Tuesday, August 12, 2008



Good Morning KKIM Family!

May The Peace of the Lord be with You and Yours!

Praise God!!! Our web stats show us that we had 264 NEW visitors in July and over 17,000 hits!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's like having 264 NEW FOLKS come to church!!!!!!!! How AWESOME!!! We PRAISE GOD FOR THIS SURGE!! I Praise God for all that HE is doing, increased listenership on KKIM now more visitors to http://www.deweysdailycup.com/ The KKIM web site is still be worked on.....it is going to be AWESOME also!

Jannetta has this info for you on the new web site http://www.deweysdailycup.com/

TIPS on using DDC

Dewey¢s Daily Cup has been redesigned and rebuilt with some added features:

Dewey¢s Daily Cup- This is where you will find the Daily Cups for the month -they will be archived monthly.

Prayer requests- this is an easy form- just fill out with your email and name and prayer request- click send and Dewey will receive it immediately.

Polls- Here is where you will find the newest polls on all sorts of important matters of the day, make your choice of answer and you can see what others have voted also.

Archives- (Coming soon) Here is where all the posts from the old DDC site will be stored

About Dewey- click on the email link to send Dewey a note via email

Links- This page gives links to places of interest- businesses and others that are supportive of DDC.

About the designer of DDC: Jannetta LaMort
I flex my artistic and technical skills daily in many forms and some are: writing/graphic designing for any creative use; brochures, cover art, HTML email marketing design, and as you can see in Dewey¢s Daily Cup, website design and building. I enjoy working closely with my clients to understand their unique perspective and then express it in my designs. I have greatly enjoyed bringing Dewey¢s Daily Cup to life for Dewey and for all of you, his loyal listeners/readers.

For inquiries and estimates you can reach me via:



Call me direct: 505-480-2365

Thanks so much Jannetta!! Thanks to you all for your great feedback on the site!

WE HAVE SOME NEW POLLS UP AT THE WEB SITE1 LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK! we will be sharing those on New Mexico News and Views!!!

Most of you know I love baseball! I ran across this quote in a new book I am reading, "Once Upon A Fastball" here is the quote by "Bogie", Humphrey Bogart, "A hot dog at the ball game beats roast beef at the Ritz!" Love that quote! So true and I haven't even eaten at the Ritz!

The first to email from the web site get's a pair of tickets to the movie, "The Perfect Game" Now showing!

I read a very inspirational column in the Windom, Minn. newspaper (Cottonwood County Citizen)this past weekend....it was written by Rev. David Lightner.......let me share with you A Prayer that Can change YOUR LIFE........How do I know........It changed mine!

I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge-----that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
Now to Him who is able do immeasurably more that all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Ephesians 3:16-21


God is at work...........are you doing God's work? We all can!

Now we are going to have a little fun with this important story!!!

Hey, HOW ABOUT THIS, A CAR THAT RUNS ON AIR!!!! WOW, just in time with all the hot air out there in the Political arena!!!!

(CNN) -- You've heard of hybrids, electric cars and vehicles that can run on vegetable oil. But of all the contenders in the quest to produce the ultimate fuel-efficient car, this could be the first one to let you say, "fill it up with air."=0 9

