Sunday, October 18, 2009


1,567 Commit to Christ!!!!!


Dear KKIM Family,

I just got this from Pastor Leonard Navarre on our Friend Dr. Ajai who was holding a Youth Conference in India........Please keep this in your prayers. This is just remarkable in the Lord!

Dear Friends in America,

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I am writing this letter immediately after the youth conference is over and from the police custody.

Before I talk about the problem, let me share some of the victories. 1576 people have made their decisions, among which we don't know how many first time decisions and rededications. However, we do know that over 150 have made their decisions for full time Christian service. Our follow up team is still involved in going through the decision cards.

We are sad to inform you that one of our CIBA students from New Delhi was missing for the last two days. His friends were giving us different versions about the possibilities where he may be. Once we knew that he was missing, many of us made serious efforts to find him. However, his dead body was floating over the river yesterday morning. His name is Renjit Masih. He is from New Delhi area and his parents are from a remote Hindu village. The postmortem report says that his skull was broken. We later found out that he went to the restricted area of the river where we clearly announced not to go and was diving from the bridge. Since we did not inform the police that he was missing we are under serious investigation. It is a crime when any person is missing and the police is not being informed.

We have had a police team and the team from Intelligence Bureau investigating about the complaints from the extremists against the youth conference.

Please know that we are fighting against an extremely corrupt system. I am unable to write some minor details about the situation.

Even though the police were guarding our campus (almost in the number of 80) their purpose was to protect us from the extremists activities. They were not there to deal with our internal problems. We have some good and helpful people within the police system who are trying to help us. I believe that Frank and I will be released soon after the procedure is over.

It was good that now we are dealing with the present situation after the youth conference is over. All of our American guests are very happy to see the outcome of the youth conference. They are starting their return journey to America this evening. Please be in prayer for them. They are completely safe. There is nothing to worry for their safety and welfare.

In fact three of us are under police custody. Frank, Pawan Dubey (security incharge) and myself.

The head of the police Mr. Tiwari has told us that he has received many phone calls against us from Hindu extremists who are creating various stories that have no truth.

I am dictating this letter over the phone to Mr. RC, our secretary. There is a strong possibility that we will be released in few hours. Therefore no need to worry. Just continue to pray for the family of Renjit Masih, those who have made their decisions during the conference and that no matter what comes, people will continue to be influenced with the love and saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

With love and prayers,

Your coworker in India,

Ajai Lall

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