Dear KKIM Family,
As Miki says, “It is an honor to serve our Lord and HIS people………..
I just got a call from Kristen Olson of Edgewood. You may remember we put out the call for prayer for Kristen and her little girls when they found, Mark, husband and dad had passed away at home. Mark was just 46.
This is a very tough time for Kristen and the girls…… moment Hubby and dad is there and then he is not.
Please pray for Kristen and the girls, sorry I will get the names of the girls later……..But let us pray for this family.
You know the aches and pains of this family………Kristen and the girls………they miss Mark so much. We know Mark is with YOU now…….we miss our loved ones so much and when they leave unexpectedly…….it is painful……..But YOU FATHER know all………..surround this family with your Angels………….surround this family with a family of love and support. In the name of Jesus, AMEN
James 1:26………..
Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to look after widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
Thank you KKIM family for your prayers for Kristen and the girls.
In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family