Friday, November 6, 2009


Let us mourn Cup KKIM/DDC

Dear KKIM Family,

Next week is Veterans Day.......A Day to remember those who have fought and are fighting for our freedom. Yesterday 13 of our soldiers died by being shot by one of their own...........

The Mpls Star Tribune reported this........

Soldiers who witnessed the shooting rampage at Fort Hood that left 13 people dead reported that the gunman shouted "Allahu Akbar!" -- Arabic for "God is great!" -- before the attack Thursday, which left 30 people wounded, including the gunman

Let us be in prayer constantly about this situation..........

Today I pray will be a day of mourning for our Country......sometimes it seems we rush from one tragedy to another......things are moving so fast..sometimes I think the Lord has sped up time.......We must pray for those families that are affected by this horrible tragedy at Ft. Hood. There is more evil in this world than ever before. I have had for months on my heart the Great Commission and the Armor of God......we must do both, tell the world and put on our armor of God to do so. In my mind not there is not much more important than that. This world needs Jesus.

Are we so numb in this country we do not mourn much anymore?

What has happened to us?

Today.My dear friends..... I call on us all to stop and mourn and pray........are we so in a hurry to our own funeral that we have lost touch with Godly matters?

I picture in my mind flaming missiles that are hurled around by Satan himself.

We as God's people need to get out in front of those Satan hurled missiles, preaching the Great Commission with the armor of God.

We have to have our own from God!

We must lead others to Christ....We must help others in their walk with Jesus Christ.

Yesterday we told you that our man in Washington DC Lew, said the Supreme Court ruled against Nativity Scenes in DC this year because they could not find three wisemen!!! LOL! LOL!

Well, we now have word that we have our own Matthew Evans from Albuquerque is in DC..Here is a report from his Mother Helen.........Matthew has plenty of Godly wisdom!!! He is competing in the Bible Bee......

Hi everyone,

It has been a long day here in D.C. The opening ceremony began bright and early this morning at 7:45 am and we just got back to our room around 11:00 pm this evening. Matthew competed in an oral round this morning (4 Bible memory verses and 4 Bible knowledge questions) and then took the written test right after lunch. After a short break, he competed in another oral round this afternoon. Both oral rounds went well with Matthew able to say all the verses and he also thought he did fairly well on the written test. We found out late this evening, though, that his score wasn't high enough to place him in the top 20 and eligible to compete in the semifinals tomorrow morning. While all of us would have loved to see him advance to the next level, we're so grateful for all he's learned in this competition and know that God's Word will continue to work in his life. Thank you all so much for praying for Matthew as he competed. Our whole family really appreciates your prayers and support.


The Evans Family

Please keep Matthew in your prayers.

Tonight at 7pm One Nation Under God prayer meeting at Heights Christian Church!

Today we share with you two AWESOME devotional writings...............

Read Your Life Backward
by Max Lucado

God is working in you to help you want to do and be able to do what pleases him.
Philippians 2:13 NCV

What God said about Jeremiah, he said about you: “Before I made you in your mother’s womb, I chose you. Before you were born, I set you apart for a special work” (Jer. 1:5 NCV).

Set apart for a special work.

God shaped you according to yours. How else can you explain yourself? Your ability to diagnose an engine problem by the noise it makes, to bake a cake without a recipe. You knew the Civil War better than your American history teacher. You know the name of every child in the orphanage. How do you explain such quirks of skill?

God. He knew young Israel would need a code, so he gave Moses a love for the law. He knew the doctrine of grace would need a fiery advocate, so he set Paul ablaze. And in your case, he knew what your generation would need and gave it. He designed you. And his design defines your destiny. Remember Peter’s admonition? “If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies” (1 Pet. 4:11).

I encountered walking proof of this truth on a trip to Central America. Dave, a fellow American, was celebrating his sixty-first birthday with friends at the language school where my daughter was studying Spanish. My question—“What brings you here?”—opened a biographical floodgate. Drugs, sex, divorce, jail—Dave’s first four decades read like a gangster’s diary. But then God called him. Just as God called Moses, Paul, and millions, God called Dave.

His explanation went something like this. “I’ve always been able to fix things. All my life when stuff broke, people called me. A friend told me about poor children in Central America, so I came up with an idea. I find homes with no fathers and no plumbing. I install sinks and toilets and love kids. That’s what I do. That’s what I was made to do.”