The compressed air car planned for the U.S. market would be a six-seater, a New York company says.
=0 9
That's the idea behind the compressed air car, which backers say could achieve a fuel economy of 106 miles per gallon.
Plenty of skepticism exists, but with many Americans trying to escape sticker shock at the gas pump, the concept is generating buzz.
The technology has been the focus of MDI, a European company founded in 1991 by a French inventor and former race car engineer.
New York-based Zero Pollution Motors is the first firm to obtain a license from MDI to produce the cars in the United States, pledging to deliver the first models in 2010 at a price tag of less than $18,000.
The concept is similar to how a locomotive works, except compressed air -- not steam -- moves the engine's pistons, said Shiva Vencat, vice president of MDI and CEO of Zero Pollution Motors.
Gas still plays a role
The six-seater planned for the U.S. market would be able to reach speeds of more than 90 mph and have a range of more than 800 miles thanks to a dual energy engine, Vencat said. Watch what a prototype looks like and why the cars may take off in cities »
The d esign calls for one or more tanks of compressed air under the car's floor, as well as a tank holding at least 8 gallons of fuel.
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In Depth: Fueling America
Whether the engine uses just air or both air and fuel would depend on how fast the car is going. It would run purely on compressed air at speeds less than 35 mph, Vencat said.
Since the car could only go a short distance when using just air, fuel is needed to get the full range, he explained.
"Above 35 mph, there is an external combustion system, which is basically a heater that uses a little bit of gasoline or biofuel or ethanol or vegetable oil that will heat the air," Vencat said.
"Heating the air increases its volume, and by increasing its volume, it increases [the car's] range. That's why with one gallon of gasoline or its equivalent we are able to make over 100 mpg." See what the engine looks like »
Vencat said an on-board compressor would refill the air tank while the car is running, or owners could refill it by plugging it into a power outlet for four hours.
Is it for real?
Experts aren't sure Americans will be zipping around in air cars and getting 106 mpg, or more than twice the fuel economy of hybrid-electric vehicles such as the Toyota Prius.
It is possible to power a car with compressed air, but the mileage claim is "at the edge of possibility," said John Callister, director of the Harvey Kinzelberg Entrepreneurship in Engineering program at Cornell University's College of Engineering.
He noted that such dramatic fuel efficiency is associated with tiny experimental cars, not bigger mainstream ones.
Who would build it?
• Production would be similar to a franchise business
• The cars would be manufactured by privately owned plants that could produce at least 4,000 vehicles a year
• The cost of a license to build the car in an "exclusive geographical area" in the United States is about $460,000
• Geographical areas are defined by 110,000 new vehicle registrations. For example, Georgia could have four plants at most, but there could be 15 in California
• The cost of a plant is $20 million
• The first plant is scheduled to be built in New York in 2010
Source: Shiva Vencat, vice president of MDI and CEO of Zero Pollution Motors
"No one's really proven a six-seater passenger car [can get] any better than 75 miles to the gallon. So this would represent a big step forward," Callister said.
"They would have to prove that before they can throw rocks at the Prius."
Another expert expressed concern about the amount of energy it would take to generate the required air pressure: 4,500 pounds per square inch, or more than 120 times the pressure inside the tires of a typical four-door sedan.
"That is above what you normally find even in an industrial setting," said William Bulpitt, senior research engineer at the Georgia Institute of Technology's Strategic Energy Institute.
"That takes quite a compressor to do. ... It takes horsepower to compress the air up to that pressure."
If you count that energy, it's hard to believe the car would be that much more efficient than an electric vehicle, Callister said.
India shows interest
The compressed air car will get a chance to prove itself next year when it competes for the Automotive X Prize. The multimillion-dollar award will go to the team that "can win a stage race for clean, production-capable vehicles that exceed 100 mpg equivalent fuel economy," according to the X Prize Foundation.
The air-car concept has also drawn the interest of Tata Motors, India's largest automaker. The company announced an agreement with MDI last year to further develop and refine the technology.
However, the cars have yet to hit the streets in India or anywhere else.
"The project is under progress. We do not yet have any timeframe for launch," said Debasis Ray, the head of corporate communications for Tata Motors.
Only prototypes exist at this point, Vencat said.
Light design
The body of the car planned for the United States would be built with fiberglass and injected foam. The chassis, composed of aluminum rods, would be glued together, not welded.
The design allows the car to be as light as possible, Vencat said.
For anyone who has doubts about its safety, he insisted computer simulations show that the vehicle would pass crash tests and meet all U.S. safety standards.
"Do you think somebody would actually put millions of dollars into making a car that will not pass safety regulations? There's no point in doing that," Vencat said.
Callister pointed out that there haven't been any lightweight, 100-plus mpg cars to pass crash tests but said it could be done through a "very clever design" of a lightweight frame.
A good prototype could dispel many of the doubts about the compressed air car, he added.
"I don't think we should discount this advance if it happens," Callister said.

So what do you say folks? I say we have a contest have Obama and McCain blow into the tailpipe with all their hot air and whoever blows the most wins! or......

Or have them both take turns blowing their hot air into the tail pipe and whoever blows the car the furthest wins!!!!

Okay that was FUN!!!

