Pastor Leonard
Reading about Uncle Joe as he prepares to join God reminds me so much of watching my father as he was passing. What beautiful experience for Uncle Joe and a testimony to his family members!
Sandy Harrington
Thank you for sharing all the stories about Uncle Joe during the time I’ve known you! What an incredible man!
Dewey, you really have absorbed Uncle Joe’s godly life into yours!
Thanks again for sharing him with me! What a gift!
Cindy Russell
Glad God is a part of all your family is experiencing, Dewey 🙂
Shona Neff
What a beautiful and comforting message. May the peace of the Lord be
with Joe and his loved ones! Love to you and family…Cherie Snow
You and your family are in my thoughts today…It has almost been a year since my Dad took that heavenly journey (he started today and passed on the 26th) and I am so pleased Uncle Joe is having such a beautiful experience between our earth and our heavenly realms. It reminds me so of my Dad’s passing, simply amazing and beautiful. He laid unconscious but was beaming forth an incredible smile which ensured me that God and Jesus were surely walking beside him and he actually could see them and the dozens of friends and family that have passed on before him. And God’s peace just filled his room. So blessed to have been by his side during this especially after the few months we had experienced. God is so good!
My love and prayers to you and your family always…Bless you my brother!
Leslie Mouser
Dewey, my thoughts and love are with you as you move through this awesome and challenging transition for your Uncle Joe.
I love you,
Shauna Rampley
Wow what a beautiful experience. I was with my sister 24/7 when she died. It was a true blessing forme to witness her existing between heaven and earth. She brought back conversations she had verbatim with our parents who had left before. Then it was evident by the glow and beauty of her face that she was in a heavenly place …she exudes a bounty of love. I have some writings I would like to share with you when I settle down, Patti
In Hope,
Dewey, I noticed on your daily cup just now that you refer to Wigglesworth as Sam. His first name is actually Smith, not Sam. Here’s a link to a webpage on him for more reading:
Also, what an amazing story about your Uncle Joe. Thanks!
Thanks for the info Victor, we used much of what you sent on air yesterday! God Bless you, I think I called him Sam, because Sam Wigglesworth sounds like a great baseball name……can you imagine being a baseball announcer and announcing his name as he comes to the plate!! WOW! I would have fun with that…… batting…..WIGGLES……..WORTH!!! SAM WIGGLESWORTH! As he wiggles his way into the batters box! LOL LOL LOL! Forgive me, as being an old baseball play by play guy I love names like that..One thing for sure Victor, Wigglesworth sure hit it out of the park for the LORD!
Good Morning Brother,
Sorry if I’ve been silent lately. I just finished putting Christian
Radio Guide to bed for another issue. When I go into edit mode I
pretty much hunker down and focus letting The Lord lead me where he
wants the publication to go.
I got a call from my mom yesterday. She advised that My 21 year old
nephew, who is to receive his BS in Computer Technology in June was
diagnosed with stage 3 Hodgkin’s lymphoma two weeks ago. If you could
remember him in your prayers it would be such a blessing.
Mom tells me that He accepted Christ into his heart as a young teen.
And I know he has lived a pretty straight and chaste life. I pray that
this disease strengthens rather than weakens his faith. I pray that he
will turn closer to Jesus and not turn his back because of the hand he
has been dealt. . Sadly I’ve only seen him probably a dozen times in
his life. But, the fact that he is family and so young… well… I
know you understand.
God Bless You Dewey, and the work you and your station does
We are in pray Ernie, We love you!
Thank you all so much from the bottom of our hearts, let us keep praying for each other and our families and the world.
We have been blessed that Lars has been with us this week for Spring Break, he flies back to Chicago on Sunday morning, please pray.
Yesterday on NM News and Views I had with me Tom Lester, who played Eb on the TV series Green Acres. He is such a wonderful man of God who has traveled with Billy Graham Crusades. He called for revival in America, he called for Preachers to preach about sin, not just preach a feel good message. He said many Preachers avoid preaching about sin because they don’t want to offend anybody, they want people to FEEL good about themselves. He shared how Billy Graham ALWAYS preached on Sin and the way to the Lord.
That’s why I ask you today, How is your walk with the Lord going? Ed Moore taught me that years ago by asking, How is your daily walk with the Lord going?
In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family