Tuesday, February 16, 2010



Dear KKIM Family,

May the Peace and Strength of our Lord be with you and yours!

I started a new study yesterday and I wanted to share with you.........

Please pray before reading this CUP.........Let your mind at ease now and give it all to God........

Wrong motives are dangerous killers because they're silent and hard to detect. They can easily ruin something (like your Family, Church or business) they can ruin something that started out so wonderful!!!

Ask God to show you any wrong motives you may be harboring so that you can confess them to Him and take steps to deal with them.

Paul, My hero! I crashed and burned like him! Then gave my life to God!

Paul wrote while he was in prison..........

"Don't just look out for your own interests, but look out for the interests of others as well. That's what Jesus did, and you should strive to be like Him not only in your actions but in your attitudes," Paul stated. "For even though Jesus is God, He humbled Himself and came to earth, willing to take the form of a human. In doing this, He set aside all His privileges and honor as God's Son. Even though Jesus knew that His actions would mean suffering, being mocked, being misunderstood, and eventually being killed, He did it anyway. he didn't do it for personal gain. Instead, He did it for us. He did it out of love.

"Therefore," Paul concluded, "since Jesus, being God, could humble Himself to become a servant, do we dare to think that we're somehow above such things? may it never be! Let us not do things from selfish ambition, wrong motives, or for our own personal comfort or gain. Instead, let us have the same attitude as Christ Jesus our Lord------the attitude of humility."

This new study I am doing is from Jackie Perseghetti's, "Faith Factor"

By the way what Paul is speaking about is such a problem in our society today....even in the Church!

Chuck Swindoll on KKIM this morning quoted Fmr Notre Dame Football Coach Lou Holtz who said, "Twenty five years ago people talked
about fulfilling their obligations........today all people talk about it seems in their rights!"

There is a lot of TRUTH in that!!!

This past weekend, at the Weekend To Remember, I had a lot of honey poured into my soul by many.......Thanking me for KKIM and the CUP........It is not me........it is not me........I am just trying to do what the Lord has told me to do........I am just trying not to do anything stupid each day........Sharon and I are here to serve..not to be served.........I pray to the Lord each day as to what He wants me to do.......How I try to live my life is just what Paul wrote about.........serving........

Wrong motives ruin great things...........

I have to say after talking to so many of you.....there is a strong disconnect going on in our State Government here in New Mexico with the Majority of the State Legislators.They can not identify or feel the pain of the common folk like you and me! The majority of the State Legislators have the wrong motives in life. Most of Today's Politicians are disconnected from the common folk! They don't feel the pain........wrong motives.......Look for the ones that feel the pain and have a plan........and are Godly!

Most Politicians look for the friendliest crowd........a Pep rally........they do not want to face the real people and our hurts!

I want to just mention this....there is a lovely lady from Brazil who lives in Albuquerque and she listens to KKIM everyday and reads the CUP........She told me that she took the CUP on Responsibility of Men and re-wrote it in Portuguese and sent it to her brother in Brazil.

We never know what the Lord is going to do with our messages we put out........that is why we must pray for His Will to be done in all that we do. In all that we do.....We must have Godly motives!

Thanks to you all who came up and introduced yourselves.........very thankful for your fellowship!!!

Let me leave you with this funny bone that Karen Rowe tweeted to me today.......about her son Daniel........

Daniel came to tell me of his mischief, "mom, remember, love is patient and love is kind, now I need to show you something." : ) 1 Cor 13


Let us pray................

Lord, Thank you for all those who attended the Weekend To Remember marriage Conference......We pray for their marriages........we pray more will even come next year.In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

I am going to meet with Doug today of Family Life Today and we are going to go over this years conference and start planning for next year. If you are willing to help with this project just email me.

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and Family





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