Sunday, August 3, 2008


WEEKEND CUP KKIM/DDC/Friday, August 1, 2008

Goood Mooooooooooorning KKIM Family!

May the Peace of the Lord be with You and Yours!!!

"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfector of our faith,
who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning it's shame,
and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Consider Him who endured such opposition from sinful men,
so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."
Hebrews 12: 2-3

Salina, How wonderful to hear from you! It has been ages! I need some humor here and Salina provided it..........

Clean joke:

A new pastor was visiting in the homes of his parishioners. At one
house it seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer came to his repeated knocks at the door. Therefore, he took out a business card and wrote 'Revelation 3:20' On the back of it and stuck it in the door. When the Offering was processed the following Sunday, he found that his card had been returned. Added to it was this cryptic message, 'Genesis 3:10.' Reaching for his Bible to check out the citation, he broke up in gales of laughter. Revelation 3:20 begins 'Behold, I stand at the door and knock.' Genesis 3:10 reads, 'I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid for I was naked.'

Thanks for helping us start off the day with a laugh Salina!!!!

Program Change for KKIM.....You can now hear Gilbert Larson and Friends weekdays at 2:30.

We are so blessed to be able to have Gilbert with us 5 days a week at 2:30!!!

We PRAISE GOD for all that HE is doing with KKIM!

Prayer is an update from Cheri on Amy's situation.........

Dewey, just to let you and the prayer warriors know, Amy's mastectomy
is scheduled for 2:00PM California time on Friday. Thank you so much
for your prayers. Please pray for successful, complication free
surgery, quick healing, protection from infection, and excellent
diabetic control during the process.....and as you feel led to pray! I
know she gets through this with the knowledge and sense that she is
being help up in prayer.


Dear friends,

In order to help the families and victims of the recent floods in the locality of Ruidoso, New Mexico, the Consulate of Mexico will be receiving from today Thursday July 31st to Thursday 7th of August in its installations the following donations in kind to be transported next Friday 8th of August by the Consulate:

· Bottles of water

· Medicines ( first aid kits and aspirins…)

· Canned food

· Clothes and shoes

· Blankets

· Towels

· Toiletteries ( soaps, toothbrushes, toothpastes, shampoos, etc.)

Any donation may be received at the Consulate:

1610 4th Street NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102,

from 8:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m., and 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Any of these items may help significantly to these families who are struggling with material loses, and specially, of their dear ones in these difficult moments,

I appreciate very much your attention towards this matter,

sincerely yours,

Gustavo De Unánue

Consul of Mexico

THE MAILBAG IS FULL........A LOT OF RESPONSE TO THE ARMED ROBBERY WRITE UP I DID AFTER GRETCHEN AND HER CO-WORKERS WERE ROBBED AT THE STARBUCKS SHE WORKS AT...........On New Mexico News and Views this week we have been talking about the revolving door of justice in New Mexico....REPEAT OFFENDERS.....just like the thugs who robbed the Starbucks......It is a huge issue for the State Legislature.......writing legislation that will help this issue is a must!

Hi Dewey,

I like the new look on your DDC. Thank you for taking time from your very busy day to do DDC. It is sad about crime these days. I will keep your children in my prayers. My son was robbed at gunpoint while working in a Subway. My son was 16 years old!!! He wasn't sure it was a real gun, but he didn't take any chances. He handed over the money. I told him he did the right thing. I had completely forgotten about that until I read your email this morning. Since he didn't go the $20 bill drops, because he was so busy (and by himself), his boss back charged him $60. He deducted it from his paycheck. Can you believe that?

Also, thanks for calling the police at that convenience store. Everything helps. It is a fallen world. Thank God we have our Lord and Savior.

Thank you,

You're right about the cause of crime, Meth, there was a meth house busted just a blk from my house about a year ago, last sat night about 3 am sun, someone fired 6 shots in the house on th corner of my street, no one hurt, but the gun shots woke me up, and then yesterday someone found what looked like a pipe bomb in the front yard of a house about 5 houses down the street from me and when I can home from doing the news yesterday morning, the police had the whole street blocked of waiting for the bomb squad. There was a police car in front of my house with his red lights on blocking the street off. Took them about 4 hours to clean the area. I live in such a nice neighborhood.

There are at least 4 or 5 vacant houses with in a block of my house. Some are for sale, some are not, at least 2 are condemned. I'm surprised "homeless" people don't break into them and stay there. I hope they don't hear about them.

Have a blessed day....................

Frank (The Old Texan) Haley cjf Isa. 9:6

"When the sunshine of God's love meets the showers of our sorrow, the rainbow of promise appears."

