Saturday, January 16, 2010



Dear KKIM Family,

I love STRONG COFFEE!!!! with a bit of honey!!!

My Life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus. Acts 20:24 AMEN AMEN!

God put us all here for this time.........

Are you listening to the Lord?

Becky Tirabassi writes in her book, "Let God Talk To You".......

In Andrew Murray's book the Inner Life, I learned a simple concept that revolutionized my approach to daily Bible reading. He writes, "Prayer and the Word are inseparably linked together. Power in the use of either depends upon the presence of the other......The Word gives me guidance for prayer, telling me what God will do for me. It gives me the power to pray, telling me how God would have me come......And it gives me the answer to prayer, as it teaches what God will do for me...........Prayer seeks God; the Word reveals God. In prayer we rise to heaven to dwell with God; in the Word God comes to dwell with us."

WOW!! WOW!!! WOW!!!!! How powerful is that!

In prayer we rise to heaven to dwell with the Word God comes to dwell with us!!!!! The words of Andrew Murray.

You gotta read Tirabassi's book!!!!

We have this prayer request from pastor Jim Montoya.....
Please pray for healing for Amando Martinez at UNM Hospital with liver problems. Please keep Amando in your prayers.

Continue to get good reports on RJ!!! PRAISE GOD!! Steve from KAZQ TV called me yesterday and said he had heard a good report from Leslie.

Please continue to pray for baby Angle III and healing for her body.

Please continue to pray for Pastor Leonard Navarre.he is to fly into India this morning.

Pray for Governor Richardson and all the State Legislators as the session starts Tuesday. This will be a historic session.....either New Mexico gets on the right track or it will continue to go down hill.

Please pray for the Election in Mass. This race for the Senate so important as to the direction our Country will go.....Scott Brown is pro-life..As Father Tom said last night on KKIM Martha Coakley is pro-abortion. Father Tom lives in Mass. so he is very close to the situation.

We are at a very crucial point in our Chuck Bates of IRN/USA radio News said on KKIM yesterday....we should all me on our KNEES PRAYING!

For a special message on Haiti from Pastor Don Kimbro go to

For a list of Charities for Haiti go to look on the Alert section.

Please continue to pray for The WEEKEND TO REMEMBER MARRIAGE CONFERANCE! Give it as a gift to someone! I had a KKIM listener call me and said she was giving it as a gift to her son! Sharon and I attended last year..It is so AWESOME in the Lord! Go to and get registered. This years Conference is Valentines Day weekend just like last year. Whether you have been married 56 yrs........20 yrs......1 yr.......or thinking about need to go! I know some folks that go every year!!! Check it out!

I was up until 2:30 this morning praying....while mostly listening to the Lord.

This is what HE put on my heart to share with you this morning.......

Yesterday was a very emotional New Mexico News and Views......

The Media is full of NOTHING NOISE......60 or 30 sec sound bites....but PRAISE GOD we really get down to it on NM News and Views.....

Yesterday State Rep Nora Espinoza and I really got into a Godly discussion of Corruption in New Mexico and Governor Richardson.

Nora said that it is the fault of the people of New Mexico for letting this Corruption in State Government continue.....would you please pray with me...before we do that let me share this Tweet on got from Max Lucado.......

See your enemies, not as God’s failures, but as God’s projects

Let us pray for Governor Richardson and President Obama that they get close to God.....Let us pray......

Just fyi.Nora and I talked about the impending announcement that Pete Domenici Jr. will be running for Governor of New Mexico. We talked about the new twist that put's on the Republican race. I also talked with State Rep Janice E Arnold Jones last night. She was in Northern New Mexico as her campaign for Governor continues.

I know very little about Pete Jr........except that he is an attorney.......a nice man.........and he has no state government experience.......some would say that is a PLUS! and oh yes......I think his father served New Mexico in some little office. LOL!!!

Nora talked about proposed Ethics Reform.........she said AMEN.when I said I shake my head every time I hear about ETHICS REFORM it will not happen unless HEARTS are changed and people give their lives to Jesus Christ. That is the ETHICS REFORM that is needed not only in Government but WORLDWIDE .

Then I got this Tweet from pastor Alan Hawkins..he forwarded this message .......It all fits together in the LORD.......This came from Pastor's all fits together.AMEN! Today's Message!!!!!

Josh Patterson Josh Patterson 19 comments

All of my life I have wanted to be successful. The idea of success has driven me most of my days and the fear of not being successful has kept me on course as well. As I reflect on this, I find it interesting that not much has changed for me personally. I still desire success, but my definition of “success” has shifted drastically. Growing up in the thriving and prosperous suburb of Plano the mantra and allure of success was all around me.
Success equated to the various status symbols of the “American Dream”: expensive cars, expansive homes, exotic vacations and exclusive lives. The greater cultural system reinforced what most families modeled, and we were all competing for ways to get a slice of pie. The proverbial “Jones’” kept everyone running at breakneck speed and leaving carnage in our wake; people became a means to an end as “success” was the idol we chased. This is not isolated to Plano or the Dallas metroplex per se; rather, this ethos permeates the ghetto as much as Rodeo Drive. It is American to the core.
A biblically informed definition of success has almost nothing to do with the acquisition of material things or the achievement of personal comfort. Success for the believer is defined in relationship to Jesus Christ and His mission. Christ came to seek and save that which was lost; He calls a people unto Himself. We were once far off and have now been brought near through the blood of Christ. He creates a new humanity with transformed perspectives and ambitions.
The death and resurrection of Christ and the overall mission of God in the world now defines what success looks like for the believer and the Church. Simplistically, a believer’s desire for success should be in accordance with Romans 12:1-2. Do I look like the Savior? Have I been transformed by His grace to love radically, give generously, suffer willingly, walk humbly and engage missionally? Is the fruit of God’s Spirit evident in my heart: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22).
The hope in my life is that I would be successful, but success has been redefined as I have been transformed. Now, a prosperous life means an endowment of Christ-saturated thoughts, relationships and actions; not a certain tax bracket or health. Conformity to the image of Christ compels me rather than the creaturely comforts of a fading glory (2 Corinthians 5:14). The success I am now pursuing is not elusive; rather, it is eternally mine because it has been purchased by the sufficient blood of Christ and secured by the seal of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:7,14). The “American Dream” is a cheap substitute compared to the rich treasure of knowing Christ (Philippians 3:7-10). The gospel reality awakens us to pleasures evermore and causes us to abandon our prior delusions of grandeur to readily accept the inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled and unfading, kept in heaven for those who believe. (1 Peter 1:3-5).
Can I really be called a “success” if I waste my life chasing the wind? Maybe, but then I would also have to be called a “fool” as well.

WOW! Great stuff!!! We are here to serve...not to be served........

Sharon and I pray that we all be in prayer and dwell in heaven and be in God's Word so God comes to dwell in us. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!!!!!!

ps.We are still getting sympathy cards on the passing of Sharon's Dad Rodger......thanks so much for your love and support! It is very special when people still send sympathy cards! They mean a lot!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

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