." Ps. 25:1-2Frank

This prayer need from John Robb of Vision America..........

Dear Friends,
David, leader of the prayer network in Angola is asking that we once again pray for his nation. Six years ago some of you will remember the marvelous prayer breakthrough that brought peace to this nation after three decades of bloody conflict. Since then, he reports that much has been done to resettle war displaced families and in building infrastructure that had been destroyed by the civil war. David shares the following prayer concerns for the upcoming national elections on September 6:
“The country’s first elections in its history held in 1992 were contested by the opposition, resulting in the eruption of war in which over one million people were killed and 200.000 families were displaced. The second elections have been convened for September 5 this year with a mixture of optimism and pessimism as to what the outcome of these elections will be.... The fear that these forthcoming elections may again result in bloodshed is a trauma that has to be overcome. We thank God for what He did in the past, bringing peace to our country as the result of your prayers. We once again appreciate your prayer support in following issues:
1. That evil spirit powers involved in stirring up violence and destruction will be bound in the authority the Lord gives us in united prayer.
2. That a clear framework for elections will be established and that honest good leaders will be raised up to lead the nation.
3. Pray for church leadership and for a strong, united prayer response by Christians inside and outside of the country.
4. For the healing of trauma and effects of war that still affect many people and families.
5. For true peace and stability to come, enabling an end of social injustice, corruption and violence that may continue to hinder the country from obtaining its full potential.
6. For the strengthening of the prayer movement which is spreading throughout the country and for raising up and enabling more intercessors.
Next week, the North American Prayer Summit will be held in Colorado Springs, Colorado, August 26-28. Canadian, Mexican and American prayer leaders will be joined by others with a strong burden to pray for our region. They will be coming from England, India and the islands of the South Pacific at their own expense to intercede with us during this critical time, especially for the USA in our national election. Would you please join us in prayer for His anointing, guidance, unity and clarity as we meet together? Pray that as a diverse international group, we will be able to get on the Lord’s wave length, hearing clearly what He is saying and responding appropriately.
Immediately after the North American summit, August 29-30, the Mexican leaders will come down to New Mexico to visit our native American tribal groups (pueblos) to ask forgiveness for the sins of their ancestors (Spaniards and Mexicans) who were guilty of awful exploitation and even atrocities in their conquest of this land over 400 years ago. The wounds of history persist, manifesting in alcoholism and depression, suspicion of outsiders and resistance to the Gospel. Please pray with us for open doors and hearts and for true reconciliation and healing that will bring Christ’s liberation to the pueblo peoples.
Thanks so much for your keeping these concerns in your hearts over the coming week.
Warm greetings,
John Robb

Jan and Mike sent in this FUNNY BONE from their 87 year old cousin............

Hospital regulations require a wheel chair for patients being discharged. However, while working as a student nurse, I found one elderly gentleman already dressed and sitting on the bed with a suitcase at his feet, who insisted he didn't need my
help to leave the hospital.After a chat about rules being rules, he reluctantly let me wheel him to the elevator.

On the way down I asked him if his wife was meeting him.'I don't know,' he said. 'She's still upstairs in the bathroom changing out of her hospital gown.'

What Love means to a 4-8 year old (and some baby boomers) :0)

Slow down for three minutes to read this. It is so worth it. Touching words from the mouth of babes. A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, 'What does love mean?'The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think:

'When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore.So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love.'
Rebecca- age 8
'When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different.You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.'
Billy - age 4
'Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other.'
Karl - age 5------------------------------------------------------------

Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs.'
Chrissy - age 6------------------------------------------------------------

'Love is what makes you smile when you're tired.'
Terri - age 4------------------------------------------------------------

'Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK.'
Danny - age 7------------------------------------------------------------

'Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more.My Mommy and Daddy are like that. They look gross when they kiss'
Emily - age 8------------------------------------------------------------

'Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.'
Bobby - age 7 (Wow!)------------------------------------------------------------

'If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate,'
Nikka - age 6(we need a few million more Nikka's on this planet)------------------------------------------------------------

'Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday.'
Noelle - age 7------------------------------------------------------------

'Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well.'
Tommy - age 6------------------------------------------------------------

'During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling.
He was the only one doing that. I wasn't scared anymore.'
Cindy - age 8-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'My mommy loves me more than anybodyYou don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night.'
Clare - age 6------------------------------------------------------------

'Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken.'
Elaine-age 5------------------------------------------------------------

'Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford.'
Chris - age 7------------------------------------------------------------

'Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day.'
Mary Ann - age 4------------------------------------------------------------

'I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones.'
Lauren - age 4------------------------------------------------------------

'When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you.' (what an image)
Karen - age 7------------------------------------------------------------

'Love is when Mommy sees Daddy on the toilet and she doesn't think it's gross.'
Mark - age 6------------------------------------------------------------

'You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget.'
Jessica - age 8------------------------------------------------------------

And the final one -- Author and lecturer Leo Buscaglia once talked about a contest he was asked to judge.

The purpose of the contest was to find the most caring child.

The winner was a four year old child whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife.

Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's
yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there.
When his Mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said,
'Nothing, I just helped him cry'------------------------------------------------------------

When there is nothing left but God, that is when you find out that God is all you need. Heavenly Father, please bless all my friends in whatever it is that You know they may be needing this day! And may their life be full of Your peace, prosperity and power as he/she seeks to have a closer relationship with You. Amen.

Thanks Nic AND HERE IS kAREN rOWE........

Good Morning!!! This is the day the LORD has made!!! Let us rejoice and be glad in it!!! I hope this finds you all well…No matter what our circumstances, “All is good when all is well with my soul! “

Thank you for allowing me to come to you again today. I write and share as the LORD enables me. I share because I want to exalt Jesus and for the glory of God, because
What HE does for me, is no different than all HE can do for you. I write to encourage seeking God and receiving Jesus…only God knows how HE will use this, but I am certain that HE can use all things to do great things in the name of Jesus!!!

Do we have a choice? By Karen Rowe

John 14:27
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives."
"Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
Thank you Rev. Jesse Alston!!!...My friend and Spiritual mentor.

“Do not let your hearts be troubled”…“Do not”…means we have a choice…

This is an awesome scripture!!! To me, I received it yesterday, as I received God's grace in other areas… that all kind of encircled this ‘training’ …growth in Christ that I was going through...

I was going through some ‘growing pains’...

I was seeking balance…in serving God, my husband, children, …, …, … and feeling like a failure at all of them!

So I took a walk with God…

I asked God, "How do I please you?"

HIS answer was simply,
“Love the LORD your God with all your heart, mind, body and soul.”

I knew too in that moment, that it also pleases God to serve my family, whom HE loves too!
I already knew this...and I love my family and I love pleasing my family, as I enjoy pleasing God, but I was struggling with balance...
God wants us to be well balanced and not troubled...we can seek to be too perfect in our self.... to the point of a troubled heart...we can only be made perfect in Christ...

Being obedient to God IS… 1st loving HIM and then the learning begins…

We can do great things though Christ…We need to trust HIM in our heart for all things and not be held down or troubled by anything that sits uneasy inside of us…

On this same day, same walk, I was also ‘troubled’… (I called it beating myself up) for making a mistake that I would never make, but I did…

We all make mistakes…I made a mistake in the checkbook that made me ‘feel’ stupid…I was allowing that thought to fester inside of me about all after noon…until on this walk, I remembered what God said, “Do not let your heart be troubled”

Is there anything that makes you feel like this??? We have a choice not to let our hearts be troubled!!! In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we have a choice!

I had a choice!!! I quit beating myself up and realized how silly it was to fret over that little mistake…no matter how big or stupid it was…and it went away…Praise the LORD!!!
I allowed God’s peace to come into me…once I took my mind off of that ‘trouble’.

So what? We make mistakes!
We are not supposed to live under mistakes!!!
We are supposed to live under the Grace of God!!!

My prayer for you is to remember that scripture and “Do not let your heart be troubled” and to love God with your whole heart, mind, body and soul. The blood of Jesus is powerful enough to cleanse each of us of all sin…don’t carry it with you when Jesus can forget it…and the Grace of God is so wonderful that He makes us new!!!

To be a new and changed person…a scripture that God has placed on my heart to share…because we do have control over “choices” that offend our body…and remembering what God spoke to my heart, ...
HIS answer was simply,
“Love the LORD your God with all your heart, mind, body and soul.”

1 Corinthians 6: 18
“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.”

And through Christ we are made new…ask, receive, and thank HIM. And do not be troubled or afraid…

Mark 12:29-31 (About commandments):
"The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord our God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."

…we can carry a guilt that gets us no where!!!
But why, when we have the strength of Christ to make good and wise choices today!!! Praise the LORD!!!

I believe that scripture is needed very deep in our mind and soul...
...serving God is not about 'me' it is about HIM, so let not our hearts be God and lean on HIM in all things.

Remember, we are not to be held down by our mistakes of the past, or by feelings of failure; ...
We are to grow steadily toward pleasing God in all that we do and it all starts by making that 1st choice
…our mistakes may be different, but the love and forgiveness of God is the same...

Sharing as I learn and for the…
Love in Christ,
Karen Rowe

ELECTION 2008Obama promoting homosexuality, report card revealsAssessment outlines stark difference in leading candidates' positions
Posted: August 22, 200810:39 pm Eastern© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama has a long and established record of promoting homosexuality in contrast to the presumptive GOP candidate, Sen. John McCain., according to a new report card issued by a pro-family organization in Cali fornia.
The report card, which has been posted online, was produced by the Campaign for Children and Families, which said it isn't taking a position on the political candidates but wanted people to see the "unrepudiated positions" of the candidates on issues including homosexual "marriage," teaching homosexuality to school children and adoption by homosexuals.
"Let the record show that John McCain and Barack Obama are polar opposites on partial-birth abortion, parental notification of abortion, marriage protection on the ballot, homosexual indoctrination of schoolchildren, gay adoptions, gun-owner rights, activist judges, and raising taxes," said Randy Thomasson, president of Campaign for Children and Families. "No one should base their vote on personality or mere feelings. Our carefully researched report card shows you exactly where Obama and McCain stand on issues of importance to voters, their families, and our nation's future."
(Story continues below)

Obama in June told a homosexual activist group he opposes the "divisive and discriminatory efforts" to install in the California constitution a definition of marriage limiting that status to one man and one woman, the report card says.
His wife, Michelle, told the Democratic National Commmittee's "Gay" and Lesbian Leadership Council, "Barack has made crystal clear his commitment to ensuring full equality for LGBT couples … that's why he opposes all divisive and discriminatory constitutuional amendments, whether it's a proposed amendment to the California and Florida constitutions or the U.S. Constitution."
McCain has said he supports California's marriage amendment proposal, which voters put on the November ballot.
Obama also has supported teaching school children to think favorably about homosexuality, the report card said.
During a Democratic presidential debate at Dartmouth last year, former Sen. John Edwards, responding to a question, said he would want children exposed to positive portrayals of homosexuality in the second grade.
"You know, I feel very similar to John," Obama said. "That … you know, the fact is my nine-year-old and my six year olds, I think are already aware that there are same-sex couples. And my wife and I have alrea dy talked about it."
Meanwhile, McCain voted against federal funding for schools that promote homosexuality to school children.
On a third issue, Obama opposes a ban on adoptions based solely on sexual orientation, according to his response to a questionnaire from the Human Rights Campaign. He said in a letter to the Family Equality Council "we have to extend equal treatment in our family and adoption laws" to LGBT families.
McCain, who with his wife has an adopted daughter, said, "I don't believe in gay adoption."
The report card reveals additional opposite positions on allowing local governments to ban gun ownership, with Obama supporting a District of Columbia handgun ban that later was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court. McCain has affirmed the 2nd Amendment "guarantees an individual right to keep and bear arms. And to argue anything else is to reject the clear meaning of our founding fathers."
Obama also has affirmed he would select judges because of their "heart" and "empathy" as well as their ability to have a "broader vision of what America should be." McCain has stated his desire for candidates with "a proven commitment to judicial restraint."
On taxes, the report card said Obama will raise then, while McCain "has pledged to veto any tax increase and says he supports making existing tax cuts permanent."
The two remaining assessments involve abortion, an issue that has enveloped the Obama campaign in recent days as reports have confirmed his statements as a state lawmaker appeared to express concern about the "burden" of offering medical assistance to a baby who survives an abortion.
The report card said Obama has opposed government regulation of even partial-birth abortions, while McCain has sponsored a ban on the procedure he described as "odious." Obama also has opposed notifying parents before an abortion can be peformed on their minor daughters, while McCain co-sponsored legislation to prohibit taking minors across state lines to circumvent parental notification laws.
"The American people have come together to say that partial-birth abortion offends our national conscience, that taxpayers should not be forced to pay for elective abortions, and that states should be allowed to enact parental notification laws," McCain told the National Right to Life convention in July.
The CCF, a leading California-based organization representing children and families in California and America, says it stands for marriage and family, parental rights, the sanctity of human life, religious freedom and back-to-basics education. The group said it provided the report to document candidates' positions "that matter to families."

May God be with You and Yours,

Dewey Sharon and family



Dear Friend of KKIM Radio,

I just want to share with you how the LORD is blessing the Radio Ministry of KKIM. We Give Glory and honor to Jesus Christ!

WOW! Becky and Mike from New Mexico Marriages First, heard Sundays at 8:30am on KKIM, told me that by Monday morning their web site has over 500 hits now because of listeners going to their web site for the notes from the show! PRAISE GOD!!!! That means many things........people want to work on their marriages and the listener ship for KKIM continues to grow with excellent New Mexico based programs like Becky and Mike put on every week. KKIM has more local ministries on than ever before and the Lord has guided us this way to be locally connected. I PRAISE GOD for this, it is all of HIS making! If you have not caught Becky and Mike's show you need to! KKIM is now the number One Christian Station in the Santa Fe market! PRAISE GOD!!! We give all PRAISE and GLORY to the LORD!

We now have another new feature on KKIM!!! John Paul is our own weatherman! Send him your Church's or organizations announcements and he will talk about them during is weather reports! You can email him from the new KKIM web site.

Have you visited the new KKIM web site? Let me know what you think!

And.............We are thankful to our LORD for the relationships we are making with leaders of our State..........

Hey Dewey:Like your web page. Home page shows some edit commands. Didn't have time to check them out. Maybe a review is needed to make sure "edit" is the appropriate name for the link. (NOW FIXED THANKS JANICE)Terrific job. When I get lost in the policy part of serving, I check Dewey's Daily Cup to be reminded of what touches people everyday. Thank you for your service to New Mexico.
Janice E. Arnold-JonesRepresentative, House District 247713 Sierra Azul NEAlbuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 379-0902 cell (505) 938-3141 work (505) 938-3160 fax

Janice is such a blessing to New Mexico!

Also just got this from Janice on the Special session.........

Hey Dewey!Back home. Weary! Great cup! Just what I needed today.We did our best and surprisingly there was more reasoned discourse than I have experienced in any other session.Being asked to spend, money now, that is based on a projection of volatile oil and gas prices, and declining GRT revenues, money that really won't exist until 2010 made us very queasy. What we appropriated was $1,000,000.00 beyond are existing reserves. Liquid reserves are supposed to be about 10% of the budget. Closer to 4%. We have on hand today about $125 million. We appropriated 126 million.The "Refundable Tax Credit" was diminished, will not arrive until November and IS taxable income for Federal Income Taxes. Looking for a silver lining -- perhaps the small amount will not hurt those on the cusp of SSI etc.Unseen, we got to a number of process issues. As a result, I am hoping for an improvement of services (and attitude) for and toward our citizens.

Thanks for the update Janice!

Friday, August 22, 2008



Good Morning KKIM Family!

May the Peace and STRENGTH of our Lord be with You and Yours!
I have got to start this off with a FUNNY BONE from Jan and Mike it is so AWESOME!
Hi Dewey,
Mike’s cousin from Minnesota sent these, he is 87 years old…..looks and acts like he is 50!!! Take care, Jan B.

You older folks will enjoy this. You younger folks can use it to see into the future.
An elderly gentleman...Had serious hearing problems for a number
of years. He went to the doctor and the
doctor was able to have him fitted for a set
of hearing aids that allowed the gentleman
to hear 100% . The elderly gentleman went
back in a month to the doctor and the
doctor said, 'Your hearing is perfect. Your
family must be really pleased that you can
hear again.' The gentleman replied, 'Oh, I haven't told
my family yet. I just sit around and listen
to the conversations. I've changed my will
three times!'

Thanks Jan and Mike we all needed that!
I am going to be on KFLQ Family Life Radio this morning at about 8:15........with a softball challenge for Nathan and Dan. I play on the Heights Christian team and we play the team Nathan manages, First Family, Monday night! This should be FUN!!!! Nathan may join Grant and I today at 4:30 on KKIM!
You missed this if you did not catch New Mexico News and Views yesterday.........
Jenny talked how she was arrested 24 times as a juvenile. Jenny also spent time not just in D hall as they call it, but in prison. She has turned her life over to Jesus now and is clean and married. She lives in Albuquerque. We have for months talked about the problem of repeat offenders on New Mexico News and Views, but we must not give up on them. Jenny is proof of that and now she ministers to people that are in the same boat she was in at one time in her life! New Mexico News and Views can be heard weekdays on KKIM at 4:30! What a gift this program has been from the LORD!
Brenda writes that she would like to see a KKIM/DDC breakfast! How about you? Would you all in the Albuquerque/Santa Fe area want to get together for coffee some day in the coming months? Send me an email if you would be interested so we can plan accordingly. I just wish you all could be here for that event if we end up holding it.
A couple times this week I have read scripture to my Uncle Joe by phone, he lives in an assisted living center in Apple Valley, Minnesota. One of those verses was..........
"and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.
"but everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand Matthew 7: 25-26
Is your life built on the rock or sand?
Please pray for Sharon's Dad as his dementia has worsened.
Please pray for the David North family. David's wife, Cindy passed away this week.
Please check out the new KKIM new web site!!!! It is AWESOME!!! Let us know what you think. Take the KKIM poll while you are there.
We have had a lot of emails since my posting on abortion. I am now going to empty some of the mailbag...................

Dewey, we so admire you for getting serious about LIFE. We arebehind you 100%, and are so impressed (and glad) to see that youare a man with the courage to take a stand that will not necessarilybe admired by the politically correct media. Thank you for followingGod's call in the middle of the night.A friend forwarded me the message below, which talks about two veryimportant men who don't have the insight and God's strong call thatyou have declared to the world.God bless you!Miki Vasquez----- Original Message -----From: Anna HigginsSent: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 10:31 AMSubject: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The Men Running for President Need to GetSeriousFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAugust 20, 2008FOR MORE INFORMATION:NATALIE BELL(202) 488-7000, ext. 126The Men Running for President Need to Get SeriousAbortion Is Not a Political GameWashington, D.C. - Concerned Women for America (CWA) today called on boththe Republican and Democrat candidates to get serious about thedeadliest issue facing America. Wendy Wright, president of CWA, hadsome tough words for the men running for president of the United States."These two men need to stop acting like abortion is a game of politicaltheater. To treat abortion as they have both been doing over the lastfew days, as a mere means of manipulating voters, is not acceptable toAmericans but especially not to women. Abortion is no more a politicaltool today than slavery was 150 years ago. Today's paramount humanrights issue - the right to live - is not a toy for political cynics. They need to realize that Americans care too much for women - many ofwhom have suffered from abortion's effects - and babies to accept howthese men have treated abortion. Unborn children deserve basic humanrights and their struggling mothers need better options. Obama andMcCain need to get serious."In recent days, John McCain appeared at a major evangelical church wherehe seemed to stand firm on pro-life principles. Yet he followed up afine performance with public hints that he is considering a pro-abortionvice presidential pick. A running mate, the person who would be oneheartbeat away from the presidency, must be as serious about protectinginnocent life as the person on the top of the ticket. As the nation'slargest pro-life women's organization, CWA calls on John McCain tovalidate his pro-life credentials by choosing a running mate thatsupports his party's pro-life position. Anything short of a 100%pro-life running mate will lead to conservative women staying home onElection Day.In recent days, Barack Obama created an embarrassing spectacle in whichhe was shown to be less than candid about his position on importantbills to protect already born babies who survived abortion. CWA helpedexpose the inhumane practice of "live birth abortions" and worked topass "Born Alive Infant Protection" bills at the federal and statelevel. Contrary to Obama's claim that there was no need for a statebill, CWA requested a legal analysis from the Illinois Attorney Generalwho clearly stated that the current law did not extend to babies bornalive after abortions. Obama can't seem to decide whether that kind oflegislation is worth understanding much less supporting. Pay attentionSenator! The bottom line is that Obama opposed life-saving legislationfor babies who were already born. In his own words, that "defiescommon sense" and "defies imagination." Women don't think the ideaof protecting children is above anyone's pay grade.Wright noted, "Americans deserve better than this from theirpresidential candidates. We are talking about real people here, realwomen who are carrying real babies. Abortion is a horrific blot on ournational honor and we need some real men with a backbone to stand up forthem. John McCain and Barack Obama need to get serious about thisparamount issue. Don't leave all the tough battles for us women tofight. Come on, guys, get serious. Join us in fighting for life."Concerned Women for America is the nation's largest public policywomen's organization.
Amen Dewey! Thanks for your courage. May the Lord bring you wisdom in your dealings with political people! ~Shelly
AMEN Dewey. Protecting the weak ones from being murdered is at the top of God’s commands to His children…end of discussion. How can a Christian not vote for the best candidate on this issue in this Presidential race?!

Have a great day.

Dear Dewey,

Your heart is so close the God and I appreciate all that you do for God.

God is so good!!! Jesus is alive and all is so good!!!

I don't know why I feel lead to write to you today, but I just wanted to encourage you in the LORD!!!

From The Daily Bread:

"If we keep doing what is right--
And serving Christ each day,
We need not fear what others think
Nor what the critics say.---D. De Haan

1Peter 2:12
"When they speak against you as evildoers, they may, by your good works which they observe, glorify God."

I am sure that you are far ahead of me, but God just took me through breaking my worry of trying to please people....
What a freedom to just try to please God! I am just so thankful for God teaching me and loving me and I just wanted to take a moment to encourage you in the LORD!!!

Also, I am glad that you had time for a vacation! You sounded so refreshed!!! Love all that you are doing with the web sites! Keep up the good work...kkim is growing like wildfire isn't it!!! Praise the LORD!!!

The last writing from you about abortion and the election was powerful in the LORD. What a blessing that HE is watching over our country and HIS people. I received it well! The world needs to hear God's heart...

Have a blessed day!
Love and Prayers

Amen, Amen, Amen........ Keep spreading the truth Dewey.
Please pray for me. My wife is a Hopeline counselor on Dawson McAllisters show and I have been going through the training to start soon. The evil one keeps trying to put doubts about my inadequacy in my mind. Please pray for me. Thanks a million Dewey and God Bless!! Paul

Dewey,The website is great. You are so right....we must be unwavering in proclaiming the truth. It is time the adults were in charge.Blessings,Larry

Obama under fire over his votes against 'born alive' legislation in Illinois
By CHRISTOPHER WILLS , Associated Press
August 19, 2008
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. - Painted during the Democratic primary as weak on abortion rights, Barack Obama is now being portrayed by opponents of abortion as an extremist who literally supports killing babies.
Both portraits are based on his handling of a related issue in the Illinois Senate, and Obama insists they distort his position.
The Democratic presidential candidate says he firmly supports a woman's right to choose but can accept some restrictions — including a requirement that medical care be provided for any fetus that survives an abortion.
"For people to suggest that I and the Illinois Medical Society, so Illinois' doctors, were somehow in favor of withholding lifesaving support from an infant born alive is ridiculous," he recently told the Christian Broadcasting Network. "It defies common sense and it defies imagination."
But as a state senator, Obama repeatedly voted against that requirement and other restrictions on what opponents label "bor n alive" abortions. Obama says he opposed it because of technical language that might have interfered with a woman's right to choose and because Illinois law already required medical care in such situations.
Hillary Rodham Clinton argued during the primary that Obama hadn't been vocal enough in his opposition to this and other abortion legislation, and questioned his commitment to protecting women's access to abortion.
Abortion opponents say Obama's position amounts to an endorsement of killing babies, and that he has lied about it.
"Barack Obama is so radically pro-abortion he supports infanticide," Jill Stanek, an Illinois nurse and anti-abortion activist, wrote on her Web site.
"Justifying the killing of newborn babies is deeply troubling," former Sen. Rick Santorum wrote in a column early this year.
Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor called such statements "distortions and lies."
"The suggestion that Obama — the proud father of two little girls — and others who opposed these bills supported infanticide is deeply offensive and insulting," Vietor said in a statement Tuesday.
The dispute revolves around what happens in rare circumstances when a fetus survives an abortion.
Illinois abortion opponents repeatedly tried to pass laws defining any fetus that survives an abortion as a person with full rights, requiring a second doctor be present to provide medical care and creating=2 0a right to sue on behalf of the infant.
They argued the U.S. Senate had voted 98-0 for a federal Born Alive Infant Protection Act that defined such a fetus as a person, so Illinois lawmakers should have no trouble doing the same thing. President Bush signed the legislation in 2002.
Abortion rights supporters, led by Obama, opposed the Illinois legislation, arguing that it was designed to interfere with abortion. They said doctors were already required to care for any fetus that might survive an abortion; abortion opponents dispute that.
Over the years, Obama repeatedly has said the Illinois measure was different from the federal version in a key way — it lacked language spelling out that it would not interfere with abortion rights. If the Illinois legislation had that provision, he said, he would have backed it.
Now, however, abortion opponents have pointed out that Obama opposed a version of the bill that included a "neutrality clause." The bill was killed in 2003 by a state Senate committee Obama chaired.
"He needs to explain misleading people. He needs to explain why he apparently covered that up," Stanek said.
The Obama campaign's explanation is that even if the federal and state versions had identical language, they would have very different consequences.
The federal government doesn't have a law regulating abortion, so Congress could pass a "born alive" measure without actually affecting anything. But Illinois has an abortion law that would be muddled by changing the definition of a person with full rights, the campaign says.
Pam Sutherland, president of the Illinois Planned Parenthood Council, backs Obama's position. The federal law essentially does nothing, she said, but the same language in Illinois would complicate state abortion laws.
Sutherland noted that Illinois eventually adopted a version of the "born alive" law but only after including a section that specifically states abortion rules would not be affected.
"They're being very dishonest about their depiction of what happened with that bill — or just clueless," she said of abortion opponents.
Sutherland also scoffed at the idea that opposing the legislation is the equivalent of supporting infanticide. "It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous," she said.
Now focused on the general election, Obama wants to show that he may disagree with abortion opponents, but understands and respects their views.
The Democratic Party platform is being revised to bolster the section on reducing the need for abortion. The version awaiting approval at the Democratic convention in Denver says the party supports efforts to prevent unwanted pregnancies and understands the need to help women who choose to have children.
Democratic officials also gave a convention speaking slot to Sen. Bob Casey Jr., D-Pa., who opposes abortion rights.
On the Net :

Here is a note from Carrie............
Hi Dewey,

This is a teaching we (my husband and I) came across as we are studying more of the old testament and teachings from a Noah-ide perspective.

Thought I’d share…..