Sounds like Dave has found the cure for the common life. He’s living in his sweet spot. What about you? What have you always done well? And what have you always loved to do?

That last question trips up a lot of well-meaning folks. God wouldn’t let me do what I like to do—would he? According to Paul, he would. “God is working in you to help you want to do and be able to do what pleases him” (Phil. 2:13 NCV). Your Designer couples the “want to” with the “be able to.” Desire shares the driver’s seat with ability. “Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart” (Ps. 37:4 NIV). Your Father is too gracious to assign you to a life of misery. As Thomas Aquinas wrote, “Human life would seem to consist in that in which each man most delights, that for which he especially strives, and that which he particularly wishes to share with his friends.”

So go ahead; reflect on your life. What have you always done well and loved to do?

Some find such a question too simple. Don’t we need to measure something? Aptitude or temperament? We consult teachers and tea leaves, read manuals and horoscopes. We inventory spiritual gifts and ancestors. While some of these strategies might aid us, a simpler answer lies before us. Or, better stated, lies within us.

The oak indwells the acorn. Read your life backward and check your supplies. Rerelish your moments of success and satisfaction. For in the merger of the two, you find your uniqueness.

From Cure for the Common Life
Copyright (Thomas Nelson, 2006) Max Lucado


God Is Stronger Than We Think
by Jon Walker
"I can do everything through him who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:13 NIV).

This guest devotional is by Jon Walker, author of 'Growing with Purpose.'

We're not as strong as we think we are, but God is stronger than we think.

You become strong through God's strength. His strength enters your life, delivered by the Holy Spirit--Jesus within--and the more dependent you are on God, the stronger in him you become. In our weakness, he is strong (2 Corinthians 12:10).

"I can do everything . . . " doesn't mean, 'Now that I'm a believer, I'm strong enough to do everything and anything for God.' Your own testimony can attest to the fears and failures related to such thinking.

The strength of "I can do everything . . . " comes through God, who gives you the strength you need for each day. Your ability to "do everything" is wholly dependent upon him because your strength is dependent upon him. It's not a strength you work up to by pumping iron with emotional or mental barbells.

Strength comes from submission. The thing you do that may require the greatest strength is to submit yourself completely to God! But God is "working in you, giving you the desire to obey him and the power to do what pleases him" (Philippians 2:13 NLT).

Strength is linked to faith. You believe in faith that God is giving you his strength; and so, in faith you can act in confidence, knowing the strength is there: "But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength" (2 Timothy 4:17 NIV).

Jon Walker is the editor of The Purpose Driven Life On-line Devotionals. You can find him on Facebook at 'GraceCreates' with Jon Walker. This devotional is copyrighted 2009 by Jon Walker. Used by permission.

Let's hear now from Dr. Deb...........

Dear Listeners,

As parents, you want your children to get a good education. This not only includes a good academic program but a place where your children learn important values about living and working together with others. If you have been considering enrolling your children in a Christian school, this show will be helpful to you. Gwen Hughes, Director of Admissions at Hope Christian School in Albuquerque will tell us what parents can expect from a Christian school and specifically about the educational environment at Hope Christian School . This will be a valuable program for not only parents or grandparents but anyone who works with children and helps parents make decisions about the education of their children.

The show airs from 8:05 to 9:00 AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) this Saturday November 7 on radio station KKIM-AM1000 in Albuquerque and FM94.7 in the Santa Fe /northern NM area. The show is also audio streamed live on If you have a question or comment, please give us a call. In the Albuquerque area the phone number is 998-0021. You can also call toll-free at 1-866-523-5008 1-866-523-5008 . I am looking forward to being with you this Saturday morning.

In obedience to Him,

Dr. Deb

Deborah L. Gunderman, D.Min.
Walking in The Way
It makes the difference in life!

P.O. Box 21283 Albuquerque, NM 87154-1283 505-385-7063 505-385-7063

Let us pray............

Lord, we pray for the families of the soldiers from Ft. Hood who lost loved ones yesterday........we pray for the wounded.....we pray for our wounded country.....Lord......Oh how our Country the United States of America is wounded in heart and soul. We pray Lord for healing..healing that only you can give.....healing of the soul. In the name of Jesus, Amen!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

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