Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Prayer/Praise/News Cup KKIM/DDC

Dear KKIM Family,

Good Day to you!!!

May the Peace and the Strength of the Lord be with you and yours!

Communion with God is as indispensable as breathing!

God's Word is like fuel for prayer!

Here's a good one for you...I couldn't agree more.as I talked with Ed Moore of WFRN radio, www.wfrn.com yesterday.........

"Remember that the most valuable antiques are dear old friends." H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Did I just call Ed an Antique?

It is COLD!!! Pastor Mark Scales Tweeted last night, "Winter is here!"

Santa Fe area could see snow tomorrow! The Duke City could see snow showers.

I am sadden by the lack of good media coverage of the state's budget issues!

I'm waiting for Jan of the Methodist Church in Los Alamos to email me two AWESOME write up's on serving the Lord and His people. One is by Pastor David Ring. I hope to get them soon so we can post them, excellent messages! Jan does a great job with the Church's newspaper! I wish more Church's had a monthly newspaper or newsletter, especially for the folks who are shut-in!

Please make sure and pray over our prayer needs today, they are below.

Yesterday I shared with you on John 14 and discernment. Discernment came up in our interview with State Rep. Janice E Arnold Jones yesterday on NM News and Views. The Lord has moved me to share this once again.......

"the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.

John 14:17

To know the Truth is to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

In verse 16 it says......"And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever--------the Spirit of Truth

The Lord covers you with the Truth.....stay close to Jesus and you will know the Truth.

When we walk with the Lord he also gives us discernment. Discernment is lacking so much in our society today.......

Main Entry: dis·cern·ment
Pronunciation: \di-ˈsərn-mənt, -ˈzərn-\
Function: noun
Date: 1586
1 : the quality of being able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure : skill in discerning
2 : an act of discerning

synonyms discernment, discrimination, perception, penetration, insight, acumen mean a power to see what is not evident to the average mind. discernment stresses accuracy (as in reading character or motives or appreciating art) the discernment to know true friends. discrimination stresses the power to distinguish and select what is true or appropriate or excellent the discrimination that develops through listening to a lot of great music>. perception implies quick and often sympathetic discernment (as of shades of feeling) a novelist of keen perception into human motives. penetration implies a searching mind that goes beyond what is obvious or superficial lacks the penetration to see the scorn beneath their friendly smiles>. insight suggests depth of discernment coupled with understanding sympathy -a documentary providing insight into the plight of the homeless. acumen implies characteristic penetration combined with keen practical judgment

As pastor Mark Tross said last night we should not be surprised with the problems in our government because many have the lack of discernment, as they do not walk with Jesus.

This is how important the Great Commission is!

When we walk with Jesus he gives us many things, and one of those is discernment. It is badly needed. Jesus also gives us the spirit to blush.......this country has forgotten how to. My dad still blushed right up until the day he died. I don't think many of our younger people even know what the word means because it has been lost in today's society. Has America also lost the ability to weep?

Dearest Dewey,

My wonderful sister Mary (a young 51), who I wrote you about last week regarding the immense pain she has been in, has had her surgery moved up and is scheduled to have a hip replacement tomorrow morning (Tuesday, 10a). She's a gifted OR Nurse and knows what to expect, but is still, understandably scared. Please ask you daily readers to lift her up in prayer ~ pray that her doctors and nurses be guided by our precious Lord and that her surgery is a complete success and she is restored to perfect physical health. Please also pray that her daughter, Taylour, who is expecting her third baby any moment has a safe labor and a healthy little girl (who hopefully waits until grandma is out of the hospital to make her debut)!

The power of prayer is so very awesome and I know that you have so many believers who read your Cup each day. I thank each of them in advance for praying for my sister, niece and soon-to-be great-niece ~ their compassion and kindness is appreciated more than I am able to express.

You're a light in a dark world Mr. Moede...