THE COST OF URGENCYA Teaching from Gershon Salomon
The second-century Rabbi Tarfon was best known for his practical aphorisms, one of the most famous being: "The work is not upon you to finish; nor are you exempt from trying" (Mishnah, Avo't 2:16). This lesson appears to discourage urgency, the desperation we often experience around completing something, fixing something, achieving, accomplishing. We would love to just make everything okay in this world, and we suffer severe disappointment in our failure to do so. No matter how many peace protests we attend, no matter how many petitions we sign, no matter how many rallies for this or that or the other...things just don't seem to always change that much, or make a difference. After a while, it gets tiring and we start to wear down, even throw up our arms, stop trying altogether, and automatically delete those pesky emails that beckon us to forward it to others.And so, Rabbi Tarfon's addage comes along and soothes our dampened spirits with reminding us to cool-out our urgency, our drive to complete, to accomplish -- that the task is not upon us to finish, rather it is upon us to keep trying anyhow. This life is not so much about accomplishment as it is about effort. "In accordance with the degree of the effort," taught Ben Hayhay, one of Tarfon's contemporaries, "is the degree of the reward" (Mishnah, Avo't 5:22).What puzzles me regarding Rabbi Tarfon's teaching about stepping back from urgency is his teaching that appears immediately before it: "The day is short, the work is great, the laborers are lazy, the remuneration is magnanimous, and the master of the house is anxious" (Mishnah, Avo't 2:15) -- seemingly a completely opposite teaching from the more laid-back addage that follows it!Way back in my early days as a yeshiva boy in Jerusalem, I asked one of my teachers, the sagely Rav Efrayim Zeitchik about this. He gave me one of his warm grandfatherly smiles, stroked his long grey disheveled beard and said: "Timing and context. It's all about timing and context. There is no contradiction. Life is short, there is a lot to do in our short lifetime, and to do this work is richly rewarding. But alas! we grow lazy, tired, worn down from trying and trying and trying and seeing little or no results. And God is urging us on, reminding us that -- and this is Tarfon's next sentence in the Mishnah -- that the work is not upon us to necessarily complete, but neither are we exempt from the work itself, from the effort, from the endeavor."Good. Fine. That explains the Context part of the equation. What of the Timing factor?"Timing?" he continued, "timing is everything. The Golden Calf, for instance. David and Bathsheba, for instance."As was his way, he paused and waited, watching me ponder, waiting for me to remember by his clues the teachings of the ancient rabbis about how the Golden Calf was not such a horrible thing to create. What was wrong about it was the urgency with which we built it, not that we made it altogether. We strayed from the path hurriedly, with urgency (Exodus 32:8 and Deuteronomy 9:16). It was the urgency in building it that spun us into worshiping it (Exodus 32:8). Otherwise, it was a meaningful enough sculpture --meaningful enough that several of them adorned the sacred sites of the northern kingdom of Israel without incident and absent the wrath of God or anyone else (Second Kings 10:29). Had our ancestors built the Golden Calf like a week or two later, a couple months later, not out of their desperation for a Moses-substitute, it would have been inconsequential (Rabbi Zeitchik in "Toras Hanefesh," (folio 656).As the third-century Rabbi Shimon bar Chalafta taught: "You set out on a journey, perhaps after the second or third mile you might err in your sense of direction; but certainly not in the first mile! Likewise, did the Holy Blessed One say to our ancestors after they hurriedly built the Golden Calf, 'I would not have expected you to be on the right track in the second cycle of your wanderings, or the third -- but on the first?! I am mystified" (Midrash Exodus Rabbah, Ch. 32).As for David and Bathsheba, they indeed belonged together, just not right then, not in the bubble of time that was born out of David's urgency, out of his desperation to have her right then and there. Had he waited, she would have become his wife under more legitimate circumstances. After all, Solomon, who was destined to continue the dynasty and build the Holy Temple, and whose life mission was so divinely ordained that God called him "My son" (Second Samuel 7:14 and First Chronicles 17:13, 22:10, and 28:26) -- was eventually born of the union of David and Bathsheba, but years later, after the tragic incident of their illicit union (Second Samuel 12:24). Had David waited, had he not acted out of urgency, circumstances would have shifted and Bathsheba would have been unmarried and it would have coincided with the actual time of Solomon's time to arrive on earth. As the ancient rabbis put it: "David and Bathsheba were destined for one another from the time of Creation, but alas! David ate raw [Rashi: 'meaning, he jumped ahead of the destined hour and joined with her illicitly]" (Talmud, Sanhedrin 107a).Context and Timing. What a concept.In the story of David's later warfares, it seems he has indeed learned his lesson. God advises him not to respond to the charging Philistine army until he is given a sign: the branches of the nearby trees will start to shake. The Philistines charge at the Israelites in full force, yelling, screaming, their spears at the ready, aimed right at the hearts of David's warriors who stand firm under his orders, puzzled as to why David was delaying the order to charge. They start complaining to David: "What are we waiting for? We can see the whites of their eyes!" And David says "I am instructed by Adonai not to make a move toward them until I see the branches of the trees begin to shake; and if we attack them before that time, we will surely die. Rather let us die asrighteous beings than we die in disobedience to God. So let you and I lift our eyes toward the Holy Blessed One." In that moment, the branches of the trees began to shake, the Israelites attacked and the victory was theirs (Second Samuel 5:23-25; and Midrash Yalkot Shimo'nee on Second Samuel, No. 142).These ancient lessons clearly advise us to not jump the gun, to work at being patient with what comes at us, with what we study or experience and cannot in the moment understand -- to wait, to let a little time pass before rendering judgment, before jumping to hurried conclusions, before worrying. In so doing, we may stand a far better chance at achieving that which seems to elude us the most: Clarity.

And here is our Karen Rowe..........
Dear God, I thank you for today. In rain or shine, hot or cold, I thank you that my needs were met today.
Through tests and trials, you are above them all. I trust in your name to conquer them all.
I will not worry and do not doubt, because I trust that you know my heart. I know your love and know you say, ‘trust in me and just obey’.

Dear God, You are so wise you already know that I am weak, but made strong through you.
I do and I try, but that won’t do, for through the struggle I need to depend on you.
When I will remember that I forgot you again, I will call upon your name for forgiveness again.

You know in me my every need and I thank you for seeing that I succeed.
I see you unveil the weak heart within in order to make it strong again.
It is more than a try and deeper than a hope, I trust you Dear Father in order to cope.

Dear God, There is no way that I will stray, but I must confess Father that I am weak today.
I ask you to come and I know you say, trust in me and just obey.
You teach me so much from beginning to end and I know that you are with me till the end.
Our hope is in Jesus, I know that is true, because dear Lord I have a friend in you.
These things are just known and I can not doubt; I know you with confidence because you are my heart!

Our life on earth is a mere vapor to you, we are to serve and love and be like you.
Our promise of Heaven is more than hope; your Word is stronger than anyone knows. We take your hand and you won’t let go, your love for us just seems to grow.

Dear God, I fail and I stumble often it seems, but you offer your hand to carry me through.
Your mercy is Greater than I understand for you walked upon this great land.
You set an example, walked in our shoes, taught us that you are the Word and with authority, you set the rules.
You asked us to love even explained why. You made it so easy to live by and by.

Dear God,
Your grace is sufficient and your gifts continue to flow. I must stop and say, thank you dear LORD for my blessings in overflow!
I ask you dear Jesus how I may serve Our Father today and trust that the Holy Spirit will show me the way.

Dear Jesus, You live with Our Father in Heaven and wait. You watch over us now and know our fate.
For us who come to know you now we enjoy you as a friend; An amazing gesture from you, Jesus! You made the Sacrifice that, has no end.

Nothing in this world is above what you did. We thank you Dear Jesus for carrying our cross!
You have blessed so many whether they know it or not…
The last days will come, in that there is no doubt, but for those of us who know you as Christ, it is only the beginning of our new life!
My hope is to serve you and in all that I do and I thank you Jesus for my strength in you. I know you by name and I know who you are…I profess your name Jesus; you are our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ!
I have seen you Jesus and I know you to be true, so many are aching to know you too. My hope is to tell this in all truth that many will come and by found in you.

We have that choice to say those words, “I know you Jesus as my Lord.”

Dear God, Things may seem to some unreal, too much to hope for that you could be REAL! Maybe too much for some to grasp that you really did give Your life for our wrath.
Through violence and torture you endured even more. How much you must love us for a gift so pure.
No price you ask of us to pay, just the offer of love and invitation to come and obey.
Three days you were buried and you rose again, all for us that we have forgiveness for all sin.
And now we live, just as You are alive! Thank You dear Jesus for giving me everlasting LIFE!!!

Just to share and offer a prayer...
God's Blessing be on you...
In Christ's Name, karen rowe

And Now Nic.................
We must stay in the race...and yes it's been extremely difficult at times...yet we know the Lord will make a way some how!!!


"YES, YOU WILL GET THROUGH THIS TRIAL"I saw in the Spirit that some are now in the midst of a circumstance so potentially devastating that fear is drawing near. Others worry that they are beyond the point of recovery. Be reminded that you have a Friend who sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24) and His adhesiveness is stronger than super glue. Do not agree with the accusations of the devil (Revelation 12:10).
The enemy has whispered to some: "You are a loser, a failure; you're washed up, never to recover, always to be known as one who didn't measure up to the call."
Some know what David meant when he said "no man careth for my soul" (Psalm 142:4) and Job when he wrote "My soul is weary of life" (Job 10:1).
This mess, this "no way out" dilemma can and will be turned around (Isaiah 65:24). God's view of what is happening is much different than yours. He will restore your soul (Psalm 23:3), renew your mind (Romans 12:2) and enlighten your eyes (Isaiah 35:5). Yes, He will deliver you (2 Peter 2:9).
Have all deserted you? He will not. If you are in the place of despair and heartache; do not turn away from God, instead:KNOW THAT GOD HAS ALREADY CREATED A PLAN FOR YOUR RECOVERY
While you're having those occasional thoughts of quitting, keep in mind that God is currently behind the scenes putting things back together better than they were before you entered this mess (Jeremiah 29:11).
Some have asked, "God, how long do I have to stay in this valley before You do something?" That's the wrong question. The right question is, "God, how should I conduct myself while You are working on this thing?"
The timing is up to God (and the attitude is up to you), but I'll tell you this: It will take no longer than it has to. Not one second longer. God takes no pleasure in you going through this and seeing you suffer. Yet, He will not waste one of your tears (Isaiah 25:8).
No matter what the obstacles, no matter how many times you have failed, no matter how big the pit you have fallen into, His plan for your recovery is sure (Isaiah 65:24).
Feel like you're being chased by giants? God doesn't lie and He has promised to deliver you even if giants with twelve fingers and twelve toes are chasing you (2 Samuel 21:22).
"He shall deliver thee in six troubles; yea, in seven there shall no evil touch thee" (Job 5:19). "Six troubles, yea even seven" is a Biblical idiom or phrase that means no matter how many troubles (i.e. ka-Zillions) He will deliver you. Get that in your head.
As soon as Peter denied Jesus (John 18:25), God had a plan for Peter's restoration (John 21:17). This wasn't the first time Peter blew it, and it wouldn't be the last; so it is with each of us (Romans 7:19). God knew it was going to happen long ago and He made provision for it. You're not going under, you're going through.
Come high water, come fire or come all the demons of hell, the Lord will deliver you.
David wrote "Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; we went through the fire and through the water: but Thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place" (Psalm 66:12).
This word wealthy means "rich fulfillment." Even though the enemy (and even your own mistakes) may have drained you of hope and strength, God will again bring the rich fullness of His presence into your life. There is no "ifs," "ands," or "buts" about it. He will do it. Why? He's so madly in love with you it's beyond your comprehension (Romans 8:35-39).
When we get discouraged and satan tells us the situation is hopeless, we need to resist (James 4:7) and take a stand (Ephesians 6:13). Remember though, no one overcomes by sitting down. Whatever you do, don't start sulking all day and feeling sorry for yourself. Stop with the "shoulda, coulda, woulda" stuff, dust yourself off and get back to the business of the Kingdom.
Don't try to figure out how He will help you. Don't imagine that suddenly He will say, "Abra Kadabra," like Houdini. Oh, yes, He could do an instant miracle and just might, but He wants you to trust Him to do it His way no matter what that may be.
Paul was stoned (and this was on a good day). His friends supposed he was dead (Acts 14:19-21), but the next day he was on the road to preach the Gospel. Some of you feel like you have been stoned, but you will get up like nothing happened.
The enemy likes to whisper to you that things will not change or turn around. Do not listen to him or anyone who speaks with unbelief. Like a bolt of lightning it will hit you that Jesus won the battle for you and you are called to be a conqueror with Him (Romans 8:37).
No, you may not feel like a conqueror right now, but Jesus has passed the baton to me and you (John 20:21) and He did not promise feelings would always accompany the call.
Rejoice, in all the pain, bewilderment and inner turmoil, God is working to reverse the circumstance and use it for your re-commissioning. You, who thought you were unfit, will re-emerge stronger than ever and the devil will see his work backfire.
Stand up...the horizon is before you. The dawn breaks. Victory is coming and you are one of His warriors!
Here is a note from Franchesca on Red Skelton..........

Some of you will remember this man and some of you weren't born then. He had his own tv show and of all the variety shows on 'back then' - I LOVED HIS THE BEST!! 39 Years ago. How did he know?? .....How right he was. (is) This is so unbelievable. In 1969, how did he know? He passed away many years ago. Red Skelton was a good & funny man. He ended every show by saying, 'GOOD NIGHT AND MAY GOD BLESS.'
Listen to the end of this. It is something he said 39 years ago. Important you listen to the very end! Eerie! Take a moment and listen (from 1969). How would he have known this is what's happening?

May God be with You and Yours, Dewey Sharon and family

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Tuesday Cup with Dewey KKIM/DDC

Good Morning My friends.......

It is an early one here.It is 1:38 Tuesday morning.........The Lord has put this message on my heart BIG TIME so I am up and writing this to you.........When God speaks to us we must take action.

As I write this I am looking at this verse........"Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding." Proverbs 3:13 This is so wonderful as I start to write to you.........

Sharon and I have been in Gloretia which is a great place to get away from it all and gather to listen to God........

God has told me to bring the TRUTH........just do not bring people what I call "BARK" radio and rant and complain, but bring the issue forward and offer a Biblical solution.......

What the Lord has put on my heart is the death of HIS children........

I have an email and phone call from Obama's people wanting to be on my show.


His Faith Advisor, who happens to be Catholic wants to talk about RELIGOUS issues......

I don't get this part, as the Catholic Church is one of the strongest opponents of abortion so there is nothing to discuss as Obama is for abortion. End of discussion.

Okay.......What I want to talk to you all about is ABORTION, the murder of God's Children......

I am getting many emails from many of you telling me to go to NBC News web site and vote that we still can have IN GOD WE TRUST ON OUR MONEY! Okay then.........If we are going to continue that we should put on our money IN GOD WE TRUST BUT YET WE KILL BABIES!

How can we as a Country say we TRUST GOD BUT WE KILL HIS CHILDREN?

The Biblical solution to this is that in the upcoming election, we folks who believe in God have to vote for all candidates who are against abortion. It is that simple........end of rant.

I have to tell you I could not sleep as it is now 1:45 am until I wrote this to you........This message comes directly from God and I will put the rest of my life on the line to defeat abortion and my prayer is that you will join me..........How can we expect God to bless our country as long as we kill his children?

As my dad said many times to me, Sometimes the TRUTH HURTS..........

God's people must not avoid this issue any longer!

I do not want to go on and say more as this is what God told me to share with you all ....But I do need to pass an update on Amanda and a prayer need to you.............

I am trying to call Brenda right cut off...but as of now what we know: Amanda seems to be doing better, PTL and heartfelt thanks to each prayer warrior. But...Brenda said she seemed better yesterday & took a turn for the worse & was groggy and confused...not quite right thinking... the drs want to keep her another night while they keep trying to get in touch w/the epilepsy dr. They aren't sure if it's a problem with the shunt or epilepsy. I doubt I will learn much more than that until after they talk w/the drs. tomorrow. God is Good all the time...especially when we get scared... Got some things to get done for work tomorrow... this has been a traumatic w/e for several people we know... our friend w/the bowling alley got robbed 2nd time in 2 wks...trying to help them... a girl I work with's parents were in a car crash...hit by a drunk driver -crossed the middle line on Lincoln way in Mishawaka...her mom was in critical condition... trying to find a card & come up w/a casserole or something to make...will do that tomorrow...just can't tonight... Life is what happens while you're making plans.... There must be a full moon & satan is on the prowl... will try to keep in touch... have a good night and thank you for Jesus' Spirit in you!

Because of Jesus,Karen


Please pray for my good friend Janet. (We call them family) She has been in the hospital since Tuesday. She had a simple female procedure two weeks ago and was in a lot of pain so took quite a few pain pills. They bound her up and she had a cyst on her colon that she did not know about. It burst and she had to have some of her large intestine and bowel removed. Her body became septic. They put in a colostomy bag and she will have that for at least 2 months. She cannot eat so they put in a feeding tube Saturday. Her breathing is very labored so she has to be on oxygen. Also, they checked her kidneys and there is one area that is not doing well. They said that she will be in the hospital for at least another week.

Also, please pray for my mom, Charlotte. She had a lumpectomy last Wednesday to remove a malignant tumor in her breast. They were able to get it all but she must do radiation 5 days a week for the next 6 weeks. While my mom is a very physically strong Bohemian woman, she is mentally unstable.

Thanks Dewey!

That's it for now.........Please check out the NEW KKIM WEB SITE at
may God be with You and Yours, Dewey Sharon and family

Sunday, August 17, 2008



My Dear Friends, Karen sent this update on Amanda........please keep her and the family in your prayers..Thanks so much for being a part of this prayer family.

In case you didn't see the IM... update at 10:43pm: They[hospital] are suggesting a shunt malfunction...and are going to be running a series CAT scan... not sure why...I told Brenda to call back anytime...don't worry about the time... Zack is w/her & Haley there... don't know much about that... they are in Lubbock for now...Amanda is heavily drugged right now...that's all I know... I am concerned that its not a wise decision to let Zack come out of rehab early for this... maybe I am being overprotective in my thoughts...while this is very secondary in my heart to Amanda's situation right now... I don't trust him ... I am praying not my will but God's...BUT my heart is calling to God to open only the door Brenda & girls are to go through w/regard to Zack ... that he held the hungry lions' mouths shut and I know he can hold the wrong doors and windows shut and no human strength or blind force can open what God shuts. ...that's w/in my finite reasoning (and God calls us to think and reason... pray and trust... the trusting hurts some when we see, feel, or anticipate (haha-I can be good at that) pain (esp. emotional).

Because of Jesus,Karen



My Dear Friends,Please pray for Amanda, she has been on my radio show to talk about brain injuries and she has had a bad seizure.This note comes from her Aunt Karen................URGENT prayer request!

Amanda is in Lubbock Covenant Hospital, transported there today :-( She was having a different kind of seizure that they couldn't get stopped...Clovis, sent her to Lubbock...Brenda said the ER staff said she was in big trouble... going to do CAT scans, not sure what all... I am going to call Brenda again soon to see if she knows anymore. That precious girl has been through so much...the family has... I can't bear to see anymore happen to her...I know she's in God's Hands...Please, have all to pray that have a heart to - Our God has shown Himself so magnificently through what He has done in her life and given her life already... want to get this off now... will share more as I can. Brenda knows the faithfulness and Godly Love of the Dewey's Cup congregation and personnel. God Bless and God speed...

Because of Jesus,Karen

Mark 22 says, So Jesus answered and said to them, "Have faith in God."Mark 24 "Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray,believe that you receive them, and you will have them. "And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses."

Sharon and I are at a retreat in Glorieta, New Mexico. It is a wonderful place to get away from the hustle and bustle of the rat race, and get in touch with each other and the Lord. It was founded by the Baptist Church in the 50's.We are surrounded by 380,000 acres of the Santa Fe National Forest. It was so cold this morning we thought it was going to SNOW! I bought a new Bible today! We have had a very blessed time together in the Lord. Please keep Amanda and her family in your prayers. In The Love and Peace of Jesus Christ, Dewey and Sharon

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Good Morning KKIM family!

May The Peace of the Lord be with You and Yours!

How about this from Rev. Charles G. Finney 1792-1875, revivalist in the Second and Third Great Awakening, College President.......

"Christians must vote for honest men and take consistent ground in politics or the Lord will curse them....Christians have been exceedingly guilty in this matter. But the time has come when they must act differently....God will bless or curse this nation, according to the course Christians take."

That is so timely for today......we must learn from history. The more I study the History of this Country....the more I just shake my head at those that do not know how deep the Christian faith goes in the founding and the building of this country. One nation Under God.........
I am not trying to create fear here......just bring the truth....and as we know sometimes the truth hurts, as my Dad used to say.

When I got done speaking to a group the other day, a man came up to me afterwards and said thank you for bringing us the truth and doing it in a good way, not being obnoxious about it........that's what we try to do. Yesterday I did a program on Domestic violence that airs on all American General Media station this Sunday and my message was we know we have a huge problem in New Mexico but let's bring some solutions to the table, and we did. So much radio has turned into "BARK" sessions........all complaints no SOULOTIONS...we are here to help bring God's people to Biblical solutions!!!

Here is a very uplifting note from Lynn Buggs who we have been praying for........please keep her in your prayers.........

Hi Dewey,
Just a big Thank You for your support, love and prayers. I feel I have been blessed to have found you through Tim and technology. Thank you. I started treatment 3 weeks ago and I am feeling much better. I am taking very strong chemotherapy medications and my medical staff is treating my disease very aggressively. I have learned so much through this journey. I am so grateful to be surrounded by beautiful people who have such a deep relationship with the heavenly father. I just want you to know how much I value your work and appreciate what you do. Your gifts are many.

Thank you,
Lynne Buggs

As Mark 10:45 says....."For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life for ransom for many."

We are here to serve, we are here for each other, Sharon and I are here for you! I thank God for giving me the opportunity to have KKIM and DDC as a ministry...I am so thankful to Tim Gannon and American General Media.

In case you missed our prayer needs from yesterday.......

I will be with you. Exodus 3:12

Got a call this morning from Michael Ramos. Michael has been having physical and health problems for a couple of weeks now.

He is the Host of the Credit Corner on KKIM Wed. at 3:30.

Michael wanted to ask all of you to pray for him as he goes in for tests tomorrow on his hip that he had replaced years ago. If it is infected he will have to be in a wheel chair for up to 6 months. Michael asks that we pray that his hip is clear of any infection. Michael says every time he leaves the KKIM offices he feels uplifted, well, Michael we feel the same about you, as you encourage many!

Please keep this in your prayers.

"Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible, knows the unknowable, and receives the impossible."

From Adrian Rogers

Please also pray for Linda Z. who is having health problems.

Our Dear friend Sam is in need of prayer..........

Dear Dewey and Family, Gods Peace to you.
It is always a blessing to open your news letters with 'GODS peace to all' Thank you for that. We can never get enough of GODS Peace.
I am sure I am NOT the first email back, so there goes the bible study book. :)
But I pray whoever gets it is blessed.
What a wonderful story of your Uncle Joe. GO JOE! When I am feeling good, I donate time at a local rest home. And always walk out blessed.
This has been a very trying week for me and my family Dewey. I have had two deaths in my family this week. Both very shocking! and twenty four hours apart. Please pray for my family, and me. THANK YOU. Sam

By the way Sam you WIN the Bible Study!!! Just send me your mailing address and I will get it to you!

Please pray for our Country...........

"Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty----as well as the privilege and interest----of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers." John Jay 1745-1829 Original Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court.

Please pray for the people of Georgia. Please pray for strong leaders. The United States must not sit back and watch the Russian Bear eat others.


OH MY GOSH,, I won????? that's wonderful... THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH Dewey, and all involved. It WILL be a blessing for me.
My address is ; Sam Hutchings

Now how about YOU???

Be the first to email me and you win.........

This is an AWESOME book, "Getting Away To Get it Together" A getaway guide for Bill and Carolyn Wellons. Sharon and I are going away for the weekend to Glorieta and we both need to get out of Dodge for a bit. The dogs are going to day care and we are headed North! Please keep our trip in your prayers. Hurry email me and WIN!!!!! I will ship it to the MOON if I have to....

(Undated) -- This coming Saturday night beginning at 6:00 both U.S. Senators John McCain and Barack Obama will appear at Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church in Lake Forest California. KKIM will provide live coverage of each presidential candidate being interviewed at the Saddleback Civil Forum on National Leadership. The Saddleback Civil Forum series was established to promote civil discourse and the common good of all. This is the first time the presumptive Presidential nominees of the Republican and Democratic parties have appeared together. Once again KKIM will broadcast this forum with candidates Barack Obama and John McCain this Saturday evening from 6:00 to 8:00.

How about this????
Premium gasoline sells for 38 cents a gallon this week
Posted Aug 14th 2008 4:50PM by Peter CohanFiled under: Exxon Mobil (XOM)
The Associated Press reports that in San Antonio, TX, premium unleaded sold for 38 cents a gallon. That's what I call a bargain -- particularly since I considered myself lucky to pay $3.87 a gallon for mid-grade earlier this afternoon.
It turns out that there is a little problem with this 38-cents-a-gallon gas. It was a mistake in the pump. AP interviewed Dill Food Market's Manager, Jim Duke, who said that the premium was supposed to be selling for $3.89 a gallon. AP also reports that WOAI-AM was the original source for this story and it said that "nobody reported the mistake, which apparently started Tuesday afternoon."
It took a while for Duke to figure out what was going on. AP reports that he noticed "a lot of vehicles were being filled with premium and people were paying at the pump." He went out to check Wednesday and noticed the price error. Maybe ExxonMobil (NYSE: XOM) can spare a little of its $41 billion in profit to reimburse Duke for his pump malfunction.

YOU WOULD THINK YOU WOULD BE SAFE IN CHURCH???? This goes to show the flesh will get us every time.

Minister gets jail for stealing flock's identities
The Associated Press
Article Last Updated: 08/14/2008 08:02:43 PM CDT
WILLIAMSPORT, Pa.—A Baptist minister in central Pennsylvania has been sentenced to one year in jail for stealing the identities of his church members.
Raymond Clayton Sr., 44, was also ordered to pay more than $28,000 in restitution at his sentencing Wednesday. Clayton is the former pastor of Grace Fellowship Church near Mount Car mel.
Federal prosecutors said Clayton used parishioners' personal information to obtain credit cards between November 2006 and April 2007. He pleaded guilty in March to access device fraud.
The church has since disbanded.

This is from David Standridge of Warrior Life.............This is very INSPIRATIONAL!!!!!
Hello friends, I am attaching a wonderful newsletter for this month. It is written by one of my good friends, Duncan Milloy. Duncan is a seasoned warrior who is very generous with his time, money and advice. He is a man who has fought through some tough battles and always has an encouraging word. Enjoy!

If anyone else is interested in sharing some thoughts for the men, please feel free to drop me a line at As always, Reclaim your Warrior Spirit. Make sure to visit the website and drop us a line and say hi. you can find us at

I have been contemplating the Word again, in particular how it applies to my life as a man . "As in, ok Father, what am I missing? (this time?) ." Immediately I'm reminded of the parable in Luke that Jesus uses to teach the grumbling Pharisees. Jesus constantly shows and teaches what the Kingdom of God is like, using small words, short sentences and illustrations that have amazing power and depth when studied a bit. Yes it's a story, but one that reflects God's own heart.

Luke 15:11-32 tells this story of the prodigal son and his father, a parable of the Love of God that is familiar the world over. Many know the tale, or at least have heard of it; the son comes to his senses after squandering his inheritance, returns home and is restored by his father, (much to the frustration of the older brother). Look closer at the father; it is in him that we have an excellent, practical model for living.

It's important to note that I write "excellent and practical", but not always easy. Verse 20: ...but while the son was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion for him, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.