Glad Gretchen was unharmed. Frankly Dewey the store clerks should all be armed. I think it may have been Atlanta or maybe Jacksonville a couple of decades ago had a rash of store robberies and they put in little broom closet looking things that an officer could sit in and monitor the store. Now not all of them were manned but the thief could not tell if they were or not. The stores posted signs about armed officers may be in the store and after a few of them went to meet the Maker after being surprised by an armed officer, surprise, surprise the number of armed robberies plummeted. The same held true in Kennesaw , GA. when they passed an ordinance requiring every citizen to have a firearm at home and ammunition for it. If one had a religious objection they could get a waiver. But this suburb of Atlanta saw a reduction in crime the first year of nearly 90%! It is like Bastiat said in his book The Law, “When does plunder stop, only when it becomes more painful than work.”


Good Morning Dewey,

I'm so sorry to hear about the horrible experience Gretchen went through. That happened to my daughter a couple of years ago at a Carl's Jr.. It's dangerous times and unfortunately according to scripture will not get any better. Praise the Lord for His hand of protection. It reminds me of His divine protection of the children in the wilderness ... cloud by day and fire by night!

Please give my love to Michelle during this time of grief. I pray that her dad is with the Lord and is in His perfect joy and peace. I pray that perfect peace for Michelle and her children, too.

Dewey, the free Messianic Conference at the Double Tree Hotel this past weekend was incredible! There were over 500 ministers, pastors, rabbi's, Messianic Believers, etc ... in attendance. I wish you could have joined us. I believe they will be back next year with even more teachers and speakers, Lord willing.

How are your baseball games going? ... still hitting them out of the park? :-)

For Manny Maynez who just this week got diagnosed with an inoperable kidney cancer. Pray first for salvation. Thank you Dewey and KKIM family!



Oh, Dewey...

(Re: Your "Daily Cup" of 7/30/08, below)

God bless your/our children! My own family and I just returned from a beautiful vacation in green, gorgeous Rhode Island, where my fiance's family lives. Granted, Providence is your garden-variety 'big city' with it's due measure of crime, corruption, etc. But where we were, in the southern part of the state, it was gorgeous - and so peaceful! People actually leave their doors unlocked! Their keys in the car - and sometimes even idling in the parking lot while they run in to whatever retailer to conduct their business! I was embarrassed to find myself so shocked. Children play in the street and casually stroll - alone - to their various points of interest around their neighborhoods.

It was such an eye-opener. We couldn't help but marvel at the difference, and how much we had modified our own behavior. Out of habit, we found ourselves locking doors and cars, clutching our wallets close and being hyper-vigilant about so many things that were simply non-issues there.

Then we return home to read the story in yesterday's paper about the little girl my own daughter's age, home alone, struggling frantically to get help on the phone while a repeat-offender literally helps himself into her home! God guide and protect all of our children as this is certainly every parent's nightmare!

As we examine these things, one thought comes to my mind - we can help! We have the power of the Holy Father! And as His children, we must remember to seek Him in all things. "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." (Philipians 4:6, NASB)

Therefore, in light of your timely message (God works powerfully through you, Dewey), I would like to propose to our brothers and sisters that we commit to pray, as a group, starting now and 'without ceasing' for our community, and for the safely and well-being of all of our precious children. God moves in each of our lives and builds our faith by lovingly responding to our humble cries. And while I don't doubt that every one of us already holds our children high on our list of prayer topics, our voices can only find more blessing and favor by joining our hearts and minds in the name of our Lord Jesus.

Futher, I would like to propose a special night of prayer this coming Tuesday, August 5th, as it has already been designated as the "National Night Out" (America's Night Out Against Crime - You can also contact a neighborhood organizer in your area by plugging in your zip code where indicated on the website. There's even a special Ice Cream Social in Nob Hill that night, organized by Albuquerque's 'Safe City' team ( By clicking this link,, you can see a full-size flier for the event. Please feel free to print or email it and pass the word.

Great and extraordinary change has always begun with everyday, ordinary people - and God. We, who know Him and hold close the flame of faith within our hearts should capitalize on this opportunity to engender change by appealing to our Holy Father and inviting His assistance for our community and our children. Dewey, with His help, I know we can make a difference. And so I extend this invitation to our brothers and sisters to call on our Father and, "by prayer and supplication and with thanksgiving", ask His help to support, protect and fortify our community, as well as restore the Lord's grace and peace within our homes and families. Together we will celebrate the Lord within our hearts and our homes, and throughout our beautiful city. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we pray.

Yours in Christ -
Grace Cordova

I received this from a friend today and thought I would share. I pray that it doesn’t offend people on their “political views” but it is important for others to know.

