Wednesday, January 20, 2010



Dear KKIM Family,

From Oswald Chambers........See that you do not use the trick of prayer to cover up what you know you ought to do.

WOW! That should make us all stop and think a bit!..........

Just remember this.......Some people are going to think you are a bit crazy when you are on fire for the Lord!

Today we BOAST in the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT!!!

What does Holiness mean?

Living in Obedience to Him

Being a light for God

The Holy Spirit lives in you

Holiness is Purity

Living with God

Light to all nations

Also pray on the word..........Discernment..........lacking today.............

Charles Stanley was saying on the radio the other morning, 8:05am KKIM, something like either you are going through a challenge right now or you have just finished going through one, or you are about to go through one.

I remind the kids of that.........Life is not problem free.........

"I still meet with trouble&expect no other as long as I live in this world.So let us endeavor to help one another"JEdwards

But how close we walk with Jesus Christ will determine how we get through the tough times in life.

How come we do not hear that old saying anymore........

When times get tough, the tough get going!

Walking hand in hand with Jesus!

Praying on our knees to our Almighty Father!

Many these days cave to sin.........or give up when times are tough.......let the love of the Lord carry you through the tough times of life.

The Holy Spirit does not tempt me. His voice leads me away from my temptations. He reminds me of the promise of purity and sobriety that I've made and kept for years. He fills me with an instant and powerful wave of courage to fight the good fight.

Pass this along to others............spread the good news.........

Some of you have asked me to announce when I will be preaching at the Los Lunas Church of I just wanted to pass along that I will be doing just that at 11am this Sunday, Lord Willing.......For God's Glory Alone! Hope to see you there!

Have you been praying about attending the Weekend To remember Conf. coming to New Mexico Valentines Day Weekend? I strongly suggest that you invest in your marriage.....or you pass this along to your Pastor..........or to someone that is having a tough time in their marriage........We need to invest in our families! Sharon and I went last year and it is such an AWESOME Conf. You get a work book that you can hang onto the rest of your get Parenting tips.........Get all the details at

I leave you with this.............

The Lord has spread our Ministry in many ways.........KKIM AM KKIM FM, KARS AM, Streaming Audio, Deweys Daily Cup,New Mexico News and Views, Associate Pastor Los Lunas Church of God, Column in Windom Newspaper, and Twitter!

Would you please join us at the new outreach Ministry at We are using Twitter to keep the Truth coming!

Sharon and I are so humbled in what the Lord is doing in our Ministry work for HIM.
We are just trying not to do anything dumb! We love you all and please keep us in your prayers. We are here to serve.........

My Life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus Acts 20:24

Pray for our family as we go through a challenge............Thank you

Let us check the mailbag..............

Dear Dewey,

Thank you for your faithfulness in spreading encouraging words. Love
to you and Sharon and family, What a blessing the Daily Cup is....
Cherie Snow

Dear Dewey,
To answer that question...Walking hand in hand with Jesus! HE is teaching me wisdom and leading me to knowledge! HE is giving me a bold confidence in coming to God, because HE is remaining so close to me, cuz I am striving to remain in HIM so strong! My thoughts, mind, will and emotions are lining up closer and closer to God's will, so that my will is becoming molded closer and closer to God's will...and so as my will aligns with God's will, I have a stronger and stronger confidence in coming to HIM in a way that I have never experienced before!
I copied this clip from today's DDC as I share this...and to say that Rick Warren could have written that from my own other words...I agree and to say ...that is how I hear God speak to me too! Just wanted to say, well said and well put and well lived in my life too!
My hope is to share for others to be encouraged to seek God to find HIM in a closer and closer relationship that changes lives! And it is GOOD!
Love, Karen
Dearest Friend Dewey, and family,
On this 'Cup' there was a message on how God speaks to us. And it was placed on my heart to share.He has spoken to me in Dreams. Not many, but a couple of times where upon waking, I was crying and praising Him. One time shortly after I repented, and was seeking out the Truth everywhere I could find it." I had a dream," (sort of like this holiday of Martin Luther King, :) I was approaching a small village of Latino children playing outside their huts, and the closer I walked to them, the more hate I saw in their eyes. Then within range I saw they started picking up the, 'Cut out lids of coffee cans' and started slinging them at me like 'Frisbees' I felt the slight sting when they would hit me, but my focus was on one boy in perticular, we were eye to eye as he was throwing them at me. But I knew if I could only keep going towards them things would be fine. As soon as I was within arms distance his arms fell to his side and his head dropped to look towards the ground as in shame, I just reached out to him, and held him, as he began crying with sorrow for treating me so badly. We hugged and cryed together, and I felt him except the Lord as his Savior.. All I could do was Praise God for that Dream for many days, and still remember it as if it were yesterday. It was as real to me as if I were awake and experienced it.
I thank God for enlightning us with the 'Dreams only He could let us experience. Praise God this day!
In His Mercy, sam

Has God called you to write and speak?

Join Shona Neff and Shonda Savage Whitworth, along with KKIM's own Dewey Moede on Saturday morning, March 6, 2010 for the inside scoop on writing, speaking, blogging, and broadcasting.

Registration begins at 8:30am at Heights Christian Church located on the corner of Commanche and Louisiana. Event runs through 12:30 with one-on-one appointments available in the afternoon.

Cost is $25.00 per person (addition fee for the one-on-one). Sorry, we are not equipped to accept credit or debit cards. Contact Shona at 505-672-1456 505-672-1456 for more information.

Shona Neff Saturdays at 7:30am on KKIM

Let us pray.............

Lord, we pray that we will be all that You have called us to be for YOU! In Jesus name, AMEN!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

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