This was not his kidnapped son, his stolen son, his son returned from war or from a long perilous journey. This son is the son who took his share of his father's estate and ran off, the son who left selfishly and who must have broken his father's heart. Was it easy for the father to get over what the son had done? I don't think so, for later in verse 24 the father states that the son was dead, that he had been dead and now come to life again.

The father : (verse 20, again) saw him, felt compassion for him, ran and embraced him, kissed him. He was a father who had already forgiven, who stood ready, watching for the opportunity to regain his son that was dead. The bible says that the father saw the son, when he was still a long way off. When he first came into view, the father was there. The father had trained his eye to be on the lookout...

I am just back from a paintball battle with some great friends from our church, and some new friends that had been invited. We were in a great site in the woods and weeds with lots of room to run and roam. We were in teams; we had each other's backs. When one member was attacked, we would try to send reinforcements or run a flank to get the attacker. It's hard for me to see in the thick brush. My eye isn't as trained to see through the maze, to find my teammate or the aggressor.

Sometimes I can't tell where the shots are coming from, I can only see them landing too close to, or worse, on my buddy. Often he will yell out for help, yell where the attack is coming from. Sometimes he just hunkers down, though, quiet and low, in fear of taking a lethal shot. Or he's so busy getting shot at, he has no time to yell, or I can't hear him from all the sound of fire. I need to find the attacker, I need to run to teammate's aid, or I need to lay down a lot of covering fire. I know I have to be trained to see what's going on, train my eye to see beyond the thicket in front of me, expose myself to be able to fire the weapon that saves my buddy's "life".

The father had his eye trained. Looking out for his son, he saw him "while he was still a long way off". I have been hurt like the father in the parable, many times, by a friend or family member. I don't yet have the vision I need to be able to see those people ready to return to me while they are still a long way off. I can't always see out from my thicket, not well enough to tell when a friend is under attack, can't always hear his cry for help.

But I pray. I pray that my vision develop, that my ears become sensitive to discern the calls of help from the din of the attack. I pray that I will be able to see, and to know, and to help those in need. As a father, a friend, a brother, a warrior, I pray that I will be able to see, hear, feel, run, embrace, and fight for those in need. Therein, my Heavenly Father might be glorified, that the Father's will be done, according to His Word given to us by Christ Jesus. It is in His name that I pray, Amen.

This is from Karen Rowe..........

Where is our heart? I just came across this scripture and in the Words of Jesus, He says it so great!!!

Matthew 15:3-6
"Jesus replied, "And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition? For God said, 'Honor your father and mother' and 'Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death.' But you say that if a man says to his father or mother, 'Whatever help you might otherwise have received from me is a gift devoted to God,' he is not to 'honor his father' with it. Thus you nullify the word of God for the sake of your tradition."

8 "'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me."
9 "They worship me in vain;
their teachings are but rules taught by men."

Where is our heart in being obedient to all things, do we serve others with a free and cheerful heart, or are we just trying to fullfill the law and just merely do the right thing?

Love and Prayers,
In Christ's Name, karen rowe...humbly in service to the LORD, may we remember that it is God who does all great things...Praise HIM today!!!

Hi, Dewey,

I came across this article and thought you might enjoy it. Check it out.


Why I am not a liberal
Posted: August 12, 20081:00 am Eastern© 2008
The following is a list of beliefs that I hold. Nearly every one of them was a liberal position until the late 1960s. Not one of them is now.
Such a list is vitally important to clarify exactly what positions divide left from right, blue from red, liberal from conservative.
I believe in American exceptionalism, meaning that a) America has done more than any international organization or institution, and more than any other country, to improve this world, and b) that American values (specifically, the unique American blending of Enlightenment and Judeo-Christian values) form the finest value system any society has ever devised and lived by.
I believe the bigger government gets and the more powerful the state becomes, the greater the threat to individual liberty and the greater the likelihood that evil will ensue. In the 20th century, the powerful state, not religion, was the greatest purveyor of evil in the world.
I believe the levels of taxation advocated by liberals render those taxes a veiled form of theft. "Give me more than half of your honestly earned money or you will be arrested" is legalized thievery.
I believe government funding of those who can help themselves (e.g., the able-bodied who collect welfare) or who can be helped by nongovernmental institutions (such as private charities, family and friends) hurts them and hurts society.
I believe the United States of America, from its inception, has been based on the Judeo-Christian value system, not secular Enlightenment values alone, and therefore the secularization of American society will lead to the collapse of America as a great country.
I believe some murderers should be put death, that allowing all murderers to live does not elevate the value of human life, but mocks it, and keeping all murderers alive trivializes the evil of murder.
I believe the American military has done more to preserve and foster goodness and liberty on Earth than all the artists and professors in America put together.
I believe lowering standards to admit minorities mocks the real achievements of members of those minorities.
I believe that when schools give teenagers condoms, it is understood by most teenagers as tacit approval of their engaging in sexual intercourse.
I believe assertions that manmade carbon emissions will lead to a global warming that will bring on worldwide disaster are a function of hysteria, just as was the widespread liberal belief that heterosexual AIDS will ravage America.
I believe marriage must remain what has been in every recorded civilization – between the two sexes.
I believe, whatever the reasons for entering Iraq, the American-led removal of Saddam Hussein from power will decrease the sum total of cruelty on Earth.
I believe trial lawyers associations and teachers unions, the greatest donors to the Democratic Party, have done great harm to American life – far more than, let us say, oil companies and pharmaceutical companies, the targets of liberal opprobrium.
I believe nuclear power, clean coal and drilling in a tiny and remote frozen part of Alaska and offshore – along with exploration of other energy alternatives such as wind and solar power – are immediately necessary.
I believe school vouchers are more effective than increased spending on public schools to enable many poorer Americans to give their children better educations.
I believe that while there are racists in America, America is no longer a racist society, and blaming disproportionate rates of black violence and out-of-wedlock births on white racism is a lie and the greatest single impediment to African-American progress.
I believe America, a country that accepts and assimilates foreigners better than any other in the world, is the least racist, least xenophobic country in the world.
I believe the leftist takeover of the liberal arts departments in nearly every American university has been an intellectual and moral calamity.
I believe a good man and a good marriage are more important to most women's happiness and personal fulfillment than a good career.
I believe males and females are inherently different. For example, girls naturally prefer dolls and tea sets to trucks and toy guns – if you give a girl trucks, she is likely to give them names and take care of them, and if you give a boy trucks, he is likely to crash them into one another.
I believe that when it comes to combating the greatest evils on Earth, such as the genocide in Rwanda, the United Nations has either been useless or an obstacle.
I believe, generally speaking, Western Europe provides social and moral models to be avoided, not emulated.
I believe America's children were positively affected by hearing a non-denominational prayer each morning in school, and adversely affected by the removal of all prayer from school.
I believe liberal educators' removal of school uniforms and/or dress codes has had a terrible impact on students and their education.
I believe bilingual education does not work, that for the sake of immigrant children and for the sake of the larger society, immersion in the language of the country, meaning English in America, is mandatory.
I believe English should be declared the national language, and that ballots should not be printed in any language other than English. If one cannot understand English, one is probably not sufficiently knowledgeable to vote intelligently in an English-speaking country.
Finally, I believe there are millions of Americans who share most of these beliefs who still call themselves "liberal" or "progressive" and who therefore vote Democrat. They do so because they still identify liberalism with pre-1970 liberalism or because they are emotionally attached to the word "liberal."
I share that emotion. But one should vote based on values, not emotions.
May God be with you all,
Dewey Sharon and family

Wednesday, August 13, 2008



May The Peace of the Lord be with You and Yours!

Good Morning KKIM Family! I hope you have checked out the new web site at

If you have not dropped me an email in awhile, please do!!! Let me know how you are!

The AOL Spell checker is not working please bare with me. But you know what?I still make spelling mistakes even when the spell checker is working!!!!!! They don't call me Dr. Spello for nothing!!!!!

Listen.........Listen.....God is speaking to you........

Thought For the Day: Full obedience assures Christ's abiding presence.

And the one who sent me is with me-------he has not deserted me. For I always do those things that are pleasing to Him. John 8:29

I have a wonderful "The Discovery Study Bible" by Zondervan. If you would like this study Bible just email me right now......first one get's it!!!! BY THE WAY I WILL MAIL THIS TO THE MOON IF I HAVE TOO SO YOU FOLKS OUT OF STATE COME ON DOWN!!!!

Also the first to email me and ask me for two tickets to the movie, "The Perfect Game" a great baseball movie wins!

Today my soon to be 93 year old Uncle Joe is going to the Twins Yankees game! he is in a wheel chair, but nothing will stop him from going t this game. I took him last year to the dome to see the Twins when I was visiting. He is so cute, he told me last night, "Mary Ann (his Daughter) beought over her binoculars
and Eldon (His friend) are going to take turns using them because we are going to be sitting in the nose bleed seats!" He is so pumped going to the game! 8 residents of this assisted living center in Apple Valley, Minnesota are going to the game today, please keep them in your prayers......Uncle Joe has been like a Dad to me since mine passed away years ago. The Twins lost to the Yanks in extra innings last night.

I talked to Rebbecca Schuman yesterday, her sister Judy passed away on Friday. Please keep the family in your prayers.

Please keep the people of Georgia in your prayers........One farmer asked a CNN Reporter, "Where is America?, we helped them in Iraq"........this said as Russian planes bombed the area.........

KIIM's Frank Haley has the latest this morning........

(TBILISI, Georgia) — Georgian officials charged Wednesday that Russian tanks had rolled into a strategic city and seized a military base inside Georgia in violation of a freshly brokered truce intended to end a conflict that had bloodied and battered the U.S. ally and uprooted tens of thousands of people. The accusation came less than 12 hours after Georgia's president said he accepted a cease-fire plan brokered by France. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said that Russia was halting military action because Georgia had paid enough for its attack on South Ossetia, a separatist region along the Russian border with close ties to Moscow. Still, Medvedev ordered the Russian defense minister at a televised Kremlin meeting to destroy any resistance or aggressive actions. Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili had gambled on a surprise attack late Thursday to regain control over his country's pro-Russian breakaway province of South Ossetia. Instead, Georgia suffered a punishing beating from Russian tanks and aircraft that has left the country with even less control over territory than it had before. -0-

I want to thank Mike Kronforst and everyone at Brown College in Minneapolis for slecting me to Brown's "Wall of Fame" PRAISE GOD! My Mom and Dad would be so proud, maybe in heaven they know......back in 1978 I took off in my little Dodge Dart for Brown and made it through with honors. I headed up the cleaning crew at the school, that is how I puit myself through school. My folks did not have the money. For 1 year it cost nearly $7,000!!! What I learned at Brown I carry with me today.......AWESOME TEACHERS! PRAISE GOD!!!

This cup is over flowing I have so much I have had to start the Weeekdn Cup already!!! Praise God!!!

Nick Hutchins is the new President of the Arc of New Mexico's Board. Nick is from Las Cruces and is a strong man of God. I look forward to working with Nick. By the way he is the same Nick who sends us wonderful readings like this.........please drink this slowly.........let it sink it twice.........
"The Good Ole Days."

"Oh that I were as in months past." -- Job 29:2
Numbers of Christians can view the past with pleasure, but regard thepresent with dissatisfaction; they look back upon the days which theyhave passed in communing with the Lord as being the sweetest and thebest they have ever known, but as to the present, it is clad in a sablegarb of gloom and dreariness. Once they lived near to Jesus, but nowthey feel that they have wandered from him, and they say, "O that Iwere as in months past!" They complain that they have lost theirevidences, or that they have not present peace of mind, or that theyhave no enjoyment in the means of grace, or that conscience is not sotender, or that they have not so much zeal for God's glory. The causesof this mournful state of things are manifold. It may arise through acomparative neglect of prayer, for a neglected closet is the beginningof all spiritual decline. Or it may be the result of idolatry. Theheart has been occupied with something else, more than with God; theaffections have been set on the things of earth, instead of the thingsof heaven. A jealous God will not be content with a divided heart; hemust be loved first and best. He will withdraw the sunshine of hispresence from a cold, wandering heart. Or the cause may be found inself-confidence and self-righteousness. Pride is busy in the heart, andself is exalted instead of lying low at the foot of the cross.Christian, if you are not now as you "were in months past," do not restsatisfied with wishing for a return of former happiness, but go at onceto seek your Master, and tell him your sad state. Ask his grace andstrength to help you to walk more closely with him; humble yourselfbefore him, and he will lift you up, and give you yet again to enjoythe light of his countenance. Do not sit down to sigh and lament; whilethe beloved Physician lives there is hope, nay there is a certainty ofrecovery for the worst cases.
Thanks Nick!
He who restrains his words has knowledge,
And he who has a cool spirit is a man of understading.

Even a fool, when he keeps silent is considered wise;

When he closes his lips, he is considered prudent.

Proverbs 17: 27-28

More from Rev. David Lightner's articile in the Windom newspaper........he is refering to Ephesians 3:16-21

Know without a doubt that God loves you. I know you can't completely know all of God's love-----it says in verse 19 that it "surpasses knowledge." But keep your focus on the great fact that you are significant to God. When you talk to yourself, remind yourself that really does love YOU. Know God would love you even if you were the only person on earth to love.

Here is an AWESOME writing from Tom Brokaw...........
Tom Brokaw
The Disillusioned Generation
As a child of the inflated innocence of the Fifties I was raised to believe in the George Washington "I cannot tell a lie" cherry tree fable, Honest Abe, faithful Ike and devoted-to-Jackie JFK.
By the time I was in my twenties I was experiencing the presidency of LBJ and then Nixon.
One was sending men off to what he insisted was a just war while privately confessing to his friends it was not winnable. The other was the picture of public piety while privately he was a profane bigot and paranoid liar. I finished the century with Bill Clinton and I was a long way from the sanitized history of my youth.
I have come to know the temptations and hubris of great power, the subjectivity of the virtue of honesty. I have also come to the conclusion that honesty and morality are not inconsistent with great leadership.
Most of all, I want leaders who when they fail to meet those tests are honest enough to acknowledge their errant ways.
The American people have so much invested in the presidency and they see the complexity of the office with great clarity, but they also have basic standards and the presidents who fail to meet them or acknowledge them do so at their peril.
Tom Brokaw was anchor and managing editor of NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw. He is author of "The Greatest Generation.

Here is a write up on the family that was struck by murder in China. They are from Minnesota. Please keep the family in your prayers and all those in China. Let us also pray for the people of Georgia.

family to family, grieving U.S. players lift up 'Wiz'
By JIM SOUHAN, Star Tribune
August 9, 2008
BEIJING - You worry so much as a parent, worry about everything from terrorism to tetanus, and if your kid plays sports, you fret even more.
You worry about coaches and playing time, grips and their grip, and one day, if you're lucky, you see them do something they couldn't do the day before, and the hours and expenses suddenly seem like they could fit in one of those take-a-penny bowls.
You drive 'em all over the state, and if they have talent, you fly all over the country, and if they're Olympic material there is no place you wouldn't lead or follow.
The Bachmans had such a kid. An Olympian. Think of that -- one of those little kids at the local youth clinic in Lakeville became an Olympian.
Elisabeth (Wiz) Bachman left her home state to play volleyball for UCLA, then made the national team and played for the United States in the 2004 Olympics, and parents Todd and Barbara followed her the way some people follow "Lost."
The Bachmans, Lakeville20residents, followed her to Beijing, even though she didn't make the 2008 Olympic team. Wiz married Hugh McCutcheon, now coaching the U.S. men's team, and that was reason enough for Todd, the president and CEO of Bachman's Inc., the famed Twin Cities plant and flower store, to watch volleyball in yet another country.
The Bachmans were planning to see Wiz's old team, the U.S. women's squad, play Japan on Saturday night in Beijing. Wiz even e-mailed her old teammates, wishing them luck and saying she'd see them at the arena.
This left time for sightseeing, so the Bachmans visited a tourist site called the Drum Tower, and a man with a knife, for no apparent reason, killed Todd and grievously injured Barbara. Then the man jumped to his death.
Elisabeth reportedly was uninjured.
The volleyball went on.
Former Gophers star Nicole Branagh, playing her first Olympic match, teamed with Elaine Youngs to beat the Netherlands in the beach competition. Nobody told her what had happened to her friend Wiz, so Branagh had no excuse not to play with fire and nerve, and she did, dominating at the net.
After the final point she flexed her sandy, sweaty arms and pointed to her parents, Tom and Diane, in the stands. They, and their friends, were wearing blue shirts that read: "I (heart) NB."
Minutes later, Branagh heard the news and was seen sobbing. She played on=2 0the national team with Wiz. She was too distraught to talk.
Even before Branagh took to the sand, the women's indoor volleyball players were shaken from their pregame naps and given the news. They wept and prayed, then took the court and beat Japan.
They celebrated the victory with tears in their eyes, even as the crowd chanted "U-S-A!''
"There are some things you think would never happen," said Heather Bown of the U.S. team. "Today was one of those things. We got an e-mail from Wiz this morning saying she was looking forward to coming to the match. She said she'd be here."
U.S. player Stacy Sykora, in an interview after her team's victory, began choking up immediately when asked about the Bachmans. She was Elisabeth's roommate during the 2004 Olympics.
"Wiz is someone we hold close to us," Sykora said. "This game was completely dedicated to Wiz Bachman and her family ...
"You have to understand what Wiz Bachman means to USA volleyball. She is like the nicest person in the world. She is in our family. So her family is like our family, because they traveled with us and she fought in the 2004 Olympics with us, and she was my roommate."
Of Todd Bachman, Sykora said: "He was a great man. There aren't one or two memories, there are a million. I could go on for days. Unbelievable family."
A long time ago the Bachmans handed their daughter a volleyball, and dreamed.
Who knew where this might lead?
Jim Souhan can be heard Sundays from 10 a.m.-noon on AM-1500 KSTP. •

On Monday we talked about cars being filled with this...........
Article published Aug 10, 2008Researchers work to turn car's exhaust into powerBy MARGARET HARDING Associated Press Writer WARREN, Mich. (AP) — The stinky, steaming air that escapes from a car's tailpipe could be an answer to using less gas.Researchers are competing to meet a challenge from the U.S. Department of Energy: improve fuel economy 10 percent by converting wasted exhaust heat into energy that can help power the vehicle.General Motors Corp. is close to reaching the goal, as is a BMW AG supplier working with Ohio State University. Their research into thermoelectrics — the science of using temperature differences to create electricity — couldn't come at a better time as high gas prices accelerate efforts to make vehicles as efficient as possible.GM researcher Jihui Yang said a metal-plated device that surrounds an exhaust pipe could increase fuel economy in a Chevrolet Suburban by about 5 percent, a 1-mile-per-gallon improvement that would be even greater in a smaller vehicle.Reaching the goal of a 10 percent improvement would save more than 100 million gallons of fuel per year in GM vehicles in the U.S. alone."The take-home message here is: It's a big deal," Yang said.The DOE, which is partially funding the auto industry research, helped develop a thermoelectric generator for a heavy duty diesel truck an d tested it for the equivalent of 550,000 miles about 12 years ago.John Fairbanks, the department's thermoelectrics technology development manager, said the success of that generator justified the competitive search in 2004 for a device that could augment or replace a vehicle's alternator. Three teams were selected to participate in the program, with GM and thermoelectrics manufacturer BSST separately working on cars and a team from Michigan State University focusing on heavy-duty trucks.Fairbanks said thermoelectric generators should be on the verge of production in about three years."It's probably the biggest impact in the shortest time that I can think of," he said.The technology is similar to what NASA uses to power deep space probes, a perk being it doesn't seem to be susceptible to wear. Probes have used a thermoelectric setup for about 30 years.Thermoelectric devices can work in two ways — using electricity to provide heating or cooling, or using temperature differences to create electricity.The second method is Yang's focus, and for good reason.In an internal combustion engine, only about a quarter of the total energy from gasoline is used to actually turn the wheels, while 40 percent is lost in exhaust heat and 30 percent is lost through cooling the engine. That means about 70 percent of the available energy is wasted, according to GM."If I can use some of that heat energy and convert it to electricity, you can improve the ove rall efficiency," Yang said.A Suburban produces 15 kilowatts of exhaust heat energy during city driving, which is enough to power three or four air conditioners simultaneously.But it's not possible to harness all the exhaust heat a vehicle produces, so when the Suburban is cruising between 50 and 60 mph, the generator can produce about 800 watts of power, Yang said. That electricity could go to accessories such as a GPS device, DVD player, radio and possibly the vehicle's water pumps.Yang's prototype device is to be tested in a Suburban next year. A similar prototype created by Ohio State scientists and BSST should be tested in a BMW in 2009.The thermoelectric generator works when one side of its metallic material is heated, and excited electrons move to the cold side. The movement creates a current, which electrodes collect and convert to electricity.While it's not clear how much the device would add to the price of a vehicle, the whole point of the research is to make it cost-effective, Yang said."There are several other steps that are required to commercialize the material, but we're cautiously optimistic that these steps can be carried out successfully," said Lon Bell, president of BSST, a subsidiary of Northville-based thermoelectrics supplier Amerigon Inc.BSST also is working with Ford Motor Co. to develop climate control systems based on thermoelectrics.Ford wants a system that would target a person's extremities when it's cold or the=2 0back of the neck in summer heat, rather than blow out a lot of air to change the temperature of the entire vehicle."We think we can make people feel cooler more quickly, feel comfortable more quickly, and that will translate into less power in the central AC system," said Clay Maranville, a Ford senior research scientist.Honda Motor Co. also has supported university research into thermoelectrics, but a spokesman said the automaker doesn't have its own research program.

If handshake is history, what takes its place?
By Joan MorrisContra Costa Times
Article Launched: 07/09/2008 12:01:00 AM CDT
Please bow your heads in recognition of the passing of the ancient and venerable handshake.
In frail health for years and often seen only at formal occasions or when thanking bank managers for loans, the old grip-and-grin guru finally succumbed earlier this year when the president of the United States was photographed doing a chest bump and a possible future president exchanged a dap with his wife.
It was the final blow to a tradition that has been on the wane since the advent of the leisure suit. But while expected, it nevertheless came about in such a surprising way that we're still reeling and considering what will step into the breach.
Let's take a look at the possibilities.
Origins: The "dap," aka the fist bump, seems to have been born in the muddy battlefields of the Vietnam War. The original version includes lots of other movements, but time has distilled the dap to a vertical or horizontal fist bump.
What it means: Patti Wood, an Atlanta body language expert and author of "Success Signals," says the dap conveys a sense of determination and power. After reviewing images of Democratic presidential candidate Barak Obama exchanging a dap with his wife after learning he had enough delegates to claim the nomination, Wood thought their dap conveyed a sense of being ready to conquer and unified in their quest.
Raise your hand as if making a traditional handshake, but curl your fingers into a fist. Keeping the arm parallel
Adver tisement

to the floor, little finger down, thumb on top, extend your fist from about chest level and gently tap the other person's fist. For a horizontal dap, simply rotate your fist 90 degrees so the curled fingers are facing the ground. Repeat the bump.
Who's doing it: Barak Obama, Howie Mandel, half of Congress
Inherent dangers: The participants need to be clear on whether they are doing a dap or a high-five, otherwise a certain awkwardness arises. You also run the risk of injury from jewelry and overenthusiastic dapping.
Coolness rating: Five of five but with a potential of great decline now that it's becoming mainstream.
Origins: Unknown, but most likely originated in professional sports. It gained in popularity in the 1990s.
What it means: Wood says the symbolism of the chest bump is one of vulnerability and elation. The chest bumpers throw their arms back. Their hands are open, revealing they have no weapons. And they expose their chests and hearts, indicating they are vulnerable, joyful and nonthreatening. For men — and most c hest bumpers are male — the move says, "I want to be close, but I'm not feminine."
Step by step: Approach your chest-bumping partner, pull your shoulders back and extend your arms, palms open, to the side. Jump forward and bump the chest of your partner.
Who's doing it: President Bush, most professional athletes (who prefer the modified hip bump), tipsy guys in bars.
Inherent dangers: This move has a huge potential for making you look stupid. Wood cites the Bush Bump as an example of a bump gone slightly wrong. The president, who instigated the bump during a graduation ceremony at the U.S. Air Force Academy, does not appear at ease with the move. His hands are clenched, his face in near grimace, Wood says, and his bump lacks the usual joy and exuberance. To Wood, the move indicates the president is uncomfortable opening himself up to others.
Coolness rating: Three of five and sinking fast.
Origins: The high-five developed as an extension of the handshake in the 1970s.
What it means: While the handshake can be sterile and perfunctory, the high-five symbolizes joy, elation and power. But because the palm is open, Wood says, the high-five conveys the feeling that while there is power, there is no threat.
Step by step: Raise your hand above your head and, showing your open palm, slap the hand of your partner. The louder the slap, t he better.
Who's doing it: Who isn't?
Inherent dangers: Novices may need to curb their enthusiasm until they develop a good high-five callous. Red palms are the beginner's bane.
Coolness rating: It's an oldie but a goodie and has yet to lose its coolness factor of four of five.
Origins: In much of Europe, the "V" sign is an obscene gesture along the lines of flipping someone the bird in this country. It may have had its origins in the 1300s, started by archers and symbolizing the drawing of a bow. Winston Churchill first used it to signal "V" for victory, and in the 1960s, the hippies adopted it as a sign for love. It later became associated with a gesture of peace.
What it means: Beyond the message of love or peace, Wood says flashing the peace sign tells others of your own personal beliefs and asks in return, "Are you part of my tribe? Are you one of my people?"
Step by step: Hold your hand up, palm facing outward. Curl the thumb, ring and little finger inward, leaving the index and middle finger extended to form a "V" shape.
Who's doing it: Mostly dead guys, including Winston Churchill and Richard Nixon; millions of hippies. Now that we have a war to protest again, quite a few people are flashing the V, although its popularity today pales in comparison with its use in the 1960s.
Inherent dangers: Muscle spasms and the danger of running into someone who isn't so peaceful.
Coolness rating: One of five.
Origins: In the 1980s, when men started to discover their softer side, they developed the half-hug and back pat.
What it means: There's a lot going on with this simple-yet-awkward move. Those participating in the half-hug keep their hands open, indicating they are no threat. The body contact, Wood says, implies a certain level of affection and intimacy but in a nonsexual way. The patting is a male way of showing affection through hitting. It says, "I love you, dude, but not in that way." Women also adopt the back patting when they become uncomfortable in an embrace, Wood says.
Step by step: Approach the huggee and bring one arm around the back of your partner, touching shoulders and part of the chest but avoiding full frontal contact. Pat your partner's back with vigor. Manly swearing optional.
Who's doing it: Every male in the country, if no one's paying much attention to them.
Inherent dangers: The inexperienced often panic. Are they holding the embrace too long? Is someone going to question their masculinity?
Coolness rating: Three of five.

May God be with you always, Dewey Sharon and family

Tuesday, August 12, 2008



Good Morning KKIM Family!

May The Peace of the Lord be with You and Yours!

Praise God!!! Our web stats show us that we had 264 NEW visitors in July and over 17,000 hits!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's like having 264 NEW FOLKS come to church!!!!!!!! How AWESOME!!! We PRAISE GOD FOR THIS SURGE!! I Praise God for all that HE is doing, increased listenership on KKIM now more visitors to The KKIM web site is still be worked is going to be AWESOME also!

Jannetta has this info for you on the new web site

TIPS on using DDC

Dewey¢s Daily Cup has been redesigned and rebuilt with some added features:

Dewey¢s Daily Cup- This is where you will find the Daily Cups for the month -they will be archived monthly.

Prayer requests- this is an easy form- just fill out with your email and name and prayer request- click send and Dewey will receive it immediately.