Andrea Harp

Dear Friends,

As I was listening to a news program last
night, I watched in horror as Barack Obama made the
statement with pride. ."we are no longer a Christian
nation; we are now a nation of Christians, Jews,
Muslims, Buddhists, . . . As with so many other
statements I've heard him (and his wife) make, I
never thought I'd see the day that I'd hear
something like that from a presidential candidate in
this nation. To think our forefathers fought and
died for the right for our nation to be a Christian
nation--and to have this man say with pride that we
are no longer that. How far this nation has come
from what our founding fathers intended it to be.
I hope that each of you will do what I'm doing
now--send your concerns, written simply and
sincerely, to the Christians on your email list.
With God's help, and He is still in control of this
nation and all else, we can show this man and the
world in November that we are, indeed, still a
Christian nation!

Hmmm... I do have some thoughts (my thoughts may agitate some who view what Joel does differently than I do), but I don't spend a lot of time into Joel Osteen anymore. He definitely is a skilled writer and speaker, as well as a shrewd businessman. He says some good things ... but seems to try to avoid some topics to not commit on a stance/belief so he can appear all inclusive. I consider Matt 7:15 & 22 when I have watched and heard him (Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves...Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?) ...I remember the story of the serpent in the garden...saying some truths... There is a bit much push to "judge not", perhaps sometimes misapplied. If we are told to discern or beware or make a good choice... we MUST judge the fruit to make a wise assessment. We are told that what comes out of the mouth reveals the heart of a man (Matt 15:19). When Larry King asked Joel if you can go to heaven if you are Jewish, Muslim, or don't accept Christ, Joel said, "...I don't know." That is scary! If he is a believer then he DOES know that Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth,20THE Light...only through His work on the cross and our acceptance of it can we share in the Hope of Heaven. He also said that he knows the people in India love God even though he doesn't know much about their religion... The god they (speaking generally of India practices) love is not The One True God, because they don't believe in Jesus... For Joel's position, he should be black and white on those topics...the core of our faith. Shame on us for not letting our yes, be yes and our no be clear... he wouldn't even say an atheist will go to hell IF they die in their rejection of Christ... just overflows in not judging... manipulating vulnerable people's emotions for his own success/purposes. I know he issued an apology when there was a barrage of questioning and criticism from Christians and it was getting media attention. From what I have seen and heard... I don't trust the man and I think he is dangerous to needy souls, ultimately. Yes, he does say some positive and encouraging things that are good; that can make us feel really good. I will quit rambling... g'night :-) Because of Jesus, Karen in Elkhart

A testimony about Trust By, Karen Rowe

Isaiah 30:15

“This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says:

“In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it.”

Trust as defined in the dictionary:

Reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.

Confident expectation of something; hope.

June 2008 testimony:

Last month, we took a road trip out West to Yellowstone . The trip all the way to Colorado was wonderful, until we left Fort Collins , CO to finish this trip by way of Wyoming .

The part of Wyoming that we had to travel though was desolate. There was absolutely no civilization for miles and miles and hours and hours. There were times that we didn’t even see another car on the road for a very long time, maybe hours, or at least it seemed.

We had no cell phone service for the majority of this 11 hour trip across Wyoming ! It literally felt like we were the only 5 people for hundreds and hundreds of miles.

It was intimidating and lonely in a way that I had never experienced. I didn’t realize how much that I needed people! I always considered myself as pretty self sufficient to survive just me and God, family and a few close friends, but I really didn’t know how much I needed or missed seeing people!

Dead in the middle of Wyoming , the thought came to me, literally, “What would we do, if we broke down?”

At the end of our vacation, we had to face driving through Wyoming a 2nd time!

We actually passed through one town that had a sign of a population of 10! That made us laugh after all this driving! The elevation was higher than the population. People out there had to rely on each other! God 1st, I hope, but living out there, people need people. You could tell winters got rough by the snow blinds and evidence that roads were meant to be closed in high winds or heavy snow. We all need is evident everywhere we go and there are lonely people out there...

Many miles after that, dead in the middle of Wyoming , the worst happened! We broke down very close to the same area, where just a few days earlier, I had wondered "what we would do if we broke down?"

We had a tire blow out on the camper!!! No cell service and no one in site for miles as far as the eye could see! We got out of the truck to evaluate the situation and found out fairly quickly that we didn’t have a lug nut wrench that would fit the trailer tire!

It actually felt like the worst had happened on an already way too long of a trip! We just stood there trying every different kind of wrench that my husband had. It was not long when a police officer pulled in behind us. I have never been so happy to see blue lights flashing behind me! It was really a miracle in it self that she was there, she was just on her way home and told us it can be hours between patrols out there.

However, she couldn’t help either. She was very nice and really felt bad that all she could do was offer us to call for help! She gave us 2 options: 1) Call a wrecker, which would take up to a couple of hours to arrive or 2) drop the trailer and drive to the nearest town, buy a tool and double back to change the tire…

Neither of those options felt good because the nearest town was over an hour away just to get there, which also meant over an hour back in the hopes that the nearest town would have a store selling the exact wrench that we needed ...and we would still have to change the tire and hope for no more problems with tools when we returned.