God bless,


We are praying Taunya. Please keep us posted.

Would you also pray for me and Pastor Jim Montoya, and others that surround us, as we get ready to launch Dewey's Daily Cup and the Los Lunas Church of God TV program on Ch 32 Kazq. We are sort of ready! LOL! LOL! I have been dragging my feet on this the last 2 weeks and then Pastor Tross emails me and ask's, "Are we doing the show this week?" Well I just didn't know for various reasons, money, time etc.......Then I went to sleep and then was awaken by the Spirit, What do you mean you don't have the money ore the time?.....You should not worry......You need to do this, I will take care of your energy, time and resources......Okay so here we go......Please keep this in your prayers and I will keep you informed!!

Praise Note: Got a special gift in the mail! Haley Bates, mailed me a fall decoration, it hang's on my door knob and it is a fall scene of pumpkins and brining Jesus into Halloween! I love children. They lower my blood pressure!

Praise Note: Got a call from Jim Levy of Focus on the Family yesterday. Jim was doing a check up on stations. He was really pleased in the Lord with the KKIM radio Ministry. He was really impressed with the www.mykkim.com web site!

This past weekend there was a wonderful opportunity in the Lord for Catholics, Protestants, Evangelicals to get together. Both Congressman Bill Redmond and Attorney David Standridge (Both spoke at the event) sadly told me the turn out was low. Below Bill gives us a run down of the days events......

The Celebrate Life, Family & Marriage Conference Sponsored by Project Defending Life, Legacy Church, Catholic Coalition of New Mexico and the Center for New Mexico Policy was held last Saturday at Legacy Church. The conference featured national and local speakers. Among them were Joe Scheidler who pioneered sidewalk counseling outside abortion clinics in Chicago. Many young men and women alive today being blessed with their own families are the heritage of Mr. Scheidler's work in the 1970's and 1980's. Congressman Redmond credits Mr. Scheidler as a pro-life hero who inspired him more than two decades ago. Also featured at the conference was Dr. Scott Lively, founder of Defend the Family and Redemption Gate Mission Society. Dr. Lively is the author of Redeeming the Rainbow and the Pink Swastika. Dr. Lively is on the top five "Most Dangerous" list by national homosexual and lesbian organizations. The audience at the conference was shocked and surprised as Dr. Lively unfolded the history of German homosexuals who founded the Nazi Party prior to Adolf Hitler. The expose highlighted the homosexual roots of German Fascism with warnings to America of ever increasing influence of homosexuals in American government, educational and commercial domains. These German Fascists were the first to establish national homosexual organizations in the United States. Other notable speakers include, Dr. Tony Levatino-former abortionist, Stephanie Block-LosPequenos reporter who exposed Alinsky (ACORN) organizing within Christian churches, and Martha Beasley-Silent No More/Project Rachel who spoke on healing from abortion.

Local speakers included Dauneen Dolce with New Mexico Right to Life, Pastor Steve Smothermon of Legacy Church, Attorney David Standridge,Fr. Steven Imbarato of Project Defending Life, Pastor Mike Naranjo of The Rock Christian Outreach. Fr. Terry Brennen and former Congressman Bill Redmond shared a session together stressing the importance of individual Christian involvement in the political process. Many thanks to Mr. Phil Sevilla and Pastor Steve Smothermon for their vision and hard work to make the conference a reality. For information of future conferences subscribe to projectdefendinglife.org and Action Alerts at TVACNM.com.

Many Pastor's and Church leaders told me that they did not know of the event until it was too late. They already had scheduled events. So I think there would have been more, with more notice. Many people put a lot of work into this event and it always saddens me when the attendance is low, Let us pray that next time the word get's out early!

Let us pray...............

Lord, Teach us all this mysterious union between You and the Holy Spirit. May the Spirit so work in us that we all will know Your presence in everything....everything.....everything.... we do. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

Drop us a line we would love to hear from you!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family





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