Polls- Here is where you will find the newest polls on all sorts of important matters of the day, make your choice of answer and you can see what others have voted also.

Archives- (Coming soon) Here is where all the posts from the old DDC site will be stored

About Dewey- click on the email link to send Dewey a note via email

Links- This page gives links to places of interest- businesses and others that are supportive of DDC.

About the designer of DDC: Jannetta LaMort
I flex my artistic and technical skills daily in many forms and some are: writing/graphic designing for any creative use; brochures, cover art, HTML email marketing design, and as you can see in Dewey¢s Daily Cup, website design and building. I enjoy working closely with my clients to understand their unique perspective and then express it in my designs. I have greatly enjoyed bringing Dewey¢s Daily Cup to life for Dewey and for all of you, his loyal listeners/readers.

For inquiries and estimates you can reach me via:


Call me direct: 505-480-2365

Thanks so much Jannetta!! Thanks to you all for your great feedback on the site!

WE HAVE SOME NEW POLLS UP AT THE WEB SITE1 LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK! we will be sharing those on New Mexico News and Views!!!

Most of you know I love baseball! I ran across this quote in a new book I am reading, "Once Upon A Fastball" here is the quote by "Bogie", Humphrey Bogart, "A hot dog at the ball game beats roast beef at the Ritz!" Love that quote! So true and I haven't even eaten at the Ritz!

The first to email from the web site get's a pair of tickets to the movie, "The Perfect Game" Now showing!

I read a very inspirational column in the Windom, Minn. newspaper (Cottonwood County Citizen)this past was written by Rev. David Lightner.......let me share with you A Prayer that Can change YOUR LIFE........How do I know........It changed mine!

I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge-----that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
Now to Him who is able do immeasurably more that all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Ephesians 3:16-21


God is at work...........are you doing God's work? We all can!

Now we are going to have a little fun with this important story!!!

Hey, HOW ABOUT THIS, A CAR THAT RUNS ON AIR!!!! WOW, just in time with all the hot air out there in the Political arena!!!!

(CNN) -- You've heard of hybrids, electric cars and vehicles that can run on vegetable oil. But of all the contenders in the quest to produce the ultimate fuel-efficient car, this could be the first one to let you say, "fill it up with air."=0 9

The compressed air car planned for the U.S. market would be a six-seater, a New York company says.
=0 9
That's the idea behind the compressed air car, which backers say could achieve a fuel economy of 106 miles per gallon.
Plenty of skepticism exists, but with many Americans trying to escape sticker shock at the gas pump, the concept is generating buzz.
The technology has been the focus of MDI, a European company founded in 1991 by a French inventor and former race car engineer.
New York-based Zero Pollution Motors is the first firm to obtain a license from MDI to produce the cars in the United States, pledging to deliver the first models in 2010 at a price tag of less than $18,000.
The concept is similar to how a locomotive works, except compressed air -- not steam -- moves the engine's pistons, said Shiva Vencat, vice president of MDI and CEO of Zero Pollution Motors.
Gas still plays a role
The six-seater planned for the U.S. market would be able to reach speeds of more than 90 mph and have a range of more than 800 miles thanks to a dual energy engine, Vencat said. Watch what a prototype looks like and why the cars may take off in cities »
The d esign calls for one or more tanks of compressed air under the car's floor, as well as a tank holding at least 8 gallons of fuel.
Don't Miss
Utilities: Grid can handle influx of electric cars
Will pond scum become the new oil?
In Depth: Fueling America
Whether the engine uses just air or both air and fuel would depend on how fast the car is going. It would run purely on compressed air at speeds less than 35 mph, Vencat said.
Since the car could only go a short distance when using just air, fuel is needed to get the full range, he explained.
"Above 35 mph, there is an external combustion system, which is basically a heater that uses a little bit of gasoline or biofuel or ethanol or vegetable oil that will heat the air," Vencat said.
"Heating the air increases its volume, and by increasing its volume, it increases [the car's] range. That's why with one gallon of gasoline or its equivalent we are able to make over 100 mpg." See what the engine looks like »
Vencat said an on-board compressor would refill the air tank while the car is running, or owners could refill it by plugging it into a power outlet for four hours.
Is it for real?
Experts aren't sure Americans will be zipping around in air cars and getting 106 mpg, or more than twice the fuel economy of hybrid-electric vehicles such as the Toyota Prius.
It is possible to power a car with compressed air, but the mileage claim is "at the edge of possibility," said John Callister, director of the Harvey Kinzelberg Entrepreneurship in Engineering program at Cornell University's College of Engineering.
He noted that such dramatic fuel efficiency is associated with tiny experimental cars, not bigger mainstream ones.
Who would build it?
• Production would be similar to a franchise business
• The cars would be manufactured by privately owned plants that could produce at least 4,000 vehicles a year
• The cost of a license to build the car in an "exclusive geographical area" in the United States is about $460,000
• Geographical areas are defined by 110,000 new vehicle registrations. For example, Georgia could have four plants at most, but there could be 15 in California
• The cost of a plant is $20 million
• The first plant is scheduled to be built in New York in 2010
Source: Shiva Vencat, vice president of MDI and CEO of Zero Pollution Motors
"No one's really proven a six-seater passenger car [can get] any better than 75 miles to the gallon. So this would represent a big step forward," Callister said.
"They would have to prove that before they can throw rocks at the Prius."
Another expert expressed concern about the amount of energy it would take to generate the required air pressure: 4,500 pounds per square inch, or more than 120 times the pressure inside the tires of a typical four-door sedan.
"That is above what you normally find even in an industrial setting," said William Bulpitt, senior research engineer at the Georgia Institute of Technology's Strategic Energy Institute.
"That takes quite a compressor to do. ... It takes horsepower to compress the air up to that pressure."
If you count that energy, it's hard to believe the car would be that much more efficient than an electric vehicle, Callister said.
India shows interest
The compressed air car will get a chance to prove itself next year when it competes for the Automotive X Prize. The multimillion-dollar award will go to the team that "can win a stage race for clean, production-capable vehicles that exceed 100 mpg equivalent fuel economy," according to the X Prize Foundation.
The air-car concept has also drawn the interest of Tata Motors, India's largest automaker. The company announced an agreement with MDI last year to further develop and refine the technology.
However, the cars have yet to hit the streets in India or anywhere else.
"The project is under progress. We do not yet have any timeframe for launch," said Debasis Ray, the head of corporate communications for Tata Motors.
Only prototypes exist at this point, Vencat said.
Light design
The body of the car planned for the United States would be built with fiberglass and injected foam. The chassis, composed of aluminum rods, would be glued together, not welded.
The design allows the car to be as light as possible, Vencat said.
For anyone who has doubts about its safety, he insisted computer simulations show that the vehicle would pass crash tests and meet all U.S. safety standards.
"Do you think somebody would actually put millions of dollars into making a car that will not pass safety regulations? There's no point in doing that," Vencat said.
Callister pointed out that there haven't been any lightweight, 100-plus mpg cars to pass crash tests but said it could be done through a "very clever design" of a lightweight frame.
A good prototype could dispel many of the doubts about the compressed air car, he added.
"I don't think we should discount this advance if it happens," Callister said.

So what do you say folks? I say we have a contest have Obama and McCain blow into the tailpipe with all their hot air and whoever blows the most wins! or......

Or have them both take turns blowing their hot air into the tail pipe and whoever blows the car the furthest wins!!!!

Okay that was FUN!!!

Here is feedback the story that was sent to us on Brutus........Thanks for setting us straight, Monika!
A comment about the article about Brutus, the K-9 Medal of Honor Winner; it’s false. In fact, the dog’s name is Spike and he was never a military working dog. Spike is a retired Police Service Dog with the Scottsdale Arizona’s Police Dept. who served honorably during the years 2001 to 2007 with the K-9 unit of the Scottsdale, Arizona’s police dept under his handler, Officer Scott DiIullo. Spike is a Belgian Malinois imported from Europe and weighs less than 100 lbs. Furthermore, police and military working dogs are NOT trained to fatally attack a subject they are deployed upon. Dogs used for handler protection are trained to bite and hold the subject until the subject is taken into custody. There is also no training method to teach a working dog to understand a hand signal to command the dog to leave the area, come back later and then attack.

If you Google the words, “K-9 Medal of Honor”, you will read about what a hoax this is.
See also:

Have a blessed day!

Wow, Dewey, what a great web site! Awesome colors and nice feel to it, well-organized and plenty of features. Thanks for sharing!

Michelle Blood
Dewey, I read your email message daily and I praise the Lord for all you folks at KKIM. Good Work. Terry PetersTres Piedras, N.M.

Now here is our dear friend Karen Rowe.........

Good Morning,

This is a letter to those who are going through a rough patch and maybe even having trouble trusting God….AND to all of us ... to remember to trust in God 1st in all that we do.

Sometimes we all go through a hard time in our life! God is teaching us something about trusting HIM above all things, especially in the hard ones that we can't control, God needs us to trust HIM. The Almighty God, our Father in Heaven IS worthy of Trust and HE CAN do all things...we have to follow HIS rules, but HE can do all things...

Trust HIM above all pain, above all people, above our own HIM and HE will not fail us....just because we may feel that we “haven't gotten there yet,” doesn't mean that we won't eventually arrive...

Our life sometimes seems like just a very bumpy road...under construction....but the new road is a good one...So you have had some bumps, God loves you enough to do some new construction...allow it and receive it and believe...

Even though it doesn't seem like it in your pain...God loves you and desires for you to be happy. Reach for HIS hand in the name of Jesus. And hand it all over to HIM in the name of Jesus...
God does not condemn you, the devil does; God is the Judge;
And God does not wish bad things for you, the devil will lead us there if we are not paying attention to know who we are listening to...
Don't be afraid to choose a path lead by God, just because the devil tricked you before...Don't be afraid to trust, because you have hurt before...

Satin will lie to you, just wanted to remind you of that. Be careful of who you are listening to...The devil will pounce on you like a lion and will fill you full of lies, many that you can't see the truth.
Read the Bible to know what God desires and listen to HIS still voice…and to have a good life of blessings, be obedient to God’s Word above all things. Put God 1st!!!

I just wanted to remind us all to say the name of Jesus often to keep Jesus close and to repel the devil from attacking us...

So when you can't figure out which way to turn, just say, "Jesus help me" as many times as you can and rest in nothing, but…
... Mediate on the scripture that God gave us by HIS own WORD, JESUS...
And by HIS WORD to us, we are told to … "Be still and know that I am God" Because HE IS GOD.

Just ask God what pleases HIM and then be obedient ...and just be still....Rest, relax and know that God IS love and God loves you...

Good things come to those who wait and God gives according to our faith and obedience...Don't let the devil put doubt in your faith...
Just because of a few wrong turns in our life doesn’t mean that is the entire trip;
The road ahead has a different view....
Just because some are weak, doesn't mean that others aren't strong...Don't give up on people and don't give up on God!

Just remember that construction is inconvenient and hard work and it is painful, but 'Boy Ol Boy' is that road smooth and enjoyable with the new pavement after the construction signs are down...
Our road with God…after we are improved… and until we are "pruned again"...

Luke 16:10
“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, …”

Proverbs 3:5-
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding:
In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”
Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil.
This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.”

Proverbs 3:11
“My son, do not despise the LORD’s discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the LORD disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in"

Isaiah 30:15
“This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says:
“In repentance and rest is your salvation,
In quietness and trust is your strength,
But you would have none of it.”

How much can God trust

We are always saying to trust in God…What can we do to earn HIS trust in us???

Love and Prayers,
Karen Rowe

God Bless you all, Dewey Sharon and family

Friday, August 8, 2008


WEEKENCUP JUST FOR YOU!!! KKIM/DDC Friday August 8th 2008

Good Morning Family!

May The Peace of the Lord be with You and Yours!

Please drink this cup slowly......and let the words sink in...........

"We should live on the sunny side of Hallelujah Ave. where Glory Road intersects." Adrian Rogers

"Trouble can become a seminary to teach us the provisions of God." Adrian Rogers

Dennis Rainey of Family Life Today just said on KKIM something like this, People are hungry to hear from people not filled with baloney! I could not agree more! People want the truth!!

The World is full of NOTHING NOISE!!!

I am thankful for KKIM and the Daily Cup to bring forth the truth!

Today I trust you will be filled by this CUP!

Thanks to you all who have wrote and said that you love the new web site.

If you have any suggestions please send them to us!

I think Lew says it very well about the work Janetta has done on the web site. Janetta is a very modest person but I praise God for her and her passion for the LORD!


The completed web site look great and is an example of how a web site SHOULD look.
Its clean, uncluttered, and easy to navigate.
The lack of bandwidth wasting bad web site designs such as scrolling and flashing banners, flashing pictures, animation, etc. makes it a pleasure to visit, and have a cup of coffee while there.

Kudos to the designer and design team.

Lew Wallach

I have received some inquires about Janetta doing web sites. If you would like to contact her just email me. I praise God for all those who help me with KIIM and the Daily Cup, without you this all would not be happening! Thank you so much! You all know who you are! Let's all GIVE PRAISE TO GOD, IT IS RIGHT TO PRAISE GOD AND GIVE ALL GLORY TO HIM!!!

First, Nic sent this......By the way I am very thankful for Nic and Karen who contribute to the CUP!

Read this and pray over will help set you FREE!!!!

Good morning -
Time to focus that our God is bigger than our circumstances!!!

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns -- August 6, 2008:
I have given you eyes to see and ears to hear, and I have opened the windows of heaven and have called you up to this high spiritual plateau where you can see and hear beyond your circumstances. Move above and beyond the things that anchor you to the things of the earth. Let your heart soar to gain vision and insight to the opportunities that are before you. Refuse to be held back by fear and insecurity. Release yourself into the liberty of My possibilities for you, says the Lord.
Galatians 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.

I read it more than once pray and ponder over that writing..........
I just got this OUTSTANDING WRITING!!! This is another one to read over and over and let it sink not be in a hurry........drink it slowly........let it absorb your soul and mind!

When Death Becomes Birth
by Max Lucado

You live one final breath from your own funeral.

Which, from God's perspective, is nothing to grieve. He responds to these grave facts with this great news: "The day you die is better than the day you are born" (Eccles. 7:1). Now there is a twist. Heaven enjoys a maternity-ward reaction to funerals. Angels watch body burials the same way grandparents monitor delivery-room doors. "He'll be coming through any minute!" They can't wait to see the new arrival. While we're driving hearses and wearing black, they're hanging pink and blue streamers and passing out cigars. We don't grieve when babies enter the world. The hosts of heaven don't weep when we leave it.

Oh, but many of us weep at the thought of death. Do you? Do you dread your death? And is your dread of death robbing your joy of life?

Jesus came to "deliver those who have lived all their lives as slaves to the fear of dying" (Heb. 2:15).

Your death may surprise you and sadden others, but heaven knows no untimely death: "You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed" (Ps. 139:16).

Dread of death ends when you know heaven is your true home. In all my air travels I've never seen one passenger weep when the plane landed. Never. No one clings to the armrests and begs, "Don't make me leave. Don't make me leave. Let me stay and eat more peanuts." We're willing to exit because the plane has no permanent mailing address. Nor does this world. "But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior" (Phil. 3:20).

Why don't you do this: give God your death. Imagine your last breath, envision your final minutes, and offer them to him. Deliberately. Regularly. "Lord, I receive your work on the cross and in your resurrection. I entrust you with my departure from earth." With Christ as your friend and heaven as your home, the day of death becomes sweeter than the day of birth

Here is the latest on Paul Rieth...............

Dewey, here's today report. Frank

Welcome to our CaringBridge site with information about Paul Rieth and the afternath of his motorcycle accident on August 1st.

Click on Read Story to read more about what happened. Read the Journal for daily updates and drop us a line in the guestbook.

He still can't have visitors. Paul is not conscious and they don't want him over-stimulated. We are concerned about infection too.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 07, 2008 10:11 AM, CDT
Subscribe to journal update notification

Thursday morning - Aug. 7

We have new concerns this morning so want you to know so that you can pray. His temperature is up and his heart rate is up and he is sweating. This can be signs of pneumonia starting and there is a condition in brain injuries that they call 'storming'. They will be doing more tests during the day. I'll update this again tonight.


On Friday evening Paul was riding his Harley on the way to a Northgate meeting when a car coming toward him took a left turn in front of him. From the skid marks we see that Paul slammed on his brakes but was unable to stop. He slammed into the back passenger side of the SUV.

The medics rushed him to the top trauma hospital in the area - Harborview Medical Center - because of the seriousness of the injuries and loss of blood.

Paul has multiple fractures, mainly on his right side, ankle, leg, wrist, T9 vertebrae, bones in his face, and a lot of soft tissue damage. One of the biggest concerns os the brain bleed and pressure on the brain. .

He is getting the best care form a whole team of doctors and specialists. He will have several surgeries as his body becomes ready for the procedures. His bones are splinted for now and he has a beathing tube. The plastic surgeon team worked on his face for 5 1/2 hours on Saturday.

The best way for you to contact us or find information about Paul is through this website. We will post updates reguarly. This will be a long term situation and there will be time later for visits from friends. For now, we ask that you do not come to the hospital because we are concerned about infection and they don't want him stimulated too much. His temperature is still higher than it should be. There will be much time later for you to visit him as he will be going through recovery for considerable time.

We deeply appreciate your prayers and concern and calls. We know that there are MANY people praying and God will honor that!!!

Paul is fit and healthy so that will go a long way to help in his recovery.

Pastor Bob and Marion
Renae (sister), Merrie (wife), Mayah (almost 6)
and Paul's extended family

Please keep Paul and his family in your prayers.

Franchesca sent this in....................

An unsung American Hero.

The dog above is Brutus, a military K9 at McChord Air Force Base, Wash. He's huge - part boxer and part British bull mastiff and tops the scales at 200 lbs.

His handler took the picture. Brutus is running toward me because he knows I have some Milk Bones, so he's slobbering away! I had to duck around a tree just before he got to me in case he couldn't stop, but he did.

Brutus won the Congressional Medal of Honor last year from his tour in Iraq . His handler and 4 other soldiers were taken hostage by insurgents.

Brutus and his handler communicate by sign language and he gave Brutus the signal that meant 'go away but come back and find me'.

The Iraqis paid no attention to Brutus. He came back later & quietly tore the throat out of one guard at one door and another guard at another door.

He then jumped against one of the doors repeatedly (the guys were being held in an old warehouse) until it opened. He went in and untied his handler and they all escaped.

He's the first K9 to receive this honor. If he knows you're ok, he's a big old lug and wants to sit in your lap. He also enjoys the company of cats.

K-9 Medal of Honor Winner

God Bless you all, Dewey Sharon and family

Thanks for stopping by for a cup! Now please go to www.deweysdailycup and check us out and take our poll!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Urgent Prayer Request- August 6th, 2008

My Dear Friends, Please let us come together for she get's ready to go her resting place with Our Father.........This note is from her dear sister Rebecca who is such a dear friend of KKIM and DDC.

Dewey - my sister Judy is in hospice and doesn't have much longer. I'm in Philadelphia with her and family. Rebecca

Not much longer........not the words we want to hear about a loved one.........but our Heavenly Father awaits Judy with open arms.........

Death to us has become natural, but the Bible reveals it to be abnormal. Oswald Chambers

John 5:28-29 .........

"The hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear HIS voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of

Judy has been a good servant to many............God Bless you Judy, Rebecca and family

In Christ's Love, The KKIM/DDC family

Wednesday, August 6, 2008




Please let us know if you get this. Thanks
Good Morning to you! May the Peace of the Lord be with You and Yours!
God sees all....................knows all...........
How AWESOME is this!!!
I love it when people say this country was not founded on faith in GOD!!!!!..........
Dec. 9, 1863........
Sec. Of The Treasury S.P. Chase wrote again to the Dir. of the Mint, James Pollock:
I approve your mottos, only suggesting that on that with the Washington obverse, the motto should begin with the word "Our", so as to read:
"Our God and our Country." And on that with the shield, it should be changed to read: "In God We Trust."
On March 3, 1865 Congress of the United States of America approved: IN GOD WE TRUST
Too many Americans do not know the History of this GREAT COUNTRY!!! Too many Americans do not READ ABOUT THIER OWN COUNTRY!!!
"Nearly all men can stand adversity,
but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
Abraham Lincoln
That's your history lesson today here on the Daily Cup!! Also don't you miss hearing people refer to us as........
The United States of America...........The Good Old U.S.A.!!!!! We as Americans do not refer to ourselves this way anymore!
It starts with us and GOD!!!
Overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. Romans 8:37
He has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His love. Romans 5:5
I hope you have been able to catch all the things by GOD we are doing on KKIM! Expanded news, Weather with John Paul who covers the whole state. We also have added Doug Giles to our line Up.....This is Christian Radio with an attitude! We are hear to bring the TRUTH everyday! I PRAISE GOD for what HE is doing with KKIM, we are not afraid to BRING YOU THE TRUTH.......GOD'S TRUTH! Doug Giles is on weeknights right now at 8:05pm. Check him out at He is one of the most read Conservative columnists in America. We also have added Gilbert Larson to our line up 5 days a week at 2:30. Harry Chapman is now also on at 7:30am Saturdays and 3:30 Mondays. Garland Moore is also now on at 9:45am Sundays, 5:05pm Sundays and 3:34 Mondays.
Have you visited our new web site? Please do and let us know what you think. Please take the poll we have posted.
We are still working on the site.
Dear Friends, Please ad Byron Grove to your prayers.........and keep praying for Paul Rieth. Please also pray for Sharon and I. Thank you for keeping us in your prayers. Also please pray for my 92 year old Uncle Joe and 94 year old Aunt Evey. I talked to them both yesterday............they have been so instrumental in my growth in God.

I like the new web site so far. I will miss the emails but I can get the information on the site. I have talked to our Pastor about you coming to visit and I have not heard from him so I will remind him again of my inquiry and get back to you.

Please also pray for my husband Bryon as he will be having tests on Thursday for his heart.

Thank you and God Bless you!


Dewey, we need to keep praying for this young man. Here's an update:

MONDAY, AUGUST 04, 2008 09:46 PM, CDT

Monday night

This was a hard day for Paul. He was less responsive than yesterday and seemed to be in a deep place. Our concern is for the brain injury. The doctors and nurses say it could be three months or more for the blood to be absorbed into the body. This is where we need prayer.

The broken bones and contusions will heal sooner but the brain takes time to recover.

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Psalms 46:1

SUNDAY, AUGUST 03, 2008 02:50 PM, CDT

Sunday, August 3

The cat scans on his head have remained unchanged and there are no blood clots for which we are so thankful. They are continuing to monitor it.

For someone who entered the hospital Friday night in a very critical state, he has come a long way. Paul is still heavily sedated and when they lowered the dosage a bit to test his condition his body reacted strongly against the pain. He began to quiver and convulse and they had to quickly increase the pain meds again. However they were able to see that he was able to respond to the command to move his toes. That is a major blessing.

We are so thankful that he is alive and that he is being treated by an excellent staff, but we know he is still in danger and there are many things they do not know yet.

Sunday night. Paul's temperature and brain pressure are high as his body fights against all the trauma. These first 3 to 5 days are crucial.

Thanks to frank Haley for this update.

Remember that commercial, "I've got the power" Well, here is the REAL POWER!!!! This is from Nic.........

I've Got the Power!
But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. Acts 1:8 (KJV)
Jesus shares with us that we receive power when the Holy Ghost comes on us. Acts 1:8 puts the emphasis on the power that comes on us to be witnesses first in Jerusalem and then Judea and to the uttermost parts of the earth. You shall receive power! You shall receive an anointing! You shall receive oil! You shall receive courage! When the Holy Ghost comes on you, you shall receive power to be my witnesses!
But, I want to push the envelope a little bit and remind us that this power, of which Jesus speaks, has not only been given to us so that we might be witnesses of the goodness of God and of the grace of God, but that this power has been give to you and I also for the tearing down of strongholds. The power of God has not only been give to you and me so I can witness about the grace of God, but the power of God has been given to me so I can also witness about strongholds in my bloodline that may have destroyed generations above me that I can give witness and say, "It destroyed them, but by the power of God it did not destroy me."

Pray with me: Father, I thank you that I am free. I thank you that because of the shed blood of your son generational curses have been destroyed. I thank you that I have the power to remain free and whatever demon that might rise up against me, I have power over. I have been made free from the curse of sin. I have power to overcome the world through your son-Jesus. Father, be glorified in my life that I may be an effective witness unto you.

This is from Karen............

Good Morning!!! It is a wonderful day!!! The LORD has blessed me with something great!!!
"It is about the WORD; NOT about my interpretation of the WORD." It is about the Word of GOD. I thank HIM for that!!! I am so blessed in HIS presence right now!!!

After prayer and thanks to HIM, I am sharing The WORD of God:

I encourage you to read more, I am only sharing in part...God is in Whole, not in part and we are to love HIM and celebrate HIM in understanding HIS message to us.

1 I am the true vine and my Father is the gardener.
3 You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you.
4 Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine (Jesus)
7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.
14 You are my friends if you do what I command.
17 This is my command: Love each other.
18 If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first
20 ...No servant is greater than his master.
22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin. Now, however, they have no excuse for their sin.
25 ...The hated me without reason.
26 ...the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me. And you also must testify....
John 16
2...a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God.
3 They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me.
4 I have told you this, so that when the time comes you will remember that I warned you.
The Holy Spirit...
8 he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment
12...the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth.
23… I tell you the truth, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.

Thank God for HIS Word to us!!! It is right in front of us and sometimes we put off looking into the Word to see what the matter in our own lives is.
The truth of everything we seek is in the Bible!!!

By testimony, without the details, I have seen God part the clouds and stop a storm just shy of something because of great faith in HIS ability to do it and far greater faith in HIS love for obedience…God loves us and HE loves obedience…When we do good things for God and carry that light inside of us that shines bright for HIM, HE will do anything we need to honor our request that is made for good purposes.

God is good all the time
All the time, God is good.

We are told to have faith by Jesus!!!
By testimony, Faith can part the clouds and Faith has parted the sea…
Because God can do these things!!!

Have a wonderful day in Christ!!!

Love and in Christ’s precious name,

Thanks Karen and Nic. You guys are a TRUE BLESSING!!!

God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them. 1 John 4:16

Let us pray........... God of love, thank YOU for loving me the way You do. It is beyond my understanding. I praise You for Your love. AMEN

God Bless you all, Dewey Sharon and family



Good Morning Friends!

May the Peace of the Lord be with You and Yours!

"It behooves us then to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins and to pray for clemency and forgiveness......" Abraham Lincoln 1863


So after you have this cup head over and take the POLL we have up and check it out. I do not know how much longer we will be emailing out the DDC, with the AWESOME site Jannetta has created there may be no need for email except for urgent prayer requests and news. So please go to I have prayed about a site like this for YEARS!! So please book mark the new web site and make it one of your favorites and check it out each day...MANY NEW FEATURES!!! Email from the site and let me know what you think!!! PRAISE GOD!!! PRAISE GOD!!!! AND PRAISE GOD FOR JANNETTA!!! I thank you all for being friends!


He was amazed to see that no one intervened to help the oppressed. Isaiah 59:16

"All Christian virtues are locked up in the word prayer." Charles H. Spurgeon

The hand of our GOD is upon all those for good who seek HIM. Ezra 8:22

"The path to a LIFE FULL of answers to prayer is through the WILL OF GOD." Andrew Murray

First of all we have these updates from Amy and her Mother Cheri.........and Cheri reminds us to keep praying for Paul Rieth.........