Here is feedback the story that was sent to us on Brutus........Thanks for setting us straight, Monika!
A comment about the article about Brutus, the K-9 Medal of Honor Winner; it’s false. In fact, the dog’s name is Spike and he was never a military working dog. Spike is a retired Police Service Dog with the Scottsdale Arizona’s Police Dept. who served honorably during the years 2001 to 2007 with the K-9 unit of the Scottsdale, Arizona’s police dept under his handler, Officer Scott DiIullo. Spike is a Belgian Malinois imported from Europe and weighs less than 100 lbs. Furthermore, police and military working dogs are NOT trained to fatally attack a subject they are deployed upon. Dogs used for handler protection are trained to bite and hold the subject until the subject is taken into custody. There is also no training method to teach a working dog to understand a hand signal to command the dog to leave the area, come back later and then attack.

If you Google the words, “K-9 Medal of Honor”, you will read about what a hoax this is.
See also:


Have a blessed day!

Wow, Dewey, what a great web site! Awesome colors and nice feel to it, well-organized and plenty of features. Thanks for sharing!

Michelle Blood
Dewey, I read your email message daily and I praise the Lord for all you folks at KKIM. Good Work. Terry PetersTres Piedras, N.M.

Now here is our dear friend Karen Rowe.........

Good Morning,

This is a letter to those who are going through a rough patch and maybe even having trouble trusting God….AND to all of us ... to remember to trust in God 1st in all that we do.

Sometimes we all go through a hard time in our life! God is teaching us something about trusting HIM above all things, especially in the hard ones that we can't control, God needs us to trust HIM. The Almighty God, our Father in Heaven IS worthy of Trust and HE CAN do all things...we have to follow HIS rules, but HE can do all things...

Trust HIM above all pain, above all people, above our own self...trust HIM and HE will not fail us....just because we may feel that we “haven't gotten there yet,” doesn't mean that we won't eventually arrive...

Our life sometimes seems like just a very bumpy road...under construction....but the new road is a good one...So you have had some bumps, God loves you enough to do some new construction...allow it and receive it and believe...

Even though it doesn't seem like it in your pain...God loves you and desires for you to be happy. Reach for HIS hand in the name of Jesus. And hand it all over to HIM in the name of Jesus...
God does not condemn you, the devil does; God is the Judge;
And God does not wish bad things for you, the devil will lead us there if we are not paying attention to know who we are listening to...
Don't be afraid to choose a path lead by God, just because the devil tricked you before...Don't be afraid to trust, because you have hurt before...

Satin will lie to you, just wanted to remind you of that. Be careful of who you are listening to...The devil will pounce on you like a lion and will fill you full of lies, ...so many that you can't see the truth.
Read the Bible to know what God desires and listen to HIS still voice…and to have a good life of blessings, be obedient to God’s Word above all things. Put God 1st!!!

I just wanted to remind us all to say the name of Jesus often to keep Jesus close and to repel the devil from attacking us...

So when you can't figure out which way to turn, just say, "Jesus help me" as many times as you can and rest in HIM....do nothing, but…
... Mediate on the scripture that God gave us by HIS own WORD, JESUS...
And by HIS WORD to us, we are told to … "Be still and know that I am God" Because HE IS GOD.

Just ask God what pleases HIM and then be obedient ...and just be still....Rest, relax and know that God IS love and God loves you...

Good things come to those who wait and God gives according to our faith and obedience...Don't let the devil put doubt in your faith...
Just because of a few wrong turns in our life doesn’t mean that is the entire trip;
The road ahead has a different view....
Just because some are weak, doesn't mean that others aren't strong...Don't give up on people and don't give up on God!

Just remember that construction is inconvenient and hard work and it is painful, but 'Boy Ol Boy' is that road smooth and enjoyable with the new pavement after the construction signs are down...
Our road with God…after we are improved… and until we are "pruned again"...

Luke 16:10
“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, …”

Proverbs 3:5-
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding:
In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”
Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil.
This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.”

Proverbs 3:11
“My son, do not despise the LORD’s discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the LORD disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in"

Isaiah 30:15
“This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says:
“In repentance and rest is your salvation,
In quietness and trust is your strength,
But you would have none of it.”

How much can God trust ...us???

We are always saying to trust in God…What can we do to earn HIS trust in us???

Love and Prayers,
Karen Rowe

God Bless you all, Dewey Sharon and family


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