Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Wed CUP with Dewey KKIM/DDC

Dear KKIM Family,

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God." Isaiah 41:10

God Bless – keep up the inspiration to all us daily – we all need it!!

Sandy Grove

Circulation Manager

Citizen Publishing Company


Yes Sandy.......that is the beauty of God's family...we are here for each other! Amen.We Love you and all our friends in Windom!!!

"When discipline joins focus, you can change your world, and we all need to be world changers." Pastor Ronnie Floyd

More from Pastor Floyd.........

Who Am I?

In Jesus Christ,

I am chosen miraculously, accepted completely,

forgiven freely, planned providentially,

and rich spiritually.

Go to Ephesians 1:3-14, take it apart, maintain balance, and learn who you are in Christ. It will change everything about you.

Remember: "So, couldn't you stay awake with Me one hour? Stay awake and pray, so that you won't enter into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak" Matt 26:40-41

We have been talking a lot of about Marriage and Family on KKIM more of late since the Weekend To remember is coming this weekend to New Mexico. You can still register at The Lord put on my heart months ago to start the year our focusing on prayer, marriages and family.

We have tried to do that here at KKIM and the CUP.

The older I get I realize the importance of surrounding yourself with, what I call Spiritual Giants......Men and Women who walk with you in your daily walk with Jesus Christ.

Sharon and I have so many SPIRITUAL GIANTS in our life....more than ever. We must not try to walk alone..we will times like this God's people need to be together arm in arm and in prayer and worship together!

As this army of God........think of an army of love and mercy and accountability........marches on we must grab onto those who are hurting!

What is a Spiritual GIANT?

Men and Women who STAND TALL in the eyes of our Lord who put on the Armor of God each day and carry out the Great Commission of total submission to our Lord.

Read this comment from a wife.............

I wanted to tell you that I feel so positive about Steve wanting to make changes in his life! My hope and prayer is that he will be “born again” during this transformation.

Let us all pray for Steve.

Let us hold him up in prayer!

This is why I am here.........and I believe you are reading serve others.......

The family of KKIM and the CUP! What a blessing! Pastor Don Kimbro told me in Willard, NM a small town of about 240 folks, they have a poster in the Post Office and City Hall encouraging people to listen to KKIM and Nuggets of Truth!!

It is such a Godly privilege to be of service to our Lord and His people.

Now let me share with you a Spiritual Giant........Kitty who serves our youth....who serves at Son Broadcasting.......who serves our Lord in mighty ways...........

I have had such a burden to pray for you and your family here during the past week....I hope all is ok.

You asked about chocolate info to place on your Daily Cup....I have listed below a few of my Kitty's Daily Chocolate Nuggets that I place on my FaceBook wall each weekday morning. Hope these will work. If not let me know.

Did you know that not all chocolate is created equal? Most commercial chocolate is "dutched" or alkalized, which degrades the majority of its antioxidant content.

Newsweek reports "Research suggests chocolate to be good for you." Dr. Warren: "Xocai (chocolate) products are prepared with a patented cold-processing system (not dutching) that preserves cacao's (raw chocolate) precious antioxidant agents." Want to know more?

Consuming a cocoa-enriched diet slows free radical damage in gum tissues and slows the activity of the bacteria most responsible for tooth decay. Have you eaten your Xocai chocolate today?

chronic inflammation is a primary contributor in cardiovascular disease, dementia, diabetes, fibromyalgia. The extremely high antioxidant content in Xocai chocolate in many cases helps bring inflammation down by a significant amount. Did you have your Xocai chocolate at breakfast this morning?

diabetic-friendly dark Belgian Chocolate? Yes!!! Instead of the refined sugars common to most commercial products, Xocai's products use low-glycemic sweetners such as raw cane juice, crystalline fructose.

Did you know that cacao beans contain over 300 chemically indentifiable compounds making it one of the most complex food substances on earth....unprocessed, raw cacao is packed with potent antioxidants called flavonoids.

And now, in this corner Xe, the new energy drink! Xocai's proprietary cold-pressed cacao (chocolate) fuels X's energy boost. The world's #1 antioxidant food promotes cellular metabolism which is at the heart of the energy dilemma and is actually healthy for you, won't spike your metabo...lism up with a huge crash after. Hmmm...I saw one around here somewhere....

God Bless you! Kitty

Thanks Kitty. Congrats to Phil and Marilyn who won the basket's of Love from Kitty!

Email me if you would like to contact Kitty!

Let us now hear from John Robb.........

“The greatest impact any of us can have on Christ’s global cause is to be involved in consistent prayer for the whole world and to teach other Christians how to pray this way.” – David Bryant

Dear Friends,
The North America Prayer Summit, Feb. 10-14, will begin tomorrow on an island about 30 minutes offshore from Vancouver, Canada. It will bring together prayer and ministry leaders from all three nations of our region- Mexico, Canada and the USA- at a time when all three nations and our region face some huge challenges. May we ask your support in prayer as the Spirit leads you during the next few days for this important event?
Here is what Murray Dodds, our host and summit coordinator, writes about the significance of our first three regional summits: “Throughout these times we have established core relationships, learned from each other what the Lord has been doing in each nation, shared significant spiritual needs of the nations and then, with agreed upon spiritual authority, prayed for each nation. It has been interesting to see how some of us, since we began, have been able to maintain relationships and meet at other events over the years to join in other Kingdom spiritual initiatives around the world. The Lord is certainly continuing to build his Kingdom team by connecting ministries through~prayer, worship and the development of relationships.”Our focus for this time near Vancouver will be centered on these areas of concern:
The North~America~Region and our three nations: Mexico, Canada and the USA- discerning and praying forth what we believe is the Lord’s destiny for our region and also interceding for our individual nations with the unique challenges each of them now face?

The 2010 Olympics- we will pray for this global event and during the opening ceremonies and sporting events happening nearby.

The global economic situation- how we need to intercede for the world’s political and economic leaders as they grapple with this worrying conundrum!

The World Prayer Assembly scheduled for 2012- we will discuss, seek feedback and pray for His guidance together as plans are being made for this event with potential representation from all 220 nations. It could be used of the Lord to release a tsunami of global, interconnected prayer towards His glory filling the whole earth!

Please pray for the following for us:

For traveling mercies for all as we fly and take both ground and sea transportation to and from the island venue near Vancouver.

For His unity, clarity and anointing for all of us who participate and for those who will speak and facilitate sessions. Especially pray for Murray Dodds and Sara Maynard who are taking leadership and for the other Canadians who are so graciously making all the arrangements.

For the Lord’s guidance and discernment to be in sync with Him so that our prayers will be on target for all three nations and for the regional and international issues we focus on. May this be an Acts 13 experience of clearly hearing His voice together and doing what He wants us to do!

For a wonderful time of fellowship in the Spirit, building relationships for the extension of His Kingdom in the future.

Another ongoing request- please keep the situation in Haiti in prayer as the nation seeks to recover from the devastating earthquake and for the very challenging relief and rehabilitation effort underway that aid will reach all who need it as expeditiously as possible. May Haiti turn away from Voodoo and come wholeheartedly to the Lord through this catastrophe, finding its unique calling as a nation!

Thanks so much for backing us in this way. It will make all the difference!

Yours in Christ,

John Robb

International Prayer Connect/ Council

Let us pray..........

Lord we pray today that we will all march on....... ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS!!! Total submission to You. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

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