Dear Dewey and faithful prayer frien ds,I am home from surgery! It is Saturday evening at 5:40. The surgery was yesterday at 3:30, and went well. It was over quickly, and I have met all of the criteria for coming home. It was a success, and everything looks pretty good! I still have more chemo ahead of me, but it is such a relief to have this step over with. God is good, and ever faithful, and I am so grateful that He is with me through all of this! :0) Amy Schultz Thank you all so very much for your prayers. They help sustain me, and I am sure they are part of my healing! Amy Dewey....I am praying for Paul and his family!Amy had her surgery yesterday and seems to be doing well. She will see the doctor this week. I know she will also write an update soon, but I wanted to thank all of you for the prayers. She was sent home early evening today. Last time I checked the pain was under control. She was up and walking. We are all thankful and grateful as we see how the Lord works in her life as he is getting her through this long and difficult journey. Again, you are all such a vital part of this journey to healing and I feel very blessed to have you love enough and care enough to pray for my daughter! Love in Christ,20Cherie Also friends, please pray for Lynne Buggs as she continues to go through treatment for her cancer. Though I have not been familiar w/Bob Rieth's ministry, the name caught my eye b/c we share the same last name. It is especially jolting when something happens to our children... how old is Paul? May our Heavenly Father of Grace and Mercy bless this family with Comfort and the warmth of His Presence. May we cast every care on Jesus, and the family know the consolation of His Love. May this be true for each and every hurting one in their place of need.Because of Jesus,Karen Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin. James 4:17 Here is a real good one from Mike and Jan.........Having grown up in Minnesota and being a Norskie and Swede and being raised in the Lutheran Church this is extra special!!! LUTHERAN AIRLINESWE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE LUTHERAN AIRLINES IS NOW OPERATING IN MINNYSOTA! ALSO SERVING VISCONSIN, NORDERN MITCHIGEN, NORT & SOUT DAKOTAIf you are travelin soon, consider Lutran Air, the no-frills airline. You're all in da same boat on Lutran Air, here flyin is a upliftin experience. Dair is no first class on any Lutran Air flight.Meals are potluck. Rows 1 tru 6, bring rolls; 7 tru 15, bring a salad; 16 tru 21, a hot dish, and 22-30, a dessert.Basses and tenors please sit in da rear of da aircraft. Everyone is responsible for his or her own baggage. All fares are by free-will offering, and da plane will not land til da budget is met.Pay attention to your flight attendant, who vill acquaint you wit da safety system aboard dis Lutran Air. Okay den, listen up; I'm only gonna say dis vonce: In da event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, I am frankly gonna be real surprised and so vill Captain Olson, because ve fly right around two tousand feet, so loss of cabin pressure would probably mean da Second Coming or someting of dat nature, and I wouldn't bodder with doze liddle masks on da rubber tubes--you're gonna have bigger tings to worry about den dat.. Just stuff doze back up in dair liddle holes. Probably da masks fell out because of turbulence which, to be honest wit you, we're gonna have quite a bit of at two tousand feet, sorta like driving across a plowed field, but after a while you get used to it.In da event of a water landing, I'd say forget it. Start saying da Lord's Prayer and just hope you get to da part about forgive us our sins as we fo rgive dose who sin against us, which some people say "trespass against us," which isn't right, but what can you do?Da use of cell phones on da plane is strictly forbidden, not because day may confuse da plane's navigation system, which is by da pants all da way. No, it's because cell phones are a pain in da wazoo, and if God had meant you to use a cell phone, He wudda put your mout on da side of your head.We start lunch right about noon and it's buffet style wit da coffeepot up front. Den we'll have da hymn sing; hymnals are in da seat pockets in front of you. Don't take yours wit you when you go or I am gonna be real upset and I am not kiddin! Right now I'll say Grace:"Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest and let deze gifts to us be blessed. Fader, Son, and Holy Ghost, May we land in Dulut or pretty close." THAT IS SO GOOD!!!! Thanks Mike and Jan........I think Sandy at the Windom paper should put that in the Citizen!!! This from Merry.......... This is nice… Click here: Rain On The Windshield Friday night at Heights Christian Church we held a prayer service for our Military Men and Women. Saturday I spoke to a group of volunteers who go into the prisons to share G od's word. Then I spoke to a group of Sr's at Paradise Hills Methodist. They have such a large eating area and kitchen at Paradise Hills they host many events. Anyhow as I was finishing up my presentation I took questions. One very nice lady says to me, "You are creating fear about China." I said not I was just sharing the truth and If folks want to be fearful that is there choice. What I was sharing about China was that with the new energy bill we will can only get those new light bulbs from China, I shared about there building a HUGE war machine, Industrial Revolution, Pollution, and how funny it is that we are having the Olympics in China when the air quality is so poor and many are talking about having to wear masks, and it is like we are masking the truth as to what is going on in that country. For heaven sakes they have to shut down many factories and stop people from using cars to help clean up the air during the Olympics. I also talked about the push that is going on in New Mexico to pass same sex marriage. This same lady along with four others said we should not worry about that and leave that alone. We had a good discussion on these topics and like I told the group this is America and we are all free to express our opinions. Polls show that well over 70% of New Mexicans are opposed to same sex marriage. The question I then ask, is why then did HB9 just fail by one vote in the last session. I will not argue about same sex marriage I just refer to the Bible and God's word on this. Here are two items that tie in with all this................ US says it understated number of new HIV infections each year, raises estimate to 56,000By MIKE STOBBE, Associated Press August 3, 2008ATLANTA - The number of Americans infected by the AIDS virus each year is much higher than the government has been estimating, U.S. health officials reported, acknowledging that their numbers have understated the level of the epidemic.The country had roughly 56,300 new HIV infections in 2006 — about a 40 percent increase from the 40,000 annual estimate used for the past dozen years. The new figure is due to a better blood test and new statistical methods, and not a worsening of the epidemic, officials said.But it likely will refocus U.S. attention from the effect of AIDS overseas to what the disease is doing to this country, said public health researchers and officials."This is the biggest news for public health and HIV/AIDS that we've had in a while," said Julie Scofield, executive director of the National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors.Experts in the field, advocates and a former surgeon general called for m ore aggressive testing and other prevention efforts, noting that spending on preventing HIV has been flat for seven years.The revised estimate by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the methodology behind it were to be presented Sunday, the opening day of the international AIDS conference in Mexico City.Since AIDS surfaced in 1981, health officials have struggled to estimate how many people are infected each year. It can take a decade or more for an infection to cause symptoms and illness.One expert likened the new estimate to adding a good speedometer to a car. Scientists had a good general idea of where the epidemic was going; this provides a better understanding of how fast it's moving right now."This puts a key part of the dashboard in place," said the expert, David Holtgrave of Johns Hopkins University.Judging by the new calculations, officials believe annual HIV infections have been hovering around 55,000 for several years."This is the most reliable estimate we've had since the beginning of the epidemic," said Dr. Julie Gerberding, the CDC's director. She said other countries may adopt the agency's methodology.According to current estimates, around 1.1 million Americans are living with the AIDS virus. Officials plan to update that number with the new calculations but don't think it will change dramatically, a CDC spokeswoman said.=0 A The new infection estimate is based on a blood test that for the first time can tell how recently an HIV infection occurred.Past tests could detect20only the presence of HIV, so determining which year an infection took place was guesswork — guesswork upon which the old 40,000 estimate was based.The new estimate relies on blood tests from 22 states where health officials have been using a new HIV testing method that can distinguish infections that occurred within the past five months from those that were older.The improved science will allow more real-time monitoring of HIV infections. Now, CDC officials say, the estimate will likely be updated every year.Yearly estimates allow better recognition of trends in the U.S. epidemic. For example, the new report found that infections are falling among heterosexuals and injection drug users.Some experts celebrated that finding, saying it's a tribute to prevention efforts, including nearly 200 syringe exchange programs now operating in 36 states despite a federal ban on funding for such projects.But they also lamented the CDC's finding that infections continue to increase in gay and bisexual men, who accounted for more than half of HIV infections in 2006. Also, more than a third of those with HIV are younger than 30.Some advocates say that suggests a need for more prevention efforts, particularly targeting younger gay and bisexual men.For yea rs, AIDS was considered a terrifying death sentence, and since 1981, more than half a million Americans have died. But medicines that became available in the 1990s turned it into a mana geable chronic condition for many Americans, and attention shifted to Africa and other parts of the world.Last week, President Bush signed a $48 billion global AIDS bill to continue a program that he called "the largest commitment by any nation to combat a single disease in human history."But some advocates complain that CDC's annual spending on HIV prevention in the United States has been held to roughly $700 million since 2001, while costs have risen. (That's about 3 percent of what the federal government spends on AIDS; much of the rest is on medicines, health care and research.)The new estimate is "evidence of a failure by government and society to do what it takes to control the epidemic," said Julie Davids, executive director of the Community HIV/AIDS Mobilization Project.Whether more funding comes or not, the revised estimate clearly is a "wake-up call to scale things up," said Dr. Kevin Fenton, who oversees CDC's prevention efforts for HIV/AIDS.Some said more attention needs to focus on prevention among blacks, who account for nearly half of annual HIV infections, according to the new CDC report.A recent report by the Black AIDS Institute concluded that if black Americans were t heir own nation, they would rank 16th in the world in the number of people living with HIV."We have been inadequately funding this epidemic all along. We need to step it up," sa id former U.S. Surgeon General Dr. David Satcher, who is now an administrator at Atlanta's Morehouse School of Medicine.The new estimate has been anticipated for a long time. The CDC began working on the new methods nearly seven years ago.Late last year, advocates said they had heard the figure was about 55,000 and pressed the CDC to release it. Agency officials declined, saying they were submitting their research for medical journal review."These are extremely complicated statistical methods," and CDC officials wanted the work to be thoroughly reviewed by outside experts, Gerberding said. The CDC's findings are being published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.Until 1992, the number of diagnosed AIDS cases was used to predict how many people were newly infected each year. That method produced an estimate of 40,000 to 80,000. More recently, the CDC focused on infections among men who have sex with men, who account for about half of new HIV diagnoses.___On the Net:CDC HIV fact sheets:
Hawaii man accused of helping China design missile

(AP) HAIKU, Hawaii - Cheryl Gowadia couldn’t figure out why FBI agents in riot gear, guns drawn, were storming her home on Maui’s tranquil North Shore.At first, she thought they might be after the man building a pond in her backyard. Instead, she was stunned to learn they wanted to question her husband, a former B-2 stealth bomber engineer."This came out of nowhere," Gowadia said.A week later, on Oct. 13, 2005, agents arrested Noshir Gowadia, a native of India who received a Ph.D. at 15, on suspicion he sold military secrets to China.Maui is an unlikely place for a spy saga., a mostly rural island of 140,000 known more for big-wave surfing and five-star resorts.But prosecutors say Noshir Gowadia used Maui as a base to design a stealth cruise m issile for China. He was indicted on 21 counts of conspiracy, money-laundering and falsifying tax returns.Despite the seriousness of the charges, the case has received scant public attention.The20defendant has been out of sight since a judge determined he was a flight risk and denied him bail.And, adding to his obscurity, Gowadia’s trial date has been repeatedly postponed as both prosecution and defense lawyers have sought more time to review thousands of pages of classified evidence.The trial is now due to begin on Jan. 21. Gowadia has pleaded not guilty.The case comes amid growing U.S. concern about Chinese spying and enhanced prosecution efforts across the country.Last year, a jury convicted Chi Mak, an engineer for a California-based defense contractor, of conspiring to export U.S. submarine propulsion technology to China. He was sentenced to 24 1/2 years in prison. In June, a Chinese national with Canadian citizenship was sentenced to 24 months for selling fighter pilot training software to the Chinese navy.Dan Blumenthal, a former China country director at the Pentagon and a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, said Beijing is after technologies that would help it counter the U.S."It’s not necessarily James Bond-like spying where you have some super spy penetrating the deepest U.S. secrets," Bl umenthal=2 0said. "It’s trying relentlessly to get defense related technology from U.S. companies, U.S. engineers and the U.S. military."Cheryl Gowadia says that FBI raid nearly three years ago was her first indication her husband was suspected of anything illegal.=0 A Agents scoured every corner of the couple’s two-story home, and left with boxes of papers and family photos, including wedding pictures. Officers interrogated her husband in the vacant maid’s apartment in the back of the house for six hours."They’re claiming that we built this house with money he earned illegally," Cheryl Gowadia said, sitting in her living room with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking Uaoa Bay. "There’s isn’t a shred of truth in it, not one dime."Although the house is valued at $4 million, Cheryl Gowadia must live frugally because the couple spent most of their savings hiring a Washington law firm to defend Gowadia. The money ran out a year after his arrest and they’re now relying on a court-appointed attorney.They can’t sell the house to raise money because prosecutors have a lien on it, saying Gowadia will have to forfeit the property if he’s convicted. The couple’s son has been paying the mortgage, but there isn’t enough left over for hot water or to maintain the yard.Gowadia’s new attorney, David Klein, declined to20make the engineer available for comment .Gowadia moved to the U.S. from India in the 1960s for postgraduate work. In 1968 he joined defense contractor Northrop Corp., now Northrop Grumman Corp., where he designed elements of the B-2.He became a U.S. citizen in the 1970s and retired from Northrop in 1986, two=2 0years before the B-2 made its public debut.Cheryl Gowadia said he’s honest and, in a way, naive. He didn’t bother calling a lawyer when agents showed up at his home and started questioning him."He is totally unable to lie. It is not his nature. He’s as honest and truthful and trusting as they come," Cheryl Gowadia said.The indictment alleges he made six trips to China from 2003 to 2005, conspiring to conceal some of his visits by getting border agents to leave immigration stamps off his passport.In Chengdu in 2003, Gowadia allegedly gave Chinese engineers and officials classified information about missile exhaust systems that emit little heat and thus are hard to detect. The city is home to the Chengdu Aircraft Design Institute, which created the J-10, a state-of-the-art fighter plane China unveiled last year.Prosecutors allege Gowadia pocketed $110,000 over two years for his exhaust nozzle design.He’s also accused of attempting to sell classified stealth technology to the Swiss governm ent and to businesses in Israel and Germany.The defendant ’s son, Ashton Gowadia, said it doesn’t make sense that someone with a distinguished career like his father’s would sell military secrets. He also questioned why anyone living a comfortable life would sell classified material for so little money."We want this thing in court," Ashton Gowadia said. "He wants to show the world that he’s innocent and he wants to clear his name."

One other thing that I have been talking about for months and now this..................

The current Congress has enacted less legislation than any within the last decade, according to a new analysis from the nonpartisan Tax-payers for Common Sense.

The 100th Congress has passed just 260 laws-----and 74 of those were RENAMING POST OFFICES!!!!

But they passed hundreds of resolutions, including one to RECONGNIZE SOIL AS AN "ESSENTIAL RESOURCE". Rep. John Shimkus introduced a resolution to recognize June 30th as NATIONAL CORVETTE DAY!!!! "It's probably not the best use of our time," he says, "but we have to do something. These resolutions make it look like we're working." HE ACTUALLY SAID THAT!!!!!

Washington DC is so out of touch with the American people!

May God Bless you and Yours, Dewey Sharon and family

Sunday, August 3, 2008


WEEKEND CUP KKIM/DDC/Friday, August 1, 2008

Goood Mooooooooooorning KKIM Family!

May the Peace of the Lord be with You and Yours!!!

"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfector of our faith,
who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning it's shame,
and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Consider Him who endured such opposition from sinful men,
so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."
Hebrews 12: 2-3

Salina, How wonderful to hear from you! It has been ages! I need some humor here and Salina provided it..........

Clean joke:

A new pastor was visiting in the homes of his parishioners. At one
house it seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer came to his repeated knocks at the door. Therefore, he took out a business card and wrote 'Revelation 3:20' On the back of it and stuck it in the door. When the Offering was processed the following Sunday, he found that his card had been returned. Added to it was this cryptic message, 'Genesis 3:10.' Reaching for his Bible to check out the citation, he broke up in gales of laughter. Revelation 3:20 begins 'Behold, I stand at the door and knock.' Genesis 3:10 reads, 'I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid for I was naked.'

Thanks for helping us start off the day with a laugh Salina!!!!

Program Change for KKIM.....You can now hear Gilbert Larson and Friends weekdays at 2:30.

We are so blessed to be able to have Gilbert with us 5 days a week at 2:30!!!

We PRAISE GOD for all that HE is doing with KKIM!

Prayer is an update from Cheri on Amy's situation.........

Dewey, just to let you and the prayer warriors know, Amy's mastectomy
is scheduled for 2:00PM California time on Friday. Thank you so much
for your prayers. Please pray for successful, complication free
surgery, quick healing, protection from infection, and excellent
diabetic control during the process.....and as you feel led to pray! I
know she gets through this with the knowledge and sense that she is
being help up in prayer.


Dear friends,

In order to help the families and victims of the recent floods in the locality of Ruidoso, New Mexico, the Consulate of Mexico will be receiving from today Thursday July 31st to Thursday 7th of August in its installations the following donations in kind to be transported next Friday 8th of August by the Consulate:

· Bottles of water

· Medicines ( first aid kits and aspirins…)

· Canned food

· Clothes and shoes

· Blankets

· Towels

· Toiletteries ( soaps, toothbrushes, toothpastes, shampoos, etc.)

Any donation may be received at the Consulate:

1610 4th Street NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102,

from 8:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m., and 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Any of these items may help significantly to these families who are struggling with material loses, and specially, of their dear ones in these difficult moments,

I appreciate very much your attention towards this matter,

sincerely yours,

Gustavo De Unánue

Consul of Mexico

THE MAILBAG IS FULL........A LOT OF RESPONSE TO THE ARMED ROBBERY WRITE UP I DID AFTER GRETCHEN AND HER CO-WORKERS WERE ROBBED AT THE STARBUCKS SHE WORKS AT...........On New Mexico News and Views this week we have been talking about the revolving door of justice in New Mexico....REPEAT OFFENDERS.....just like the thugs who robbed the Starbucks......It is a huge issue for the State Legislature.......writing legislation that will help this issue is a must!

Hi Dewey,

I like the new look on your DDC. Thank you for taking time from your very busy day to do DDC. It is sad about crime these days. I will keep your children in my prayers. My son was robbed at gunpoint while working in a Subway. My son was 16 years old!!! He wasn't sure it was a real gun, but he didn't take any chances. He handed over the money. I told him he did the right thing. I had completely forgotten about that until I read your email this morning. Since he didn't go the $20 bill drops, because he was so busy (and by himself), his boss back charged him $60. He deducted it from his paycheck. Can you believe that?

Also, thanks for calling the police at that convenience store. Everything helps. It is a fallen world. Thank God we have our Lord and Savior.

Thank you,

You're right about the cause of crime, Meth, there was a meth house busted just a blk from my house about a year ago, last sat night about 3 am sun, someone fired 6 shots in the house on th corner of my street, no one hurt, but the gun shots woke me up, and then yesterday someone found what looked like a pipe bomb in the front yard of a house about 5 houses down the street from me and when I can home from doing the news yesterday morning, the police had the whole street blocked of waiting for the bomb squad. There was a police car in front of my house with his red lights on blocking the street off. Took them about 4 hours to clean the area. I live in such a nice neighborhood.

There are at least 4 or 5 vacant houses with in a block of my house. Some are for sale, some are not, at least 2 are condemned. I'm surprised "homeless" people don't break into them and stay there. I hope they don't hear about them.

Have a blessed day....................

Frank (The Old Texan) Haley cjf Isa. 9:6

"When the sunshine of God's love meets the showers of our sorrow, the rainbow of promise appears."

Glad Gretchen was unharmed. Frankly Dewey the store clerks should all be armed. I think it may have been Atlanta or maybe Jacksonville a couple of decades ago had a rash of store robberies and they put in little broom closet looking things that an officer could sit in and monitor the store. Now not all of them were manned but the thief could not tell if they were or not. The stores posted signs about armed officers may be in the store and after a few of them went to meet the Maker after being surprised by an armed officer, surprise, surprise the number of armed robberies plummeted. The same held true in Kennesaw , GA. when they passed an ordinance requiring every citizen to have a firearm at home and ammunition for it. If one had a religious objection they could get a waiver. But this suburb of Atlanta saw a reduction in crime the first year of nearly 90%! It is like Bastiat said in his book The Law, “When does plunder stop, only when it becomes more painful than work.”


Good Morning Dewey,

I'm so sorry to hear about the horrible experience Gretchen went through. That happened to my daughter a couple of years ago at a Carl's Jr.. It's dangerous times and unfortunately according to scripture will not get any better. Praise the Lord for His hand of protection. It reminds me of His divine protection of the children in the wilderness ... cloud by day and fire by night!

Please give my love to Michelle during this time of grief. I pray that her dad is with the Lord and is in His perfect joy and peace. I pray that perfect peace for Michelle and her children, too.

Dewey, the free Messianic Conference at the Double Tree Hotel this past weekend was incredible! There were over 500 ministers, pastors, rabbi's, Messianic Believers, etc ... in attendance. I wish you could have joined us. I believe they will be back next year with even more teachers and speakers, Lord willing.

How are your baseball games going? ... still hitting them out of the park? :-)

For Manny Maynez who just this week got diagnosed with an inoperable kidney cancer. Pray first for salvation. Thank you Dewey and KKIM family!



Oh, Dewey...

(Re: Your "Daily Cup" of 7/30/08, below)

God bless your/our children! My own family and I just returned from a beautiful vacation in green, gorgeous Rhode Island, where my fiance's family lives. Granted, Providence is your garden-variety 'big city' with it's due measure of crime, corruption, etc. But where we were, in the southern part of the state, it was gorgeous - and so peaceful! People actually leave their doors unlocked! Their keys in the car - and sometimes even idling in the parking lot while they run in to whatever retailer to conduct their business! I was embarrassed to find myself so shocked. Children play in the street and casually stroll - alone - to their various points of interest around their neighborhoods.

It was such an eye-opener. We couldn't help but marvel at the difference, and how much we had modified our own behavior. Out of habit, we found ourselves locking doors and cars, clutching our wallets close and being hyper-vigilant about so many things that were simply non-issues there.

Then we return home to read the story in yesterday's paper about the little girl my own daughter's age, home alone, struggling frantically to get help on the phone while a repeat-offender literally helps himself into her home! God guide and protect all of our children as this is certainly every parent's nightmare!

As we examine these things, one thought comes to my mind - we can help! We have the power of the Holy Father! And as His children, we must remember to seek Him in all things. "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." (Philipians 4:6, NASB)

Therefore, in light of your timely message (God works powerfully through you, Dewey), I would like to propose to our brothers and sisters that we commit to pray, as a group, starting now and 'without ceasing' for our community, and for the safely and well-being of all of our precious children. God moves in each of our lives and builds our faith by lovingly responding to our humble cries. And while I don't doubt that every one of us already holds our children high on our list of prayer topics, our voices can only find more blessing and favor by joining our hearts and minds in the name of our Lord Jesus.

Futher, I would like to propose a special night of prayer this coming Tuesday, August 5th, as it has already been designated as the "National Night Out" (America's Night Out Against Crime - You can also contact a neighborhood organizer in your area by plugging in your zip code where indicated on the website. There's even a special Ice Cream Social in Nob Hill that night, organized by Albuquerque's 'Safe City' team ( By clicking this link,, you can see a full-size flier for the event. Please feel free to print or email it and pass the word.

Great and extraordinary change has always begun with everyday, ordinary people - and God. We, who know Him and hold close the flame of faith within our hearts should capitalize on this opportunity to engender change by appealing to our Holy Father and inviting His assistance for our community and our children. Dewey, with His help, I know we can make a difference. And so I extend this invitation to our brothers and sisters to call on our Father and, "by prayer and supplication and with thanksgiving", ask His help to support, protect and fortify our community, as well as restore the Lord's grace and peace within our homes and families. Together we will celebrate the Lord within our hearts and our homes, and throughout our beautiful city. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we pray.

Yours in Christ -
Grace Cordova

I received this from a friend today and thought I would share. I pray that it doesn’t offend people on their “political views” but it is important for others to know.

Andrea Harp

Dear Friends,

As I was listening to a news program last
night, I watched in horror as Barack Obama made the
statement with pride. ."we are no longer a Christian
nation; we are now a nation of Christians, Jews,
Muslims, Buddhists, . . . As with so many other
statements I've heard him (and his wife) make, I
never thought I'd see the day that I'd hear
something like that from a presidential candidate in
this nation. To think our forefathers fought and
died for the right for our nation to be a Christian
nation--and to have this man say with pride that we
are no longer that. How far this nation has come
from what our founding fathers intended it to be.
I hope that each of you will do what I'm doing
now--send your concerns, written simply and
sincerely, to the Christians on your email list.
With God's help, and He is still in control of this
nation and all else, we can show this man and the
world in November that we are, indeed, still a
Christian nation!

Hmmm... I do have some thoughts (my thoughts may agitate some who view what Joel does differently than I do), but I don't spend a lot of time into Joel Osteen anymore. He definitely is a skilled writer and speaker, as well as a shrewd businessman. He says some good things ... but seems to try to avoid some topics to not commit on a stance/belief so he can appear all inclusive. I consider Matt 7:15 & 22 when I have watched and heard him (Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves...Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?) ...I remember the story of the serpent in the garden...saying some truths... There is a bit much push to "judge not", perhaps sometimes misapplied. If we are told to discern or beware or make a good choice... we MUST judge the fruit to make a wise assessment. We are told that what comes out of the mouth reveals the heart of a man (Matt 15:19). When Larry King asked Joel if you can go to heaven if you are Jewish, Muslim, or don't accept Christ, Joel said, "...I don't know." That is scary! If he is a believer then he DOES know that Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth,20THE Light...only through His work on the cross and our acceptance of it can we share in the Hope of Heaven. He also said that he knows the people in India love God even though he doesn't know much about their religion... The god they (speaking generally of India practices) love is not The One True God, because they don't believe in Jesus... For Joel's position, he should be black and white on those topics...the core of our faith. Shame on us for not letting our yes, be yes and our no be clear... he wouldn't even say an atheist will go to hell IF they die in their rejection of Christ... just overflows in not judging... manipulating vulnerable people's emotions for his own success/purposes. I know he issued an apology when there was a barrage of questioning and criticism from Christians and it was getting media attention. From what I have seen and heard... I don't trust the man and I think he is dangerous to needy souls, ultimately. Yes, he does say some positive and encouraging things that are good; that can make us feel really good. I will quit rambling... g'night :-) Because of Jesus, Karen in Elkhart

A testimony about Trust By, Karen Rowe

Isaiah 30:15

“This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says:

“In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it.”

Trust as defined in the dictionary:

Reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.

Confident expectation of something; hope.

June 2008 testimony:

Last month, we took a road trip out West to Yellowstone . The trip all the way to Colorado was wonderful, until we left Fort Collins , CO to finish this trip by way of Wyoming .

The part of Wyoming that we had to travel though was desolate. There was absolutely no civilization for miles and miles and hours and hours. There were times that we didn’t even see another car on the road for a very long time, maybe hours, or at least it seemed.

We had no cell phone service for the majority of this 11 hour trip across Wyoming ! It literally felt like we were the only 5 people for hundreds and hundreds of miles.

It was intimidating and lonely in a way that I had never experienced. I didn’t realize how much that I needed people! I always considered myself as pretty self sufficient to survive just me and God, family and a few close friends, but I really didn’t know how much I needed or missed seeing people!

Dead in the middle of Wyoming , the thought came to me, literally, “What would we do, if we broke down?”

At the end of our vacation, we had to face driving through Wyoming a 2nd time!

