Dear KKIM Family,
May the Strength and Peace of our Lord be with you and yours!
last night on NM News and Views I shared with you the corruption in New Mexico. From the Gov’s office.Lt. Gov and the Secretary of States Office.
We also talked about the State running a negative Budget..which is against the New Mexico State Constitution.
And how nobody really represents the common folk like you and the Attorney General Represents the Gov and State……but not the people. If the Legislature is to take the Gov. to court like some have threatened, he is represented by the Attorney General. The Legislature has to come up with their own Attorney and money.
Who is doing the People’s business?
In New Mexico we can’t even get the repeat drunk drivers off the road and get them to show up in Court! We continue let these drunk drivers kill innocent people!
The Lord does not honor this type of behavior.
And this morning I will not even go into the problems of Washington!
No wonder the Tea party is gaining and gaining!!!!!
Where there is no Vision……Taken from Attainable Perfection by Michael W.H. Holcomb
We live in a society in which general society is clamoring for a license to do whatever it wants (It is happening right here in New Mexico in our Government)
However it wants, and whenever it wants, all without blame or consequence. No wonder the saying, :you can’t be perfect” has become scandalously contagious! Too few are willing to cooperate with any prescribed social standard, let alone a GODLY one.
Centuries ago, King Solomon, who arguably is the wisest man the world has ever seen, foresaw what would happen if a culture (let alone an individual) threw off wholesome conduct and gave itself over to moral compromise and secular dumbing down:
Where there is no vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:18
In our Western Culture, we have had several decades of living a non- or anti-perfection philosophy. (this is even goes as far as people doing their jobs….Oh it’s not perfect but it will do) Today, the outcome of this social experiment is obvious: a break-the-rules, do-what-feels-good society DOES NOT WORK!!!!!
In practically every American town (even small town America) one commonly finds broken families, unruly young people, and scores of fornicators who brazenly parade their prevision in protest of a Christian heritage.
There is more corruption than ever before, entertainment with it’s filth and violence has spun out of control, common sense and good taste are becoming socially extinct, crime is reaching epidemic proportions, and neighborhoods are not the family-friendly places they used to be. All this is the horrible evidence and aftermath of a people living for themselves (our current economic condition of our Country) and behaving according to their own erratic standards of right and wrong, a people who scorn moral—-no GODLY——perfection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Solomon was right. Without a vision of a righteous God and what He expects from mankind, civilization ROTS and can look forward to nothing but CHAOS AND RUIN!
Let us be in prayer and take Godly action to take back our Country as we knew it……..We need to be in God’s Will……. Dewey Sharon and Family
Not many are doing the People’s work in Santa Fe and Washington DC……not many at all…….the people lose…….Who represents the people? GOD let us look to God.for His will to be done!
Our Government is out of control………and not being held accountable…..the system is critically ill.
I cannot believe this is the Country we want to leave our Children and their Children………