Saturday, October 17, 2009


Prayer for India/Legislature/health Care

Dear KKIM Family,

I watched Gregory Peck, as Gen. Douglas Macarthur last night brought back many memories like the Korean War.........President Harry Truman.

It was good ol' Harry who said, "If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog."

Read this carefully.......pray over it..........

Put yourself completely under the influence of Jesus, so that He may think His thoughts in your mind, do His work through your hands, for you will be all-powerful with Him to strengthen you. Mother Teresa

When you are to tired or lazy to spend time with God, those excuses become habits. They will steal your walk and intimacy with God. When you ignore God or keep Him waiting rather than making and keeping an appointment with Him, more often than not, you will:

Make impulsive decisions, waste valuable time, and cause clarity to be elusive.

When you allow tyranny of the urgent to steal away your appointment with God, you will spin around and around in circles!

We have a couple of prayer needs......

First off Pastor Leonard let me know this morning that his friend Ajai was preaching to the Youth Conference in India this morning our time, after being arrested and then released on bail. The Hindu's accuse him of killing cows and conversion and he is arrested and then the Courts let him go on bail. Sounds like this is not the first time this has happened to him, as is life has been threatened for preaching the Gospel. Leonard has had Ajai's son On NM News and Views before. There are roughly 2500 students attending this Christian rally.

When I think I can get on the radio and preach the Gospel and then look at what people like Ajai are doing...WOW!

Please keep Ajai and the Youth in your prayers.

Let us also pray for the NM State Legislature as the Special Session begins today.

It was the main subject of NM News and Views last night.........Here is Pastor Mark Tross........



State Representative Nora Espanoza (from Roswell) joined us this afternoon to talk about the start of the NM Legislative Special Session (mentioned above), which will cost tax payers upwards of $80K a day and she told us it could go on for 5-10 days! Yes, she DOESN'T get paid to do this, so cut her some slack, since whatever cuts come to education, it appears the final decisions will come down from the School Boards and Administrators. "Everyone is going to have to work together," she stated and as far as Governor Richardson goes, "He's fixing to leave. A lot of the Governor's regulations are what put us in this position and what we need to do is remove them." What's not working? The deficit is $650M or closer to $700M! Espanoza says the 'exempt employees,' which the Governor has put in place, do NOT abide by State Regulations and MANY earn over $100,000.00 a year. "Until the people stand and clean house in Santa Fe, NOTHING will change," she said. Where can we cut? 70% of EMT & EMS people are VOLUNTEERS! "It's our fault, as citizens we have not held city and State officials accountable." Regarding tax increases? "I will NOT support ANY tax increases for the government to mismanage," Nora stated. Regarding Gay & Lesbian Activists? "We're there to deal with the budget." DWI? "I don't know what we're going to do. If the laws we have were implimented, we wouldn't have to do anything," she said. About Heather Wilson running for Governor in 2010? "I really believe she's going to run, but I hope she announces her run soon. I'm praying," said State Representative Nora Espanoza and we're praying too

The Health Care bill is moving fast.......Many think it will be passed by Thanksgiving! Heads up.this is moving so fast just like so many things in this Country if we are not careful things like Abortion will remain in this bill. Focus on the Family heard weekdays at 6am and 1pm on KKIM has been doing a great service covering this bill. Miki sent this in..........

Date: 10/15/2009
From: "Focus on the Family Action" <>
Subject: Dr. Dobson and I discuss health care plan; last chance to sign

Please forward this message to your friends, family and co-workers so
they can hear Dr. Dobson’s perspective on the threat to life in the
health care reform plan. --Tom



This week, I sat down with Dr. Dobson and recorded a special radio
broadcast discussing the looming threat to life in the current health
care reform plan. This issue is so important to Dr. Dobson and Focus on
the Family Action that he called for an interruption of our scheduled
radio programming to convey to our friends vital information about the
health care reform plan the Senate is expected to vote on very soon.
Please go here to listen to our special health care broadcast

Comparing what President Obama said to the legislative

As Dr. Dobson, Carrie Gordon Earll (one of our senior policy analysts)
and I examined this issue, it became very clear that what President
Obama has said publicly bears little resemblance to the legislative
reality of health care reform. Despite the president’s claims, every
version of government health care reform has included publicly funded
abortion coverage. Despite what has been said, the government health
care proposals are fraught with tax and premium increases. And despite
the rhetoric, massive cuts to Medicare are also in the latest versions,
while conscience protections for health care workers continue to be

As I write, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s final Senate version of
the plan is still being drafted behind closed doors. The public -- and
even your elected representatives -- do not know what precisely will be
in the final Senate version. Nonetheless, Sen. Reid is promising a
Senate floor vote before the end of the month.

Petitions delivery Wednesday

With the possibility of a Senate vote as early as next week, the Focus
Action team will deliver the health care petitions this Wednesday to key
representatives and senators who we believe most urgently need to hear
from pro-family citizens. The good news is, thanks to you and other
friends, we just crossed 100,000 signers (our initial goal). With your
help over these next several days leading to the delivery, I believe we
can reach an additional 25,000 or even 50,000 pro-family citizens who
oppose the threats to preborn life, conscience protections for medical
professionals and the right of families to make medical decisions.

Please forward this update to your friends and invite them to join with
you and pro-family citizens across the nation by signing our petition in
time for this and other potential deliveries. Your friends can click
here to sign

Finally, my staff has also just completed our newest Focus Action Update
online video, which gives you the latest news on the push for health
care reform from a pro-family perspective. Please watch
update so you can be fully informed on this important issue.

It is imperative that we send a message to our elected officials that
pro-life Americans will not support any version of health care reform
that threatens the preborn, violates health care workers’ rights of
conscience or sets the stage to give government officials unprecedented
influence over medical decisions that have always been the
responsibility of families.

Thank you for the privilege of representing your voice on this highly
important issue.

For faith and family,

Tom Minnery
Senior Vice President, Government & Public Policy

P.S. Once again, please forward this message to your friends and
encourage them to join you in signing this petition. Your friends can go
here to sign

Thank you and God bless you!

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