We actually passed through one town that had a sign of a population of 10! That made us laugh after all this driving! The elevation was higher than the population. People out there had to rely on each other! God 1st, I hope, but living out there, people need people. You could tell winters got rough by the snow blinds and evidence that roads were meant to be closed in high winds or heavy snow. We all need is evident everywhere we go and there are lonely people out there...

Many miles after that, dead in the middle of Wyoming , the worst happened! We broke down very close to the same area, where just a few days earlier, I had wondered "what we would do if we broke down?"

We had a tire blow out on the camper!!! No cell service and no one in site for miles as far as the eye could see! We got out of the truck to evaluate the situation and found out fairly quickly that we didn’t have a lug nut wrench that would fit the trailer tire!

It actually felt like the worst had happened on an already way too long of a trip! We just stood there trying every different kind of wrench that my husband had. It was not long when a police officer pulled in behind us. I have never been so happy to see blue lights flashing behind me! It was really a miracle in it self that she was there, she was just on her way home and told us it can be hours between patrols out there.

However, she couldn’t help either. She was very nice and really felt bad that all she could do was offer us to call for help! She gave us 2 options: 1) Call a wrecker, which would take up to a couple of hours to arrive or 2) drop the trailer and drive to the nearest town, buy a tool and double back to change the tire…

Neither of those options felt good because the nearest town was over an hour away just to get there, which also meant over an hour back in the hopes that the nearest town would have a store selling the exact wrench that we needed ...and we would still have to change the tire and hope for no more problems with tools when we returned.

In spite of this, we chose the 2nd option and we were thinking about dropping the trailer, not knowing how far ahead we would have to go...and that is exactly what we would have done, if we had forgotten to pray...

With no other cars in site as the Police car left, it felt like she was leaving us all alone and I could tell that she had that sense too, but I told her, "it was okay, that God had us here for a reason and HE would take care of us" and then she pulled away.

Although neither of us knew it at the time, Robert and I were both in a mindset of trusting God at that moment.

Robert was on one side of the camper praying about what to do, as I was on the other side praying, as we were united in the same feeling of concerns. I paced back and forth a couple of times and then I prayed, “God we need your help a little more than usual right now. Please send us help.”

I carried my son to the side of the road to wait on a car to flag down. Got into position and couldn’t believe that I saw some cars coming from way down the road. It was a feeling of great hope! Compared to the other day, it seemed like a miracle to us just to see cars!

As they got closer I started flagging, but they just drove by! I couldn’t believe it! Then I saw more cars and flagged desperately at them again, but they too just drove by, pretending that they didn't see us…but we were the only thing to look at out there...Although, I thought it was a miracle that there was even traffic at that moment…I couldn’t believe how many people just drove on by!

We had a total of 4 cars stop, including the police car, out of maybe 10 or 15, including a couple of big trucks. I would have thought that truckers would stick together like boaters or motorcycle riders, but both of these trucks just drove by. I thought well maybe they can’t stop because of a company rule or something??? I was puzzled at the lack of compassion.

Then the 1st car stopped; a woman! She really tried to help, but she had no wrench that would fit either. So she left, but the fact that she took time out of her already long day to even try to help meant a lot to us!

I got a little more desperate at this point and sent the girls to flag on the right side and I took my son to the left side of the road to flag cars. Who could pass up kids stranded in the middle of no where asking for help was my plan…apparently a few!

I remember a black SUV passed by, just like all the others, but this one would be different! As he went by, I prayed for him and the others who didn't stop to offer help; I just couldn't believe that no one would offer help! He went by, but then he backed back up!!! At the same time, another car pulled in behind us!!! We were overjoyed!!! And full of hope!!!

I ran up to the passenger side window and told him our need. I could tell that he really didn't want to stop, and he was hesitant to admit that he had a wrench at all. He was rushed, stressed and just wanted to finish his own trip, but something had made him stop anyway. I could tell that he tried to drive by, but something inside of him couldn't do it and he came back! And something inside of him made him pull out that wrench!

Turned out that the man in the SUV, not only had the wrench that fit the trailer tire, but he changed the tire for us!!! My husband is capable of changing a tire and works very hard, but this man just came in and took over!!! He kept telling my husband who was trying to help, “No, I have got it” and wouldn’t take his help to change our own tire!!! He was driven to do this good deed for us and I believe that God had spoken to his heart. I could see a change in that man after the tire was changed...something humbling. We were all blessed that day and God had a purpose in it all!

Then as he was leaving, not only had he changed our tire for us, but he gave us his wrench!!! He said that he wanted us to have it! He would not take any money and all we could do was thank him and tell him how much it meant to us!!! And we thanked God for blessing us with this help!

The 3rd car was there for a reason, I don’t know why, but I could just sense that they needed something…more than us. Maybe they were there just so they could see how God was helping us??? Only God knows all that.

But what God showed me in this blow out was that I wasn’t trusting in God like I was supposed to be all of the time. Remember my thought, “what would I do?”

We found out that “We couldn’t do much of anything” and we found out that God can do the impossible!

From that prayer, God brought us help and had us back on the road in less than an hour total! God humbled my heart that day. All of the sudden, my heart didn’t feel so heavy with dread and burden, I felt light and just happy to be in the moment…resting in God!

To keep that moment, we have to trust God in all that we do! And we have to lean on HIM when it seems impossible…just simply to know by Faith, God is near!

Don’t wait on a blow out to know that we can trust people too. God showed me that we need people; we need each other and we can be trusted.

We cannot let the few cars that drive by; or the few people who hurt us ,or who are dishonest define who all people are!

We can listen to our heart; God in our heart; the Holy Spirit and know who we can trust!!! Believe in God and trust in HIS people.

I hope that we can serve God well in being a witness in faith and trust in a way that pleases God. I encourage us to pick up the Bible and learn more about Trust and trustworthy for God.

Titus 2:9

"Teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything, to try to please them, not to talk back to them, and not to steal from them, but to show that they can be fully trusted, so that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive."

Love in Christ,

Karen Rowe

Let me leave you today friends with this.....................

"It behooves us then to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins and to pray for clemency and forgiveness...." Abe Lincoln

God Bless you all, Dewey Sharon and family

Please join us at Heights Christian Church tonight at 7pm for a special prayer service for our Military Men and Women. and their families.



Good Morning KKIM Family........
Last night the Starbuck's where Gretchen(Our daughter) works was robbed at gun point..........I have to tell you that sadly I was not surprised. Nobody was hurt but what an emotional ordeal. Police where able to chase the two robbers down as they crashed their getaway car. Gretchen does not know what to think. I told her I cannot believe that my kids are growing up where armed robbery is just part of another day at work. Lars is going to start work at Hollywood Video today and works the late shift, so we are very concerned. What has happened here in Albuquerque like many cities in the U.S. is REPEAT jail out of jail and out of jail........the revolving door of justice.......70% of crime in Albuquerque is linked to METH. The other night after softball I stopped in 7-11 and got in line to pay and this young man looked at me and wanted to talk and he smelled of beer.....and he told me he loves Albuquerque because in Sandavol County everybody knows me and I just got of jail....he and his 6 buddies had pulled up in a car and were coming in the store one by one trying to get the clerks to sell them more beer..........but the clerks would not and the one told me that she was going to go out into her car and get her can of mace........I told her to stay put and I would call the police........I feel that these companies need to provide their workers more at least one security guard. By the way the car load of drunks got away before the police got there (They cannot be everywhere, just down the road they had stopped a truck with 2 drunks in it) I followed the car for a bit before they got onto me.

Our prayers go out to KKIM's Ministry Representative Michelle Archuleta whose father Andy passed away yesterday. Please keep the family in your prayers. It is so tough to loose our please keep Michelle and the entire family in your prayers........Michelle's children will miss their Grandpa very much.

Please pray for Michael Ramos who is in the hospital with internal bleeding and the Doctor's cannot find out what is wrong. Michael is the host of the Credit Corner on KKIM.

1 Peter 3:12 says..........

The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and HIS ears are open to their prayers.

Do not worry about tomorrow. Matt. 6:34

Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such city, spend a year there, buy and sell , and make a profit"
whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. James 4 13-14

From Rob and Karen Rowe...........

What Do We Sacrifice for Our LORD? By Rob and Karen Rowe

Here’s what the Bible says:

Isaiah 53:11

“After the suffering of his soul, he will see the light of life and be satisfied; by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities.”

1Samuel 15:22

“But Samuel replied: ‘Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.”

What sacrifices do we make daily to our LORD?

Is it our time, our money, our compassion; listening. Is it spending time mediating on the Word of God, which is also a privilege?

Here’s what the dictionary says about Sacrifice:

The surrender or destruction of something prized or desirable for the sake of something considered as having a higher or more pressing claim.

Here are some of my thoughts that I have to share:

Sacrifice, or even a willingness to sacrifice is perseverance in God and Christ IS our strength to endure.

I’d like to hear some of your thoughts on sacrifice…

Love in Christ,

Rob and Karen Rowe

I notice that the good old handshake is dying...Not many people shake hands anymore........or whistle while they work........I was whistling the other day and Sharon said to me, Honey do you remember when people used to whistle all the time while working and having fun??? I found this.........
If handshake is history, what takes its place?
By Joan Morris
Contra Costa Times
Article Launched: 07/09/2008 12:01:00 AM CDT

Please bow your heads in recognition of the passing of the ancient and venerable handshake.
In frail health for years and often seen only at formal occasions or when thanking bank managers for loans, the old grip-and-grin guru finally succumbed earlier this year when the president of the United States was photographed doing a chest bump and a possible future president exchanged a dap with his wife.
It was the final blow to a tradition that has been on the wane since the advent of the leisure suit. But while expected, it nevertheless came about in such a surprising way that we're still reeling and considering what will step into the breach.
Let's take a look at the possibilities.
Origins: The "dap," aka the fist bump, seems to have been born in the muddy battlefields of the Vietnam War. The original version includes lots of other movements, but time has distilled the dap to a vertical or horizontal fist bump.
What it means: Patti Wood, an Atlanta body language expert and author of "Success Signals," says the dap conveys a sense of determination and power. After reviewing images of Democratic presidential candidate Barak Obama exchanging a dap with his wife after learning he had enough delegates to claim the nomination, Wood thought their dap conveyed a sense of being ready to conquer and unified in their quest.
Raise your hand as if making a traditional handshake, but curl your fingers into a fist. Keeping the arm parallel

here is the latest from Frank Haley on the Ruidoso flood..........
Ruidoso, -- Close to 15-million, that is reportedly the dollar estimate to re-build parts of Ruidoso washed away by flooding last weekend. Ruidoso city officials say it could take up to a year to repair the damage. Several bridges were washed away, and hundreds of homes were destroyed. Many campers are still stranded near Bonito Lake but rescue crews in a Black Hawk helicopter should have them rescued later today.
And get this................
Lost land: Midwest flooding strips region of valuable soil as sand, silt pile up in fields
By DEANNA MARTIN, Associated Press
July 27, 2008
MARTINSVILLE, Ind. - Jim Lankford's corn crops used to stretch to the White River. Now the river has stretched itself through his crops.
The river eroded a new route for itself during June's flooding, a channel with steep 12-foot banks at the edge of some of Lankford's corn fields about 30 miles southwest of Indianapolis. The flood spread rocks in other spots, making it look as if Lankford planted soybeans in a gravel road. Elsewhere, silt is piled up like sand dunes and uprooted trees still litter cornfields more than a month after the floods.
"It's the worst I've ever seen in my life for this area," the 62-year-old farmer said.
The flooding that swamped large areas of the Midwest took with it some of the region's most valuable resource: soil.
Now farmers and environmentalists are at odds over what to do with erosion-prone land — take their chances planting crops on marginal land in hopes of good yields and high grain prices, or plant trees, native grasses20or ground cover that act as a natural flood buffer.
The floods may have caused up to $3 billion in crop losses in Iowa and $800 million in crop damage in Indiana, according to estimates from agriculture secretaries in those states.
Erosion damage is harder to tally.
In Wisconsin, flooding damaged about $2.8 million worth of conservation structures, such as dams, levees, ditches and waterways, said Don Baloun, a farm conservationist for the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Natural Resource Conservation Service in Madison, Wis.
Some land in Illinois is still submerged.
"It could be fall for some of our counties on the Mississippi River before we see what kind of damage farmers did experience as far as erosion," said Donald King of Illinois' USDA's Farm Service Agency.
Erosion robs farmers of the nutrient-rich topsoil their growing plants need.
"It takes thousands of years to form one inch of topsoil," said Jane Hardisty, Indiana's state conservationist. "Within a day, we lost it. It's just devastating."
It's also an issue downstream, where sediment diminishes water quality. Scientists think the "dead zone" in the Gulf of Mexico — oxygen-depleted water off the Texas-Louisiana coast that can't support kill marine life — is likely to be worse this year partly because of the flood runoff.
States have set up programs to keep their soil. Missouri, for0Aexample, has nearly halved its rate of soil loss since the mid-1980s, when it dedicated a special tax that generates $42 million a year for soil-conserving practices such as terraces, retention ponds and grazing rotations.
The conversion of row-crop land to pastures over the last 20 years in northern Missouri also has helped conserve the precious few inches of top soil left in that part of the state, said Bill Foster, who heads the state's soil and water conservation program.
"If we lose very many more inches of soil, we won't be farming," Foster said. "It's critical to keep in place."
The Farm Service Agency's Conservation Reserve Program also helps. The $2 billion-a-year federal program pays farmers not to plant crops, instead returning land to its native state. That saves an estimated 450 million tons of soil each year.
However, that program isn't without controversy. Environmental groups recently sought a federal court injunction to stop hay production and cattle grazing on some conservation land. A judge in Seattle ruled that the USDA did not conduct an appropriate environmental review, but said a reversal would be unfair to farmers and ranchers counting on using that land.
Conservation program officials announced earlier this month that farmers in flooded-damaged areas of 16 states could graze livestock on conservation land to help them cope with rising grain prices and flood damage.
"Our CRP land is vital to the balance we promote at US DA between production and preservation," Agriculture Secretary Ed Schafer said. "I commit this resource knowing that we must redouble our conservation effort at every future opportunity."
One of the program's founders, Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., wants to also allow farmers to plant crops on more stable conservation land.
Environmental groups say there are risks to opening up conservation program land to planting. Marginal land planted with ground cover or trees acts as a natural flood barrier, said Sara Hopper, director of agricultural policy for the Environmental Defense Fund. Planting crops could mean less protection against floods, she said.
"It's going to make a bad situation worse, particularly over the long run," she said.
Lankford, the Indiana farmer, faces a difficult decision for his flood-damaged land.
He could replant corn in an effort to make money off the field, but that would take cash to rebuild a breached levee and haul hundreds of truck loads of topsoil to replace his lost land. He could also consider the conservation reserve program, or he could simply abandon the affected field.
Another big flood could come again next year, he said, or not for another hundred years.
"Traditionally, farmers are optimists, and I know I'm that way. They always think 'Well, next year will be better,'" Lankford said.
"You know there's risks. Sometimes it's worse than you think."

Yesterday I had a long talk with Pastor Steve Smotherman of Legacy Church here in Albuquerque about the Prosperity message of Joel Osteen and Joyce Meyer.........What do you think???

Here is a write up that I found on AOL.............

Joel Osteen preaches the virtues of prosperity -- for himself as well as his congregation. A look at the man who may well be one of the biggest beneficiaries of the slumping economy.

More on
Budgets of Megachurches
Moments of Brilliance: Hank Greenberg
Satan's Accountant
More from
Who will save us? Who will lift us up from crushing credit-card debt and resetting mortgage payments and impending foreclosure, from increasing gas prices and decreasing health-insurance coverage? We are a nation stumbling through our worst fi nancial crisis in a generation and our worst housing market in a lifetime. And so we come, seeking gentle salvation, inspiring prayers, steadying words, soothing notions, and calming thoughts that will allow us to become, in Joel Osteen's words, "victors, not victims."

We are in Greensboro, North Carolina, making our way into the downtown arena through the hot, buggy air, to worship with the pastor who will save us, the man anointed, by one of his congregants, as "Reverend Feelgood." Sixteen thousand will file in this evening, as have millions more to coliseums, concert venues, and baseball stadiums around the country -- all, in a way, his churches. (View a slideshow that tallies the budgets of some of the biggest churches.)

Running a Megachurch
Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church in Houston has an average weekend attendance of 45,000 and an annual budget of $72.6 million.

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We are a diverse, representative swath of troubled America: families struggling under debt, husbands and wives seeking reconciliation, young couples on first dates, children dragged by pious grandparents who promise them popcorn and BibleMan action figures. It is religion as escapism, criticized throughout the Bible Belt as "Christianity lite" or "prosperity gospel." But this murmuring crowd, slouching toward a kinder, gentler salvation, is a more telling indicator of the state of our union than consumer durables purchased or capital goods ordered. Unemployment they know; they don't need to wait for the Bureau of Labor Statistics to publish a monthly number. O, but come to Joel, lift your hands to Jesus, banish your negative thoughts, and you can find in these dark times a beacon.

If, in this country, there is great hurting, then Osteen is here to soothe that suffering. He does not wish that pain on any of us, and the sight or thought of it will bring forth from him great torrents of tears -- his eyes clamped20shut, his fingers pressed into narrow eye sockets, his lips pulled back over pink gums as he grimaces. The crying has become a visual touchstone of an Osteen sermon, the born-again equivalent of James Brown's pre-encore collapse from "exhaustion."

Joel feels our pain and has made himself wealthy (reportedly earning $13 million for his last book advance alone) and his church prosperous ($75 million and counting in annual revenue) by urging us to let go of it, to turn it over to God, to accept God's favor so that we may be as prosperous as Joel.

There was always a strain of American Puritanism that pointed to Scripture as justification for asserting that wealth is somehow godly. But ever since evangelical Christianity separated from the mainline faiths in the early 20th ­century, some preachers have gone further and linked their focus on personal piety to financial success. The big-tent revivals of the 1930s promised the dust-bowl destitute the possibility of finding Jesus and their next meal just by listening to a fire-and-brimstone message. By the late 1970s and early 1980s, televangelists like Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart made prosperity gospel big business, capitalizing on that era's economic uncertainties to win over a new generation of acolytes, before those ministries were brought down by scandal.

Osteen is one of a new breed of televangelists -- Joyce Meyer, T.D. Jakes, and Creflo Dollar are also rising stars -- who are preaching a less sanctimonious, more inclusive message. His chur ch is in that part of the economy that thrives in troubled times, that can count on full pews when wallets are empty and an ever more receptive audience if we do go into a full-on recession.

Osteen hasn't necessarily tailored his message for the downturn. Instead, he has continued his feel-good preaching, his exhortations to focus on the positive and banish negative thoughts, his reminders that God wants you to have a good job, a beautiful home, and decent cash flow. His vast ministry has become, in effect, shelter from the storm. "God wants you to have a big life," Osteen reminds his flock. "That is his blessing. God has a big dream for your life."

We live in a time of miraculous congregations. Osteen's Lakewood Church, in Houston, is the largest in the United States, with 45,000 regular weekly attendees and 7 million more tuning in. His television show is the most-watched inspirational program in America and is seen in 100 countries around the world. He has sold 7 million copies of his two books, 'Your Best Life Now' and 'Become a Better You.' Podcasts of his sermons are downloaded 4.5 million times a month. He preaches to more than 15,000 people at a time in the basketball arena turned sanctuary that is Lakewood Church. His pulpit stands near the spot where Hakeem Olajuwon helped the Houston Rockets win two consecutive N.B.A. titles. But the Rockets, who have since moved across town, never put as many people in the seats as Osteen does.

Osteen will tell you that his20success is a result of Gods favor, that his message is God's message, and that all that he has achieved is a blessing from God. Clearly, he is more than just an inspiring pastor; he is also a master marketer and -- pardon me for saying this, Joel -- a damn good chief executive.

He presides over an empire that takes in tens of millions of dollars a year and has been growing at a boom-time pace. (Though Osteen gives a significant portion of his book and CD earnings to the church, his take is still ample enough to allow him and his family to live in 5,000 square feet of leopard-skinned luxury in one of Houston's tonier neighborhoods.) Rough economic times, Osteen believes, make the business of saving souls that much richer. "I would think that our message would have increased relevancy in a time of economic uncertainty. I think people want to know that God is taking care of you. As it gets darker, I think the brighter message shines."

Joel's father, John Osteen, was a pastor who dissociated himself from the Southern Baptist Church to start his own congregation, Lakewood, in an abandoned feedstore in 1959. It was John who started the family march toward a more gentle Jesus, focusing on the goodness and love of God and downplaying the Old Testament anger and wrath. One of John's prevailing themes, and the underpinning for much of Lakewood's current message, can be found in one of his sermons: "It's God's will for you to live in prosperity instead of poverty. It's God's will for you to pay your bills and not be in debt. It's God's will for you to live in health and not in sickness all the days of your life."

Joel is the second youngest of six siblings, and the one considered least likely to take the pulpit. To say that he was a quiet child would be an understatement. The diminutive boy -- he would grow six inches after he graduated from high school -- was easy to underestimate. As his lifelong friend Johnny McGowan says, "On the basketball court, guys would take a look at Joel and say, 'I'll guard him,' and then Joel would go right by them."

After a year at Oral Roberts University, Osteen dropped out to return to Houston, in part to care for his mother, Dodie, who was then recovering from cancer (a miracle regularly cited at Lakewood Church). He then married his wife, Victoria, and took a formal position at Lakewood, helping out with the television show and the design of the platform, as the stage around the pulpit is known, and eventually becoming the producer of Lakewood's Sunday service. "Victoria would kid me because I would spend four hours adjusting a light," Osteen says. "I learned you can't separate the message from the presentation of that message."

It was perfect training for a 21st-­century televangelist. Osteen developed a keen understanding of the television market -- time slots, lead-ins, cost per rating point -- and to this day can tell you the top stations in most of his major markets. So passionate was he about the medium that he invested $2 million of Lakewoods money for a stake in a television station, KTBU, in 1998, and an additional $6 million for the remainder in 2005. The independe ntly operated station would turn out to be a wise purchase, returning $32 million when Lakewood sold it in 2006.

Even as he was making his father's church more successful than ever throughout the mid-1990s, Osteen quietly grew frustrated with his father's reluctance to expand as aggressively as Joel would have liked. "My dad didn't have it in him. He just wouldn't feel comfortable with that." (In fact, Lakewood's rapid expansion has put it $45 million in debt, thanks to a $75 million bank loan that is still far from being paid off.)

Running a Megachurch
Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church in Houston has an average weekend attendance of 45,000 and an annual budget of $72.6 million.

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Nevertheless, though three of his siblings were actively involved in the ministry, Osteen never considered taking the pulpit. "He was so uncomfortable onstage," recalls Phil Cooke, a producer and consultant at Lakewood. "He was very uncomfortable in public. He always loved being behind the scenes."

One Sunday, Osteen agreed to deliver the sermon. He doesn't know why and to this day asserts it was a kind of divine intervention, "a strong feeling of God" that compelled him to say yes to his father after saying no so many times. The story is often told of how Osteen gave his first sermon on January 17, 1999, as his father, who was suffering from kidney failure, lay in a hospital bed listening to it over the telephone. John Osteen passed away less than a week later.

Joel Osteen's ascension to the pulpit was fraught with uncertainty. He was so nervous about taking over the ministry that he canceled the time slots he had purchased for his father, assuming that no one would want to watch the telecast anymore. Victoria vetoed that. "You call them back right now," she told him. He did and stayed on the air. At first, Osteen20explains, he just wanted to maintain Lakewood's 5,000-person congregation. It soon became clear, however, that not only was the congregation not shrinking, but the television audience was actually growing. Osteen was proving himself a natural, more personable than his father, easy on the eyes, with a kinder, softer voice.

While Osteen's message wins over the moderate masses, he has become anathema to more-traditional Southern Baptists. His appearance on Larry King Live in 2005, during which he waffled as to whether heaven was barred to Jews, Muslims, and atheists, was posted on YouTube as proof that Osteen doesn't embrace the Gospel. And while Osteen is steadfastly Christian, he defers to God on the more contentious issues, recusing himself from condemning gays, for instance, or women who have had abortions.

Spending time with Osteen and his team, one can sense their discomfort when issues that could anger more-­doctrinaire Christians are raised. Don Iloff, his brother-in-law and chief of communications, almost winces when I ask Osteen his views on intelligent design versus evolution. "I believe that God created it all," Osteen says as he stakes out his usual middle ground. "I don't know if it's six literal days or 6 million years."

Osteen's message of prosperity doesn't always go over well either. Fellow megapastor Rick Warren has called the idea that God wants everybody to be rich "baloney." And some conservative Christian ministers have been quick to dismiss Osteen as a lightweight or, worse, a heretic. Osteen adamantly believes that "God wants to give you your own house," explaining, "He's not having financial difficulties. He owns it all."

Much of the criticism of Lakewood, no doubt, stems from resentment at Osteen's ministering to the largest and most financially successful church in America. He certainly makes an easy target, with the talk-show-host grin, the gelled hair, the bleached teeth, and the jocular manner. But there is no denying that his message, and his marketing of that message, is getting out to the world while so many other pastors are preaching to empty pews. Osteen dismisses the notion that he has watered down the Scriptures to win over worshippers. "It's who we are," he says. "The accessibility of my message doesn't bother me a bit. Look, we deal with people who are fighting cancer, fighting to save their marriages, dealing with the death of loved ones. I don't think they need to be beaten down. And I think the success of the message in the marketplace is because we are optimistic, encouraging."

Phil Cooke, a longtime colleague and the author of Branding Faith, says, "Oprah has a brand, Nike has a brand, and Joel Osteen has a brand. Joel has made his brand the inspiration brand."

In person, the 45-year-old Osteen is certainly both optimistic and encouraging. As he sits in the family suite after Sunday services, taking a break before heading up to the editing bay, he has the calm, gentle gravity of a man who never raises his voice and never has t o. Everyone leans in to hear Osteen. With his too-small eyes, a sharp nose, and thin lips with parenthetical dimples on each side, his long, drawn face is like a happy, joyous, and free version of Munch's Scream. In his preacher's slacks, yellow tie, and blue striped shirt, he has a disconcerting habit of seeming to run out of words before finishing his sentences; the effect is that you're always left hanging, waiting for another word that might or might not come.

"Have you read 'Good to Great?'" Victoria asks me at one point, referring to the phenomenally selling business book. "Joel is a level-5 leader. He knows there is more than one way to get to a point, and he lets his people get to the point their way. He's a true level-5 -- great delegator, great empowerer, great big-picture thinker."

Osteen's boldest brainstorm was leasing the Compaq Center from the city of Houston in 2002 and investing $98 million to renovate it. For Osteen, who had always put a premium on the look and feel of the church, renovating and refitting a basketball arena as a sanctuary was both a great opportunity and a daunting challenge.

The scale of the renovation -- a five-floor office annex, two 30-foot waterfalls, and a children's facility capable of hosting 5,000 kids while their parents are in the main sanctuary -- was a logistical challenge better suited to Halliburton than a house of God. Osteen's brother-in-law Kevin Comes, the chief operating officer and a former construction executive, was the20point man on the project, but like almost all of Lakewood's top executives, he deferred to Osteen: "Joel made the decision to do it right the first time. We gutted the place and started over." Osteen was consulted on almost every major decision, responding with his usual quiet nod when he was presented with, for example, the new lighting scheme or platform design.