In spite of this, we chose the 2nd option and we were thinking about dropping the trailer, not knowing how far ahead we would have to go...and that is exactly what we would have done, if we had forgotten to pray...

With no other cars in site as the Police car left, it felt like she was leaving us all alone and I could tell that she had that sense too, but I told her, "it was okay, that God had us here for a reason and HE would take care of us" and then she pulled away.

Although neither of us knew it at the time, Robert and I were both in a mindset of trusting God at that moment.

Robert was on one side of the camper praying about what to do, as I was on the other side praying, as we were united in the same feeling of concerns. I paced back and forth a couple of times and then I prayed, “God we need your help a little more than usual right now. Please send us help.”

I carried my son to the side of the road to wait on a car to flag down. Got into position and couldn’t believe that I saw some cars coming from way down the road. It was a feeling of great hope! Compared to the other day, it seemed like a miracle to us just to see cars!

As they got closer I started flagging, but they just drove by! I couldn’t believe it! Then I saw more cars and flagged desperately at them again, but they too just drove by, pretending that they didn't see us…but we were the only thing to look at out there...Although, I thought it was a miracle that there was even traffic at that moment…I couldn’t believe how many people just drove on by!

We had a total of 4 cars stop, including the police car, out of maybe 10 or 15, including a couple of big trucks. I would have thought that truckers would stick together like boaters or motorcycle riders, but both of these trucks just drove by. I thought well maybe they can’t stop because of a company rule or something??? I was puzzled at the lack of compassion.

Then the 1st car stopped; a woman! She really tried to help, but she had no wrench that would fit either. So she left, but the fact that she took time out of her already long day to even try to help meant a lot to us!

I got a little more desperate at this point and sent the girls to flag on the right side and I took my son to the left side of the road to flag cars. Who could pass up kids stranded in the middle of no where asking for help was my plan…apparently a few!

I remember a black SUV passed by, just like all the others, but this one would be different! As he went by, I prayed for him and the others who didn't stop to offer help; I just couldn't believe that no one would offer help! He went by, but then he backed back up!!! At the same time, another car pulled in behind us!!! We were overjoyed!!! And full of hope!!!

I ran up to the passenger side window and told him our need. I could tell that he really didn't want to stop, and he was hesitant to admit that he had a wrench at all. He was rushed, stressed and just wanted to finish his own trip, but something had made him stop anyway. I could tell that he tried to drive by, but something inside of him couldn't do it and he came back! And something inside of him made him pull out that wrench!

Turned out that the man in the SUV, not only had the wrench that fit the trailer tire, but he changed the tire for us!!! My husband is capable of changing a tire and works very hard, but this man just came in and took over!!! He kept telling my husband who was trying to help, “No, I have got it” and wouldn’t take his help to change our own tire!!! He was driven to do this good deed for us and I believe that God had spoken to his heart. I could see a change in that man after the tire was changed...something humbling. We were all blessed that day and God had a purpose in it all!

Then as he was leaving, not only had he changed our tire for us, but he gave us his wrench!!! He said that he wanted us to have it! He would not take any money and all we could do was thank him and tell him how much it meant to us!!! And we thanked God for blessing us with this help!

The 3rd car was there for a reason, I don’t know why, but I could just sense that they needed something…more than us. Maybe they were there just so they could see how God was helping us??? Only God knows all that.

But what God showed me in this blow out was that I wasn’t trusting in God like I was supposed to be all of the time. Remember my thought, “what would I do?”

We found out that “We couldn’t do much of anything” and we found out that God can do the impossible!

From that prayer, God brought us help and had us back on the road in less than an hour total! God humbled my heart that day. All of the sudden, my heart didn’t feel so heavy with dread and burden, I felt light and just happy to be in the moment…resting in God!

To keep that moment, we have to trust God in all that we do! And we have to lean on HIM when it seems impossible…just simply to know by Faith, God is near!

Don’t wait on a blow out to know that we can trust people too. God showed me that we need people; we need each other and we can be trusted.

We cannot let the few cars that drive by; or the few people who hurt us ,or who are dishonest define who all people are!

We can listen to our heart; God in our heart; the Holy Spirit and know who we can trust!!! Believe in God and trust in HIS people.

I hope that we can serve God well in being a witness in faith and trust in a way that pleases God. I encourage us to pick up the Bible and learn more about Trust and trustworthy for God.

Titus 2:9

"Teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything, to try to please them, not to talk back to them, and not to steal from them, but to show that they can be fully trusted, so that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive."

Love in Christ,

Karen Rowe

Let me leave you today friends with this.....................

"It behooves us then to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins and to pray for clemency and forgiveness...." Abe Lincoln

God Bless you all, Dewey Sharon and family

Please join us at Heights Christian Church tonight at 7pm for a special prayer service for our Military Men and Women. and their families.

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