Thursday, November 19, 2009



Dear KKIM Family,

The Lord is so pleased when His people come together in prayer for each other!

That is our calling here at KKIM and the CUP! We have over 1,000 Prayer Warriors

our list get's passed on to Church's and prayer groups all over the World!

Please pray over this from our Dear, Dear Friend Helen..........

Good morning, Dewey,

Thank you for your e-mail each day. I love to pray for the needs listed and there is always something that really speaks to my heart.

I have a prayer request for a very dear friend of mine. I have known Herb & Mary Balderston since I was a baby and since both of my parents are gone, they have become like parents to me and grandparents to my children. Mary had a stroke last Thursday morning and was just moved from ICU to a rehab hospital in Loveland, CO yesterday. She is paralyzed on her left side and cannot swallow at all. She can speak, with some difficulty, and thankfully, her mind seems clear and alert. There's a lot more details, but basically she would really appreciate your prayers for her recovery. We are planning on driving up to Loveland on Friday and spending the weekend there. Mary had a feeding tube inserted into her stomach yesterday and her inability to swallow is one of the biggest concerns as she can't even drink a sip of water without choking and the possibility of aspiration pneumonia. She has an incredibly strong spirit and is very determined to work with the therapists and get better. I did finally get to speak with her yesterday evening and one of the things she said to me was "don't ever take anything for granted". Wow, definitely wise words to live by because you never know when something like this could happen. Thank you so much for praying for her.

A Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Dewey!


Helen Evans


Thank You for Dewey’s dear Uncle Joe. To this day, he is your servant, a model to all. May the times he’s disoriented be few; may he know Your Presence, fell your arms around him in those moments. We rejoice that Uncle Joe knows You so very well personally. Your Word is in his mind and heart. Thank You for bringing it to him clearly to calm and reassure him.

L-rd, we trust You to make it possible for Dewey to talk to his Uncle Joe, even though there’s no phone in his room.

Thank You that Ruach HaKodesh, your Holy Spirit has, and continues to intercede for what we haven’t yet asked and for what we can’t yet ask.

We love and praise You Abba! Hallelu – Yah!

Eric and Chris

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