The resulting church is a modern technological marvel and perhaps the most family-friendly worship venue in the world. Kidslife, the $25 million children's facility, was designed by a group of former Disney staffers and provides care and religious services for the children of parents attending Lakewood. It has the look and feel of a giant version of a McDonald's play area, only with neon lettering that refers to a verse in Philippians on the walls.

Such a sterling facility is the logical extension of the Osteen brand. Last year, Lakewood generated $76 million in revenue, which amounts to just over $1,600 for every member of its congregation. Its take includes $44 million donated directly by congregants, who are asked to give 10 percent of their gross income; $10 million in product sales and sermon tapes; and $13 million brought in through direct-mail solicitations, up from about $6 million two years ago. The church's greatest expense is the TV airtime it buys: $22 million last year to broadcast the show in more than 100 markets, a 10 percent annual increase in spending that is easy to justify. "Cutting back on airtime would be l ike saying we won't be sending any trucks to deliver our product," Comes says. An additional $13 million goes to administrative costs and salaries, and $9 million a year is spent on facilities and maintenance.

Osteen hasn't drawn a salary from the church since 2005. He bought his own home, for $331,500 in 1994, and pays to have his kids homeschooled. The considerable income from his books and related products (there were 19 spinoff calendars, daybooks, and inspirational pamphlets from his first book) goes to Osteen, who gives much of that -- ­people inside Lakewood say more than 50 percent of his income -- to Lakewood ministries and other charities. That still leaves O steen with plenty of "God's favor." The operation -- the TV time, the basketball arena, the worship events staged across the country -- should all simply be considered as, Comes points out, the delivery system for getting the product, Joel's message, out to the marketplace. The goal of Lakewood's 350 employees is to facilitate and spread that message. The return is measured in souls saved and lives changed. "We're always looking for ways to get our message out there more efficiently; in that way, we're no different from any other big brand, a Coke or a Starbucks," Iloff says.

But it takes revenue to win souls, and within the organization are constant discussions about how to most efficiently package the message. Osteen's podcasts, which are free, consistently rank in the top 10 on iTunes, and Comes wonders aloud about how to monetize that. The team is not shy about dreaming big -- and commercially. "We sit and try to imagine what our program would look like with a Coca-Cola logo on the front. We're just looking into it," Comes says.

Running a Megachurch
Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church in Houston has an average weekend attendance of 45,000 and an annual budget of $72.6 million.

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Still, when it comes down to "message versus revenue," Comes says, "message always wins." At Lakewood, message and revenue tend to work in blessed harmony. Duncan Dodds, Lakewood's executive director, took the podium recently in Greensboro to make a few announcements before Osteen, the choir, the entertainers, and the rest of the Lakewood team began their Night of Hope. "We have great worship at Lakewood," Dodds told the crowd of 16,000 still settling into their seats, "and that worship is for sale on CDs out on the concourse level."

One hears certain words repeated constantly by the Lakewood team. Meals, services, meetings, and even sm oothly flowing traffic over on I-45 are described as awesome. The goal of every operation, sermon, television production, and even expenditure is excellence. And the ultimate purpose of all staffers is to spread the message. That message, functionally, serves as Lakewood's core product. Sure, it is repackaged into books, CDs, DVDs, Bible covers, scented candles, cross necklaces, JESUS FREAK T-shirts, and coffee mugs, but those are all just ways to deliver the message.

The Osteens, like so many American families during the recent real estate boom, spent the better part of the past decade buying, renovating, and selling homes, and became so proficient in the process that Osteen and his wife were able to skip hiring a contractor for their last renovation and go directly to the subcontractors to complete their mansion. Coming off the boom, during which the average American dwelling doubled in size, the Osteens' digs are more modest than one might guess. The house is decorated in a rococo style that Victoria has called "French" and Osteen calls "fancy." Their son, Jonathan, 13, and daughter, Alexandra, 9, are homeschooled, in part because their parents' schedule requires that their weekend be shifted to Monday and Tuesday. During breaks in their lessons, they can play in the elaborate treehouse or the fenced-in rabbit pen behind the house.

As the actual weekend nears, Osteen rises at 5:30 a.m. to work on his sermons, which he delivers twice weekly. Osteen labors over them, speaking the words aloud as he types them into his computer. He considers the writing, shaping, and memorizing of his sermons to be the single most important part of his job. The message supports the whole enterprise, and he frequently turns to God to guide him when the burden of Lakewood, his success, or the scale of the church and business threatens to overwhelm him. "It's just in me, God's favor, faith, and hope."

He believes, resolutely, in the value of the product he is crafting in his office on those quiet mornings. "Very rarely will you find a company that produces a widget where everyone is mentally and spiritually into producing a better widget," Osteen says. "There's a purpose behind what we're doing. We believe in our widget. We're doing more than giving people a good time or a better toothbrush, because it's hard to put in your heart and soul and sacrifice so much to make a better toothbrush."

Being backstage at a Joel Osteen worship event is remarkably similar to being at an N.B.A. game or a rock concert. Beefy security guards tell you where you can and can't go. Crew members chow down on a buffet laid out by a local caterer and bark into walkie-talkies between bites. At some point, black Town Cars head down the long, curving driveway into the belly of the arena and drop off the pastors and performers, who retreat into private suites. The night is a celebration of music, state-of-the-art visual effects, and, of course, Christ. Lakewood spends a great deal of money attracting top gospel and Christian=2 0talent, and music minister Cindy Cruse-Ratcliff leads a team of Grammy Award winners, including gospel singer Israel Houghton. It's a thumping occasion, with people dancing in the aisles and even the security guards singing along to "Come Just as You Are" and "We Have Overcome." Osteen's entire family is in the act. His mother, wife, and children often play parts in the service. But it's Osteen himself we have come to see. He wins the crowd over with wholesome jokes and inspires with his sweet-voiced message. The sermon today is based on the notion of "hitting the DELETE button when you have those negative thoughts." He urges us to banish that voice telling us, "I'll never get that great job. I'll never meet that special someone. I'll never get married." Hit the delete button, he urges, and reprogram your mind. "Just one inferior thought can keep you off balance and away from your God-given destiny."

The crowd is eager, multiracial, and well-intentioned. We want to hear good words, have uplifting thoughts, be inspired by a positive message. Who doesn't? We are here to escape our worries, or even better, to overcome them with hope. These are uncertain times, and we all feel the pangs of doubt. Can we pay our mortgage? Will we keep our job? When will we finally achieve the plus-size life we have been visualizing? Listening to Osteen, it all sounds so easy. Delete those negative thoughts. Focus on the positive. We are victors, not victims.

The highlight of every service is when Osteen ask s those who are willing to turn their lives over to Jesus to stand up in the vast arena and make their commitment right then and there. It is an inspiring moment, filled with raised Bibles and palms outstretched to heaven; Osteen and some of the congregation are in tears. If we have been suffering, if we have been in pain, if we have dealt with financial insecurity, then this standing up, this raising of hands to heaven, this simple vow of faith, Osteen assures us, will start us on the road to wellness and prosperity.

For a moment, as the choir sings, "When the battle is over / and the fighting is done / we'll lay down our armor / the victories all won," and the orange, red, and purple stage lights are flashing, and a halolike luminescence surrounds Osteen as he promises to free us from our fears, to lift us above our doubts, to lead us to prosperity and joy, I think about my own worries, my debts, my career, my woes.

How tempting it would be to just stand and turn my will and life over to Jesus if, in exchange, I will be led down a righteous path of prosperity, taken in hand by Jesus, and Joel, and delivered to my gilded acre of the American dream. Yes, yes, why shouldn't I stand? Because who am I not to want to be saved? Who doesn't need a little bit of Joel in their life, tonight, every night, forever, leading us from this dark place to our promised land? Together, hands joined, shoulder to shoulder, we will march forward into our glorious future . Delete the negative thoughts, Joel preaches. Yes, yes, delete them.

What do you think??? Drop me a line

May the Love of Christ be with You and Yours this day and always..........Dewey Sharon and family PS Please keep us in your prayers.



Good Morning KKIM Family! May the Peace of the Lord be with You and Yours!!!

"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." Mark 10:45

How are you going to serve the Lord today?

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Eleanor Roosevelt

Many have asked me who to vote for when it comes to electing our next President and other leaders that are up for election............

We can turn to our Lord and the Bible............Paul sets forth a good model...........

Titus 1: 7-8

"Since an overseer is entrusted with God's work, he must be blameless-------not overbearing, not quick tempered, not given to drunkenness, not violent, not pursuing dishonest gain. Rather he must be hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplines"

This is all about Character.........This is not just for leaders for our Country....for our families, Church, Schools, businesses.

When we read GOD'S word.......and pray to HIM..........then we will know who to vote for.

Gilbert Larson reminds me that the Bible is our book of instruction..........our milk.

John 15:5 says...........Without ME you can do nothing. Is GOD with you?

Daniel........knelt down on his knees three times that day, and prayed and gave thanks before his God. Daniel 6:10

Your Word is very pure, therefore Your servant loves it. Psalm 119:140

I want to encourage all of us to read our Bibles prayerfully...........and let the word of God absorb us.........

As Eugene H. Peterson said, "Showing up at Church once a week and saying a hearty AMEN is a lot easier than engaging in a life of daily prayer (and reading of God's word)

They cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and HE saved them out of their distress. Psalm 107:19

My Mother loved the Psalms..........

Blessed are those HIM with the whole heart! Psalm 119:2

Let us SEEK the LORD together each day ...........Let us commit to reading HIS WORD everyday.........Let us commit to PRAY to HIM many times a day.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8

Rick sent this in.....................Thanks Rick!!!


When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not shouting "I am saved"
I'm whispering "I was lost"
That's why I chose this way.

When I say ..."I am a Christian"
I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble
and need someone to be my guide.

When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak
and pray for strength to carry on.

When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed
and cannot ever pay the debt.

When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are too visible but,
God believes I am worth it.

When I say... "I am a Christian"
I still feel the sting of pain,
I have my share of heartaches
which is why I speak His name.

When I say... "I am a Christian"
I do not wish to judge.
I have no authority.
I only know I'm loved.

Author Carol Wimmer

Prayer needs...............

We need to pray for the people in Ruidoso New Mexico area. As floods waters have done so much damage.........over 700 Evacuated now..........An Adult and a Child are missing. Over 200 homes have been damaged. Gateway Church of Christ has been the biggest shelter for folks.

The Hatch, New Mexico area (Chili Capital) has had a lot of rain and the rain has severely damaged this years chili crop.

Please for the folks at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church as a gunman killed two people in the Church yesterday. The Church is located in Knoxville. Seven others were injured.

Please pray for Pastor Jesse Dompreh as he is headed to Africa.

Here is an update from John Robb..............

Dear Friends,
Hundreds of Christ’s people are meeting in Hilo, Hawaii for the All Pacific
Prayer Assembly. They come from 14 Pacific island nations and are here to
seek the Lord for His transformation of their region. Today is the last day
of our time together. It has been a time of great joy with colorful,
vibrant dancing, singing and times of prayer together for this region and
the rest of the world. The leaders ask that we pray the following for their
1. That the churches of the Pacific islands and beyond will understand
and practice the message of God’s glory so that “the earth will be
full of the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover
the sea” (Habakkuk 2:14).

2. That the Gospel of the Kingdom will bring transformation to the
nations of this region and their institutions, so there will be an
awareness of God’s judgement and the need for public righteousness,
and that the right people will be elected to serve in government.

3. There is so much Christian nominalism in the region and so there is a
great need for the 4 R’s of repentance, reconciliation, revival and

4. That a mighty children and youth in prayer movement will arise in
these nations. This has been a special focus of our time here. The
children are “God’s secret weapon” like the small sticks of kindling
wood that get the bigger logs burning. May the Lord use them to
restore the fire of revival to the islands that once experienced it!

Another prayer concern comes from the state of New Mexico in the USA where
the New Mexico Prayer Transformation Council is hoping to bring a team of
Mexican and Spanish church leaders to repent and ask forgiveness of the
Indian tribal leaders (19 Pueblos) that still feel the woundedness of what
happened centuries ago at the hands of the Spanish conquerors who carried
out acts of atrocity, subjugated, and enslaved the native peoples in the
takeover of their land. Please pray for special favor with the Indian
tribal leadership as this approach is made to them by one of our native
colleagues. We hope that this time of reconciliation can occur at the end
of next month, but there are obstacles that have arisen that need to be

Please pray for the U.S. presidential campaign which is in full swing that
the Lord will raise up the person of His choice to be our next President.
We cannot afford to get the wrong leader at such a crossroads in our
history. This is a crucial time for the USA and many feel that our nation
has entered a time of God’s judgement and purification. May we listen to
Him and allow Him to correct us, giving us a new vision as a people!

Thanks so much for your prayers.

A warm “aloha” from Hawaii,
John Robb

Thanks John.........Wish we were in Hawaii with you!

Yesterday in Albuquerque the State of New Mexico unveiled a 6 foot tall granite monument at the New Mexico's Veterans Memorial in Albuquerque. The event marked the 55th anniversary of a cease-fire that ended hostilities in the Korean War July 27, 1953. How many of us knew that?

Here is Karen Rowe.................Thanks Karen!!!

Good Morning. I wrote this a while back in "Train Whistle." To me, it is a gift from God and I have wanted to share it ever since. It has been on my mind lately and I feel like today is the day that God helped me share this. God is good!!! It was written in personal form for each person to receive.

PS...every time that I write, and you notice ... I am thanking the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in my heart; a way of honoring them in the writting. I share this with you so that those (...) 3 little dots can be a humble reminder to all of us to remember to thank Him, each as One, but individually.

I hope that you are blessed!

Love and Prayers, Karen Rowe

Serving By His Amazing Grace! By Karen Rowe

I made a choice to be nice today…

I served God in a humble way

I made a choice to smile today…

I served God in a humble way

I made a choice to turn from gossip

Instead I chose to do a good deed …

I served God in a humble way.

I made a choice to love

I made a choice to forgive and forget…

I served God in a humble way.

I made a choice to yield to an insult

I made a choice to walk away

I made a choice to choose God’s words …

I chose to serve God humbly today

I made a choice to let them go

And now I choose to just ‘let it go’…

To rise above …by the hand of God

To forgive and forget releases me so…

I served God in a humble way,

So why does it feel that He served me today?

I feel so free the burden is gone…

…The one that weighed me down for so long.

My reward is great because I listened to God

I turned from the fight and walked in His light.

God led me, not as a coward, far above that…

Humbly I received His grace and His righteousness filled my heart!

I made a choice to be honest and pay…

I made a choice to tell the truth …

I serve God by my choice…

I need His love to grasp His Grace…

I honor God when I choose to obey.

I just want to serve Him every day!

I made a choice to follow Jesus

I made a choice to take the time…

I heard my heart and stopped this time…

I made a choice to tell another about God’s love;

They gained the knowledge of Jesus and were saved today…

I served God in a humble way!

I hope to be humble in all that I do…

I hope to do what Jesus would do…

To serve our Father with the love for another…

It is an honor and a pleasure to learn from our Savior

How sweet the joy…

How beautiful the blessing …

With a humble heart, I thank God that I can serve God today.

God and Me

May Christ be with You and Yours, Today and Always, Dewey Sharon and family



Good Morning KKIM Family,

May The Peace of the Lord be with You and Yours!

Thanks for the many emails on our new logo! Janetta thanks you so much! he new web site will be up soon. We will be able to save old postings, take polls, take prayer requests....etc........PRAISE GOD!!!!

It is such a blessing to be here with you all today!
Yesterday I attended a seminar titled, "Walking the Self-Responsibility Path: Skills for thriving in a Chaotic Economy" It was put on by Shauna Rampley of Soaring Eagle Institute. As usual Shauna did an excellent job.

What impacted me the most is when she outlined the characteristics of, Over-Responsibility, Self Responsibility, and Under-Responsibility folks.

Self-Responsibility of course is the place to be centered in.

If I had to choose a title for the seminar it would say it is "Walking the Self-Responsibility path of Life"

If you would like more information on this seminar for you and your Church or business contact Shauna at 255-9782 or

Self-responsibility is a HUGE key in our lives...........our families, our work place, our Ministries.....etc.......

Here are a couple of quotes that Shauna shared with us from Eleanor Roosevelt...........

"In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make our ultimately our own responsibility."

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

If you have been reading the Cup for long you know I love quotes..they make me is one more...........

From Samuel Johnson

"Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous mind."

Also as Shauna said yesterday, "Life, should be a life filled with learning" Shauna has been a mentor of mine for I would check her web site out and give her a call!!! She is not expensive at all! She is such a dear friend of KKIM!!!

The lack of Self-Responsibility in America is one of the reasons we are where we are at! This is a HUGE issue.


Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,
through whom also we have access by faith into this peace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance;
and perseverance, character; and character hope.
Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

Romans 5: 1-5

Here is Pastor Jesse........

James 4:8 says, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." When we come to realize that life is about relationship with God, we will get the most out of life. If we start to think that life is merely about doing things for God rather than enjoying God Who does His work in and through us, we will lose our joy and our first love (Revelation 2:4). Life to the full is knowing God (John 17:3). Eternal life and the abundant life (John 10:10) are found in cultivating a personal relationship with a personal God through Jesus Christ. This is what our heart longs for, and if we start replacing God with activities for God or any other idol, we will lose our joy and wonder why God feels so distant. The beauty of an intimate walk with God is that we can know His will (1 Corinthians 2:16), we can have our joy made full (John 15:11), and we can expect our prayers to be answered (John 15:7).

Its about relationship and not about "outer riches and inner poverty." Eckhart Tolle, author of A New Earth, rightly alleges that, "The absurd overvaluation of fame is just one of the many manifestations of egoist madness in our world." He also provides some telling commentary about the dangers of grounding identity in the external roles of society. Further, his writings are seasoned with sensible advice, such as, "It is not uncommon for people to spend their whole life waiting to start living," or, "If you delve into the past, it will become a bottomless pit: there is always more."

The Bible assures us there is rest, security, and certainty when we are near to the heart of God. But we must take the time to spend time with God to listen to Him, learn from Him, and love Him. Remember if you seek Him and His kingdom and Righteousness, He will make available the provisions that He knows you need!

Let's remember to pray for each other!
Jesse Dompreh
PowerHouse Community Church
Rio Rancho, New Mexico

Here is another FOUNDATION I would like to share with you.........

As for man, his days are like grass, he flourishes like a flower of the field; the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers no more. But from everlasting to everlasting the LORD'S love is with those who fear HIM, and HIS righteousness with their children's children. Psalm 103: 15-17

What are you doing with your days and hours?

A couple of things from DJ magazine..........

This is HUGE.........

Nearly half of U.S. Christians today..........yes that the local church is a minimal part of their lives. Survey done by Zondervan and Christianity Today International

Think Your non-Christian Friends are not interested in hearing about your faith???...........Think again.............

Here is what a survey of non-churchgoing respondents aged 30 and above showed..........

75% would be willing to listen to someone talk about their Christian beliefs

78% would enjoy an honest conversation with a friend about religious beliefs

ONLY 28% think the Christians they know talk to them too much about their beliefs

This survey was done by

Here is a reminder from KKIM's Grant Kuck.........

On Friday the first of August, FKKIM is sponsoring a very special prayer meeting at Heights Christian Church in Albuquerque. It's an opportunity to gather together to pray for our

servicemen and women, all over the world. The church is located on the corner of Comanche and Louisiana in the NE Heights and the service will begin at 7 in the evening. For more information about the prayer meeting call 881-9889 before 3:00 in the afternoon. That's 881-9889.

Here is Karen Rowe...........

Good Morning to all and Praise the LORD! This it the day the LORD has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!! As I say that I also keep those in my prayers that are in a difficult struggle, but still encourage us all in the LORD, for HE is good. May HE bring strength, comfort, grace and healing to those who are fighting battles today.

I woke at 3:30 this morning with "God is like a Treasure Chest and Jesus has the key" on my mind. I did not get up that early to write, but it stayed on my mind. So to share in the Word of God together, it is my privilege to write to you today. May we all have a blessed, protected and comforted day in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Love, Karen Rowe

God is like a Treasure Chest. He is filled with gifts and HE asks us to receive those gifts freely with thanksgiving and HE tells us that Jesus has the key. “Ask and it is given” God hasn’t locked up those gifts in the Treasure Chest to keep them away from us; Instead, He stores them carefully for us, so that they are pure and untainted when we are ready to accept them…Jesus is the truth, the way and the light.

I write this today for those who know Christ and for those who do not. I dedicate this to those who are still seeking something in their life and do not know Christ, but it is also a reminder to all of us that we must make choices every day to receive God’s gifts and promises.

If we could think about God’s gifts to us as being in a Treasure Chest, visually we can see that we need to accept the key from Jesus to open the Chest. Also, we can see that we must make a choice to accept the gift and actually receive the gift…we must make choices to accept and receive all that God offers us.

We can be confident, that God, as our Father, freely gives all that we need daily. God is available 24/7 and there is no charge. God asks nothing but the best for us and HE gives us nothing but the best. It is all about trusting the realness in what God offers and that these gifts are REALLY MEANT for US, everyone who will receive ... HIS love, understanding, mercy, and forgiveness;

HE offers us His very Grace and the gift of eternal life with HIM! These gifts are already given; God is just waiting on us to accept them.

He gave us a choice of life or death. What hinders some from choosing life quickly? What is in the fear of accepting the love of God through Jesus? Or is it more of just not feeling worthy?

Here’s the thing, we were not worthy and we are not worthy by our own merit, but

We are made worthy to God because of the act of purity that Jesus did for us in THE sacrifice that covers all sin.

God loves us that much that HE sent HIS only Son to die for us. And Jesus did it! That is a miracle done for us!!! It’s God’s way and we don’t have to understand the power in blood to God, we just need to accept that there is power in the blood, because it was God’s plan of redemption for us and from sin.

I accept God’s love easier than I accept material gifts. Follow me here…

I was blessed in growing up with loving parents, who always made me feel worthy of being loved and I am very blessed by that. Stay with me…

However, not every one has experienced unconditional love. For someone who doesn’t know that type of unconditional love in a parent, I want to tell you that it is real and that realness is in God, who is your Father and HE does love you unconditionally!

Now on a different note, I do have trouble accepting material gifts. I grew up where money came from hard work; very hard work for not a lot of money. I know people that work hard and sometimes struggle in a tight budget and I don’t feel right accepting a gift that may make their life harder in my mind…

On some level, I compare it to not feeling worthy of accepting something that I view as better spent on their self or another. I would much rather give than to receive, but recently my husband told me that I need to “learn to accept gifts because it makes others feel blessed in the giving”.

That is something to think about and it is true. My focus today really is on learning how to accept the gifts of God freely. It pleases HIM. The gift is already bought and paid for by the blood of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We must receive that gift! Then we must say Thank You. After that, life is just a walk with Christ.

And that gift is for everyone… who will receive it!!! GOD is that BIG!!!

Simple, with Christ in our life, He makes everything brighter and more manageable. He compliments our life to a fullness that fills ‘an already empty space’ in our heart and life. We will still face struggles, but we will NOT face them alone; we can face them with the strength of Christ with us and in us…we choose to accept and receive God’s help.

The gift of forgiveness may be the hardest for some to accept. To fully walk in the peace of God, forgiveness must be accepted by us, and given from us toward others, just as God forgives us. Otherwise, it is baggage to dwell on that causes stress in our own life… Unforgiveness, allows the thing that is not forgiven to keep working in our life.

Let Christ work in your life instead!!! Let Him just rain down on you!

The thought that came to my mind just now... after a night rain there is a glorious feel in the morning air and in the morning light. Everything appears different. I even see my largest and most prized Crepe Myrtle saturated and stretched out from the rain last night. The Glory of God is everywhere!

The glory of God is so great… that our life in Christ is new like that morning light and our Spirit is like that morning air. And in that stretched Crepe Myrtle, is like our humbleness to accept the rain of Jesus in our life.

In the dark of the night, we got that wonderful thunderstorm and heavy rain which washed the dirt away… Christ washes our sin away.

That rain knocked dead branches out of the trees… Christ can knock those ‘unforgiveness, and guilt limbs off of us,

If we accept by Faith and by Jesus’ merit ...choose to do our part, trust and let go.

Old, ugly blooms fell down to the ground, just as sometimes we can hold on to bad things from our past,

And the beautiful white blooms became more radiant, as in giving praise to God…as even more new blooms are waiting to burst out!

That is what Christ can do in our life!!!

Christ puts light in our life that casts out the dark and gloomy places and we are changed because of HIM!! HE makes us fresh and new!!! Jesus brings peace and joy after the storm, and even in the storm!

Psalm 148:5 “Let them praise the name of the LORD, for he commanded and they were created.”

Just as the sun showed itself for only a moment through the remaining clouds this morning, God was there and in my heart I just knew that He is strong and forever faithful.

As the day is dawning, I write this with compassion for those who do not know Jesus. It is Jesus who brings us close to God and it is only by Jesus that we are forgiven and accepted by God.

I leave you with this thought, Jesus already did the hard part, and HE died for our sins. He did it because HE loves you so much and you are that important to HIM!!! None of us are perfect and we all make mistakes. You don’t have to “feel worthy” to accept HIS gift; you are already made worthy by the blood that Jesus shed on the cross.

We only need to bring Glory to God by saying thank you for the gift of Jesus; Thank you for those gifts "in the Treasure Chest", forgiveness, joy, peace, happiness, faith, trust, promises,,, and the Salvation that is offered through Jesus Christ. ACCEPT AND RECEIVE...

Make that choice to accept Jesus today and seek no more for HE is here with you!

The power in Jesus’ blood is so great that it covers ALL sin. And then “go and sin no more” as we accept change in our life to strive to do the right thing always and ask for help when we are weak and forgiveness when we fail. God knows we will make mistakes; we just need to lean on HIS understanding and accept forgiveness as we also forgive others. Just put one step in front of the other and follow the light of Jesus. He will not lead you wrong!!!

Pray to God as you read these scriptures with the truth of God in your heart and receive all that God is giving you today.


Romans 10:9

That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is LORD,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.”

Study Notes:


Righteousness is gained by faith, not by deeds, and is readily available to anyone who will receive it freely from God through Christ.”

10: 9

‘In your heart’ “In Biblical terms the heart is not merely the seat of the emotions and affections, but also of the intellect and will”


Thank you Father for loving me so;

Thank you Father for the gifts from YOU that so freely flow.

For it is not by my might or power that it is done, but by my submission to follow the wise one.

Thank you, Jesus for allowing me to see. You light my path to bring me home.

Thank you dear Father for a gift so deep that shows your love for me so dear.

Dear Jesus, you did what no other would do, you gave your life and we know what you went through.

Today we say thank you and there is nothing we can say or do to change what you did.

I only can repay you with accepting your gift and saying that I thank you and offer you my love…

I give you me as I acknowledge that you gave me life.

Jesus gave His life …for our life, so that we may have life!

Love in Christ,

Karen Rowe

Mailbag..............i love getting mail.............I would love to hear from you!


Thank you for your time yesterday and the lunch invite that opened my eyes on being a leader in Gods eye to keep my eye on the ball. The things that are really important in the world and the direction that God may have for me. Their is a reason that you are someone that I value and you have no idea to moments that your talking with me have. The impact on me doing the right things in Gods eye and trying to find that solution and direction the he will direct me, it's up to him.if I let him. I just need to let my Savior into my hurting heart and direct me.
I got the books for my church and will speak with my pastor as to why they weren't their and where they stand on Vision America. The time to act is now and call me a rebel, Jack Nickelson would say in "A Few Good Men"---- "You want the truth, you cant' handle the truth". The fact is, it's time.

