Tuesday, April 28, 2009



Dear KKIM Family!

I PRAISE GOD THAT I CAN BE WITH YOU TODAY!!!! We are here to serve!!!!

Such a man, like Jesus, is altogether beyond our reach. He succeeded where we always fail. He had complete self-mastery. he never retaliated. he never grew resentful or irritable. He had such control of Himself that, whatever others might think or say or do, He would deny himself and abandon Himself to the will of God and the welfare of His fellow human beings. "I seek not to please myself," He said, and "I am not seeking glory for myself." As Paul wrote, "For Christ did not please Himself."

Please read that again.........and again...pray over these words written by John Stott. It is a warm up for our message this morning.


Heights Christian Church won it's first softball game of the season! What a great night of fellowship!

Have you ever given to the Ministry programs on KKIM?
Studies show that around 90% of you have never done so.
I am asking the 90% crowd to give for the first time to our Ministry programs during these times. If you are being fed by KKIM........I would hope at least, you would be able to give even a small gift of just $20.00 a month to your favorite Ministry program. You can find all the contact information at our web site under our program guide at www.mykkim.com If you need further info just email me please. Thank you so much!

Chuck Swindoll is on KKIM right now wrapping up his program saying that if giving does not increase he will have to do the unthinkable and end his broadcast on some stations. This is a very serious situation.

Stay tuned for more information on our Tony Dungy One Hour Radio Special! May 1st. 2nd, and 3rd. I have the times at the radio ranch. Thanks to our dear, dear friend Rick Griffin of Albuquerque who is sponsoring these one hour radio specials on KKIM! It takes people like Rick to keep this Ministry going at full speed! How about you? Do you want to become a KKIM Ministry sponsor? Are you being fed by the cup and KKIM?

The Lord has given me the boldness to ask, because to be fed and not give back is wrong.

You can always email me if you think I am off base here.

Yesterday on KKIM's New Mexico News and Views we had an AWESOME panel of Pastor's.......Garland Moore of Immanuel Baptist Church Milan/Grants, NM.......Leonard Navarre of Valley View Christian Church Edgewood, NM and Mark Tross of Gladstone in Rio Rancho. We talked about having an AWESOME relationship with Jesus Christ........our walk with HIM. At Garland's Church, where Sharon and I have worshiped, there is an alter call every Sunday. People are coming to Christ every week at Garland's Church. We stated facts as to where God's Church is failing and looking for Godly solutions........One is calling people to Christ and continuing as a Shepherd like Garland is. Have we forgotten how to be a Shepherd for Christ? How to walk with HIS people? That is how we will get this world right! I also had a visit from pastor Alan Hawkins of New Life City yesterday. He just dropped in for a visit. His Ministry program, "Life in The City" at 2:30 weekdays is so AWESOME! Alan has so much to offer God's people! I also got a call from Pastor Kyle Martin of Revive The Church, Sundays at 8:30am on KKIM. Pastor Kyle of course led the revival last fall in Santa Fe. PRAISE NOTE: Kyle is expanding his radio ministry on KKIM!!! You will be able to hear him twice a week, Saturdays at 1:05 and Sundays at 8:30am. A brand new teaching format........listen in to New Mexico News and Views Friday at 4:30 when Kyle will be our guest and we will talk about his radio ministry! PRAISE GOD!!! God's people must not retreat....we must stay out in front of this spiritual battle!!!!!!

We will also have some more announcements, Lord willing, about other Radio Ministry programs expanding on KKIM!

Value Driven Leadership..........From The Maxwell Leadership Bible........

What qualities should every leader have?

David describes a righteous man who walks in integrity and gains not only the respect of others, but also an audience with God. He demonstrates why PREDETERMINED values and ethics, not expediency, must drive our leadership. How does David picture a Godly leader?

1. Possesses integrity

2. Does what is right

3. Is honest and trustworthy

4. Does not gossip

5. Does not listen to Gossip

6. Does no harm to others

7. SPEAKS OUT AGAINST WRONG (the Church, God's people must not be silent!!!)

8. Honors others who walk in truth

9. Keeps their word even when it costs them

10. Isn't greedy to gain at the expense of others

11. Takes no bribes against anyone

12. Is strong and stable

I am very thankful to be around people like Garland, Leonard, and Mark and many others,as they walk in TRUTH! One of the things I love about my work is to be able to honor before God and HIS people men and women who walk in TRUTH!

Okay let's get to the mailbag...................

I appreciated reading the timely and thoughtful responses! May it help us to see the urgency of living our lives truly Christ-Like (Christian)...and stay in the Word, prayer, and in fellowship w/other believers so we will know what that is :-) God Bless each one! Karen in Elkhart, Indiana

Hi Dewey,

Thank you for sharing!

The Lord put on my heart long ago that the church was going to struggle and bend with the same sex marriage issue.

Keep in mind that churches have a non-profit 501c3 status from the government. If the government starts requiring that churches marry same sex partners in order to keep their non-profit, we'll see what churches will stand with YHVH's Word and what churches will opt for the money, in order to keep the large facilities, programs, finances, etc!!!

We are all going to be pressured by the world's ways. We are either going to compromise or we are going to stand firm, in faith and see how our sovereign Lord works when our backs are against the wall, as the children in the desert!

Our God is a god of absolutes, love, grace and mercy, for the well-being of all His children. He must be true to Himself and will not compromise.

This is our struggle and the start of sin ... compromise. I pray and encourage all of us to seek comfort and shelter in the Holy Spirit and heed to His voice for direction as "labor pains" intensify!

... with blessings and appreciation,

Cindy Russell in Albuquerque



Again the fight for God's Truth and Word must be continued. The above link is a tremendous slap in the face of our Lord Jesus Christ the true Messiah and Lord. It is a sham and a sin to exhibit any person on this planet in the same light as the ONE from ABOVE.

The Apostle Paul addresses his letters, "Lord Jesus Christ". There is great significance in these 3 words to the readers of the letters. They are placed there by the Holy Spirit to address all that the King of kings and Lord of lords represents.

LORD = Master, Boss, Leader = This was given great significance since every citizen of the Great Roman Empire was to proclaim upon greeting each other, Caesar is Lord. Every Christian would take a definite stand that could lead to imprisonment, torture even death because of this proclaimation.

JESUS = His given name at birth. In the Hebrew, Joshua; in the Greek, Jesus both names mean "savior, salvation".

CHRIST = Messiah, Anointed One, Awaited One.

The fight for TRUTH, continues.

Pray for America.

Pastor Leonard

Let us Pray................

Lord let us all walk in Your TRUTH...........Let us all lead others to YOU. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family



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