Tuesday, November 3, 2009



Dear KKIM Family,

We all need to remember as we go about our day.....there are those who are suffering, those who have lost loved ones.......those that look out a hospital window wondering if anyone cares.........

Hey Guys,

Can you take a minute out of your day and say a little prayer for one of my students who past away today and his family. I didn't spend a lot of time with him, only 30 minutes a week when his class came for library. However, his was a very kind hearted and good nature kid who made a lasting impression on me. I will miss seeing him in the halls and in my library.


I play softball with Teacher Dan on the Heights Christian team, He is an AWESOME encourager!

Dan,we are praying for the family and you........Frank Haley had the story this morning. I also read it on NM News and Views last night.......

Eleven-Year-Old Boy Dies After Bout With H1N1

(Albuquerque, NM) -- An eleven-year-old Albuquerque boy has died of complications from the H1N1 virus. Department of Health officials say the boy was hospitalized since October 11th at university of New Mexico Hospital and had a a chronic underlying condition that put him at risk of complications. He is the state's 22nd H1N1 victim.

Let us all remember this little boy and his family.........

The death of a child is especially difficult. Death after such a short life span often produces feelings of guilt, melancholy, and a lot of questions.

Children are especially precious to God. Referring to children, Jesus said, "Of such is the kingdom of heaven" Matthew 19:14.

Let us pray over this very sad news coming out of a small Navajo nation community about 30 miles Northwest of Gallup, NM.......KKIM's Frank Haley has the story.........

(Navajo) The slaying of a 64-year-old Catholic nun in her convent over the weekend has stunned and saddened a small Navajo Nation community about 30 miles northwest of Gallup.
The FBI is looking for suspects in the death of Sister Marguerite Bartz, a 10-year resident of the community of Navajo, who was killed on church property at St. Berard Mission Church.
The FBI would not release details about the manner of death or other aspects of the investigation. They confirmed they are looking for a suspect or suspects who may be armed and dangerous, as well as the vehicle Bartz had been driving lately.
Bartz, who had served more than 40 years in the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, a Roman Catholic religious order, shared her residence with one other sister who was out of town at the time of the killing.
Bartz had taught at St. Catherine Indian School in Santa Fe and held posts at St. Joseph Church in Laguna and Guadalupe Indian Mission in Peña Blanca before moving to Navajo in 1999.
Bartz was born in Plymouth, Wis., and entered the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament in 1966 in Beaumont, Texas. She earned a bachelor's degree from Xavier University in New Orleans and a master's degree from Loyola University in New Orleans.

Let us pray for those who committed this awful act.

Today ....maybe we all need to as that old song by Mac Davis says, Stop and Smell the Roses.................

Pastor Jim Montoya sent this in click and enjoy! God's Peace and Strength be with you all! Love Dewey and Sharon.........

Enjoy the Ride
Click here: enjoytheride

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