Thursday, February 11, 2010


Thursday Cup with Dewey KKIM/DDC

Dear KKIM Family,

May the Peace and Strength of our Lord be with You and Yours!

Here is a Call to us all.............

Let us not cease to do the utmost, that we may increasingly go forward in the way of the Lord. -John Calvin


Who you are is more important than what you do.

"For in Him the entire fullness of God's nature dwells bodily, and you have been filled by Him, who is the head over every ruler and authority" Col. 2:9-10

Remember EGO stands for Edging God Out!

Don't get stuck inside your own ego, because it will become a prison in no time flat. -Barbara Ward

This is a HUGE WEEKEND with the Weekend To Remember Marriage Conference..Hope to see you there.........come by the KKIM table and say hi!

We had a lot of fun with Rachael of in Santa Fe on NM News and Views yesterday as she shared her walk with Jesus Christ and how God has worked wonders in her marriage. We also gave away a $50.00 gift certificate from Cutting Edge Flowers! Congrats to Cheryl from Los Alamos who won!!!! I know first hand how wonderful Cutting Edge Flowers Rachael put together a beautiful dozen of white roses for Sharon and delivered them to her yesterday at the Hospital in Santa Fe where Sharon works!

Guys, Have you sent your wife flowers? Your daughters?

Happy Valentines Day to you all!

Please be in prayer for Nicholas today as he undergoes brain surgery to remove a tumor.

Frank's granddaughter Brooke, is improving ever so slightly, please keep her in your prayers.

I would like to share with you my column for the

Are you hearing God?

All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. John 14: 25-26

And then I would pray that you would read John 16:7-15.

Jesus in all these verses shares with us about the person of the Holy Spirit. He is our Counselor, our Teacher, and the Truth-Teller. The World needs to hear the Truth folks! His voice will convict you of sin and guide you into truth. He will remind you of everything Jesus said while He was on earth. The Holy Spirit always and only brings glory to Jesus. It is His role and responsibility to make known to you what Jesus wants you to know.

Now, are you listening?

Is the Holy Spirit living in you?

Some people get a little nervous when I ask them if God has ever talked to them!

Let me explain it this way.......The Closer you walk with Jesus.....the more you will know His ways.

In a good marriage, a Husband and Wife learn really after awhile to know what each other is thinking, same with a Father and Mother, with our children, we know what they are thinking before anything is said.

In our relationship with Jesus Christ, the closer we walk with HIM the more we will hear HIM.....he sends the Holy Spirit to live in us. To guide us through life.

Let me share this with you..........

I spoke at a Men's breakfast on Saturday Feb 6th in Moriarty, NM for Valley View Christian Church. We have an upcoming Marriage Conference Valentines Day Weekend, "The Weekend to Remember"

The Lord had me hanging on to one last certificate to give away for this Conference.

I was going to give it away on the radio.........I also had offered it to a couple, but they hadn't gotten back to me. I felt the Lord was telling me to hang onto it and take it to the Men's Breakfast in Moriarty.

When I opened up my presentation to the Men that day I began sharing about the Upcoming Marriage Conference and that the Lord had told me to bring a Certificate to the Conference with me and if anybody in the crowd would like to go with their wife and cannot afford it, you can have it.......and right away the Lord had me make eye contact with a young man in a black cowboy hat and he had tears in his eyes and was shy about raising his hand, he kind'a waved his finger at me.......I knew the Lord wanted him and his wife to have this.

This was the first time he had ever came to the Men's Breakfast and he had just married for the fourth time. The Holy Spirit was moving in his life also.

I knew then, that is why I drove to Moriatry, New Mexico that day to speak at that men's breakfast and had held onto that Certificate for so long......Now what would have happened if I had not listened to God?

Time is short.the Weekend To Remember marriage Conference is this weekend...go to and get going on your marriage! KKIM will have a booth..stop by and say hi!
Biblical Marriage - Part of God's Family
by Rick Warren

For where two or three come together in my name, I am there with them. Matthew 18:20 (TEV)

Any successful marriage is built upon the biblical truth that God designed each of us with five purposes in mind: worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and missions.
Until you realize you and your mate were placed together for God's purposes, then your marriage will be difficult, complicated, and exhausting. But once you understand God's plan, your marriage takes on new meaning.

You and your spouse were formed for God's family. God made an incredible promise about the gathering of even just two believers: "For where two or three come together in my name, I am there with them." (Matthew 18:20, TEV)

So if both you and your spouse are believers, God is already in your marriage working to transform the two of you into a purpose driven family!

Your marriage is a lab for learning how to love like Jesus loves. Within marriage, God has created an opportunity for us to develop a true intimacy and authenticity with another human being.

To go this deep requires genuine, heart-to-heart, gut-level sharing, where you and your spouse get honest about who you are and what's happening in your lives. This happens when you both share your hurts, reveal your feelings, confess your failures, disclose your doubts, admit your fears, acknowledge your weaknesses, and ask each other for help and prayer.

Let us pray, Lord we pray for all those couples that will be attending the Weekend To Remember Marriage Conference this weekend......we pray that they will be open to receiving the Holy Spirit into their marriage. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

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