Saturday, October 3, 2009


This and That and Obama failures Cup KKIM/DDC

Dear KKIM Family,

How are you on this wonderful Saturday......the first day of the Albuquerque Balloon Festival?

Things I am wondering this morning.......

I miss friends who do not stay in touch

I always do not know how to handle people who may be upset with me that do not return calls

I mourn at the possible loss of Friends

I wish I could help everybody

I wonder why the fact that R.J. Berry is the only Albuquerque Mayoral candidate against same sex marriage is not getting more coverage.

It seems even the Church is not paying enough attention to the above fact.

Why do Politicians who claim to have a Personal relationship with Jesus Christ....why do they not take the Lord's stances and Proclaim Him as their Lord and Savior?

Psalm 119: 46-47

I will speak of Your testimonies also before kings, And I will not be ashamed. And I will delight myself in Your commandments, Which I love.

Let us pray that Politicians who claim to know Jesus, will proclaim that!!! And proclaim HIS ways!

Let me share this with you from Victor Davis Hanson who is with the Hoover Institution. This is a little bit of his editorial in the Alby Journal today.........

3 Dangerous Stooges at the U.N.

Gadhafi raved for 90 minutes ......rambled so much his interpreter collapsed........attacked the US

Iran's Leader slandered Jews and the U.S.

Venezuela's Chavez faulted U.S. for his own problems and attacked Israel

America better pay attention.

These countries get their money from us...oil money
Recent large finds of oil in Alaska, California, North Dakota and off the Gulf Coast reminds us that America has plenty of oil left. It's rapid development would lower our import bill, reduce global prices and take some profits out of these repugnant three regimes.

(Makes too much sense for Washington!!!)

Our enemies have cash; WE DON"T. The U.S. is running a projected $2 trillion annual deficit, while adding to an existing $11 trillion national debt.

Russia is floating in oil money

China is our largest foreign creditor

Russia and China understand that most of the world's renegade regimes hate us more than they do them, and that America is divided at home, BROKE, and HUNGRY FOR OIL. (That is a huge statement for America to look at....we are more ways than one.)

Bottom Line: The U.S. even with the World's largest Military----- is having a hard time pleading for Russian help, lecturing China to act responsibly, boycotting Iran, or isolating Gadhafi or Chavez.

It wouldn't if we produced our own energy and got our financial house in order.

Great write up!

AMEN to that! Too much common sense for Washington. WOW! In the meantime Washington is consumed by OBAMACARE!!!

Sorry if the TRUTH hurts!

Obama failed in his attempt to get the Olympics for his hometown Chicago.

Should he have traveled across for that? Spent so much money on the trip!!!

He is failing at every turn............

Not getting the Olympics for Chicago is a HUGE failure for the President.

Spending a lot of time and money on the trip to Denmark while country is drowning in red ink.

His charm and marketing talents are not up to the job as President

He's trying to do too much at once

Even some in his own party are now realizing that he tries do to a lot and is not succeeding on anything!

He does not have what it takes to close a deal.

He is a so called celebrity, but is that a good thing?

He's too casual to be President! David Letterman show? and we know more about how dirty Letterman is everyday.

He's junior varsity-league at best......still learning on the job when U.S. cannot afford a rookie at the wheel.

His doubters are growing even in his own party.

Where is his relationship with Jesus Christ?

We really need to pray for our Country........We need to pray for Our President that he get's closer to Jesus Christ.

President Obama has plainly proven that he is not up to the task to be President. What was America thinking?

I encourage you all to read Psalm 119 today.........

Let us be bold in our faith and not be afraid to say that we worship the King of Kings!

Psalm 119: 46 I will speak of Your testimonies also before kings.

Mr. President.......Do you know Jesus Christ?

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

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