Thank you and God Bless You,

(Grant and I took Shawn to the Vision America Conference at Legacy Church on Tuesday. PS Get your Pastor and Church involved in Vision me for details..whether you are in Minnesota, New York or where ever........)

Here is a note from Natalie our friend from Protect Your Rights...........
Hello everyone,

A friend of mine Natalie Marquez’s son is battling leukemia, she has set up an event through the St Baldrick’s Foundation which is a non profit organization set up to assist in conquering kids cancer. Natalie is looking for people to sponsor her for this even because she is a shavee, yes she is going to be shaving her head, and only 3,000 women nationwide shaved their heads last year. Natalie is looking for people to sponsor her, please help out if you can no donation is too small. If you are here locally please join us for the event (see info on attachment). To donate you go to the website listed on the attachment on the right/middle of the page you will see “you can help”, under that click on “sponsor a participant”, enter her name and select shavee, you will see a picture of her and her beautiful hair which on 08/17/08 will be sent to be made into a wig for cancer patients. From their just follow the links. Please help, you will be assisting in the fight to cure kid’s cancer and it is also a tax write off. If you have any questions please let me know.

Thank You!!!!

Natalie Ramos

Office Manager

Protect Your Rights, LLC

Here is a good story from Sharon..........don't know if it is a true story or not but it is a GOOD STORY!

> Subject: Never Judge Someone...
> Never judge someone...
> 'Some people!' snorted a man standing behind me in the
> long line at the grocery store.
> 'You would think the manager would pay attention and
> open another line, 'said a woman. I looked to the
> front of the line to see what the hold up was and saw
> a well dressed, young woman, trying to get the machine
> to accept her credit card. No matter how many times
> she swiped it, the machine kept rejecting it.
> 'It's one of them welfare card things. Damn people
> need to get a job like everyone else,' said the man
> standing behind me. The young woman turned around to
> see who had made the comment. 'It was me,' he said,
> pointing to himself.
> The young lady's face began to change expression.
> Almost in tears, she dropped the welfare card onto the< BR>
> counter and quickly walked out of the store. Everyone
> in the checkout line watched as she began running to
> her car. Never looking back, she got in and drove
> away.
> After developing cancer in 1977 and having had to use
> food stamps; I had learned never to judge anyone,
> without knowing the circumstances of their life. This
> turned out t o be the case today.
> Several minutes later a young man walked into the
> store. He went up to the cashier and asked if she had
> seen the woman. After describing her, the cashier told
> him that she had run out of the store, got into her
> car, and drove away.
> 'Why woul d she do that?' asked the man. Everyone in
> the line looked around at the fellow who had made the
> statement. 'I made a stupid comment about the
> welfare card she was using. Something I shouldn't
> have said. I'm sorry,' said the man.
> 'Well, that's bad, real bad, in fact. Her brother was
> killed in Afghanistan two years ago. He had three
> young children and she has taken on that
> responsibility. She's twenty years old, single, and
> now has three children to support,' he said in a very
> firm voice.
> 'I'm really truly sorry. I didn't know,' he replied,
> shaking both his hands about.
> The young man asked, 'Are these paid for?' pointing to
> the shopping cart full of groceries. 'It wouldn't take
> her card,' the clerk told him.
> 'Do you know where she lives?' asked the man who had
> made the comment.
> 'Yes, she goes to our church.'
> 'Excuse me,' he said as he made his way to the front
> of the line. He pulled out his wallet, took out his
> credit card and told the cashier, 'Please use my card.
> PLEASE!' The clerk took his credit card and began to
> ring up the young woman's groceries.
> Hold on,' said the gentleman. He walked back to his
> shopping cart and began loading his own groceries onto
> the belt to be included. 'Come on people. We got three
> kids to help raise!' he told everyone in line.
> Everyone began to place their groceries onto the fast
> moving belt. A few customers began bagging the food
> and placing it into separate carts. 'Go back and get
> two big turkeys,' yelled a heavyset woman, as she
> looked at the man. 'NO,' yelled the man. Everyone
> stopped dead in their tracks. The entire store became
> quiet for several seconds. 'Four turkeys,' yelled the
> man. Everyone began laughing and went back to work.
> When all was said and done, the man paid a total of
> $1,646.57 for the groceries. He then walked over to
> the side, pulled out his check book, and began
> writing a check using the bags of dog food piled near
> the front of the store for a writing surface. He
> turned around and handed the check to the young man.
> 'She will need a freezer and a few other things as
> well,' he told the man.
> The young man looked at the check and said, 'This is
> really very generous of you.'
> 'No,' said the man. 'Her brother was the generous
> one.'
> Everyone in the store had been observing the odd
> commotion and began to clap. And I drove home that
> day feeling very American.
> We live in the Land of the free, because of the
> Brave!!! Remember our Troops of Yesterday and Today!!!
> A great example of why we should be kind and patient.
> Kindness is the language the blind ca n see and the
> deaf can hear.
> May God's many blessings continue
> to be with you - ALWAYS!!!

Love, Dewey Sharon and family


TUESDAY PERK UP KKIM/DDC/Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Good Morning KKIM Family!!!

"I have heard your prayers, I have seen your tears." Isaiah 38:5..............yes what a Savior we have......He sees everything........He knows everything.........

"We must always pray, "Thy will be done." Ruth Bell Graham

How wonderful it is to be with you today! WOW! What a storm we had yesterday..........lightening strike right behind the station hit a power pole and the sparks flew all over and the lights went out! The strike also damaged some equipment. Please pray for us and the station as we have taken some heavy lightening strikes the last few days at the radio ranch. You can have all the surge protectors you can buy....but lightening is lightening!

In softball last night we lost badly to First Family Church. The team is coached by KFLQ"s Engineer, Nathan! Nathan showed no mercy on the mound last night! Get'cha next time Nathan!

Here is AWESOME news on the DDC web site!
Good morning-

A very busy start to the week- today is slated to be just as bad- I am taking tomorrow off and plan to upload your commentary and get the front page of the new site in place. I am looking forward to it :)



Jannetta is such a blessing!!!! Cannot wait to see it!

Dearest Dewey and Family,
Yesterday I was blessed by a song ;

Put your eyes on JESUS, look full in HIS wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of HIS glory and grace.

What a wonderful song! and so true. love, Sam

Thanks Sam!

Please pray for Taunya's Dad...............Please add Robert to your prayer lists. Our prayers are with you Taunya.

I found out last night that my father has been diagnosed with cancer of the bladder. His name is Robert Tourville, but for years he was known by his stage name of "Bob Ransom" ~ one of the most talented pianists ever born. Unfortunately, as often happens in the life of a musician, he has spent most of his years as an alcoholic and sadly that has been at a great cost. He is up in Duluth, MN ~ we've tried for years to get him to come down to ABQ where he has my mother, 7 children and numerous grandchildren and great grandchildren, but he simply has not wanted to leave MN. He has already started chemotherapy, and I ask for your prayers for his healing ~ I would very much like to take Jaden up to meet him. Please pray that the Lord touch him and heal him physically and more importantly, give him peace in his heart. I pray that he is able to lean completely on our Lord at this trying time and that he feel the strength of all of our prayers.

God bless you and each of your lovely readers/listeners ~ I pray for each of you daily.


Psychiatrist Gerald C. May observed, "After twenty years of listening to the yearnings of people's hearts, I am convinced that human beings have an inborn desire for God. Whether we are consciously religious or not, this desire is our deepest longing and most precious treasure."

Phillip Yancey says this about prayer. "To the believer, Prayer represents the most important use of time."

I will say this, that reading God's word and praying to God is our most important use of time.

If we do not choose to look inward and bare our souls, therapists and support groups now offer outlets that were once reserved for God alone.

Time and time again when I get stressed and start to get out of whack it is because I have not been in the word enough. I had to be reminded by a friend of that yesterday. It is so good to have Brothers and Sisters in Christ that can help us in our daily walk with Jesus Christ. That is why we are here everyday for you! Last night Lars came to our softball game with Brownie our oldest dog. Brownie is such a dear.......We have had her for about 14 years........She loves to "talk" to daddy.........why do I bring this up???? because it is one of the biggest blessings the Lord has given me..............:Lars and Brownie.........there is a lot of love in both. Plus there is something just right and peaceful about a boy and his dog.

Communication with other people keeps getting shorter and more cryptic: text messages, email, instant messaging. We have the constant sensation of not enough: not enough time, not enough rest, not enough exercise, not enough leisure. Where does God fit into a life that already seems behind schedule?

When is the last time you have received in the mail a letter hand written???

My Mom, Dad, and Uncle Joe used to write letters all the it just does not happen. A lot of true emotion and love went out the window when we stopped writing letters.

Prayfully we hope that the DDC and KKIM will always have the Love of Christ in them.

Karen Rowe sent this timely message............

Prayers to God are sent up for you and Encouragement from HIM is sent to press on...

Philippians 4:6
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."
7: And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

The Lord is near in your troubles, do not fear.

This is for someone...Believe in your healing!!! Have Faith and do not doubt!!! There is power in a believing prayer!!! Jesus said so many times in the Bible "Because of your FAITH, you are healed" It took time for me to understand that it really comes down to Faith. God's power is always great and never changing, but how great is our faith? I am not pointing fingers, or else my finger would have to come right back to me, but I am encouraging in the teachings of Jesus and in testimony of the things that I have seen in great faith! FAITH in Jesus is Power in God!

John 5:6 "Do you want to get well?" 5:8 "Then Jesus said to him, "Get up! Pick up our mat and walk." (Read 9) the man was cured at once!

The power of Christ Jesus, our savior and Son of God said that we can ask anything in HIS name and believe it to be true and it will be done as we have asked...healing by Faith for the Glory of God is in line with God's good will and God honors our requests as Jesus has promised. There are times that God's will is wise and we are weak to understand, but that doesn't mean that God does not heal... That is why God is God and we are to trust in HIM to know that HIS will is good. We can walk accordingly and know when we are asking something according to HIS good will.

In all things we give thanks to HIM, because God sometimes will put us somewhere where God needs us to be to share our faith with others for them to see this wonderful thing we have in Christ!
Maybe even a crappy job that we have no idea why we are there, but if we look we can see another that God loves so much that HE sent us there for them and most generally, we learn more about Christ in ourself and what a double a blessing!!!

In health and job challenges... If we were to loose everything, but keep your soul, we are wealthy in Christ. I want to encourage those who face struggles right now and Jerry and Tina are especially on my mind just now to keep walking forward and God will provide. Trust HIM as long as it takes and do anything that God asks your to do. Work with your hands in anyway that God provides and hold steadfast to faith in your breakthrough! If you are unable to work at the moment, accept those gifts that God sends your way and someday pass those gifts along to another as a gift of love

(That song about the woman who left a $100 tip for the waitress with the note, "if you really want to thank me, then don't let this stop with you; I was once in need and someone once helped me like I am helping you")

The things that come to my mind as I feel your pain is that " the only opportunity to do it better the next time"....You both have a new opportunity to be where God places you. It may take time and "Patience is a virtue"...easier said than lived through, but remember that God loves you and HE has not forgotten you. He has you on my mind today and I want to encourage you not to give up. Good things are on your way!!!

Keep the Faith and Know it is true....Praise Him, Honor HIM and in all things keep saying "Be still and know that I am God" as you talk to HIM and look to HIM for guidance in your every decision.

Also, I believe that this quote is meant to share today. It is for all of us!!!

From: Our Daily Bread May 19 (Thursday) "Doing Our Part" , by Richard De Haan
The story was telling about a runner that was praying to God as he strived to finish the race...
"I was praying," the runner answered. "Pointing to his feet, he said, "I was saying, "You pick 'em up, Lord, and I'll put 'em down."
"That athlete prayed for God's help, but he also did what he could to answer his own prayer."

Also from (2 Kings 20:5-7)
"God did the healing, but He used human effort and natural means.
And also:
"Let's pray while we run as fast as we can."

"Pray as if everything depends on God; work as if everything depends on you."

Hang in there!!! We have been there!!! In testimony, God has always gotten us, me and our family, through hard times and to a better place!!

Jesus said to the disciples who were afraid to see Him walking on water, "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."
Then to Peter who said, "Lord, if it's you, ... tell me to come to you on the water."
"Come" Jesus said.

"Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and , beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!"
Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith, " he said, "why did you doubt?

Peter did the impossible until he took his eyes off of the power of God and instead looked at the obstacles that could overtake him in a natural mind.
In all things, look high to God and know that with God, nothing is impossible!!! It may look like you are sinking, but don't look at that; Look @ where God has you!!! Walking on water!!! Praise God!!!

It is good to ask for prayers. We are not to carry the burden alone, because the devil will fill us with lies. Remember that God brings out the good in us!!! Listen to God and be sure it is God doing the talking.
God speaks and brings peace...don't be afraid to go where God asks you to come...HE will go with you when we ask HIM to come along!!!

Love and Prayers,

Karen Rowe

Christ's Love to you all, Dewey Sharon and family

PS Would you please tell 10 people about our Ministry today???

Let us hear from you today!!!



Good Morning KKIM Family!

It is such a blessing to be with you all today...........I just treasure this time together! I want to than you all for your prayers for Amy and Lynne. Please also pray for Jerry Torres as he is in the hospital once again because of his autoimmune disease. Jerry and Tina are good friends of KKIM and they are really struggling right now as they have no income coming in.

One of the things that makes me so happy in the Lord is to see many of you send notes to Amy and Lynne. Here is some of those notes...........please keep them coming. I also would like all of you to pray about sending Jerry and Tina a note.

I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for being a prayer warrior with us. My prayer for you is that you and yours will be filled by the Holy Spirit this day and everyday. I pray for you all everyday! I scan the email list and you are all in my and Sharon's prayers!

After this prayer, the building where they were meeting shook, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Acts 4:31

Oswald Chambers said this...........

Intercession means that we rouse ourselves up to get the mind of Christ about the one for whom we pray.

Let us pray together...........

Lord, continue my instruction each day. Keep me in proper spiritual focus and empower me for the work to be done. In Jesus' name, AMEN!

It is so important to be instructed by the GREAT PHYSICAN! Follow His compass not ours!

Many of you wrote that you liked this scripture........

But He knows the way I take;
When He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold.
My foot has held fast to His path:
I have kept His way and not turned aside.
I have not departed from the command of His lips;
I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food.
Job 23:10-12

Please also pray for the family of 23 year old Charles Vargas who was shot to death in a downtown parking garage in Albuquerque by a convicted felon who was out on probation. Charles was an excellent artist and was aiming to be a firefighter.

Please pray for the Lopez family as they head off on a family vacation. May God be with you all.

Also please pray for Merry, Dan, and son Eric as they head off to DISNEY WORLD!!!! May God be with you all!!!

Many families are getting a vacation in before the start of the new school year.

Good Morning, Dewey...

I will start praying right now! I have prayed for Tim and his sister, Lynne Buggs, many times over the years. Please re-assure them that the Lord is Great and Mighty! He can do ALL things! I will pray for total healing...and ask God to comfort them!

May God Bless You,

Teri Mac. (aka Zeni)

Dewey, this is for Lynne.

Lynne I wanted to let you know you are being prayed for. It is never
asking too much to ask for prayer. I know in my heart that this is
very much a part of treatment and healing. Cherie

Thinking of Lynne and her family...

All those who had any that were sick with various diseases brought them to Him; and
He laid His hands on every one of them and healed them. Luke 4:40

May there be physical and spiritual strengthening and healing in this time and for Lynne!

Because of Jesus,
Karen in Elkhart

Dearest Lynne, you are definitely in my prayers. I feel the power of GOD for you Lynne. And HE has promised us that HE will always be there for us. What a blessing that is to just concentrate on THAT. To KNOW HE is Always with us, WOW. Even in times when HE is so far from our minds, HE is ALWAYS WITH US.
Bless you Lynne

Dewey, I just read the article of homosexuals, and was informed on so much I didn't know was going on. I want to THANK YOU for that article. It is wonderful to hear the TRUTH that is going on around us. Needless to say, they sure try to hide alot of it.
I can't even imagine a Minister going to jail for speaking the TRUTH, but it has happened alot in our history. Christians MUST speak out MORE and MORE. I would say (We can't let this happen) BUT, the bible tells us it will. So we must do what we can with whoever will listen, especially our children! love, sam

This really hit me about self-responsibility.........sent in by Karen of Elkhart............


The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.

The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away. Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed.

The grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Be responsible for yourself!



The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and lay ing up supplies for the winter.

The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.

Come winter, the shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others are cold and starving.

CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN,ABC and NPR show up to provide pictures of the shivering
grasshopper next to a video of the ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food. America is stunned by the sharp contrast.

How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so?

Kermit the Frog appears on Oprah with the grasshopper, and everybody cries when they sing, 'It's Not Easy Being Green.'

Jesse Jackson stages a demonstration in front of the ant's house where the news stations film the group singing, 'We shall overcome.' Jesse then has the group kneel down to pray to God for the grasshopper's sake.

Nancy Pelosi & John Kerry exclaim in an interview with Larry King that the ant has gotten rich off the back of the grasshopper, and both call for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his fair share.

Finally, the EEOC drafts the Economic Equity & Anti-Grasshopper Act retroactive to the beginning of the summer.

The ant is fined for failing to hire a proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the government.

Hillary gets her old law firm to represent the grasshopper in a defamation suit against the ant, and the case is tried before a panel of federal judges that Bill Clinton appointed from a list of single-parent welfare recipients.

The ant loses the case.

The story ends as we see the grasshopper finishing up the last bits of
the ant's food while the government house he is in, which just happens
to be the ant's old house, crumbles around him because he doesn't
maintain it.

The ant has disappeared in the snow.

The grasshopper is found dead in a drug related incident and the house,
now abandoned, is taken over by a gang of spiders who terrorize the once
peaceful neighborhood.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Be careful how you vote in 2008

Good Morning and I hope this finds you all well. I am thankful for this ministry that allows us to all come together in Christ. I continue to read, pray and rejoice with you all!!Today, I would like to come together again in Praise to God.

Today, I send this as Praise to God in the highest. Our styles of worship may be different, but we are all worshiping the same God for who HE is and all the great that HE does. God is pleased when we praise and love HIM and love each other, as one under Christ.

May we all receive from God as God enables us; As we give God the Glory for all Good things! In the same I must trust God as I send this and I do so for HIS Glory.

When do we praise God the most? By Karen Rowe

Ephesians 5: 19-21

“Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.”

God is so great!!! Praise God all the time. Praise HIM in good things and in bad…Boldly praise God out loud and don’t be afraid. God is good and worthy of praise! May we thank Jesus and say HIS name often!

It may take time to get to a point of praise in a bad situation; Jesus understands, but HE is also our strength!

We are only as strong as the closeness we seek in God, but nothing is so bad that God is not above…God gives us HIS grace that we need.

We know we receive His grace when we sense HIS peace and we offer God thanksgiving in Praise.

James 1:3-4

“…because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

…Something bad may get us down, but God can pick us up if we reach for and take HIS hand and what better way than praising God…

Praise to God unleashes the power in God to overcome anything …That is FAITH giving honor God!!! Through praise, we are enabled to gracefully get through difficult struggles.

Seek to praise HIM when tired or weak. Praise HIM with sincerity. The truth in praise is felt from the heart and is intended to glorify, thank and respect God and to show God our love for HIM.

If I am tired and feel that I have nothing to offer God, I can sit quietly with God until I overflow in Praise for HIM.

Time with God is fully received when HIS love overflows in praise from us...

I am not just writing words!

“Time with God” “HIS love overflows”…Actual time with Our Almighty God!

…And Praising God is from what we have already received! What a privilege!!!

Praise HIM in simple, quiet moments. HE comes to us and we can receive HIM in joy as we sit quietly in HIS presence, acknowledging HIM with a thankful heart.

Excited praise comes out easily on a perfectly wonderful day full of easily found blessings. Humble praise comes up out of us when God has rescued us.

A heart who believes HIS every Word and loves HIS commands will praise God automatically as HIS very Spirit fills our soul.

Praise God for HIS wonders and works that are done by HIS powerful hand. Praise God when we read HIS Word. Praise God when we sing to HIM. Praise God in prayer with our words and praise God in the stillness of the morning in the quietness of our hearts. Speak to HIM words of Praise!!! Meditate words of Praise to God all of the time and a closeness can be found in God that is real.

Exalting praise comes from complete trust in our God for who HE is!

God’s Spirit we cannot see; our spirit we cannot see, but just as the wind blows that we cannot see, we can know that the breeze blows by, just as we can know that God is with us…

Praise sent to God completes us as we are filled with the Spirit!

Praise acknowledges to God that we believe and know that He is the absolute creator of all things and giver of all good things.

The mornings are alive with HIS glory!

…so simple, but magnificently, the miracle of all life is newly unwrapped daily. My tired and weary soul can merely sit in God’s presence in silence and just bask in all that HE created and HE makes my soul soar.

To some, it may be different, I am told, but maybe only because the silence is not received in praise to God. To some the city is all one knows, but God is there too. We are created with different passions and talents for God's good purpose, but together we seek to do what is pleasing to God.

The day is what God created and the gift is how it is received.

So together, in our place on this earth, we can come together in Spirit and Praise our God, for HE is here with us all. How amazing is HIS Power, Grace and Glory!

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise HIM Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

When do we praise God the most? When we acknowledge that we know that HE is here!

I was reading Psalms and the thought came to me to wonder what had occurred in the writer’s life that motivated him to write with such passion so many words of High, exalting praise to God.

Honestly, it is so simple…God is God, and HE is worthy of Praise!!!

In the Psalms we can read and feel the tremendous call on God for help; a total dependence and need that can only be met by trust in God.

The intensity of the need >>> given to the high praise of trust in God’s hand>>>and expressed by a passion in thanking God…

Our prayer life is intended to be passionate and full of trust. God is worthy of receiving thanksgiving in praise.

Think about that in your own prayer life.

I thought of my own prayer life. I praise GOD high when “I know that HE is here”…I have always known that God Is God and HE is here, but it took spending time with God for me to understand that praises are given to God as expressions of belief; Praise is worship to HIM, acknowledging HIM and all that HE IS and all that HE does.

To God is the Glory forever and ever!!!

The other thought is I praise God intensely when I am humbled by my weakness and acknowledge that I need God.

Praise God while waiting and Praise God upon receiving…God has power to do all things…Praise God for the gift of FAITH!

There is freedom in a humbled heart, humbled mouth and humbled actions. Praise flows so much more freely…when we are humbled to know that we need God in all things.

Let us find that place of peace in God daily; let us experience God with a humbled heart every day! Not just because we have a need, but because we love HIM and have a desire to please God. Then, we can clearly see our all of our blessings that HE so freely gives!!!

"I" am weak, but HE is strong…and HE promises to be "my" God…

Praise God! HE loves us and we can live a simple Spiritual life with God…Praise God and Thank Jesus!

A fleshly heart cannot passionately praise God because it is too busy worrying and complicating life seeking praise for self…We need humble hearts for God…

Crucify our flesh daily and look to serve God in all things for God’s will and purpose; not for our own comfort or recognition.

“I don’t need to make a million dollars,”… I only want to serve the ONE who already given it all! The gifts that Jesus gave us and the gifts that God so freely gives are humbling…God has given us so much already and He continues to bless us!

Praise God for HE really does know best in all things.

Although it may not make “logical sense” to a mere human mind, in a world bent on selfish motivation …

A spiritual heart understands that

A humble heart praising God makes a joyful heart.

We are filled with God’s Spirit and made Spiritual in God…

WE are NOT God, but God is in us…That is a real statement worthy of praise to God!

Praising God is a Spiritual action between each of us and God.

There is unity in each of us and closeness in Spirit that is shared in Jesus and in Praise…

…It is good and God designed.

Only Jesus can exact the perfection of HIS joy, peace, love and happiness in our heart, mind, body and soul!

May we turn all of our self toward praising and serving HIM, who does all great and wonderful things…May we always look to a higher vision!

God IS … still… and forever will be God!

I will close in Psalms:

Psalm 146:1-10

“Praise the LORD. Praise the LORD, O my soul.

I will praise the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.

Do no put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save.

When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing.

Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God,

the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them - the LORD, who remains faithful forever.

He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. The LORD sets prisoners free, the LORD gives sight to the blind, the LORD lifts up those who are bowed down, the LORD loves the righteous.

The LORD watches over the alien and sustains the fatherless and the widow, but he frustrates the ways of the wicked.

The LORD reigns forever, your God, O Zion, for all generations.

Praise the LORD.”

Psalm 147:1-7

“Praise the LORD.

How good it is to sing praises to our God,

How pleasant and fitting to praise him!

The LORD builds up Jerusalem ; he gathers the exiles of Israel .

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name.

Great is our Lord and mighty in power;

his understanding has no limit.

The LORD sustains the humble but casts the wicked to the ground.

Sing to the LORD with thanksgiving;”

I encourage to us to continue reading in the Bible…

Ephesians 5:18

Study notes: “be filled with the Spirit”… “Indicates the filling of the Spirit is not a once-for-all experience. Repeatedly, as the occasion requires, the Spirit empowers for worship, service and testimony.”

May we all enjoy a blessed day!

A blessing is a gift from God

that is received with praise and thanksgiving!

Love in Christ,

Karen Rowe

Thanks so much Karen! What a Blessing! Dr. James Dobson can be heard on KKIM weekdays at 6am and 1pm and here is some HUGE NEWS on Dr. Dobson.........

Focus Daily Radio Show Wins Place in Hall of Fame
Dr. Dobson’s fans propelled him to victory through online votes
Colorado Springs, Colo. — Dr. James Dobson’s more than 30 years of broadcasting have been honored with induction to the National Radio Hall of Fame. The 2008 Class was the first selected through national online voting, and the “Focus on the Family” broadcast is the first religious program to receive such an honor.

"I've made a living putting thoughts into words throughout my adult life, but it is difficult to express how I feel about this honor," said Dr. James Dobson today at a staff assembly. "I am especially pleased because the wonderful people at Focus on the Family deserve it. Our radio program has not been a solo effort. It has been a symphony performed by more than 10,000 people over the past 32 years. I am indebted to them all."

"Particularly, I want to thank the Broadcast Team, past and present. They get a big 'tip of the hat' for all their hard work and dedication. They have earned the accolades this honor recognizes. I also want to thank all the friends across the nation who cast their votes for me. I love and appreciate them all."

Focus on the Family President and CEO Jim Daly added: "To have 'Focus on the Family' honored in this manner means we've made a difference in families all over the world. That Dr. Dobson’s listeners recognized the excellence and relevance of the content of the daily broadcast and voted to give him a much-deserved win shows Dr. Dobson's influence is as strong as ever in the hearts of his fans, as well as in the culture."

As host of the daily broadcast, Dr. Dobson joins the ranks of radio luminaries such as Orson Wells, Paul Harvey, Gene Autry, Bing Cosby, Kate Smith, Jack Benny, Walter Winchell, Dick Clark and Rush Limbaugh, while "Focus on the Family" is featured alongside shows like "The Shadow" and "Your Hit Parade."

Dr. Dobson didn't anticipate the overwhelming and immediate success of the broadcast. Soon after his program went on the air in 1977, however, Dr. Dobson received an avalanche of mail from people across the cou ntry asking him for help and advice. Today, Dr. Dobson's internationally syndicated radio programs are heard daily on more than 3,000 radio outlets across North America. They also air in 27 languages in more than 160 countries.

The Hall of Fame's 2008 steering committee nominated Dr. Dobson in the "national active" category, alongside Bob Costas, Dr. Laura Schlessinger and the notorious Howard Stern. To qualify, a broadcaster must have contributed to the radio industry on a national level for at least 10 years.

May Christ be with you always, Love, Dewey Sharon and family




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