Sunday, November 29, 2009



Dear KKIM Family,

Let us pray for Brenda's and Curtis's Family.........I got this note from Brenda late yesterday afternoon........

Dearest Dewey,
Please have all the wonderful people that read the Daily Cup pray for Curtis and his family, his brother-in-law died from a heart attack on Thanksgiving morning, and his sister, Marlene is suffering from Breast cancer.. she is ill and lost her husband. Curtis is leaving for Philadelphia
tomorrow. I know the prayers will uplift the family.
In hope,
Brenda Towle-Younger

We are praying Brenda! Let us pray for Curtis and his family.

Please also pray for Jannetta who is our web master, she took ill over Thanksgiving, in her busy time of year at Albuquerque Rescue Mission.

Please pray for Jeff as he looks for a job.

Please pray for the growing number of homeless people in New Mexico and our Country and those 1 in 6 New Mexicans who are hungry each day. (that figure provided by The Storehouse and Roadrunner Food Bank)

Special interview at 6am Sunday on KKIM dealing with hunger in our State.

Please pray for Pastor Bob and family as they go about the Christmas season without Bob's Dad who recently passed away, the same for Yvette who just lost her Dad, Orlando, and for Cathy whose Mother passed away.

We need to be in prayer for each other and our families.

As I got up this morning.........I actually slept in till 6:30!!!! LOL!!! We have been having a ball with family! As I spent time with God this morning and listening to God speak to my heart.......He sent me to two things.........I now I will share them with you as that is how it works.....

There are the results of a survey in Christianity Today Dec 2009 that Americans who pray daily is up from 54% in 1983 to 59% in 2006. Church attendance has gone down from 32% in 1983 to 26% in 2006 and there is a new survey that put's regular Church attendance at under 20%! What is happening? I find more and more people who read the Cup and listen to KKIIM do not have a home Church. What does this trend mean? I find here at KKIM and the CUP people are spending more time in prayer and more time in God's Word. I see lives changing, every week! I see it at my Church!

Maybe someone can share with me what the figures were for Church attendance in the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, and 70's!

There are so many figures out there on many surveys on all sorts of issues AND NON-ISSUES! It get's down right confusing.

There is so much NOTHING NOISE out in the world today! Pastor Barry Dickens told me that years ago.

So we have to focus on what we know........

We have an almighty God and we are called to put on His armor on everyday and fulfill the Great Commission!

(Dewey's comments)

In his book, "Hearing God", Dallas Willard explains that if we could envision ourselves in a Bible story, then we'd view the Bible less as dogma and doctrine and more like our own reality. (FOLKS, PLEASE READ THE BIBLE, LET THE LORD SHOW YOU WHAT HE NEEDS TO, THROUGH READING HIS WORD) Willard writes that Biblical men and women were no different than men and women of any generation, saying, "If we are really to understand the Bible record, we must enter into a study of it on the assumption that the experiences recorded there are basically of the same type as ours would have been if we had been there. Those who lived through those experiences felt very much as we would have if we had been in their place. Unless this comes home to us, the things that happened to the people in the Bible will remain unreal to us. We will not genuinely be able to believe the Bible or find its contents to be real, because it will have no experiential substance for us."

Beck Tirabassi in her book, "Let God Talk to You", encourages us to give it a try......

Put your self within the mix of the writers of the Psalms as their friends or family members were mocking them or their employers were hunting them down to destroy them. Can you relate to their struggles? Do you have similar needs or concerns? (I am sure we all do)

As you read the following passages, do they inspire you to direct these words toward the living, loving God or to make them your own?

Psalm 138, verse 3 says, "As soon as I pray, you answer me; you encourage me by giving me strength"

Psalm 25 verse 14 says, Give me understanding......reassure me of your promise"

One hundred and fifty Psalms contain written conversation of those who knew God talked to them directly. This belief is evidenced by the way they POURED OUT THEIR HEARTS TO HIM, as if to say, "Talk to me!" Packed with verbal expressions of NEED, HOPE, AND INQUIRY, the Psalmists transparently and honestly relayed their utter dependence on a God they could not see but were convinced was always present and available to talk to them. Verse after verse of the Psalms has the ability to carry you away to a place of passionate, emotional, two way conversations with God.

PRAISE GOD! For God's Glory Alone!

As Ronnie Floyd said, "Our personal walk with Jesus Christ determines everything in our life!"

He also states, "In this busy, fast paced, high tech, schedule driven world, (FULL OF A LOT OF NOTHING NOISE) we can lose our focus very easily. In other words, the lens can become very blurred."

(Do not let your Biblical lens become partly cloudy!)

Floyd continues, "You cannot control the world, or even various facets of your own world! What you can do is focus in on one hour every day that will give you the potential to see things the way God does as He empowers you to live and minister supernaturally."

So my friends, this is what the Lord wanted me to share with you today........These are not my words, these words are delivered to me by the Lord and He directs me to share with you. THAT IS SO AWESOME!!!!!

So develop your personal relationship with Jesus Christ through reading His word and praying. Have a Pastor and Church family guide you along in this wonderful journey.

Next week, Lord willing, a God given post by Karen Rowe on prayer! I have read it , it is so AWESOME in our LORD!

Let us pray...............

Lord, we pray that we will develop a stronger, personal relationship with You and Your Word and be a shining light to all. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

In the Love of Christ,

Dewey Sharon and family

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